niculae Postat Decembrie 15, 2017 Partajează Postat Decembrie 15, 2017 Salutare, Are cineva dintre colegi montata sau cunostinte despre alarma Thunder CA202 ? Am ramas cu un singur pager, negasind de cumpaat am cumparat si incercat de la modelele CA201, CA203 au aceeasi frecventa de lucru 430Mhz, de la cine am cumparat au spus ca merg pe CA202 insa nu a fost asa. Am incercat procedura de memorare descrisa in carte: se pune contactul in pozitia on si se apasa si mentine apasat butonul valet dupa care se apasa orice buton de pe telecomanda. La faza asta cele doua pagere nu au niciun efect, pagerul original da! Astept ceva sugestii de la colegi care au cunostinte despre acest model. Link spre comentariu
niculae Postat Decembrie 20, 2017 Partajează Postat Decembrie 20, 2017 Dar modelul de alarma Thunder CA206 ? Am cumparat si schimbat acest model pe masina, insa am o nedumerire: La D-voastra cei care aveti sau cunoasteti acest model, cand dati comenzi ( gen aramat/dezarmat ) din pager spre masina , in afara de sunetul pe care-l emite pagerul, ecranul lumineaza la actionarea butoanelor respective? Link spre comentariu
Vizitator Ciopy23 Postat Martie 27, 2018 Partajează Postat Martie 27, 2018 La 15.12.2017 la 21:56, niculae a spus: Salutare, Are cineva dintre colegi montata sau cunostinte despre alarma Thunder CA202 ? Am ramas cu un singur pager, negasind de cumpaat am cumparat si incercat de la modelele CA201, CA203 au aceeasi frecventa de lucru 430Mhz, de la cine am cumparat au spus ca merg pe CA202 insa nu a fost asa. Am incercat procedura de memorare descrisa in carte: se pune contactul in pozitia on si se apasa si mentine apasat butonul valet dupa care se apasa orice buton de pe telecomanda. La faza asta cele doua pagere nu au niciun efect, pagerul original da! Astept ceva sugestii de la colegi care au cunostinte despre acest model. De unde ai luat pager pt ca201? Link spre comentariu
niculae Postat Martie 28, 2018 Partajează Postat Martie 28, 2018 Acum 23 ore, Ciopy23 a spus: De unde ai luat pager pt ca201? L-am luat de la cineva care a vandut masina insa nu am putut sa-l imperechez cu alarma mea si am cumparat alt model de alarma. Link spre comentariu
Vizitator Ciopy23 Postat Martie 29, 2018 Partajează Postat Martie 29, 2018 Acum 23 ore, niculae a spus: L-am luat de la cineva care a vandut masina insa nu am putut sa-l imperechez cu alarma mea si am cumparat alt model de alarma. Din intamplare o mai ai pe aia veche, ? Sunt interesat Link spre comentariu
niculae Postat Aprilie 4, 2018 Partajează Postat Aprilie 4, 2018 Salut, Da am doua modele inca! ca si carcasa model sunt la fel dar cum am mai spus, nu am reusit sa le imperechez, sau poate nu am facut ceva bine. Cauta pe olx dupa : Vand Pagere Alarma auto Thunder Link spre comentariu
costy Postat Mai 8, 2018 Partajează Postat Mai 8, 2018 salutare, nu prea m-am jucat cu alarmele auto si am un proiect ceva mai... dubios Practic vreau sa folosesc o alarma auto pt a proteja o magazie. Mai detaliat: neaparat voi folosi un senzor PIR pe care ma gandeam sa-l leg pe intrarile de la switchuriile usilor, daca nu ma insel parca nu toate alarmele mai noi mai au aceasta intrare In rest, alarma va inchide deschide magazia cu un actuator, nimic deosebit. Imi puteti recomanda o alarma care sa aiba si intrarea asta .. de perimetru parca ii zice? Link spre comentariu
mcmagic Postat Septembrie 22, 2020 Partajează Postat Septembrie 22, 2020 Salutare forumisti! ma puteti ajuta cu manualul acestei alarme? Nu stiu nimic despre ea dar vad ca este functionala si as vrea sa o folosesc. Link spre comentariu
mcmagic Postat Octombrie 3, 2020 Partajează Postat Octombrie 3, 2020 (editat) Problem solved! Se pare ca e Joy 968 A ANTI HIJACK-- PRESS FOR 3 SEC. WHEN IGNITION ON TO ACTIVATE ANTI HIJACK FUNCTION OPERATING YOUR VEHICLE SECURITY SYSTEM REMOTE CONTROL KEY Two remote control keys are supplied with the system that enable you to arm and disarm your security system. One remote control should be kept with your car keys and the other with your spare car keys in a safe place. We do not recommend leaving the spare remote and spare car keys in the vehicle. ROLLING CODE The security code of your alarm system changes each time you press the remote button. This coding system is completely random therefore eliminating the possibility of recording it (code grabbing). As there are billions of code combinations the chances of duplication are literally billions to one. Additional remote controls may be added as the alarm module can memorize up to four remote controls (see on code learning). ARMING THE SYSTEM Before arming the system, turn off and remove the keys from the ignition. Close all windows and doors. Check that the bonnet and boot are also closed. The system is armed by depressing button one, the smaller oval button, on the remote control momentarily (approx. 1.5 seconds). It is important to press the button for the recommended time as a shorter duration may not activate the system. Verify that the small red LED on the remote illuminates. You will notice the indicators flash once and the siren chirps once to indicate that the system is armed. The dash board warning light, LED, will slow flash to indicate the system is armed. If your vehicle has central locking, and it has been connected to this security system, the doors will lock at the same time as arming (see on central locking). DISARMING THE SYSTEM - 2 stage Press button one, the smaller oval button, on the remote control to disarm the system. The siren will chirp twice and the indicators will flash twice. The doors will unlock if wired to the vehicles central locking system. If the alarm is sounding, the first press cancels the siren, and a second press disarms the system. AUTOMATIC (LAST DOOR) ARMING - PROGRAMMABLE This feature is factory set in the ‘Off’ position. You may choose, at the time of installation, to have this feature programmed ‘On’ for added security. Upon closing the last door, the system fast flashes the LED for 20 seconds, after which, it chirps the siren once and gives one flash of the indicators to indicate the system has been automatically armed. Opening a door during the 20 -3- seconds will suspend the countdown and recommence on door closure. PASSIVE LOCKING - PROGRAMMABLE If the Automatic (Last Door) arming is utilized, you can choose when system automatic arming with lock or without lock. PANIC In the event of personal attack or you suspect that your vehicle is being tampered with, the alarm can be ‘panicked’ by pressing button one for more than 3 seconds. The siren will sound and the indicators will flash. Press again to cancel ‘panic’ mode. Panic mode does not operate with the ignition on. DOORS, BONNET AND BOOT PROTECTION The siren will sound for 30 seconds should any of these be opened and then closed when the system is armed. The system does require your vehicle to be fitted with courtesy light door switches for these to trigger the alarm. If these are not fitted to your vehicle, or they are not functioning, the alarm will not operate correctly. Fitting door switches will incur extra costs. Periodic testing of the door switches is recommended. Bonnet and boot switches are supplied with this alarm system. ARMING & INSTANTANEOUS TRIGGER The system is fully armed within 10 seconds of pressing the remote button. It will immediately active when triggered. AUTOMATIC RE-SET The siren will sound from 5 to 30 seconds depending on the circuit triggered, after which, it will stop and reset to the armed position. It will then re-trigger on the next intrusion. INTRUSION ALERT (TAMPER MEMORY) When disarming, if the siren chirps four times you know the system has been triggered whilst you were away from the vehicle. You can determine which circuit has been triggered by reading the LED flash codes. ELECTRONIC SIREN This is mounted under the bonnet. It should be situated in a place to protect it from heat and water damage. Driving through deep water or puddles may cause water splashes. Please check that the siren has been mounted in such a position so as to avoid damaging it. If washing the engine bay, cover the siren with a plastic bag to prevent damage. Heat or water damage is not covered by the warranty. ARM CONDITION MEMORY Should the vehicle battery be disconnected, the system memorizes the last set position of the alarm. If the alarm was disarmed prior to battery disconnection, reconnection does not cause the alarm to sound. However, if the battery was disconnected whilst the system was armed, reconnection will cause the system to trigger; the siren sounds, the indicators flash and the engine disable circuit cuts in. To cancel, press button one on the remote. (If the system has the optional battery back-up siren, vehicle battery disconnection will cause the battery back-up siren to sound - this is turned off at the siren with the special key provided) INDICATOR / PARKING LIGHT FLASHING (Fuse Protected) When the siren sounds due to triggering, the indicators or parking light flash simultaneously. The indicators will also flash on arming and disarming the system. INDICATOR CONFIRMATION / CODES This is a visual indication of system status. A) 1 Flash - Armed B) 2 Flash - Disarmed C) Continuous Flashing - Alarm is active CHIRP CONFIRMATION / CODES This is an audible indication of system status. A) 1 Chirp - Armed B) 2 Chirps - Disarmed C) 3 Chirps - Bonnet, boot or a door open when arming D) 4 Chirps - Disarm and indicates the alarm has been triggered E) 3 Wolf sounds + 1 chirp - Vehicle lights left on when arming the system DASH MOUNTED WARNING LIGHT - LIGHT EMITTING DIODE (LED) Located on or near the dashboard area, the LED is a small red flashing light that indicates the vehicle is fitted with a security system. The LED also tells the status of the alarm; A) Slow flashing - system armed B) Fast flashing - 20 second auto arming countdown / 20 second auto engine disable countdown C) LED off - system off D) On permanently - system in valet mode (see for valet details) E) 1 flash, 1 pause - Door, bonnet or boot triggered F) 2 flash, 1 pause - Shock sensor triggered G) 3 flash, 1 pause - Ignition triggered OVERRIDE SWITCH At the time of installation, the installer fitted a hidden push button switch under the dashboard. ENSURE YOU KNOW THE LOCATION OF THIS SWITCH. If the alarm fails to respond to the remote control, or you have misplaced it, you can override the alarm as follows; 1) Open the door with the ignition key - the siren will sound and the indicators will flash 2) Within 10 seconds turn on the ignition. 3) Press the override push button switch once - this will cancel the alarm sounding 4) The vehicle can now be started The override switch has no function unless the ignition is turned on. This prevents the system being turned off unintentionally or by would be thieves. If the system continues to fail to respond to the remote, you will need to use this procedure until you have the fault remedied. VALET MODE - L.E.D. PERMANENTLY ON Valet mode turns off the alarm system but still allows remote operation of the central locking if connected. Valet mode should only be used when you intentionally want to disable the alarm system such as when the vehicle is in for a service or you wish to turn the system off. To activate, turn on the ignition and press the override button 3 times. The LED will now stay PERMANENTLY LIT INDICATING VALET MODE. To return the system to its normal state, repeat the above procedure. CODE LEARNING The main alarm module has a learning capacity to memorize the remote controls programmed into it. The two remotes supplied are pre-learnt and have different codes to each other. The module can memorize up to four. If you wish to add further remotes, or a remote has to be replaced, the new remote needs to be learnt into the main module. If for instance you have lost a remote, and are fearful that someone may try to use it, the lost remote can be deleted from memory. To memorize a new or additional remote: Turn on the ignition. Press the override switch for 5 seconds until the siren chirps 5 times. Indicators will light to indicated learning mode. Press any button on the existing remote. Siren chirps twice indicating it is waiting for the next remote to be learnt. Press any button on the second remote. This procedure can be repeated for up to 4 remotes. Leave the system for 10 seconds and the learning mode is completed. When learning new remotes, the original remotes must be re-learnt or they will be erased from memory. To delete a remote from memory: Enter learning mode as detailed above. Memorize existing remote once. The lost remote is now deleted. When a replacement is obtained, learn both the existing and new remotes into memory as detailed above. 2 STAGE SHOCK SENSOR The shock sensor is designed to detect major vehicle movement (sharp shock) such as impact, vehicle towing or glass breakage. It may also be triggered by shock waves produced from loud exhausts, thunder and heavy vehicle traffic. It should not be triggered by normal wind or rocking motions. If the shock sensor receives a light shock, the siren will sound 5 short chirps and flash the indicators twice. If the shock sensor receives a heavier shock the siren sounds and lights flash for 20 seconds. The sensitivity level of both of these are set by the installer and should be at their optimum. Over sensitivity can cause false alarms. Avoid over sensitivity as people nearby may not respond due to your alarm triggering too often through false alarms. A shock sensor may not detect tampering with the vehicles wheels - we recommend the use of locking wheel nuts. SILENT ARMING You may be leaving home early and do not wish to disturb other people, so the chirps you hear when arming and disarming can defeated by the remote control. Just press button two before button one to silently arm. The system will automatically disarm silently. The indicators will still flash as confirmation of the armed state. (If you wish to silently disarm, you must first arm the system silently) SECURITY RE-ARM (&RE-LOCK) The alarm will automatically re-arm if it has been disarmed by remote but the doors have not been opened within 20 seconds. If the central locking has been connected, the doors also re-lock. This is a fixed security feature and cannot be disabled. It is not controlled by the automatic arming feature. This feature will not operate if the optional dome light supervision has not been installed according to our instructions CAR FINDER - armed mode only Press button two on the remote. Siren chirps once and indicators flash six times to show car position. IGNITION SAFETY DOOR LOCK - PROGRAMMABLE If the system has been connected to a vehicle with central locking, the doors will lock 20 seconds after ignition ‘On’, but immediately unlock when the ignition is turned ‘Off’. If a door is left open during engine starting this feature will be inoperative. Besides, you can lock/unlock the door by press button 1 when driving (Ignition On). CENTRAL LOCKING This security system has built-in relays to operate a vehicles existing central locking system by remote control. The system is programmable to operate standard electric or vacuum systems. Certain vehicles require additional parts to enable the correct use of this feature. These parts are not included in this system. Kits are available to convert vehicles with manual door locks to electric operation. Ch 2 AUXILIARY OUTPUT The system provides an auxiliary output and can be connected to control accessories such as an electric boot release or any other desired circuit. Press both buttons when system armed or ignition off for more than 3 seconds. DOME LIGHT SUPERVISION - EXTRA COST OPTION When the alarm system is disarmed by the remote control, the interior light will come on for 30 seconds to illuminate the interior for security and convenience. If the ignition is turned on during this time, the interior light will be turned off. The fitting of this option may make the security re-arm feature inoperative if the installation is not carried out according to our instructions. DEFECTIVE ZONE BYPASS If a door, the bonnet or boot is opened whilst armed and left open, the siren will sound for 2.5 minutes. After this time, this circuit will be bypassed. The shock sensor and engine immobiliser will still be active. SENSOR DISABLE BY REMOTE You can ‘turn off’ the shock sensor to avoid false triggering which may be caused by pets or heavy traffic simply by pressing button one followed by button two. REMOTE ANTI-HIJACK The feature is used to immobilize the vehicle in an emergency by pressing & holding both button 1&2 for 3 sec. while vehicle power is on. After 20sec. of the first flash indicating main system into anti-highjack mode, the parking & dome light flash and siren sound indefinitely for 10sec. To warn the intrusion seriously, the dome light will flash much quicker and the siren sounding, parking light flashing continuously for another 10sec. Then, the engine will stop automatically. Anti-hijacking is cancelled by pressing the button 2. VEHICLE LIGHT ON WARNING OR SPECIAL HIJACK FUNCTION This two function is only one available before microprocessor programming. The special Hi-Jack function needs extra wiring. Please check with your installer. SPECIAL HIJACK FUNCTION: If unable to succeed remote Anti-Hijack when power on, it is available a switch installed (or a positive signal from defroster) obviously to press. The system stand by activating into special high jack mode at the same time of any door "open & closed" completely. (Optional : system is connected according installation manual by technician.) The special highjack can't be deactivated by remote or ignition off by key unless pressing override switch, when ignition off. Warning : Be careful "No touch" the special hijack switch unexpectedly to prevent the system will stand by special hijack activating immediately. VEHICLE PARK / HEADLIGHT WARNING When arming, if you have forgotten to turn off the vehicles lights when parking, the siren will give three ‘wolf chirps’ before the normal chirp the system to remind you to turn the lights off. During the winter months, it is quite easy to leave the lights on accidentally causing the vehicle battery to go flat. If the vehicle battery does go flat, your remote control will appear not to work as the alarm will not function without vehicle battery power. VEHICLE BATTERY IT IS IMPORTANT TO MAINTAIN THE VEHICLE BATTERY TO ENSURE RELIABLE OPERATION OF THE VEHICLE AND THIS SECURITY SYSTEM. IF YOU TRAVEL ONLY SHORT DISTANCES, THE BATTERY MAY NOT HAVE TIME TO FULLY CHARGE ITSELF. OVER TIME THE BATTERY WILL GRADUALLY GO FLAT. EITHER TAKE YOUR VEHICLE FOR A LONG DRIVE OR RECHARGE FROM A SUITABLE BATTERY CHARGER. CHECK THE BATTERY WATER LEVEL AT LEAST EVERY TWO WEEKS. CHARGING A DRY BATTERY WILL CAUSE IRREPAIRABLE DAMAGE. TESTING YOUR ALARM We strongly recommend that you test your alarm frequently. It takes only a short time and is very important to maximize the protection of your vehicle. 1. Arm the system Just unlock the drivers door with the ignition key and open the door. The alarm should sound. Check all the other doors, bonnet and boot by the same procedure. 2. Shock Sensor Arm the system. Check the shock sensor by giving the vehicle varying degrees of impact on an area of the vehicle where you will not damage it. The degree of impact required to trigger the shock sensor should have been set at the time of installation. If it is adjusted too lightly you may incur false alarms - such as cats jumping on the vehicle. A too heavy adjustment may cause the shock sensor not to respond to impact. The adjustment is therefore critical and we suggest you see your installer for adjustment to your preference. PROGRAMMABLE OPTIONS When the system is being installed, there are a few of decisions to be made to enable or disable certain features. Discuss these with the installer:- YES NO 1. Do you want the system to be ....... ...… automatic arming ? 2. Do you want ignition safety ....... ...… door lock ? 3. Do you want the system to be …… …… locked when automatic arming SECURITY UPGRADES -12- BATTERY BACK-UP SIREN In place of the standard siren, a battery back-up version gives added protection against unlawful disconnection of the vehicles battery or power connection to the siren. Any attempt to do so will trigger the sirens own battery back-up. The only way to cancel this is with the special key supplied as it is designed to sound continuously. MICROWAVE INTERIOR SENSOR An invisible radar beam protects the interior of your vehicle. Any physical movement within the microwave beam triggers the alarm. The size of the microwave field is adjusted by the installer to suit the design of your vehicle. Too larger field may cause the system to false alarm. Too smaller field may not detect some intrusions. It is therefore important to test the alarm on a regular basis and have any adjustments made. Suitable for enclosed or convertible vehicles. ULTRASONIC INTERIOR SENSOR High frequency sound protects the interior of your vehicle and any changes to the environment will trigger the alarm. Only suitable for enclosed vehicles. Jumper Programmable function Open Close Default J8-1 Central door lock output 3.5 seconds 0.5 seconds 0.5 seconds J8-2 Auto re-arming OFF ON ON J8-3 Automatic (last door) arming ON OFF OFF J8-4 Passive locking OFF ON ON Editat Octombrie 3, 2020 de mcmagic aranjare in pagina Link spre comentariu
anawilliam850 Postat Ianuarie 3, 2023 Partajează Postat Ianuarie 3, 2023 thank you for the link, they are very helpful Link spre comentariu
FlorinDiablo Postat Februarie 12, 2024 Partajează Postat Februarie 12, 2024 Un manual complet pt Maat 675 vreau sa dezactivez functia de deblocare a usilor si nu reusesc de nici o culoare,am studiat ceva pe google dar nu reusesc sa dezactivez autoblocare a usilor,intrucat in documentul gasit de mine spune de ea dar nu si modul de activare dezactivare. Link spre comentariu
FlorinDiablo Postat Februarie 12, 2024 Partajează Postat Februarie 12, 2024 1 oră în urmă, FlorinDiablo a spus: Un manual complet pt Maat 675 vreau sa dezactivez functia de deblocare a usilor si nu reusesc de nici o culoare,am studiat ceva pe google dar nu reusesc sa dezactivez autoblocare a usilor,intrucat in documentul gasit de mine spune de ea dar nu si modul de activare dezactivare. Am rezolvat problema trebuia pus contactul de 8 ori repede si se dezactiveaza Link spre comentariu
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