Untold Postat Martie 29, 2015 Partajează Postat Martie 29, 2015 (editat) Am gasit o schemuta de rr reflex, cu tranzistoare rusesti, alimentat la 1,5V. A experimentat cineva aceasta schema? Ar trebui sa mearga din prima, la cat e de simplu...cred ca merg BF254, 255, BF214, 215.. Editat Martie 29, 2015 de Untold Link spre comentariu
gauss Postat Martie 29, 2015 Partajează Postat Martie 29, 2015 Comportarea montajelor cu amplificare directa difera substantial de cele superheterodina , din punct de vedere al factorilor perturbatori . O prima cauza ar fi sensibilitatea ( si selectivitatea ... ) total diferite . Link spre comentariu
flomar60 Postat Martie 29, 2015 Partajează Postat Martie 29, 2015 Daca tot va apucati sa faceti un radio , construiti schema acesta: Sensibilitatea si selectivitatea partii radio este f. buna iar daca AAF-ul nu va place puteti adapta alt etaj... a functionat ani buni in tineretea mea... Link spre comentariu
GEO 53 BN Postat Martie 29, 2015 Partajează Postat Martie 29, 2015 (editat) Un radioreceptor de UUS din cartea lul G.D.Oprescu,Caleidoscop de electronica. Un montaj foarte usor de facut si reglat.Semnalul de la Iesirea RR-ului l-am aplicat la intrarea unui amplificator simplu facut cu un 741.Mergea foarte bine cu o antena telecopica sau un fir de sirma cu lungimea de 0,5-1m in apropierea unui post care emitea pe UUS.RR se alimenta la o tensiune de 1,5V(baterie R20).Singura problema e ca receptioneaza doar posturi care emit in UUS pe OIRT.Cu mici modificari sint sigur ca poate fi adaptat sa receptioneze si posturi care emit in UUS norma CCIR. Scheme de amplificatoare cu 741 gasesti pe net. https://html1-f.scribdassets.com/6whzu2ur9ctbhpa/images/27-215cdadac3.jpg https://html2-f.scribdassets.com/6whzu2ur9ctbhpa/images/28-2d3e76b987.jpg https://html2-f.scribdassets.com/6whzu2ur9ctbhpa/images/29-8706f7e227.jpg Editat Martie 29, 2015 de GEO 53 BN Link spre comentariu
Cristian74 Postat Aprilie 8, 2015 Partajează Postat Aprilie 8, 2015 (editat) Daca aveti disponibil boxe active pentru PC puteti face un radio simplu ca cel din schema: Se face doar partea de RF iesirea din potentiometru se cupleaza cu jack-uri la boxele active... Performantele receiverului sunt foarte bune. Editat Aprilie 8, 2015 de Cristian74 Link spre comentariu
Untold Postat Aprilie 10, 2015 Partajează Postat Aprilie 10, 2015 (editat) Marturisesc ca n-am vazut o schema de receptor radio ca asta. SI cum cunostintele mele in functionarea unui receptor fiind superficiale, va intreb: ce rol joaca grupul T1-T2-R1? Oscilator Hartley in 3 puncte, detector sau amplificator RF? L.E. Multumesc, @Cristian74! Din cate am inteles, T1 si T2 formeaza un oscilator BFO pentru cresterea factorului de calitate Q al circuitului oscilant? Editat Aprilie 10, 2015 de Untold Link spre comentariu
Cristian74 Postat Aprilie 10, 2015 Partajează Postat Aprilie 10, 2015 (editat) Marturisesc ca n-am vazut o schema de receptor radio ca asta. SI cum cunostintele mele in functionarea unui receptor fiind superficiale, va intreb: ce rol joaca grupul T1-T2-R1? Oscilator Hartley in 3 puncte, detector sau amplificator RF? Scz am crezut ca este suficienta schema. Am pus link si cu explicatiile http://www.mikroe.com/old/books/rrbook/chapter3/chapter3f.htmdocumentatia ei. http://www.mikroe.com/old/books/rrbook/chapter3/chapter3f.htm 3.9-b Direct SW Receiver for AM, AM-SSB & CW Signals SSB stands for Single Side Band, which signifies the amplitude - modulated signal which gets its signal carrier and one sideband suppressed in the transmitter. Carrier suppressing gives huge savings in transmission power (the power necessary to accomplish the desired reach of the signal is significantly smaller than in the conventional - type transmitters), and cancellation of one sideband makes the signal have its spectrum two times narrower, allowing twice as many transmitters as usual to be placed into the same bandwidth. CW is for Continuous Wave, which determines the radio link where the Morse Code is being transmitted by cutting the oscillator work in the transmitter. SSB and CW signals are impossible to accomplish with the receivers that use the ordinary diode - type detector (earlier described AM receivers). The receipt can be done only by bringing another signal into the detector, the HF signal from the oscillator, known as the BFO (Beat Frequency Oscillator). Simpler solutions, however, do exist. These are the reaction - type receivers, i.e. receivers with positive feedback. You have been able to see one of them in the previous project (3.29-a), and here we’ll take a look at another one, which works so nice that we were sometimes having the impression it beats up much more sophisticated, modern supereterodyne receivers. Its electrical diagram is shown on Pic.3.29-b. The coil L and capacitors C and C1 form a parallel oscillatory circuit whose role is to separate and amplify the signal of the tuned station, and to suppress all others. It doesn’t entirely succeed in that, however. The reason for this is small Q- factor of the oscillatory circuit, being such because of big energy losses in the circuitry. There are many kinds (reasons) of these losses, but we can imagine in first approximation that there’s a resistor RG in the circuit which represents these losses, its resistance being such that the oscillating current transforms itself into heat dissipation energy on it, its amount being the sum of all the (actual) losses in the circuit. We could, furthermore, solve the problem of these losses if connecting serially to RG a resistor RG’, whose resistance would be negative and equal to the value of RG by its absolute value. The overall resistance would then be zero, there would be no energy losses and the Q- factor would become infinite. The oscillatory circuit would, together with the components that create this negative resistance, become an oscillator capable of receiving SSB and CW signals. We don’t really need an infinite Q- factor while receiving usual (conventional) AM RG by its absolute value. The resistances would not cancel each other completely, but the losses would be made very small, the Q- factor therefore becoming very big therefor increasing both the selectivity and sensitivity of the oscillatory circuit. Transistors T1 and T2 constitute, together with resistor R3, a two-stage amplifier with strong positive feedback that has a negative dynamic input resistance. This negative resistance is connected between the leg No.3 on the coil and the ground, therefore superimposing itself with the resistance representing losses of the circuit. The quantity of this negative resistance depends on the amount of the DC current flowing through the transistors, which is being regulated by altering the DC voltage on the right end of the R3 resistor (by moving the slider of the P1 potentiometer). The red LED D and the resistor R2 comprise a simple voltage stabilizer, obtaining 1.8 V of stabilized voltage on the P1. That means that the voltage on the right end of R3 shifts between 0 and 1.8 V while moving the slider of P1. The current flowing through the transistors thereat also changes, causing the voltage on the left end of R3 to vary between 0 and 0.6 V. The signal of the station is being led from the leg No.3 of the coil into the collector-type detector made of T3, R3, R4 and C4. That is an AM signal detector that performs both signal detection and its amplification. Its name is the Audion. The LF signal is then, from the collector of T3, over the coupling capacitor C5, being led onto the sound volume potentiometer P2 and the audio amplifier. For the latter any of the earlier described devices can be used. Tuning this receiver on the desired station requires both some knowledge and patience (that’s what finally “buried” this kind of receivers). Put the slider P1 in the upmost position. If strong whistling is heard that means the oscillating began. Move the slider carefully downwards until the oscillating stops. Then start slowly turning the rotor of the capacitor C until you come upon some station. If the whistling re-appears, move the slider of the potentiometer very little downwards, the whistling should stop and you should be able to hear the radio - station programme from the loudspeaker (loud and clear). For the next station tune yourself with C, then move the slider P1 upwards until the whistling appears, then put the slider back until it stops etc. All this may seem rather complex at first, but with a little practice and with two hands all will go quick and smooth. The abovementioned method is for the signal reception of ordinary, broadcast stations. If you wish to receive the SSB and CW signals you should move the P1 slider upwards until the oscillating is achieved, so that articulate speech (SSB) or Morse code signs (CW) can be heard from the loudspeaker. * The coil L is being made on the cylindrically - shaped body 6 mm in diameter, about 25 mm long. The plastic - made body taken from an old device is the best, like the one shown on Pic.5.14-b. The screw-shaped core allows the setup of the inductance, adjusting therewith the reception bandwidth of the device. If you cannot find such coil body, any plastic- or carton- made cylinder can be used instead. If you don’t have even that, then make yourself one. Cut the paper band to be 25 mm wide and about 150 mm long and reel it around the flat part of the 4 mm drill, adding every now and then some glue (UHU or similar). When the glue gets dry, remove the coil body off the drill. The coil L has the total of 20 quirks of the lacquer - isolated copper wire, having 0.3 to 0.5 mm in diameter. A leg should be made on every fifth quirk. Latching of the wire ends (with small holes made in the coil body), as well as leg making (by making wire loops) can be done acc. to the instructions given with Pic.3.6. It can also be accomplished differently, as shown on Pic.3.29-b. First, 4 separate coils, each one made of 5 wire rings, are made side-by-side on the coil body. The starts and ends are fixed with scotch tape. The isolation is then removed from all coil ends, about 5 mm in length, after which they are tinned. On the PCB the legs are being soldered in pairs, the end of one coil with the beginning of the next (they are put together in the same hole on the PCB). For example, the end of the second and the beginning of the third coil should be connected on the same line where contact for the left end of C3 capacitor is, thus creating the leg No.3 of the coil. Putting two wires through one hole is not a very professional solution. The “real thing” are separate junctions, one for each wire, as shown on Pic.3.29-d-c. * The feedback may happen to be not big enough, causing that there’s no oscillating even when the P1 slider is in the rightmost position. In that case, leg No.2 of the coil should be used instead of No.3. Switching between the legs can be done in many ways, the nicest (?) one given on Pic.3.29-d, made with factory-made contact pins and jumpers. On Pic.3.29-d-c you can see a detail of the PCB for the receiver shown on Pic.3.29-b. In the contacts marked as x, y and z (distance between them is 1/10 inch) the contact pins are soldered. The jumper is in position marked with dashed line, therefore making contacts x and y short-circuited. When it is moved in vertical position, the x and z contacts are in junction. In former case the coil leg No.3 is used, and in the latter it is No.2. In factory-made devices, these jumpers and contacts are used, together with appropriate connectors, to connect the PCB to the loudspeaker, power supply, variable capacitors, various switches etc. * Setting the collector-type detector circuit to optimum operation is done by changing the R3 resistance, until voltage on the collector of BC549C is 1.2 V. * The antenna can be a piece of copper wire no longer than 50 cm, but with longer (few metres), external antenna, the results will be much better. * This receiver is scheduled for the reception of SW stations from 6 MHz till 9 MHz, which is accomplished with C1 value of about 400 pF. The exact value for C1 is being determined experimentally and can be significantly different. Going down to the amateur range (about 3.75 MHz) is performed with bigger C1 capacitance. Editat Aprilie 10, 2015 de Cristian74 Link spre comentariu
kripton Postat Aprilie 10, 2015 Partajează Postat Aprilie 10, 2015 Nu e tocmai un receptor simplu conform titlului mai ales ca nicidecum nu poate fi util pentru detectarea acelor surse de bruiaj. Am impresia ca @Untold asta urmarea sa construiaca.Dar nu vad nici o incercare, afara de discutii. Pentru determinarea sursei de perturbatii pe care o cauta este indicat un receptor portabil in UM UL mai bine-zis doua; o superhetorodina( mai accesibila e una industriala,)cum a incercat @mila si unul cu amplificare directa. Colegii au aratat ca sursele d perturbatii sunt percepute in mod diferit functie de principiul de functionare areceptorului. Si nu in ultimul rand metoda de depistare e bazata pe directivitatea unui receptor, de aceea se rocomanda cele cu bara de ferita. Sper sa fie un subiect de constructii frumoase, accesibile si pe intelesul celor care vor sa le abordeze. Link spre comentariu
Cristian74 Postat Aprilie 10, 2015 Partajează Postat Aprilie 10, 2015 (editat) Iti aduci aminte cand am inceput sa construiesc radiouri cu tuburi de TV, la un moment dat cam prin 2012 am construit un radio cu reactie cu PCH200. Pentru a evita bruiajul retelei am utilizat baterii si am reusit sa prind in UM Radio Iasi de aici din Pitesti. Un post foarte greu de receptionat chiar si cu un aparat cu sinteza PLL. Secretul, care de fapt nu mai este secret, este sa se utilizeze o priza de pamant foarte buna. Este un radio simplu, experimentat si optimizat si de @mitokadona: Iar daca totusi reteaua nu prezinta bruiaj semnificativ in anumite case, atasez si un alimentator dedicat acestui radio ca sa fie o postare completa ca de Pasti: Editat Aprilie 10, 2015 de Cristian74 1 Link spre comentariu
kripton Postat Aprilie 10, 2015 Partajează Postat Aprilie 10, 2015 Nu prea inteleg cine ( ar trebui ) sa-si aduca aminte. Link spre comentariu
Cristian74 Postat Aprilie 10, 2015 Partajează Postat Aprilie 10, 2015 (editat) Un fel de a spune... Vorbeam de alti useri care ma stiu din acea perioada dar nu asta este important ci experimentul acela destul de reusit. Am sa caut prin arhiva cateva poze sa-l revedem. Difuzorul este de 750Ohmi. ' de la un TV cu lampa finala o pentoda PL84 Imi aduc aminte ca gasisem pe un site un fel de competitie, cine realizeaza cel mai simplu radio cu cele mai putine piese. Nu-l mai gasesc acum, dar era destul de intersant de dezbatut si in acest topic. Mai caut. Editat Aprilie 10, 2015 de Cristian74 1 Link spre comentariu
Untold Postat Aprilie 11, 2015 Partajează Postat Aprilie 11, 2015 Interesant acest radio cu PCH200, din inatmplare am un tub din asta cu tot cu soclu, daruit de lorik199, pentru care ii multumesc din nou. Cred ca dupa sarbatorile de Pasti, ma apuc sa-l injgheb. Culmea ca am si vreo 6 difuzoare de 750 ohmi. Momentan am in lucru cablajul pentru radioul cu 12J1L cu reactie care imi place cum merge si pe care-l voi baga intr-o carcasa faina. Am gasit un conector cu pini auriti in care incap perfect pinii lui 12J1L, ii lipesc direct pe cablaj si infig tuburile in ei, cele doua socluri loctale le pastrez pentru un amplif de casti cu 4P1L.... Link spre comentariu
viopa Postat Aprilie 11, 2015 Partajează Postat Aprilie 11, 2015 Interesant acest radio cu PCH200, din inatmplare am un tub din asta cu tot cu soclu, daruit de lorik199, pentru care ii multumesc din nou. Cred ca dupa sarbatorile de Pasti, ma apuc sa-l injgheb. Culmea ca am si vreo 6 difuzoare de 750 ohmi. Momentan am in lucru cablajul pentru radioul cu 12J1L cu reactie care imi place cum merge si pe care-l voi baga intr-o carcasa faina. Am gasit un conector cu pini auriti in care incap perfect pinii lui 12J1L, ii lipesc direct pe cablaj si infig tuburile in ei, cele doua socluri loctale le pastrez pentru un amplif de casti cu 4P1L.... Postati si ceva poze la ce spuneti ca lucrati.Doar nu sunt pentru NASA si or fi la secret. Link spre comentariu
Untold Postat Aprilie 12, 2015 Partajează Postat Aprilie 12, 2015 Radioul cu 12J1L e in acest topic, schema si filmulet: http://www.elforum.info/topic/98025-radio-am-cu-12j1l/page-3. Desigur ca am sa pun poze cu ce fac in continuare. Link spre comentariu
pop_ady44 Postat Aprilie 12, 2015 Partajează Postat Aprilie 12, 2015 (editat) pun si eu un semn aici pe motiv ca sunt interesat de radioul cu pch 200 poate imi fac si eu unuintrebarea este daca pun un trafo adaptor in locul difuzorului o sa imi mearga? Editat Aprilie 12, 2015 de pop_ady44 Link spre comentariu
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