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LCD-uri, surse DC, Voltmetre,Volt-Ampermetre,Termometre


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Vizitator ludovik

Salut , m-ar interesa si pe mine urmatoarele :7.a) Breadboard 830 puncte - 26lei/buc ,

7.b)Set de 65 fire - 14lei/set , 10. Adaptor I2C pentru LCD 16x2 sau 20x4 - Pret: 12lei/buc

Tel.0742186346 , Galati , str.Lozoveni Nr.176 , mail [email protected]

Multumesc !

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Salut , m-ar interesa si pe mine urmatoarele :7.a) Breadboard 830 puncte - 26lei/buc ,

7.b)Set de 65 fire - 14lei/set , 10. Adaptor I2C pentru LCD 16x2 sau 20x4 - Pret: 12lei/buc

Tel.0742186346 , Galati , str.Lozoveni Nr.176 , mail [email protected]

Multumesc !


Ar ajuta si un nume pentru adresa de expeditie. Trimite pe MP.


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1. LCD Blue compatibile HD44780 - Pret: 16x2 - 15lei ; 20x4 - 40lei

Posted Image


LCD HD44780 16x2 GREEN,WHITE,BLUE,ORANGE - 40lei/buc

Aceasta este culoarea caracterelor, fundalul este negru. Se vad excelent.

Posted Image Posted Image


2.a) Voltmetru de panou - Pret: 20lei/buc

Operating voltage: 3.2 ~ 30V

Operating Current: <60mA

Display: 0.56 "LED, color RED / BLUE / GREEN / ORANGE / WHITE !

Mounting holes: 45.5 x 26.5 mm

Measurement rate: ≥ 500mS

Measurement accuracy: 1%

Cele cu 3 fire (RED,BLUE si GREEN) masoara tensiuni in intervalul 0 - 100V


Display: 0.56 "LED, color RED / BLUE / GREEN / ORANGE / WHITE !


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2.b)Voltmetru BLUE (mini) 3V-32V - 15lei/buc

Dimension: 23mmx15mmx10mm

Sample period:500ms ; Resolution:1%+1digit

Reverse Voltage Protection


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2. c) Mini-Voltmetru RED ,GREEN sau BLUE 0-100V - 15lei/buc

Afisaj 0.36"

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2.d) Voltmetru panou WATERPROOF 3-30V - 35lei/buc

Dimensiuni:40mm x 25mm x 23mm(L*W*H)

Working Current:<20mA

Display: Three digit 0.4" LED RED / BLUE

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3. a) Volt-Ampermetru RED + BLUE 0-100V 0-10A - 40lei/buc - stoc limitat!

3. b) Volt-Ampermetru RED + RED 0-100V 0-10A - 35lei/buc


Display color: (Red & Blue) or (Red & Red) LED (dual display).

Display: 0.28" LED digital.

Operating voltage: DC 4.5 ~ 30V.

Measure voltage: DC 0 ~ 100V.

Operating Current: <20mA.

Measure current: 10A (direct measurement, built-in shunt).

Mounting cutout: 45.5mm x 26.5mm.

Size: 48mm x 29mm x 21mm


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4.a) Sursa DC-DC step-down cu LM2596 - 10lei/buc

Uin: 3.2V-40V

Uout: 1.25V-35V

Output current: 2A (max.3A)

Transfer efficiency:92%(max)

Switching Frequency:65KHz

Dimensiuni: 43x21mm


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4.b) Sursa DC-DC step-down cu LM2596 + Voltmetru LED - 35lei/buc

Uin: 4-40 v

Uout:1.25V - 37V

Imax: 3A cu radiator

Culoare afisaj: Rosu ; Rezolutia voltmetrului: ± 0.05V ; Comutare voltmetru intrare/iesire; Afisaj ON/OFF

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4.c) Sursa STEP-UP cu LM2577 - 15lei/buc


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6.Senzor PIR - 10lei/buc


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Working voltage range: DC 4.5-20V

Static current: <50uA

High level output: 3.3 V / low 0V

Delay time: 0.5-200S (adjustable)

Blocking time: 2.5S (the default)

Sensing range (3-7m)

Size: 32mm*24mm circuit board

Induction angle: <100 degree cone angle

Working temperature: -15-+70 degre


Cu un tranzistor si un releu se poate face o automatizare instant!



7.a) Breadboard 830 puncte - 26lei/buc

7.b)Set de 65 fire - 14lei/set

Lungime fire: 24CM(4buc)/20CM(4buc)/16CM(8buc)/12CM(49buc)


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7.c)Set de 40 fire - 15lei/set

Lungime 20cm

1p-1p Male - Female

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7. d) Mini-breadboard 170 puncte - 8lei/buc

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7.e) Mini breadboard 400 puncte - 13lei/buc

7.f) Sursa pentru breadboard 3.3v - 5V - 9lei/buc

Apply to MB102 breadboard

Input voltage: 6.5-12 V (DC) or USB power supply

Output voltage: 3.3V/5V can switch over

Maximum output current: <700 ma

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8. Mini freza pentru PCB - 25lei/buc

Alimentare 12V

+spiral de 0.8mm

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9. a). Spiral 0.5mm, 0.8mm si 1mm carbura - 5lei/buc

Superior material made, strong structure

Tip Diameter: 0.8mm

Grip Diameter: 3.175mm

Total Length: 37.5mm

Material: cemented carbide(tungsten steel, tip), high-speed steel(grip)

45lei/set de 10buc

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9. b). Set spirale 0.3mm - 1.2mm - 45lei/set

Numai set intreg.

carbide micro drill 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2mm,

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10. Adaptor I2C pentru LCD 16x2 sau 20x4 - Pret: 12lei/buc


11. Termometru digital de panou Pret: 15lei/buc

Interval de masura: -50°C -> 110°C

Rezolutie afisare: 0.1

Precizie masurare: ±1°C

Alim: 2 buc LR44 (incluse)

Lung cablu semzor: 1m

Dimensiuni: 47*28*14mm



12. a). ARDUINO UNO R3 + cablu USB - 65ei/buc


12. b). Motor Drive Shield L293D pt. ARDUINO UNO, MEGA - 35ei/buc


12. c) Arduino MEGA 2560 R3 + cablu USB - 100lei/buc


13. Afisaje LED


4 Digits :CEAS - 5lei/buc

Pin Number: 12 pins.

Digit Number: 4 digits.

Common anode.

Digit Height: 0.56 inch.

Color: Red.


3 DIGITI + comun - 2lei/buc

Display: 0.36" LED digital tube

Range: 1.9 -2.2V

Display Color: Red

Size: Approx. 2.3cm x 1.5cm/0.91inch x 0.59inch (L*W)


10-Segmente GREEN - 2lei/buc

Size: Approx. 2.4*1*1.4cm (L*W*H)


14. Diferite CI-uri


DS12C887+ - 20 lei/buc

M48T02-70PC1 - 25lei/buc

M48T02-150PC1 - 25lei/buc

M4T28-BR12SH1 - 10lei/buc

MAX1496 - 15lei/buc

MAX7219 - 10lei/buc


15. Senzor de temperatura+ umiditate DHT22 (AM2302) - 35lei/buc

Size: 28.2 mm (length) * 13.1 mm (width) * 10 mm (high)

Working voltage: 3 V - 5.5 V

Temperature measurement range: - 40°c to 80°c

Measuring accuracy: 0.5°c

The humidity measuring range: 0-100% RH

Measuring accuracy: 2% RH


16. Ampermetru de panou BLUE 0-10A - 20lei/buc


17. Player MP3 + radio + remote - 60lei/buc


1.5" Display, working voltage: DC 8~14.5V, working current: 1500mA, USB output voltage: DC 5V + / - 5%, USB output current: 1000mA, decoding format: MP3, support storage: USB disk, TF card, TF card support up to 16GB, impedance: 32ohm, AUX input level: 650mV, FM frequency range: 87.5~108MHz, output power: 2 x 3W / 4ohm horn, connector: 1 x USB 2.0, 1 x TF card slot, 1 x 3.5mm out jack


18. Sursa Step-UP USB 5V max.600mA - 7lei/buc


Size:34 (mm) x16.2 (mm) ultra-small size

Uin: 1-5V; Output 5V stabilizat max.600mA

Se pot incarca telefoane, tablete, etc utilizand baterii sau elemente LIon


Comanda minima 70lei


Transport+Ramburs: 11lei

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Vizitator ludovik

Salut , m-ar interesa si pe mine urmatoarele :7.a) Breadboard 830 puncte - 26lei/buc ,

7.b)Set de 65 fire - 14lei/set , 10. Adaptor I2C pentru LCD 16x2 sau 20x4 - Pret: 12lei/buc

Tel.0742186346 , Galati , str.Lozoveni Nr.176 , mail [email protected]

Multumesc !


Ar ajuta si un nume pentru adresa de expeditie. Trimite pe MP.


Scuze nu mi-am dat seama ca nu am trecut numele.


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@ludovik: ai MP


Anunt valabil in continuare




Se adauga :


19. Termometru+ hygrometru cu PIC, LCD si DHT22 - 80lei


Posted Image


Range masura:

0-100% humidity 2% accuracy

-40 to 80°C temperature ±0.5°C accuracy


Ualim: 9-12V

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@ludovik: ai MP


Anunt valabil in continuare




Se adauga :


19. Termometru+ hygrometru cu PIC, LCD si DHT22 - 80lei


Posted Image


Range masura:

0-100% humidity 2% accuracy

-40 to 80°C temperature ±0.5°C accuracy


Ualim: 9-12V

un mare free up din partea mea acest instrument este la incubatorul meu si masoara umiditatea si temperatura

userul nici nu mai are rost sa-l recomand FOARTE amabil si de o seriozitate rara

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Vreau si eu:2.b)Voltmetru BLUE (mini) 3V-32V - 15lei/buc3. b) Volt-Ampermetru RED + RED 0-100V 0-10A - 35lei/buc si8. Mini freza pentru PCB - 25lei/bucAlimentare 12V+spiral de 0.8mmDaca mai sunt disponibile,trimit adresa pe MP...Va multumesc!!!

Link spre comentariu

Vreau si eu:2.b)Voltmetru BLUE (mini) 3V-32V - 15lei/buc3. b) Volt-Ampermetru RED + RED 0-100V 0-10A - 35lei/buc si8. Mini freza pentru PCB - 25lei/bucAlimentare 12V+spiral de 0.8mmDaca mai sunt disponibile,trimit adresa pe MP...Va multumesc!!!

Astept adresa pe MP.
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1. LCD Blue compatibile HD44780 - Pret: 16x2 - 15lei ; 20x4 - 40lei

Posted Image


LCD HD44780 16x2 GREEN,WHITE,BLUE,ORANGE - 40lei/buc

Aceasta este culoarea caracterelor, fundalul este negru. Se vad excelent.

Posted Image Posted Image


2.a) Voltmetru de panou - Pret: 20lei/buc

Operating voltage: 3.2 ~ 30V

Operating Current: <60mA

Display: 0.56 "LED, color RED / BLUE / GREEN / ORANGE / WHITE !

Mounting holes: 45.5 x 26.5 mm

Measurement rate: ≥ 500mS

Measurement accuracy: 1%

Cele cu 3 fire (RED,BLUE si GREEN) masoara tensiuni in intervalul 0 - 100V


Display: 0.56 "LED, color RED / BLUE / GREEN / ORANGE / WHITE !


Posted Image



2.b)Voltmetru BLUE (mini) 3V-32V - 15lei/buc

Dimension: 23mmx15mmx10mm

Sample period:500ms ; Resolution:1%+1digit

Reverse Voltage Protection


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2. c) Mini-Voltmetru RED ,GREEN sau BLUE 0-100V - 15lei/buc

Afisaj 0.36"

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2.d) Voltmetru panou WATERPROOF 3-30V - 35lei/buc

Dimensiuni:40mm x 25mm x 23mm(L*W*H)

Working Current:<20mA

Display: Three digit 0.4" LED RED / BLUE

Posted Image



3. a) Volt-Ampermetru RED + BLUE 0-100V 0-10A - 40lei/buc - stoc limitat!

3. b) Volt-Ampermetru RED + RED 0-100V 0-10A - 35lei/buc


Display color: (Red & Blue) or (Red & Red) LED (dual display).

Display: 0.28" LED digital.

Operating voltage: DC 4.5 ~ 30V.

Measure voltage: DC 0 ~ 100V.

Operating Current: <20mA.

Measure current: 10A (direct measurement, built-in shunt).

Mounting cutout: 45.5mm x 26.5mm.

Size: 48mm x 29mm x 21mm


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4.a) Sursa DC-DC step-down cu LM2596 - 10lei/buc

Uin: 3.2V-40V

Uout: 1.25V-35V

Output current: 2A (max.3A)

Transfer efficiency:92%(max)

Switching Frequency:65KHz

Dimensiuni: 43x21mm


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4.b) Sursa DC-DC step-down cu LM2596 + Voltmetru LED - 35lei/buc

Uin: 4-40 v

Uout:1.25V - 37V

Imax: 3A cu radiator

Culoare afisaj: Rosu ; Rezolutia voltmetrului: ± 0.05V ; Comutare voltmetru intrare/iesire; Afisaj ON/OFF

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4.c) Sursa STEP-UP cu LM2577 - 15lei/buc


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6.Senzor PIR - 10lei/buc


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Working voltage range: DC 4.5-20V

Static current: <50uA

High level output: 3.3 V / low 0V

Delay time: 0.5-200S (adjustable)

Blocking time: 2.5S (the default)

Sensing range (3-7m)

Size: 32mm*24mm circuit board

Induction angle: <100 degree cone angle

Working temperature: -15-+70 degre


Cu un tranzistor si un releu se poate face o automatizare instant!



7.a) Breadboard 830 puncte - 26lei/buc

7.b)Set de 65 fire - 14lei/set

Lungime fire: 24CM(4buc)/20CM(4buc)/16CM(8buc)/12CM(49buc)


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7.c)Set de 40 fire - 15lei/set

Lungime 20cm

1p-1p Male - Female

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7. d) Mini-breadboard 170 puncte - 8lei/buc

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7.e) Mini breadboard 400 puncte - 13lei/buc

7.f) Sursa pentru breadboard 3.3v - 5V - 9lei/buc

Apply to MB102 breadboard

Input voltage: 6.5-12 V (DC) or USB power supply

Output voltage: 3.3V/5V can switch over

Maximum output current: <700 ma

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8. Mini freza pentru PCB - 25lei/buc

Alimentare 12V

+spiral de 0.8mm

Posted Image


9. a). Spiral 0.5mm, 0.8mm si 1mm carbura - 5lei/buc

Superior material made, strong structure

Tip Diameter: 0.8mm

Grip Diameter: 3.175mm

Total Length: 37.5mm

Material: cemented carbide(tungsten steel, tip), high-speed steel(grip)

45lei/set de 10buc

Posted Image Posted Image


9. b). Set spirale 0.3mm - 1.2mm - 45lei/set

Numai set intreg.

carbide micro drill 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2mm,

Posted Image



10. Adaptor I2C pentru LCD 16x2 sau 20x4 - Pret: 12lei/buc


11. Termometru digital de panou Pret: 15lei/buc

Interval de masura: -50°C -> 110°C

Rezolutie afisare: 0.1

Precizie masurare: ±1°C

Alim: 2 buc LR44 (incluse)

Lung cablu semzor: 1m

Dimensiuni: 47*28*14mm



12. a). ARDUINO UNO R3 + cablu USB - 65ei/buc


12. b). Motor Drive Shield L293D pt. ARDUINO UNO, MEGA - 35ei/buc


12. c) Arduino MEGA 2560 R3 + cablu USB - 100lei/buc


13. Afisaje LED


4 Digits :CEAS - 5lei/buc

Pin Number: 12 pins.

Digit Number: 4 digits.

Common anode.

Digit Height: 0.56 inch.

Color: Red.


3 DIGITI + comun - 2lei/buc

Display: 0.36" LED digital tube

Range: 1.9 -2.2V

Display Color: Red

Size: Approx. 2.3cm x 1.5cm/0.91inch x 0.59inch (L*W)


10-Segmente GREEN - 2lei/buc

Size: Approx. 2.4*1*1.4cm (L*W*H)


14. Diferite CI-uri


DS12C887+ - 20 lei/buc

M48T02-70PC1 - 25lei/buc

M48T02-150PC1 - 25lei/buc

M4T28-BR12SH1 - 10lei/buc

MAX1496 - 15lei/buc

MAX7219 - 10lei/buc


15. Senzor de temperatura+ umiditate DHT22 (AM2302) - 35lei/buc

Size: 28.2 mm (length) * 13.1 mm (width) * 10 mm (high)

Working voltage: 3 V - 5.5 V

Temperature measurement range: - 40°c to 80°c

Measuring accuracy: 0.5°c

The humidity measuring range: 0-100% RH

Measuring accuracy: 2% RH


16. Ampermetru de panou BLUE 0-10A - 20lei/buc


17. Player MP3 + radio + remote - 60lei/buc


1.5" Display, working voltage: DC 8~14.5V, working current: 1500mA, USB output voltage: DC 5V + / - 5%, USB output current: 1000mA, decoding format: MP3, support storage: USB disk, TF card, TF card support up to 16GB, impedance: 32ohm, AUX input level: 650mV, FM frequency range: 87.5~108MHz, output power: 2 x 3W / 4ohm horn, connector: 1 x USB 2.0, 1 x TF card slot, 1 x 3.5mm out jack


18. Sursa Step-UP USB 5V max.600mA - 7lei/buc


Size:34 (mm) x16.2 (mm) ultra-small size

Uin: 1-5V; Output 5V stabilizat max.600mA

Se pot incarca telefoane, tablete, etc utilizand baterii sau elemente LIon


Comanda minima 70lei


Transport+Ramburs: 11lei

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