Vizitator Postat Mai 13, 2013 Partajează Postat Mai 13, 2013 Ia pune aici formularul de inscriere , sa vedem despre ce'i vorba.Am icercat sa il urc pe forum dar nu se poate pentru ca ``fisierul incarcat este gol``. La mine pe HDD are 201 K.Trebuie sa-l arhivezi si dupa aia il urci altfel nu merge. Link spre comentariu
doru77 Postat Mai 13, 2013 Autor Partajează Postat Mai 13, 2013 Ai instalat windosul?Inca nu, pana saptamana viitoare nu pot sa fac asta. Link spre comentariu
doru77 Postat Mai 13, 2013 Autor Partajează Postat Mai 13, 2013 Nu poate fi nici arhivat: acces denied! Link spre comentariu
miron1947 Postat Mai 13, 2013 Partajează Postat Mai 13, 2013 Eu inclin sa cred ca aveti un virus, daca nu puteti deschide un fisier word nesecurizat realizat de colegul Dvs.Scanati calculatorul online(de ex. F-Secure). Link spre comentariu
daniels Postat Mai 14, 2013 Partajează Postat Mai 14, 2013 Am patit odata ceva asemanator. Nu imi mai deschidea niciun document, dar nu mai tin minte ce mesaj de eroare imi dadea. Le-am recuperat deschizand prima data aplicatia dupa care din istoric s-au deschis. Link spre comentariu
iulidan2 Postat Mai 14, 2013 Partajează Postat Mai 14, 2013 Nu se deschide nici cu Open Office ? Link spre comentariu
doru77 Postat Mai 17, 2013 Autor Partajează Postat Mai 17, 2013 Am fost plecat. Multumesc pentru sfaturi. Am sa incerc maine si va tin la curent. Link spre comentariu
doru77 Postat Mai 19, 2013 Autor Partajează Postat Mai 19, 2013 Mai nou nu pot deschide nici PDF copiate. La a doua deschidere apare o eroare, alta decat la word. Avast antivirus gaseste un malware. La scanarea inaintea bootarii gaseste un rootkit. Deci se poate sa fie virus in unul din fisiere, dar nu reusesc sa il sterg. Apare mereu. Am incercat o scanare on-line cu F-secure dar cere sp3. Eu am sp2. Am incercat o instalare de SO dar fara sa formatez partitia. Am mai avut o problema asemanatoare acum 2 ani, am formatat si reinstalat dar fara a se rezolva problema. Partea proasta e ca fisierele respective nu pot fi nici mutate nici sterse si uneori blocheaza tot folderul. deci ca sa scat de ele trebuie sa mut tot restul, fisier cu fisier si sa formatez partitia care le contine. Nici din istoric nu se deschid. Pana acum nu au fost afectate decat fisiere legate de servici. Multumesc inca odata celor care au incercat sa ma ajute si astept in continuare sfaturile dumneavoastra. Link spre comentariu
MaesTTro Postat Mai 19, 2013 Partajează Postat Mai 19, 2013 De cind te chinui cu problema aceasta mai degraba instalai din nou sistemul de operare, in cazul care te temi de virusi faci si o formatare la HDD Link spre comentariu
doru77 Postat Mai 26, 2013 Autor Partajează Postat Mai 26, 2013 Musai trebuie sa formatez si sa reinstalez tot. Dar problema ramane. Nu am aflat cauza, in cazul cand va reapare problema, o iau de la cap cu formatatul si instalatul? Daca este un virus in unul din fisiere? Link spre comentariu
MaesTTro Postat Mai 26, 2013 Partajează Postat Mai 26, 2013 Daca era virus, puteai sa instalezi un Anti virus si sa vezi care-i treaba, mai degraba s-a bagat cineva unde nu trebuie si s-a ajuns la asta Link spre comentariu
Matrixu Postat Mai 26, 2013 Partajează Postat Mai 26, 2013 Bun, acuma sa atacam un pic problema ta, pentru ca in urma cu ceva timp la fel am dat si eu cu capul in perete. Nu vroia sa i-mi deschida nimic de genul *.doc, *.xls, *.ppt, *.pps. Poti incerca o scanare online cu Bitdefender, dar nu stiu daca te ajuta ca in cazul meu nu m-a ajutat. Ai formatat tot hardul la instalare noua? Daca ai un virus care se autopropaga pe partitiile pe care le gaseste intr-un sistem, cum face si Win32.Jeefo.A, atunci este clar ca instalarea ai facut-o degeaba. La prima repornire a sistemului, esti infectat dinou, chiar si fara conexiune la internet. Hardul este pe SATA? Daca da, poti incerca sa i-l conectezi pe un alt sistem securizat cu un antivirus bun, gen Bitdefender, Avast, Norton, etc. Atasezi HDD-ul si conectezi doar mufa de alimentare nu si cea de date, apoi pornesti sistemul. Hardul i-l conectezi abia dupa ce Windowsul s-a incarcat complect. In mod normal ar trebui sa fie vazut automat hardul atasat, daca nu, mergi in Device manager si acolo se da un Refresh sau un Scan for new hardware. Dupa ce l-a vazut, daca e un virus cu autopropagare, antivirusul ar trebui sa i-l detecteze automat si sa i-l blocheze. Problema este ca, foarte posibil sa te alegi cu fisiere corupte in cazul inlaturarii virusului. Daca vrei sa faci o instalare noua, eu i-ti recomand ca sa nu formatezi doar C-ul, ci toate partitiile de pe acel HDD, asta in cazul in care nu ai date importante pe ele. Incearca sa nu conectezi nici un stik, internet, sau alte deviceuri pana in momentul in care ai instalat antivirusul. Ar fi bine daca ai putea sa i-l scri pe un DVD de pe un alt sistem "curat". Spun sa nu conectezi nimic, pentru ca eu am avut atat "Autorun.inf" cat si "Win32.Jeefo.A" in memoria interna a telefonului, deci pot fi ascunsi oriunde. La mine cu formatarea complecta s-a rezolvat problema.Stima Link spre comentariu
doru77 Postat Octombrie 7, 2013 Autor Partajează Postat Octombrie 7, 2013 Am formatat, reinstalat SO, scanat. Fisierele si chiar foldere afectate initial sunt imposibil de deschis. Unele foldere au bifat read only. degeaba schimb, am inchis fereastra revine la loc. Nu pot macar sa le sterg. Orice descarc sau mut in folderul pentru servici (fisiere descarcate de pe net sau primite prin mail) ori modific se blocheaza. Sa fie vre-o setare de la furnizorul de internet? Link spre comentariu
doru77 Postat Octombrie 7, 2013 Autor Partajează Postat Octombrie 7, 2013 Asta apare in help-ul ferestruicii care ma anunta ca nu pot deschide documentul pentru ca nu am privilegii de acces:This message can appear if a file has been saved with permissions. Permissions, also known as rights or privileges, can be applied to a file, folder, or almost any resource available from a network (printers, shares, files, databases, Web sites, etc). When a user attempts to open a resource that requires specific user permissions, this message will appear if the user does not have the required permissions.Permissions can be set for individual users, groups of users, or for a specific computer. Usually, this message appears if you are using a network to which administrators have applied permissions for specific users and groups, or if you are accessing a resource local to a specific user's computer, but are blocked because of local permissions that have been set by that user. If you cannot open a resource on a file server or other computer on your network, you will most likely need to review your user account settings to determine whether you have the necessary permissions to gain access to the resource. If you do not know whether you have the necessary permissions, contact your network administrator or the owner of the computer with the shared resources.Usually, this message does not appear if you are using disk drives formatted with a FAT or FAT32 file system. Drives formatted with NTFS, HPFS, or another file format that provides the ability to apply permissions, are capable of forcing this message.Occasionally, the computer that grants users access to a network can lose the information that is used to authenticate a specific user. When this happens, the only option available is to turn your computer off for thirty seconds, and then restart your computer (you must turn off the computer to clear the cached information in the network card). Restarting may reset the authentication information that is used to grant you access to the network. If this does not work, you must contact the network administrator to have your account reset. It is also possible that the network administrator has disabled your account.There is also the possibility that the file you are attempting to open is restricted through Information Rights Management (IRM). IRM is an alternate form of file restriction access that allows creators of a file the ability to limit editing, copying, printing, or forwarding of content. If the file is restricted and you require access to its contents, you must contact the creator or owner of the file to request that they add your user ID to the list of users who are allowed to access the file. Link spre comentariu
doru77 Postat Februarie 23, 2014 Autor Partajează Postat Februarie 23, 2014 Nu stie nimeni cum pot debloca fisierele? Se blocheaza tot ce tine de serviciul actual, chiar daca sunt documente editate de la 0 de catre mine!Cine imi restrictioneaza accesul, daca sunt ale mele?This message can appear if a file has been saved with permissions. Permissions, also known as rights or privileges, can be applied to a file, folder, or almost any resource available from a network (printers, shares, files, databases, Web sites, etc). When a user attempts to open a resource that requires specific user permissions, this message will appear if the user does not have the required permissions.Permissions can be set for individual users, groups of users, or for a specific computer. Usually, this message appears if you are using a network to which administrators have applied permissions for specific users and groups, or if you are accessing a resource local to a specific user's computer, but are blocked because of local permissions that have been set by that user. If you cannot open a resource on a file server or other computer on your network, you will most likely need to review your user account settings to determine whether you have the necessary permissions to gain access to the resource. If you do not know whether you have the necessary permissions, contact your network administrator or the owner of the computer with the shared resources.Usually, this message does not appear if you are using disk drives formatted with a FAT or FAT32 file system. Drives formatted with NTFS, HPFS, or another file format that provides the ability to apply permissions, are capable of forcing this message.Occasionally, the computer that grants users access to a network can lose the information that is used to authenticate a specific user. When this happens, the only option available is to turn your computer off for thirty seconds, and then restart your computer (you must turn off the computer to clear the cached information in the network card). Restarting may reset the authentication information that is used to grant you access to the network. If this does not work, you must contact the network administrator to have your account reset. It is also possible that the network administrator has disabled your account.There is also the possibility that the file you are attempting to open is restricted through Information Rights Management (IRM). IRM is an alternate form of file restriction access that allows creators of a file the ability to limit editing, copying, printing, or forwarding of content. If the file is restricted and you require access to its contents, you must contact the creator or owner of the file to request that they add your user ID to the list of users who are allowed to access the file. Link spre comentariu
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