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Hdd WD 40GB cu controller motoras ars...


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  • naminator2003


  • valy1965


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OK mersi valy1965. Ce am scris mai sus nu e de la mine din cap ci de la "desteptii" la care am fost, la service cu HDD-ul. Deci cu alte cuvinte sa am grija cu tensiunile de alimentare pe viitor si ce surse de PC folosesc.

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Citeste aici:.........................................................Reference voltage sourcesChecking all voltage generating devices (see electric circuits: WDxxxBB/JB R/W Channel, SPINDLE MOTOR Control and WDxxxBB/JB L6278 1.2) is the first thing to do for diagnostics of malfunctions in theelectronics board of a HDD. WD Spartan, Protege, and Caviar drives use six voltages, they are: +12V, +5V (from the PC power supply), +3.3V, +2.6V (generated by the U6 IRU1329SC stabilizer), +1.8V (generated by the U7 chip when an external power control on Q4 is employed) and a -5V source that supplies power to the preamplifier-commutator(generated using the U8 chip of the DC-DC ST755 converter). In Caviar Arch. VI drives -5V negative voltagegenerator is based upon the FG2M chip and Q3 power switch (see electric circuit WDxxxBB/JB Serial ROM,Converter DC-DC -5V). It is essential to check +5V and -5V supply voltages directly over the J1 pocket-plate MHAconnector, pins 4 and 2 respectively (see electric circuit WDxxxBB/JB R/W Channel, SPINDLE MOTOR Control). Amalfunction may be manifested in divergence or absence of supply or reference voltages because of defectivestabilizers, power switches or their control schemes. You should also check the L2, L4, L5, and L6 filter inductorssince supply voltages may disappear when they are broken.Use digital millivoltmeter and an oscilloscope for measurements of supply and reference voltages. Thevoltmeter is useful for checking voltage values, oscilloscope checks pulses.9.2. Control circuit of spindle motor and positionerThe control circuit of spindle motor in WD drives may be based either on L6278 1.2 or on L6278AC/AHchips. Those two chips have different packages, different number of pins; they are incompatible though theirfunctionality is practically identical. The chips operate on several voltages +12V, +5V and +3.3V. The chips arecontrolled using software access via a serial bus. The SHUT-DOWN line is used by the drive?s microcontroller forsending a signal activating the spindle motor control chip, -5V converter and the reading channel chip. Upon power-up,system reset, and initialization of the microcontroller, the line must propagate log. ?1? signal; at the same time startingpulses of phase switching should appear on the spindle motor phases with 12V range. If you disconnect the demand(i.e. spindle motor) by taking the PCB off the HDA, then you should be able to observe on the outputs of 3 phases inL6278 chip clear rectangular two-level pulses with 6 and 12V range. At the ?midpoint? pin the static level should beequal to 6V (small needle-like surges are allowed at phase switching moments).Please note that the spindle motor will not start in Safe Mode, consequently you will have to test its controlchip in normal operation mode (with all configuration jumpers disabled, see details on Safe Mode). If the L6278 chipgoes out of order, one can notice signs of defects or overheating on its package. Before its replacement it is essential tocheck the supply voltages and load carrying elements in - D1, D2 framework; also use ohmmeter to check theresistance of the spindle motor windings (phases), it should be equal to 2,2 Ohm.

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Dupa ce ai terminat de citit cred ca sigur te apuci de reparat.!!!!!Daca nu ai date importante pe se merita. Daca locuiai mai aproape de mine ne uitam impreuna la el fara sa te coste nimic. Dar asa...naspa. Imi pare rau. Bafta multa.

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Cumparasem si eu in primavara doua HDD WD de 200 GB SATA II ,de la firma Intend Cluj. La primirea coletului aveam o surpriza ,un HDD nu functiona, adica se auzea un click la pornire si s-au oprit motorul de spindel. L-am testat cu utilitarul lui (luat de pe siteul producatorului) ,care mi-a spus:"HDD damaged for incorect handling" .L-am trimis inapoi si mi l-au schimbat.Acum cel de-al doilea face talente cateodata(click mecanic si oprirea discurilor si pe urma porneste in regula) , dar totusi porneste. Am verificat sursa si este OK .Poate fi oare o problema de firmware ? Exista vreun utilitar cu care sa se rescrie acest firmware ?

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Am exact aceeasi problema de la link-ul postat de valy... exact chipul ala e ars, e gaurit si la mine..... Acum intrebarea e unde gasesc si eu un chip din asta ca sa-l schimb.... variantele cu recuperatul datelor sau sa ma duc la quartz sau nush unde nu tin.... ca vreau hardul sa il folosesc din nou, fara sa dau milioane ca sa imi faca back-up cica..Va rog frumos daca aveti vreo idee unde as putea gasi un chip din ala, sau vreo placa inutila pe acasa, sau orice, scrieti aici.....multumesc

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