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LCD-uri, surse DC, Voltmetre,Volt-Ampermetre,Termometre


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Cutie pentru montaje, 190 x 120 x 60 mm - 8lei/buc - stoc 0


Oferta zilei!


LED-uri 5mm straw-hat portocalii - 100buc / 10lei


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1. LCD Blue compatibile HD44780 - Pret: 16x2 - 15lei ; 20x4 - 40lei
LCD HD44780 16x2 GREEN,WHITE,BLUE,ORANGE - 40lei/buc
Aceasta este culoarea caracterelor, fundalul este negru. Se vad excelent.
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2.a) Voltmetru de panou - Pret: 20lei/buc
Operating voltage: 3.2 ~ 30V
Operating Current: <60mA
Display: 0.56 "LED, color RED / BLUE GREEN / ORANGE / WHITE !
Mounting holes: 45.5 x 26.5 mm
Measurement rate: ≥ 500mS
Measurement accuracy: 1%
Cele cu 3 fire (RED,BLUE si GREEN) masoara tensiuni in intervalul 0 - 100V

Display: 0.56 "LED, color RED / BLUE GREEN / ORANGE / WHITE !

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2.b)Voltmetru BLUE (mini) 3V-32V - 15lei/buc
Dimension: 23mmx15mmx10mm
Sample period:500ms ; Resolution:1%+1digit
Reverse Voltage Protection

2. c) Mini-Voltmetru RED ,GREEN sau BLUE 0-100V - 12lei/buc
Afisaj 0.36"
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2.d) Voltmetru panou WATERPROOF 3-30V - 35lei/buc
Dimensiuni:40mm x 25mm x 23mm(L*W*H)
Working Current:<20mA
Display: Three digit 0.4" LED RED / BLUE/ GREEN
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2. e) Voltmetru digital LCD 80V-300V AC - 35lei/buc


Dim: 55x40x25mm

Se introduce direct in priza

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3. a) Volt-Ampermetru RED + BLUE 0-100V 0-10A - 40lei/buc 
3. b) Volt-Ampermetru RED + RED 0-100V 0-10A - 35lei/buc

Display color: (Red & Blue) or (Red & Red) LED (dual display).
Display: 0.28" LED digital.
Operating voltage: DC 4.5 ~ 30V.
Measure voltage: DC 0 ~ 100V.
Operating Current: <20mA.
Measure current: 10A (direct measurement, built-in shunt).
Mounting cutout: 45.5mm x 26.5mm.
Size: 48mm x 29mm x 21mm

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3.c) Volt-Ampermetru RED-BLUE 0-100V 0-50A + shunt - 65lei/buc
3.d) Volt-Ampermetru RED-BLUE 0-100V 0-100A + shunt - 75lei/buc

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4.a) Sursa DC-DC step-down cu LM2596 - 10lei/buc 
Uin: 3.2V-40V
Uout: 1.25V-35V
Output current: 2A (max.3A)
Transfer efficiency:92%(max)
Switching Frequency:65KHz
Dimensiuni: 43x21mm

4.b) Sursa DC-DC step-down cu LM2596 + Voltmetru LED - 25lei/buc 
Uin: 4-40 v
Uout:1.25V - 37V
Imax: 3A cu radiator
Culoare afisaj: Rosu ; Rezolutia voltmetrului: ± 0.05V ; Comutare voltmetru intrare/iesire; Afisaj ON/OFF

4.c) Sursa STEP-UP cu LM2577 - 15lei/buc

4. d) Sursa DC-DC step-down  5A - 20lei/buc

Uin: 4V-38V

Uout: 1.25V-36V
Output current: 0-5A 
Transfer efficiency:96%(max)

Switching Frequency:180KHz 


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4.e) Sursa DC-DC step-down 5A + Voltmetru LED - 38lei/buc

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5. Sursa CC LED Driver DC-DC 5-35V to 1.25-30V - 20lei/buc


6.Senzor PIR - 10lei/buc 

Working voltage range: DC 4.5-20V
Static current: <50uA
High level output: 3.3 V / low 0V
Delay time: 0.5-200S (adjustable)
Blocking time: 2.5S (the default)
Sensing range (3-7m)
Size: 32mm*24mm circuit board
Induction angle: <100 degree cone angle
Working temperature: -15-+70 degre

Cu un tranzistor si un releu se poate face o automatizare instant!

7.a) Breadboard 830 puncte - 20lei/buc
7.b)Set de 65 fire - 15lei/set 
Lungime fire: 24CM(4buc)/20CM(4buc)/16CM(8buc)/12CM(49buc)
7.c)Set de 40 fire - 15lei/set 
Lungime 20cm
1p-1p Male - Female

1p-1p Female - Female

7. d) Mini-breadboard 170 puncte - 8lei/buc -stoc 0
7.e) Mini breadboard 400 puncte - 15lei/buc - stoc 0

7.f) Sursa pentru breadboard 3.3v - 5V - 9lei/buc
Apply to MB102 breadboard
Input voltage: 6.5-12 V (DC) or USB power supply
Output voltage: 3.3V/5V can switch over
Maximum output current: <700 ma

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8. Termometru IR (infrarosu) 

(-50 - 330°C - alim 2x1,5V AAA)  - 70lei/buc

(-50 - 500°C - alim 2x1,5V AAA) - 85lei/buc 

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Termometru IR (infrarosu) (-50 - 500°C - alim 2x1,5V AAA) RED - 85lei/buc 


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9.  Spiral 0.5mm, 0.8mm si 1mm carbura - 5lei/buc
Superior material made, strong structure
Tip Diameter: 0.8mm
Grip Diameter: 3.175mm
Total Length: 37.5mm
Material: cemented carbide(tungsten steel, tip), high-speed steel(grip)
45lei/set de 10buc

10. Adaptor I2C pentru LCD 16x2 sau 20x4 - Pret: 12lei/buc

11. Termometru digital de panou Pret: 12lei/buc 
Interval de masura: -50°C -> 110°C
Rezolutie afisare: 0.1
Precizie masurare: ±1°C
Alim: 2 buc LR44 (incluse)
Lung cablu semzor: 1m
Dimensiuni: 47*28*14mm

Culoare ALB - stoc 0
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12. a). ARDUINO UNO R3 + cablu USB - 60ei/buc 

12. b). Shield LAN W5100 - 50lei/buc

12. c) Arduino MEGA 2560 R3 + cablu USB - 85lei/buc

12. d)  LCD 2.4" color touch screen TFT pentru Arduino UNO R3 - 50lei/buc

12.e) Shield Arduino Multifunctional - 60lei

4 digit 7-segment LED display module driven by two serial 74HC595’s
4 LED’s
10K potentiometer
3 x push buttons
Piezo buzzer
DS18B20 or LM35 temperature sensor interface (not included)
Infrared receiver interface
Serial interface header for connection to serial modules


12.f). Shield relee 2 sau 4 canale - 20 / 35 lei /buc


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13. Set Remote control 4 canale - 25lei/set



14. Timer digital countdown 0 - 999 sec 12V - 40lei/buc

-utilizari diverse ( UV box pentru expunere,, etc)


15. Senzor de temperatura+ umiditate DHT22 (AM2302) - 30lei/buc

Size: 28.2 mm (length) * 13.1 mm (width) * 10 mm (high)
Working voltage: 3 V - 5.5 V
Temperature measurement range: - 40°c to 80°c
Measuring accuracy: 0.5°c
The humidity measuring range: 0-100% RH
Measuring accuracy: 2% RH


Senzor de temperatura+ umiditate DHT11 (albastru) - 7lei/buc

16. Senzor temperatura DS18B20 waterproof - 15lei/buc

lungime cablu: 1m


17. Diverse module
17.a) Modul MAX7219 8 digiti rosu - 18lei/buc
17.b) Modul GPS Ublox NEO-6M antena ceramica Rx-Tx 9600 - 80lei/buc
17.c) Modul RTC DS3231+ EEPROM 24C32 (fara baterie)  - 11lei/buc
17.d) Modul accelerometru GY-61 ADXL335 Module 3-axis - 15lei/buc
17.e) Senzor Barometric / presiune BMP180 - 12lei/buc
17.f) Modul incarcare 1A TP4056 celula Li-Ion 4.2V - 7lei/buc
17.g) Sursa Step-UP USB 5V max.600mA - 7lei/buc 
17.h) Modul WI-FI ESP8266 ESP-12  sau ESP-12E - 30lei/buc
17.i) Modul TEA5767 Radio FM - 7lei/buc
17.j) Modul(set) RF 433MHz - 10lei/set
17.k) Modul amplificator audio 2x3W PAM8403 - 6lei/buc
17.l) Modul senzor Metan(MQ-5) sau Alcool(MQ-3) - 20lei/buc
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18. Module Diverse:
18.a) Set RFID MFRC-522 (modul+card+breloc+pini) -30lei/set
18.b) Modul senzor touch 1 canal - 9lei/buc
18.c) Modul senzor touch 4 canale - 13lei/buc
18.d) Modul senzor touch 8 canale - 17lei/buc
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19. Aparat de masurat distanta cu ultrasunete - 80lei/buc

Power supply: 1 x 9V 
Accuracy: +/-0.5% ; Frequency: 40 kHz (ultrasonic pickup)
Auto stop: switches off if you do not press any key for 4 min

Laser beam: Wattage 1mW

Working temperature: 0oC ~ 43oC
Range: 0.91m to 18m
Dimensions (H-P-l): 142 x 73 x 47mm



20. Display NOKIA5110 - 20lei/buc

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21. VK-172 GMOUSE USB GPS/GLONASS USB - 70lei/buc


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Reference coordinate system: WGS-84
Tracking sensitivity:-162dBm
Acquisition sensitivity:-160dBm
Cold Start Time: 29s [average]
Supported operating systems: Windows 8/7/Vista/XP/CE
VK-172 automatically adapt the baud rate, the baud rate has 
any data output
Support Google Earth
Based on G7020-KT u-blox 7 GPS/GNSS
C / A code, 1.023MHz stream
Receive Band: L1 [1575.42MHz]
Tracking Channels: 56
Positioning performance :
2D plane: 5m [average]
2D plane: 3.5m [average], has DGPS auxiliary.
Drift: <0.02m / s Reference coordinate system: WGS-84
Maximum altitude: 18,000 m
Maximum speed: 500m / s
Acceleration: <4g Tracking sensitivity:-162dBm
Acquisition sensitivity:-160dBm
Cold Start Time: 29s [average]
Warm start time: 28s [average]
Hot start time: 1s [average]
Recapture Time: 0.1s [average] 




23. Socluri ZIF40

a) Soclu ZIF40 wide nickel plated - 4lei/buc

b) Soclu ZIF40 universal gold plated black - 12lei/buc

c) Soclu ZIF40 universal gold plated blue   - 10lei/buc





25. c) KIT DIY amplificator 2x18W ( 1x36W) cu TDA2030 - 45lei/set

-se poate lega si in punte (1x36W)

-alim. 2x12V AC

-dim. 40x92mm


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Comanda minima 70lei

Transport+Ramburs: 11lei

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8.e) Modul xs3868 bluetooth 2.0 audio stereo cu OVC3860 - 35lei/buc

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18.f) Modul audio stereo KRC-86B v4.0 bluetooth 2.1 + EDR - 80lei/buc


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25. a) Amplificator audio TDA7297 2x15W - 35lei/buc

Ualim: 6-18V (recomandat 12V)

Putere: 2x15W

Dim: 52 x 47 x 52

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25. b) Voltmetru + termometru auto 12V - 50lei/buc

Alimentare de la bricheta

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Programator PICkit2 clona - 100lei/buc


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4.e) Sursa DC-DC STEP-UP 6A - 35lei/buc

Input: 10-32V

Output: 12-35V (setata default pe 19V)

Iout: max 6A

Dim: 65 x 49 x 23mm

disponibil: 1 buc. 


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25.c) Acumulatori LiPo 500mA - 25lei/buc

dimensiuni: 31 x 26 x 6.5mm

disponibile 2 buc


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5.b) Sursa step-down CV-CC LED driver , Lithium charger, max.5A - 25lei/buc


Switching frequency: 300KHz 
Conversion efficiency: 95% (the highest) 
Output current: adjustable maximum 5A
Output voltage: 0.8V-30V 
Input voltage: 5V-32V 
Rectification: non-synchronous rectification 
Module Properties: non-isolated constant current and voltage module 
17.h) Adaptor PCB pentru modul ESP-12 WiFi - 8lei/buc
17.m) NodeMCU v2 ESP8266 cu ESP-12E - 70lei/buc
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17.n) NodeMCU v0.9 ESP8266 cu ESP-12 - 60lei/buc
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25.d) Modul MP3 player - 30lei/buc
Power range: 3.7~5.5V
Product size: 45mm*36mm
Onboard 2Wmonoamplifier(5V power of up to 3W) - 4Ω3W 
MicroUSB port.Through the mobile phone data line can use mobile power supply or the USB cable to charge the MP3 battery,also can use 3.7V lithiumbattery,orUSB 5V power supply
Support U disk (test 32G), TF Card (test 16G) play mode; power on default TF card mode
Buttons can be adjusted up and down to control songs,volume up and down, pause or play, mode switching

Adaptor cu soclu ZIF40 pentru programatoare PICkit2 sau 3 - 30lei/buc


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Cutie pentru montaje, 225x150x43 mm - 10lei/buc
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Programator PICkit 2 clona - 100lei/buc
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Programator PICkit 3 clona - 140lei/buc
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Carcasa transparenta pentru Arduino MEGA 2560 R3 - 30lei/buc


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PIC16F877A capsula PLCC 44 pin - 9buc/100lei

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Arduino NANO v3.0 - 20lei/buc 

(fara cablu USB)

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Microcontroller Atmel ATmega328

Operating Voltage (logic level): 5V
Input Voltage (recommended): 7V ~ 12V
Input Voltage (limits): 6V ~ 20 V
Digital I/O Pins: 14 (of which 6 provide PWM output)
Analog Input Pins: 8
DC Current per I/O Pin: 40mA
Flash Memory: 32KB (ATmega328) (of which 2 KB used by bootloader)
SRAM: 2KB (ATmega328)
EEPROM: 1KB (ATmega328)
Clock Speed: 16MHz
12 Digital input / output ports:D2 ~ D13
8 analog inputs ports:A0 ~ A7
1 pairs of TTL level serial transceiver ports RX / TX
6 PWM ports:D3, D5, D6, D9, D10, D11
Atmel Atmega328P-AU MCU
CH340 USB driver
Support USB download and Power
Support for external 5V ~ 12V DC power supply
Support power supply by 9V battery
Support ISP download


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Vizitator victor ponta

A ajuns si la mine comanda.

Totul in regula,tranzactie rapida,comunicare excelenta.

Am sa comand cu placere si pe viitor.

Baiat de nota 10!!!

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Anunt valabil.


Reducere 10% la comenzi >100lei - valabil pana Vineri


Disponibil din nou:


Tester USB voltmetru / ampermetru - 35lei/buc


Curent masurat: 0-3A(max)

Se poate utiliza la monitorizarea incarcarii telefoanelor/ tabletelor, etc.


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