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DSO - Osciloscoape pentru PC - full details


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Pentru ca multi dintre noi nu au acasa un osciloscop, sau din diferite motive au nevoie de unul care sa poata transfera datele pe calculator, propun ca in acest topic sa postam scheme complete pentru osciloscoape atasabile la PC


Rog pe cei care vor contribui sa adauge doar linkuri/atasamente catre proiecte terminate care au tot ce le trebuie (schema, firmware, descriere, etc), insotite de o scurta prezentare a performantelor proiectului respectiv si NU linkuri catre pagini de unde se cumpara astfel de osciloscoape, pagini incomplete, proiecte in curs de dezvoltare care nu mai sunt actualizate.


Acestea fiind zise, sa incepem:

Acest osciloscop a fost creat de autor pentru lucrarea sa de diploma.


Channel Spec

1.6MHz to 50MHz sample rate

8 Bit resolution

3MBit sample depth

Analogue and digital capability


Operating Modes

Dual channel (2 analogue channels)

Single channel (double speed and depth, i.e. 100MHz & 6MBit)

Logic analyser (16 digital channels)

Mixed mode (8 digital & 1 analogue channel)



Variable pre-trigger

Variable edge trigging threshold

External trigger input

Logic analyser triggering



Fully GUI driven

Full control of hardware from software

Zoom & Pan functions

Trigger level & point indicator

CSV export function



Flexible design allows for expansion and bug fixes without hardware modification.

ISP (In System Programmable)

Este un proiect in dezvoltare, faza unde s-a ajuns cu el poate fi urmarita AICI


The analogical parts includes:

- Two analogs inputs with AC / DC / GND coupling. These inputs have impedances adapted to the commercial probes available,

- One VGA amplifier stage,

- the inputs of the ADC (10bits).


The digital parts includes:

- the outputs of the ADC,

- one input for external triggering,

- one output for the probes calibration,

- one 100MHz low jitter clock with integrated divisor to allow variable sampling,

- one FPGA that contains memory, digital triggering and logic to send/communicate with the PC,

- a DC/DC isolated converter (5VUSB in, -+5V out) with another integrated switched mode supply + charge pump to have 3V3, -3V3 and 2V5,

- a connector that allow to transform DSO to an handheld version by adding a microcontroler, a keyboard, a display and a battery,

- a USB connector + USB interface (FTDI chip) with opto-isolators for the insulation of the fast signals,

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  • MifTy


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Imagini postate


Simultaneous analog/digital capture

100 MHz sub-sampling bandwidth

50 Ms/s logic sample rate (max)

40 Ms/s analog sample rate (max)

20 MHz single-shot bandwidth

4 analog inputs (multiplexed)

2 inputs via BNC (buffered 1Meg)

2 inputs via DB25 POD

8 logic inputs via DB25 POD

Two 32K x 8 capture buffers

Sophisticated triggers (analog or digital)

10 MHz arbitrary waveform generator

Fully programmable using ASCII "scripts"

Simple virtual machine programming

Optional A/D convertor modules

Expansion POD for external devices

Low cost PIC 16F628 design

All logic in a single PLD

115 kb/s Serial Interface or << acesta este transferul pentru primul model, disponibil free

625 kb/s 10BaseT Ethernet Interface

1.25 Mb/s USB Interface

"Atomic" ASCII command set

Scalable design to >100MS/s @ 3.3V

Chipset suitable for embedded DSO


Pagina de download se gaseste AICI


Din pacate exista posibilitatea ca circuitele cu care a fost facut primul montaj sa nu mai poata fi gasite nici la noi (deoarece sunt discontinued)


Blind EDIT

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"Transform your PC into a genuine numerical oscilloscope with memory

isolated optically from the computer!"

The maximum sampling rate of 30MHz makes it possible to visualize signals present

on Way A and/or B on a band-width spreading out 0Hz with 6MHz.


Isolated optically from the PC, reccordement is carried out is by the port series RS232

or byUSB ( MOD1)


You can print and safeguard the oscillograms or spectra in the form

files BMP allowing to publish a posteriori documents Word, Excel, Web pages, etc...


Traduceti pagina originala care este in franceza folosind bablefish , acesta a dat cele mai bune rezultate la traducerea din franceza in engleza.


Multumim andiy ca ai mentionat acest link intr-un post foarte vehi al tau

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PIC12F675 Oscilloscope

"A simple PC voltage oscilloscope using only a PIC12F675, a 20MHz osc, and a RS232 level shifter. The PIC takes a sample on GP2, immediately sends it to the PC at 115,200 baud using an asynchronous software serial routine, and repeats. It sends a 8-bit value that is read by the Visual Basic software and displayed on the screen (see examples below). The Visual Basic software deduces the time period between submissions and adjusts the display accordingly."

Mai multe, la AICI



PIC18F2550 USB HID Oscilloscope

a simple and effective USB oscilloscope using the higher performance PIC18F2550

Mai multe, AICI



PIC18F2550 KS0108 Graphical LCD Oscilloscope

"A simple and accurate graphical oscilloscope using a PIC18F2550 microcontroller and a AGM1264F graphical LCD. The oscilloscope measures the average voltage, the maximum voltage, the minimum voltage, the peak-to-peak voltage, and the zero-crossing frequency for a DC signal over 100 samples. The oscilloscope has a built in edge trigger function that can be set to capture on rise or fall (or disabled altogether). The time scale for the display is variable and can be easily redefined using the changeTimeDivision function. Likewise, the voltage range can be change to 0-5V, 0-2.5V, and 0-1.25V. The main limitations of this oscilloscope include relatively slow acquisition time and sampling rate (~60kHz) and the fact that the inputs are limited by the constraints of the internal ADC. However, it is a very nice display and I highly suggest you view the videos to see it in action."

Mai multe, AICI


To be continued ...

PS: nu sunt pt. PC, dar informatia nu strica

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Very simple hardware design; most functionality provided by software.

Two 8-bit channels, each configurable as 8bit analog input or 8 digital inputs.

Sampling rate: Tunable in 8 steps from 50kS/s to 10MS/s.

Live transmission of data stream allows storage of nearly unlimited number of samples.

Analog input sensitivity: 1Vpp or 2Vpp, DC coupled with 2.5V common mode.

Digital input: Schmitt trigger, 3.3V or 5V CMOS levels.

USB-powered operation.


Blind EDIT: Te rog sa pui si cateva descrieri in urmatoarele postari, nu doar linkul

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  • 4 luni mai târziu...

Gasind intr-un aparat vechi nishte memorii fifo tip IDT7201-7202, am zis sa ma relaxez shi eu cu constructzia unui osciloscop numeric. Avand in vedere ca scopul este de a ma relaxa, am decis sa-l fac in manierea mea preferata de a face circuitele : in aer, montajul paianjen. In plus fara logica programata, doar cu ttl-uri. A fost dificil cu peste 20 de cipuri, dar uite ca functzioneaza :smt003 Caracteristici: Frecventza de esantionare 0.2Hz-10MHz, in pashi 1-2-5Y doar 400mVpp deocamdata, il folosesc pe post de printscreen pentru osciloscopul meu tek465, care are ieshire canal1 la 50mV/div, plus ieshiri trigger aproape compatibile TTL. Daca fac rost de un atenuator calibrat, shi de ceva AO decent, poate ii fac un Y variabil.Trigger: doar TTL, edge-triggeredMemorie 512 eshantioane pentru 7201, 1k pentru 1024Interfatza serie RS232, implementata hardware, protocol DSR + RTS 57600baudsSoft: in VB, cateva linii de cod deocamdata, dar merge. Frecventza de refresh ecran pe la 5HzComponente cheie IDT7201 sau 7202, ADC MP7684, vreo 6 bucatzi 74F163, fac divizorul bazei de timp, un 74ls393, care impreuna cu un osc de 1.8432MHz face generatorul de bauds, un 74ls163+2x74ls151 este convertorul serial, cateva 74ls00 shi 74f04, o linie de intarziere TTL de 50nS + 2buc 74F74 fac partea de sincronizare shi comanda, plus ceva 74LS74+74LS08+74LS04 fac impreuna mashina de stari.Deci daca avetzi pe undeva ceva memorii fifo, cateva cipuri ttl, multa vointza va putetzi face un DSO fara circuit imprimat :weedman:

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se pot folosi:

- TLC 549

- MAX 1107


prin dublarea baza schemei de baza (2 canale) se obtin 4 canale.


Sample frequency 20 Hz to 4000 Hz

Input voltage 0.0 to +5.0 Volt

Resolution 8 bit (= 19.53 mV)

Channels 1 to 4


(cred ca daca se intercaleaza intre intrari si caburile de masura un divizor convenabil, frecventa masurabila poate fi urcata convenabil. nu stiu cum o sa se descurce softul in acest caz, insa...)


se ofera si softul, dar mi-e teama ca sub forma de shareware...


eu cautam de fapt asa ceva... din pacate, e un soft, nu un tester hardware...

oricum, util si asta, mai ales daca nu iese osciloscopul din prima :)

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inca un proiect interesant pentru cei familiarizati cu FPGA

Digital oscilloscope

You can build a digital oscilloscope simply by hooking an ADC and an FPGA together.

This particular design uses an 100MHz flash ADC, so we are building an 100MSPS (mega-samples-per-seconds) oscilloscope.


A digital oscilloscope has many advantages over its analog counterpart, like the ability to capture single events, and to display what happens before the trigger.


This oscilloscope design is interesting because it shows how powerful and useful modern FPGAs can be. But if you are new to FPGA technology, keep that in mind this is not the easiest design to understand on this site.


Finally, note that a digital oscilloscope is very similar to a logic analyzer. Both are storage devices. Simply remove the ADC and feed directly the FPGA.


Posted Image

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  • 1 lună mai târziu...

Nu este un montaj care sa se poata cupla la calculator, insa merita mentionat. Multumim luc pentru link


Frecventa de esantionare maxima: 40MSPS

Frecventa maxima de intrare: 5Mhz

Frecventa maxima afisata fara aliasing: 10MHz

Banda de frecventa circuit intrare: 20MHz

Rezolutie display: 240x128, rezolutie activa: 200x125

Sensibiliate: 40mV/div

Cuplare: DC

Impedanta de intrare: 10K

Alimentare: sursa simpla DC: 8V..12V

Mod incremental: Nu.

Baza de timp (reglaj digital): 1s/div, 500ms/div, 200ms/div, 100ms/div, 50ms/div/, 20ms/div, 10ms/div, 5ms/div, 2ms/div, 1ms/div, 500us/div, 200us/div, 100us/div, 50us/div, 20us/div, 10us/div, 5us/div, 2us/div, 1us/div, 500ns/div

Nivel trigger: reglaj digital

Offset: reglaj digital

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