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Dif Semtoni


Postări Recomandate cumparat de curand niste dif Semtoni XS-L830 de 8" si nush ces cu ele...chinezarii ele scrie "subwoofer free air max power 400W" ...vrajeala..da au magnetul cam mare adik are 13 cm diametru iar membrana de cauciuc e groasa si le folosesc pe o statie jvc de 70 w rms si nu au nik...dar numi place cum suna in incinte.....stie cineva date de ele(Qts.Qms....) ca sa le fac si eu niste incinte eu nu am gasit nimik de ele pe gasit doar k au aceeasi serie (XS-L830) ca niste dif de la Sony Xpload..... si deci sunt site la semtoni nu exista asa ceva ...doar seamana

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Nu suna bine in incinte, pt ca nu au nevoie de incinta, numai un perete despartitor intre fata si spate (adica trebuie doar montate pe ceva, difuzoarele FREE AIR inseamna defapt ca au nevoie de o incinta infinit de mare, deci nu trebuie sa calculezi cu ajutorul parametrilor)

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?The moral of this

story is that for a speaker to have bass, it must be in a box, or

in some kind of baffle that is large enough to delay the back-

wave so as not to be out of phase with the front wave. "Boxless"

woofers do not exist. The term Free-air & Boxless was meant to

mean you can mount woofers in a baffle board located against the

back seat inside your trunk rather than in a box placed in your

trunk. If done correctly, your trunk becomes the box and traps

the back waves of the woofers, while the front waves come through

your back seat.


The difference between a "Free-Air" woofer and any other

kind is a rather gray area. In general a Free-air woofer will be

lower compliance than usual which means it is stiffer. Since it

will not have a tightly sealed box to push against, the

suspension system which controls how the cone moves in and out,

must be tighter. If it were not, the speaker would do something

not unlike a fish out of water every time you turned it up loud.


7 out of 10 "Free-Air" installations that I have seen are

done incorrectly. These installs use a board with two holes in

it and screw it to the back seat from the trunk. All around the

board are gapping holes from which cancellation can occur. These

installs perform about like Fred's holes when they're 1/2 full of



Free Air - subwoofers are either mounted under the rear deck or behind the rear seat of a car. This configuration will not work very well for hatchbacks. Holes have to be cut where the woofers are to be mounted. Since the woofers use the whole trunk as a box, the trunk has to be as sealed as possible from the cabin. Trunk can be isolated usually by putting particle board under the deck and behind the seat.

The drawback of free air subwoofers is that bass will not be very accurate (especially at lower frequencies), and more amplifier power will be required than with a regular box, but then again, you still have a full trunk.

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Imi poate spune cineva daca la aceste woofere le pot pune de care .... eu momentan le folosesc in incinta bassreflex dar sunt cam mici incintele....

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  • 2 luni mai târziu...
Vizitator anonim292000

heheee ce si eu un asemenea dif am dat pe el 600 de mii anul trecut.....l-am pus intr-un tub bass reflex(ca de').Defapt tubul a fost cumparat co tot cu dif debesi sau cum ii zice :rolleyes: dar l-am parlit pe ala si l-am inlocuit cu asta.Prima oara se auze urat din cauza portului de bass reflex(nu putea evacua aerul si se auzea un fasait) si l-am schimbat cu unu mai mare dupa cum am calculat eu la momentu ala.In concluzie daca vrei iti pot da eu dim portului, lungimea tubului.Vreau sa zic ca sunt uimit de cum se aude dif asta, rupe in doua, l-am pus pe dacia varului meu si vibra toata nu puteai sta in ea.Pt un dif de 8" se aude excelet,dar nu da mai mult de 70-80 w rms in el ca-l parlesti....

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