Vizitator dorianetegan Postat Iulie 1, 2012 Partajează Postat Iulie 1, 2012 Am incercat sa realizez din diferite informatii un program de afisare dar tot nu imi afiseaza + am mai pus un buzzer pe pinul RC5. Am programat PICul vand stau s verific cu buzzerul pinul RC5 nu merge cand din greseala ating pinul RC6(Tx) si reating tinul RC5 merge...numai ca afisarea nu merge care ar fi problema? /* * File: main.c * Author: Dorian * * Created on 01 iulie 2012, 12:22 */#include <htc.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>#include <stdlib.h>#pragma config OSC = HS#pragma config WDT = OFF#pragma config LVP = ON#define _XTAL_FREQ 16000000// LCD command definitions#define LCD_WAKE 0x03 // Wake up the display#define LCD_8BIT 0x38 // 8 bit / 2x16 caractere#define LCD_4BIT 0x02 // 4 bit / 2x16 caractere#define LCD_ENDISP 0x08 // Enable the display (no cursor)#define LCD_CLR 0x01 // Clear display and home cursor#define LCD_CURRIGHT 0x06 // Move cursor right on character write#define LCD_DISPON 0x0c // Turn on the display#define LCD_DISPOFF 0x00 // Turn off the display#define LCD_DDSET 0x80 // Set the DDRAM#define CMD_REG 0 // Command register selection#define DATA_REG 1 // Data register selection// Defines for LCD firmware#define LCD_EN RB1#define LCD_RS RB0#define LCD_DB4 RD4#define LCD_DB5 RD5#define LCD_DB6 RD6#define LCD_DB7 RD7unsigned char lcda;unsigned char lcdb;/* * Delay functions for HI-TECH C on the PIC18 * * Functions available: * DelayUs(x) Delay specified number of microseconds * DelayMs(x) Delay specified number of milliseconds * * Note that there are range limits: * - on small values of x (i.e. x<10), the delay becomes less * accurate. DelayUs is accurate with xtal frequencies in the * range of 4-16MHZ, where x must not exceed 255. * For xtal frequencies > 16MHz the valid range for DelayUs * is even smaller - hence affecting DelayMs. * To use DelayUs it is only necessary to include this file. * To use DelayMs you must include delay.c in your project. * * Set the crystal frequency in the CPP predefined symbols list * on the PICC-18 commmand line, e.g. * picc18 -DXTAL_FREQ=4MHZ * * or * picc18 -DXTAL_FREQ=100KHZ * * Note that this is the crystal frequency, the CPU clock is * divided by 4. * * MAKE SURE this code is compiled with full optimization!!!*/#define MHZ *1#ifndef XTAL_FREQ#define XTAL_FREQ 16MHZ /* Crystal frequency in MHz */#endif#if XTAL_FREQ < 8MHZ#define uS_CNT 238 /* 4x to make 1 mSec */#endif#if XTAL_FREQ == 8MHZ#define uS_CNT 244#endif#if XTAL_FREQ > 8MHZ#define uS_CNT 246#endif#define FREQ_MULT (XTAL_FREQ)/(4MHZ)#define DelayUs(x) { unsigned char _dcnt; \ if(x>=4) _dcnt=(x*(FREQ_MULT)/2); \ else _dcnt=1; \ while(--_dcnt > 0) \ {\ asm("nop");\ asm("nop");\ continue; }\ }extern void intarziere_ms(unsigned char cnt);void intarziere_ms(unsigned char cnt) { unsigned char i; while (cnt--) { i=4; while(i--) { DelayUs(uS_CNT); /* Adjust for error */ } ; } ;}// Protypes...// Write a byte to the LCD in 4 bit modevoid scrielcd(unsigned char adress, unsigned char c);// Clear and home the LCDvoid golestelcdul(void);// Write a string of characters to the LCDvoid punecar(const char * s);// Go to the specified positionvoid lcdgt(int x, int y);// Intialise the LCD - call before anything elsevoid lcdInit(void);// Output a single charactervoid lcdPutch(char c);// Set the display state (on or off)void lcdDisplayState(int state);// write a nybble to the portvoid lcdWriteNybble(unsigned char nybble){ // This routine is required because the LCD data bus // is not connected on a continuous sequence of port pins // so we have to break it up and write to the pins // individually. // Write the nybble to the LCD databus pins if (nybble & 0b00000001) LCD_DB4 = 1; else LCD_DB4 = 0; if (nybble & 0b00000010) LCD_DB5 = 1; else LCD_DB5 = 0; if (nybble & 0b00000100) LCD_DB6 = 1; else LCD_DB6 = 0; if (nybble & 0b00001000) LCD_DB7 = 1; else LCD_DB7 = 0;}// write a byte to the LCD in 4 bit modevoid scrielcd(unsigned char address, unsigned char c){ LCD_RS = address; intarziere_ms(10); // Write the 4 bits non-distructively to the port lcdWriteNybble((c >> 4) & 0x0F); // Toggle the clock bit LCD_EN = 1; intarziere_ms(10); LCD_EN = 0; intarziere_ms(10); // Write the 4 bits non-distructively to the port lcdWriteNybble(c & 0x0F); // Toggle the clock bit LCD_EN = 1; intarziere_ms(100); intarziere_ms(100);}// write one character to the LCDvoid lcdPutch(char c){ // This routine needs updating so it monitors the cursor posiiton LCD_RS = 1; // write characters scrielcd(DATA_REG, c);}void golestelcdul(void){ scrielcd(CMD_REG, LCD_CLR); // Reset our internal cursor position lcda = 0; lcdb = 0; // Delay for (int counter = 0; counter < 200; counter++) intarziere_ms(50);}// Initialise the LCDvoid lcdInit(void){ int counter; // Power up delay for (counter = 0; counter < 1500; counter++) intarziere_ms(50); LCD_EN = 0; // Set clock low LCD_RS = CMD_REG; // Set RS to command register // Set up the interface lcdWriteNybble(LCD_WAKE); LCD_EN = 1; LCD_EN = 0; for (counter = 0; counter < 500; counter++) intarziere_ms(50); LCD_EN = 1; LCD_EN = 0; intarziere_ms(100); LCD_EN = 1; LCD_EN = 0; intarziere_ms(100); // Set the interfact to 4 bits lcdWriteNybble(LCD_4BIT); intarziere_ms(50); LCD_EN = 1; intarziere_ms(50); LCD_EN = 0; // Don't know what this does... scrielcd(CMD_REG, 0x28); // Enable display / hide cursor scrielcd(CMD_REG, LCD_ENDISP); // Clear the display and home the cursor golestelcdul(); // Set the cursor movement direction to right scrielcd(CMD_REG, LCD_CURRIGHT); // Turn on display scrielcd(CMD_REG, LCD_DISPON); // Reset our internal cursor position lcda = 0; lcdb = 0;}void lcdDisplayState(int state){ if (state == 1) scrielcd(DATA_REG, LCD_DISPON); else scrielcd(DATA_REG, LCD_DISPOFF);}// Move the cursor to the specified X,Yvoid lcdgt(int x, int y){ int offset; // Select the correct line of the display switch (y) { case 0: offset = 0x00; break; case 1: offset = 0x40; break; case 2: offset = 0x14; break; case 3: offset = 0x54; break; } // Select the correct character of the line offset += x; // Send the command to the LCD scrielcd(DATA_REG, LCD_DDSET | offset); // Reset our internal cursor position lcda = x; lcdb = y;}// Output a string of characters to the displayvoid punecar(const char *s){ // Since the 2 line display is in the order line 1, line 2 // we need to read the current cursor position and control how the text is // output, adjusting the cursor position as we go int loop; for (loop = 0; loop < strlen(s); loop++) { // Write the character to the LCD scrielcd(DATA_REG, s[loop]); lcda++; // Have we reached the end of the line? if (lcda == 15) { // Move to the start of the next line lcda = 0; lcdb++; // If we are off the bottom of the screen // go back to the top line if (lcdb == 2) lcdb = 0; // Adjust the cursor position on the LCD lcdgt(lcda, lcdb); } }}void main(){ PORTD=0; PORTB=0; TRISD=0; TRISB=0; TRISC=0; lcdInit(); lcdgt(0,0); punecar("Distanta in m:"); lcdgt(7,1); punecar("2.5"); while(1) { PORTCbits.RC5 = 1; intarziere_ms(2000); } }/* * */ar putea cineva sa-l testeze? sa-mi spuna daca merge L-am realizat in MPLAB cu ajutorul compilatorului HI-TECH PICC18 Link spre comentariu
Vizitator dorianetegan Postat Iulie 1, 2012 Partajează Postat Iulie 1, 2012 Si daca fac trimitere la punecar(const char *s) cu ovariabila unsigned char imi da warning main.c:495 warning: illegal conversion of integer to pointer si mai imi da un warning la linia scrielcd(DATA_REG, s[loop]);-din functia punecar main.c:297 warning: "ROM" is positioned at address 0x0 and has had its address taken; pointer comparisons may be invalid Link spre comentariu
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