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Rega Brio 3

Vizitator alex.andrei

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Vizitator alex.andrei

Buna ziua!

Am un amplificator Rega Brio 3 care are o diferenta de balans intre canale respectiv boxa din dreapta se aude mai tare indiferent de pozitia potentiometrului. Problema vine sigur de la amplificator deoarece, prin teste repetate, am exclus sursa, cablurile, boxele (si urechile).As dori sa stiu daca urmatorul test este unul corect si daca imi valideaza dubiile(este copiat, in engleza de pe un alt forum):

"1. Feed in a mono signal, say a 1 KHz test tone or even a simple song.


2. Disconnect your speakers. Both of 'em.3. Connect one of the speakers to the 'hot' leads of the left and right channel. You will have a connection that is fed from the speaker output of the two channels, and no ground. This will be a 'Delta' speaker, i.e. it will let you know the difference between the two channels.4. At the point in the balance control where the speaker is silent, you have perfect balance between your left and right.5. Feeding in a piece of music will also let you know if the amp is balanced between its left and right channels across the spectrum and in reaction to music. A pretty rough and ready method of testing an amp."


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