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Ceas-Data-Termometru cu Attiny2313 & LCD & DS1307 & DS18S20


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Incearca sa setezi fuse bits la 14CK+4.1ms (pentru "fast rising power) si verifica modul de functionare.

Am setat si ... NU mai apare nimic, decat primul rand vag patratelele. :sparge:

Deci este problema de initializare a LCD-ului. :da

Poate cineva care se pricepe la ASM poate face modificare in soft ca sa-l pot face functional.



Modelul de LCD este: GDM1602K, datasheetul atasat:


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Poate ajuta procedura utilizata de mine in initializarea displayului ...

Nu-mi apartine !!! Dar m-a scapat de problemele cu ORICE model de display !

;---- Manual LCD Initialization -------------------------------------LCD_INIT:    @ MOVE?CT  0, LCD_RSREG,LCD_RSBIT     ; Start with RS LOW    @ MOVE?CT  0, LCD_RSREG+80h,LCD_RSBIT ; RS is OUTPUT        @ MOVE?CT  0, LCD_EREG,LCD_EBIT       ; Start with Enable LOW    @ MOVE?CT  0, LCD_EREG+80h,LCD_EBIT   ; Enable is OUTPUT    @ MOVE?CT  0, LCD_DREG+80h,LCD_DBIT   ; Data Bus is OUTPUT    @ MOVE?CT  0, LCD_DREG+80h,LCD_DBIT +1    @ MOVE?CT  0, LCD_DREG+80h,LCD_DBIT +2    @ MOVE?CT  0, LCD_DREG+80h,LCD_DBIT +3        PAUSE 1000    BUSdata = 3    GOSUB Send4Bit : pause 8              ; FunctionSet 4 times    GOSUB Send4Bit : pauseUS 200    GOSUB Send4Bit : pauseUS 200    GOSUB Send4Bit : pauseUS 200    BUSdata = 2  :  GOSUB Send4Bit        ; 4-bit mode    BUSdata = 2  :  GOSUB Send4Bit        ; 2-line, 5x7    BUSdata = 8  :  GOSUB Send4Bit                BUSdata = 0  :  GOSUB Send4Bit        ; Display OFF    BUSdata = 8  :  GOSUB Send4Bit        BUSdata = 0  :  GOSUB Send4Bit        ; Display Clear    BUSdata = 1  :  GOSUB Send4Bit    PAUSE 3    BUSdata = 0  :  GOSUB Send4Bit        ; Entry Mode Set    BUSdata = 6  :  GOSUB Send4Bit    PAUSE 3        BUSdata = 0  :  GOSUB Send4Bit        ; Display ON    BUSdata = $C :  GOSUB Send4Bit        @  MOVE?CT 1, LCDINITFLAG   		; Tell PBP LCD is already InitializedreturnSend4Bit:    @ MOVE?CT  1, LCD_EREG,LCD_EBIT       ; Enable LCD@   MOVE?BB  LCD_DREG, _TempB             ; Put Data on the Bus R-M-W@   if LCD_DBIT == 0                      ; Bus starts at 0        TEMPB = (TEMPB & $F0) | BUSdata@   else                                  ; Bus starts at 4        TEMPB = (TEMPB & $0F) | (BUSdata << 4)@   endif@   MOVE?BB  _TempB, LCD_DREG          PAUSEUS 25                            ; Keep enabled extra long    @ MOVE?CT  0, LCD_EREG,LCD_EBIT       ; Disable LCD    Pauseus 50return;---------- END LCD_INIT --------------------------------------------
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Chiar nimeni nu se pricepe la ASM pentru AVR-uri, ca sa pot face ceasul functional?Modificarile soft le pot testa LIVE, direct pe montajul realizat fizic, nu simulari in diverse programe. :da Sau ma decid sa-l "dezmembrez"? :sparge:

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Poate te ajuta cineva, pe baza acestui cod :

;*******************************************************************************;	File:	m8_LCD_4bit.asm;      Title:	ATmega8 driver for LCD in 4-bit mode (HD44780);  Assembler:	AVR assembler/AVR Studio;    Version:	1.0;    Created:	April 5th, 2004;     Target:	ATmega8; Christoph Redecker,;*******************************************************************************; Some notes on the hardware:;ATmega8 (clock frequency doesn't matter, tested with 1 MHz to 8 MHz); PortD.1 -> LCD RS (register select); PortD.2 -> LCD RW (read/write); PortD.3 -> LCd E (Enable); PortD.4 ... PortD.7 -> LCD data.4 ... data.7; the other LCd data lines can be left open or tied to ground..include "c:\program files\atmel\avr studio\appnotes\".equ	LCD_RS	= 1.equ	LCD_RW	= 2.equ	LCD_E	= 3.def	temp	= r16.def	argument= r17		;argument for calling subroutines.def	return	= r18		;return value from 0rjmp resetreset:	ldi	temp, low(RAMEND)	out	SPL, temp	ldi	temp, high(RAMEND)	out	SPH, temp;LCD after power-up: ("*" means black bar);|****************|;|		  |	rcall	LCD_init	;LCD now:;|&		  | (&: cursor, blinking);|		  |		rcall	LCD_wait	ldi	argument, 'A'	;write 'A' to the LCD char data RAM	rcall	LCD_putchar	;|A&		  |;|		  |		rcall	LCD_wait	ldi	argument, 0x80	;now let the cursor go to line 0, col 0 (address 0)	rcall	LCD_command	;for setting a cursor address, bit 7 of the commands has to be set	;|A		  | (cursor and A are at the same position!);|		  |		rcall	LCD_wait	rcall	LCD_getchar	;now read from address 0	;|A&		  | (cursor is also incremented after read operations!!!);|		  |		push	return		;save the return value (the character we just read!)		rcall	LCD_delay	pop	argument	;restore the character	rcall	LCD_putchar	;and print it again;|AA&		  | (A has been read from position 0 and has then been written to the next pos.);|		  |		loop:	rjmp loop	lcd_command8:	;used for init (we need some 8-bit commands to switch to 4-bit mode!)	in	temp, DDRD		;we need to set the high nibble of DDRD while leaving					;the other bits untouched. Using temp for that.	sbr	temp, 0b11110000	;set high nibble in temp	out	DDRD, temp		;write value to DDRD again	in	temp, PortD		;then get the port value	cbr	temp, 0b11110000	;and clear the data bits	cbr	argument, 0b00001111	;then clear the low nibble of the argument					;so that no control line bits are overwritten	or	temp, argument		;then set the data bits (from the argument) in the					;Port value	out	PortD, temp		;and write the port value.	sbi	PortD, LCD_E		;now strobe E	nop	nop	nop	cbi	PortD, LCD_E	in	temp, DDRD		;get DDRD to make the data lines input again	cbr	temp, 0b11110000	;clear data line direction bits	out	DDRD, temp		;and write to DDRDretlcd_putchar:	push	argument		;save the argmuent (it's destroyed in between)	in	temp, DDRD		;get data direction bits	sbr	temp, 0b11110000	;set the data lines to output	out	DDRD, temp		;write value to DDRD	in	temp, PortD		;then get the data from PortD	cbr	temp, 0b11111110	;clear ALL LCD lines (data and control!)	cbr	argument, 0b00001111	;we have to write the high nibble of our argument first					;so mask off the low nibble	or	temp, argument		;now set the argument bits in the Port value	out	PortD, temp		;and write the port value	sbi	PortD, LCD_RS		;now take RS high for LCD char data register access	sbi	PortD, LCD_E		;strobe Enable	nop	nop	nop	cbi	PortD, LCD_E	pop	argument		;restore the argument, we need the low nibble now...	cbr	temp, 0b11110000	;clear the data bits of our port value	swap	argument		;we want to write the LOW nibble of the argument to					;the LCD data lines, which are the HIGH port nibble!	cbr	argument, 0b00001111	;clear unused bits in argument	or	temp, argument		;and set the required argument bits in the port value	out	PortD, temp		;write data to port	sbi	PortD, LCD_RS		;again, set RS	sbi	PortD, LCD_E		;strobe Enable	nop	nop	nop	cbi	PortD, LCD_E	cbi	PortD, LCD_RS	in	temp, DDRD	cbr	temp, 0b11110000	;data lines are input again	out	DDRD, tempretlcd_command:	;same as LCD_putchar, but with RS low!	push	argument	in	temp, DDRD	sbr	temp, 0b11110000	out	DDRD, temp	in	temp, PortD	cbr	temp, 0b11111110	cbr	argument, 0b00001111	or	temp, argument	out	PortD, temp	sbi	PortD, LCD_E	nop	nop	nop	cbi	PortD, LCD_E	pop	argument	cbr	temp, 0b11110000	swap	argument	cbr	argument, 0b00001111	or	temp, argument	out	PortD, temp	sbi	PortD, LCD_E	nop	nop	nop	cbi	PortD, LCD_E	in	temp, DDRD	cbr	temp, 0b11110000	out	DDRD, tempretLCD_getchar:	in	temp, DDRD		;make sure the data lines are inputs	andi	temp, 0b00001111	;so clear their DDR bits	out	DDRD, temp	sbi	PortD, LCD_RS		;we want to access the char data register, so RS high	sbi	PortD, LCD_RW		;we also want to read from the LCD -> RW high	sbi	PortD, LCD_E		;while E is high	nop	in	temp, PinD		;we need to fetch the HIGH nibble	andi	temp, 0b11110000	;mask off the control line data	mov	return, temp		;and copy the HIGH nibble to return	cbi	PortD, LCD_E		;now take E low again	nop				;wait a bit before strobing E again	nop		sbi	PortD, LCD_E		;same as above, now we're reading the low nibble	nop	in	temp, PinD		;get the data	andi	temp, 0b11110000	;and again mask off the control line bits	swap	temp			;temp HIGH nibble contains data LOW nibble! so swap	or	return, temp		;and combine with previously read high nibble	cbi	PortD, LCD_E		;take all control lines low again	cbi	PortD, LCD_RS	cbi	PortD, LCD_RWret					;the character read from the LCD is now in returnLCD_getaddr:	;works just like LCD_getchar, but with RS low, return.7 is the busy flag	in	temp, DDRD	andi	temp, 0b00001111	out	DDRD, temp	cbi	PortD, LCD_RS	sbi	PortD, LCD_RW	sbi	PortD, LCD_E	nop	in	temp, PinD	andi	temp, 0b11110000	mov	return, temp	cbi	PortD, LCD_E	nop	nop	sbi	PortD, LCD_E	nop	in	temp, PinD	andi	temp, 0b11110000	swap	temp	or	return, temp	cbi	PortD, LCD_E	cbi	PortD, LCD_RWretLCD_wait:				;read address and busy flag until busy flag cleared	rcall	LCD_getaddr	andi	return, 0x80	brne	LCD_wait	retLCD_delay:	clr	r2	LCD_delay_outer:	clr	r3		LCD_delay_inner:		dec	r3		brne	LCD_delay_inner	dec	r2	brne	LCD_delay_outerretLCD_init:		ldi	temp, 0b00001110	;control lines are output, rest is input	out	DDRD, temp		rcall	LCD_delay		;first, we'll tell the LCD that we want to use it	ldi	argument, 0x20		;in 4-bit mode.	rcall	LCD_command8		;LCD is still in 8-BIT MODE while writing this command!!!	rcall	LCD_wait	ldi	argument, 0x28		;NOW: 2 lines, 5*7 font, 4-BIT MODE!	rcall	LCD_command		;		rcall	LCD_wait	ldi	argument, 0x0F		;now proceed as usual: Display on, cursor on, blinking	rcall	LCD_command		rcall	LCD_wait	ldi	argument, 0x01		;clear display, cursor -> home	rcall	LCD_command		rcall	LCD_wait	ldi	argument, 0x06		;auto-inc cursor	rcall	LCD_commandret
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