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Nume fișier: UniBox

Emitent fișier: Vasile

Fișier trimis: 30 mai 2014

Categorie fișier: Software calcul boxe


The program is implemented as a Microsoft Windows Excel 2000 spread sheet and therefore you need to have Excel 2000 installed on your computer. However, it is reported by many users that Excel 97 also works fine if all service releases are installed.

Today many different programs for calculating the loudspeaker box of your favorite type are available either as free ware, share ware or for a reasonable amount of money. They range from DOS based programs with simple user interface to advanced Windows programs with built-in driver database and almost all of these programs utilize the results of the work made and published by A. N. Thiele and R. H. Small some thirty years ago. As was common these days the full driver-box model was reduced and simplified to ease calculation and to derive nomographs so that correct alignment could be obtained just with ruler and pencil.
However today these simplifications are no longer necessary and the full driver-box model can be implemented either as a program or as a spread sheet, which is the case with UniBox. The full driver-box model as implemented here includes individual control of absorption, leakage and port losses and the effect of each can easily be observed. Furthermore, new graphs commonly not shown includes the sound pressure level produced by the leaks, speaker impedance and step response. UniBox covers the following box types.


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