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Schema Tv Orion

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Va salut ,cu respect! As avea nevoie de schema acestui tv, model TV-2016W, de 20 inch, ecran wide! ma intereseaza si procedura de intrare in meniu service! Sunt tv mai rare,din cate se pare! am tot gogalit dar nu gasesc decat indicii vagi! va multumesc!


Procesor orion tmp87cm39n3384 ,jungle ta8867bn, cadre ta8403k,corectie verticala ta8859, sunet la4445, ci rgb ta8751an!

Editat de blisteringdejeu
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Peste schema as putea sari, ca l-am reparat, dar de procedura de intrare in meniu service ,chiar am nevoie,pt ceva reglaje pe vertical ! trebuie sa aduc imaginea,cu totul ,putin mai jos! daca nu gasesc procedura,stie cineva ce componente trebuie modificate pe langa ta8403k ,ca sa pot aduce imaginea mai jos? multumesc!

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Incercati varianta urmatoare :


Entering the service menu: On the front of the TV to press and hold the button'' VOLUME <'' to the value'' 0'', then it does not hold, push button on the key'' 9''.

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da,mi-a intrat intr-un meniu,dar nu prea pot regla mai nimic, am numerotatie de la 1 la 8,la 1 am auto,la 2 bright auto, 3,4,5,6 nu am nimic, 7 am contrast si 8 am end! va multumesc!

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Incercati si asa:


-se aduce volumul la minimum
-se apasa simultan Meniu de pe panoul tv si Mute de pe telecomanda.
-se iese din service cu butonul off de pe telecomanda.

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Descarcati de aici si va explica cum se regleaza si geometria :


Press the VOL. DOWN button on the set and the Channel
button (9) on the remote control for more than 2 seconds
to appear the adjustment mode on the screen


Receive the monoscope pattern.
Using the remote control, set the brightness, contrast,
to normal position.
Activate the adjustment mode display of Fig. 1-1 and
press the channel button (08) on the remote control to
select "V.LIN".
Press the CH. UP/DOWN button on the remote control
until the SHIFT quantity of the OVER SCAN on upside
and downside becomes minimum.
Receive the monoscope pattern.
Using the remote control, set the brightness and contrast
to normal position.
Adjust the VR401 until the horizontal line becomes fit to
the notch of the shadow mask.
Receive the monoscope pattern.
Using the remote control, set the brightness and contrast
to normal position.
Activate the adjustment mode display of Fig. 1-1 and
press the channel button (06) on the remote control to
select “V. SIZE”.
Press the CH. UP/DOWN button on the remote control
until the SHIFT quantity of the OVER SCAN on upside
and downside becomes 9± 2%.
Editat de santamihai
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va multumesc mult,d-le santamihai ! prima procedura e ok,cea cu volum minim si tasta 9,apoi se reapasa tasta 9(se mentine si vol- apasat) pana ajungi la meniul dorit,sunt 3 submeniuri disponibile! am rezolvat! va multumesc mult,inca o data!

Editat de blisteringdejeu
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Repeta procedura(VOL Down + tasta 9) si vei intra in alta pagina:



3.V. POS



Aici apesi tasta 3, iar cu tastele Vol+/- de pe telecomanda reglezi pozitia dorita pe verticala


SCUZE!!! am postat simultan cu voi

Editat de tehtronics
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