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ajutor conversie cod sursa in hex

Vizitator Depanatorul1979

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Vizitator Depanatorul1979

am nevoie de ajutorul celor mai avansati , am incercat de unu singur dar nu am reusit .Am nevoie de ajutor la acest proect ... -bera.html

am nevoie de a converti fisierul sursa in hex pt pic16f876a



/* * Digital Capacitor ESR Tester V3.1 * Copyright (c) 2009, Regulus Berdin * All rights reserved.  *  * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation * files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without * restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, * copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following * conditions: *  * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. *  * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT.  IN NO EVENT SHALL REGULUS BERDIN BE LIABLE FOR * ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF * CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE.*/  #include <16F876.h>#device adc=10#FUSES NOWDT, HS, NOPUT, NOPROTECT, NOBROWNOUT, NOLVP, NOCPD, NOWRT, NODEBUG#use delay(clock=20M)#use fast_io(a)#use fast_io(b)#use fast_io(c)#define CHARGE_MASK     (1<<0)#define DEBUG_MASK      (1<<1)#define COM1_MASK       (1<<2)#define COM2_MASK       (1<<3)#define COM1_PIN        PIN_B2#define COM2_PIN        PIN_B3#define BUZZERP_PIN     PIN_A1#define BUZZERN_PIN     PIN_A2#define PASS_PIN        PIN_A5#define FAIL_PIN        PIN_A3float rx, fvs, fvo, fvg, fd, r1 = 3.3, r2 = 0.0;const char led_map[16] = {    /*     aaaa    f   b    f   b     ggg       e   c    e   c     ddd           */    //.gfedcba    0b00111111,             //0    0b00000110,             //1    0b01011011,             //2    0b01001111,             //3    0b01100110,             //4    0b01101101,             //5    0b01111101,             //6    0b00000111,             //7    0b01111111,             //8    0b01101111,             //9    0b01111111,             //10    0b01111111,             //11    0b01111111,             //12    0b01111111,             //13    0b01111111,             //14    0b01111111              //15};unsigned int8 digit[2], dptr=0, dseg=1, scan_skip=0, beep=0, buz_pol=0;#int_timer0void tmr0_isr(void){    set_timer0(255 - 155);  //4khz    ++scan_skip;    if (scan_skip>=4)    {        output_low(COM1_PIN);        output_low(COM2_PIN);                if (dptr==0)        {            output_c(~(dseg & digit[0]));            output_high(COM1_PIN);        }        else        {            output_c(~(dseg & digit[1]));            output_high(COM2_PIN);        }                dseg <<=1;        if (dseg==0)        {            dseg = 1;            dptr ^= 1;        }        scan_skip = 0;    }        if (beep)    {        buz_pol ^= 1;        if (buz_pol)        {            output_high(BUZZERP_PIN);            output_low(BUZZERN_PIN);        }        else        {            output_low(BUZZERP_PIN);            output_high(BUZZERN_PIN);        }    }}void show_status(void){    if (rx < 1.05)    {        output_high(PASS_PIN);        beep = 1;    }    else if (rx < 5.05)    {        output_high(PASS_PIN);        beep = 0;    }    else if (rx < 15.05)    {        output_high(PASS_PIN);        delay_cycles(2);        output_high(FAIL_PIN);        beep = 0;    }    else    {        output_high(FAIL_PIN);        beep = 0;    }}void main(void){    unsigned int16 vs, vo, vg;    unsigned int8 i, c1, c2;        port_b_pullups(0);    set_tris_b(0x00);        set_tris_c(0x00);    output_c(0xFF);        set_tris_a(0x01);    output_a(0);    setup_adc_ports(AN0);    setup_adc(ADC_CLOCK_DIV_32);    set_adc_channel(0);        set_tris_b(0);        setup_timer_0(RTCC_INTERNAL|RTCC_DIV_4);    set_timer0(255 - 155);  //8khz    enable_interrupts(INT_TIMER0);    enable_interrupts(GLOBAL);    i=0;    for(;;)    {        output_b(0);        delay_ms(20);        vg = read_adc();        output_b(CHARGE_MASK);        delay_ms(20);        vs = read_adc();        delay_us(25);                //critical part        disable_interrupts(GLOBAL);        output_b(DEBUG_MASK);        //delay_us(1);        vo = read_adc();        enable_interrupts(GLOBAL);        output_b(0);        fvo = vo;        fvs = vs;        fvg = vg;                fd = (fvg - fvo) + 0.00001;        if (fd<=0.00001)            fd = 0.00001;                rx = ((r1 * (fvg - fvs))/fd) - r1 - r2;                if (rx>=99.0)        {            digit[0] = led_map[9];            digit[1] = led_map[9];        }        else if (rx<0)        {            digit[0] = led_map[0] | (1<<7);            digit[1] = led_map[0];        }        else if (rx<10.0)        {            c1 = (rx + 0.05) * 10.0; //round            c2 = c1 % 10;            c1 -= c2;            c1 /= 10;            digit[0] = led_map[c1] | (1<<7);            digit[1] = led_map[c2];        }        else        {            c1 = rx + 0.5;  //round            c2 = c1 % 10;            c1 -= c2;            c1 /= 10;            digit[0] = led_map[c1];            digit[1] = led_map[c2];        }        show_status();    }}
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