sloop Postat Mai 27, 2012 Partajează Postat Mai 27, 2012 Salutare tuturor, Am facut rost recent de 2 monoblocuri rusesti, cu cate 4 lampi finale 6P3C-1 pe canal. Starea lor este exceptionala, practic nefolosite, au stat in cutiile lor originale zeci de ani, fara sa le folosesasca nimeni. Avand in vedere ca au avut niste "case-uri" pe cinste (cam 7kg are unul !) s-au pastat ca si noi, nici macar un fir de praf nu e inauntru. In cutie, in partea de sus sunt cablurile aferente (alimentare + cablu boxe) iar unul dintre ele are si o cutie cu ceva piese de rezerva (3 lampi finale, 2 punti redresoare si niste sigurante). Sunt destul de masive, avand cam 17kg unul, cu tot cu case undeva pe la 25kg. As aprecia orice informatii suplimentare, legate de producator, model specificatii etc. Ca si sunet merg foarte foarte bine, fara limitari in bas sau inalte, sunet clar si curat (chiar si pe boxele mele foarte pretentioase la amplifuri Ceva poze: ... be%20amps/ Link spre comentariu
popa ionut Postat Mai 27, 2012 Partajează Postat Mai 27, 2012 Eu estimez puterea unui amplif a fii in jur de 50w, maxim 65W poate aceea rog pe cei care au mai multa exp in tuburi sa ma contrazica,nu de alta dar mai invat si eu... Link spre comentariu
zal Postat Mai 27, 2012 Partajează Postat Mai 27, 2012 La cît pricep eu rusa, par să fie amplifuri ptr voci, cu intrare normală şi simetrică. Asta ar explica dimensiunea cam mică a trafo de ieşire, spre comparaţie, Priboaiele le au mult mai mari. Link spre comentariu
techs Postat Mai 27, 2012 Partajează Postat Mai 27, 2012 Link spre comentariu
sloop Postat Mai 27, 2012 Autor Partajează Postat Mai 27, 2012 Am gasit aici, cam tot ce e despre el inclusiv ceva modificari care se pot face. Oricum chiar si asa cum e acum suna foarte bine, nu stiu daca chiar are 100w, dar cat are merge foarte bine. LOMO VO-4 100w tube amplifier: Alteration of the amplifier LOMO-4 UO After placing the article on the use of transformers from "Kinap" There were many questions and requests from readers for a variety of alteration of tube amplifiers. Continuing this theme, I would like to offer you another solution for reworking the amplifier "LOMO VQ-4". This is a relatively "modern" model tube amp for the sound of large spaces, namely the halls. Used a set of lamps is as follows: 6N2P, and 6F5P 6R3S x 4 pcs. The appearance of the amplifier, that has got to rework can be seen in the figure below (the output transformer has already withdrawn). The naked eye once it becomes clear that the structural elements of the depressed maximum power with the relevant characteristics and inherent class "B" sound. Talking about the quality of lamps 6R3S never will, it is a separate issue. So, let's start. At first sight, and taking into account the characteristics of the shot, the output transformer is showing promise. It looks like this (already impregnated with wax). Already seen the work of engineers and innovators. Over 20 years of treatment with paraffin wax had disappeared, along with a metal screen (like a vacuum cleaner can not but recall "Rocket," which "doratsionalizirovali" to the point that it ceased to perform its primary function - to suck up dust). The first thing necessary to "cook" a transformer in wax (the last time I was inclined to this environmentally friendly natural materials). How to do it, probably already know everything, if not, remind. It should take two containers, for example, two buckets of different sizes so small with a large gap was part of the lot. In a small bucket - dip the wax, and a large - pour water on the stove and put the (water bath). After melting the wax melted wax is immersed in the transformer and the low heat "cooking" about 1-1.5 hours, sometimes pulling it out of wax, as if shaking. The water should be slightly while boiling, and the wax - no. Then get it completely and give a little cool, and then again for a moment, put it in wax. From the latter he manipulation as if covered with a layer of wax. Once the transformer is completely cool, clean off the smudges of wax. At this ordeal with the transformer can be considered complete. Overcommutation windings do not need a way to incorporate into the scheme on the former. Now the whole scheme. Since the output transformer is made based on the low internal resistance of the output tubes, for some reasons it was decided as a weekend - to apply the powerful triodes 6S33S. The basis of the scheme it was decided to use a fine-sounding amplifier circuit, AI Manakov on 6E5P 6S33S and slightly expanding it - namely, in the phase inverter tube 6S3P. What happened - you can see in the picture >>. The choice of reflex dictated by the following considerations. This scheme provides the most symmetrical division of the signal, and since the gain of the reflex is always lower than unity, then lowered the sensitivity of the amplifier, which in this case is good. Now for the details. Resistors R8, R11 - "SEW-10", R14 - "SEW-25" and R18 - "PEVR - 50", and as the other resistors - used "MLT" or "OMLT," better to get me, "BC" . Variable resistor R17-FSP-15G. The capacitors in the signal path I used C3 - "FT", C6, C7, C12, C13 - "SSG3" short circuited "K40-U9", you can use capacitors "K71-7", "K40-U9" or "BMT" . Electrolytes make better use of imported "Marcon", "Rubicon". Dietary electrolytes shunted "K73-17" or "K78-X", and the capacitor C15 - "KBG-MN," amiss, and other such "MBGO." I would also like to say about the identity of selected elements in the shoulder with a gain accuracy of 1%! Also, the lamp should be selected on the identity characteristics 6E5P, 6S33S and lower microphonics 6S3P, 6E5P! Lamps and 6S3P 6E5P need to put in the screens, and the panels - on rubber shock absorbers. Setting up the amplifier is reduced to the same scale of the signal on the grids and 6S33S 6E5P lamps, as well as to the same current output tubes 6S33S rest (about 210 mA), which in a small range can be adjusted by a resistor R17. All measurements must be carried out after warming up (about 1:00). The power supply of the amplifier next >> (for each channel its own power supply). As applied to the transformer power transformer "TS250-2M" from the TV tube. The only modification - is winding additional coils for incandescent lamps and power output of the delay submission of the anode voltage (see figure). The capacitor in the filter plate supply C4 - film like "DPS" and C3 - "K73-17", and electrolytes is better to use imported, has already been mentioned. Power diodes, "B10-12" brand capacitors shunted "K73-17" or "K78-X". Relay "TKE52PD1" can be replaced by another on the trigger voltage of 12V, but it must be borne in mind that the switching current is large enough, especially its peak! Selection of resistors R5, R6 and capacitor C7 are making a clear relay and time delay of the anode supply (approximately 1 - 1.5 minutes). Transistor VT1 must be installed on the radiator. The result is an amplifier with a 16W characteristic 15-35000 Hz -0.5 dB level. I want to express special thanks to Degtereva Alexander, for providing power to convert. Link spre comentariu
Vizitator viobio Postat Mai 29, 2012 Partajează Postat Mai 29, 2012 Salutare tuturor,Am facut rost recent de 2 monoblocuri rusesti, cu cate 4 lampi finale 6P3C-1 pe canal. Starea lor este exceptionala, practic nefolosite, au stat in cutiile lor originale zeci de ani, fara sa le folosesasca nimeni. Avand in vedere ca au avut niste "case-uri" pe cinste (cam 7kg are unul !) s-au pastat ca si noi, nici macar un fir de praf nu e inauntru. In cutie, in partea de sus sunt cablurile aferente (alimentare + cablu boxe) iar unul dintre ele are si o cutie cu ceva piese de rezerva (3 lampi finale, 2 punti redresoare si niste sigurante).Sunt destul de masive, avand cam 17kg unul, cu tot cu case undeva pe la 25kg.As aprecia orice informatii suplimentare, legate de producator, model specificatii etc.Ca si sunet merg foarte foarte bine, fara limitari in bas sau inalte, sunet clar si curat (chiar si pe boxele mele foarte pretentioase la amplifuri poze: ... be%20amps/frumoase,cred ca multi sunt gelosi pe tine Link spre comentariu
lorik199 Postat Mai 29, 2012 Partajează Postat Mai 29, 2012 De curiozitate, cat te-a ajuns bucata? Link spre comentariu
hpavictor Postat Mai 29, 2012 Partajează Postat Mai 29, 2012 Cât te-a ajuns ........Câte clase ai ? Link spre comentariu
lorik199 Postat Mai 29, 2012 Partajează Postat Mai 29, 2012 Sincer ce-i incorect? ... te-te-uri/ Momentan doar 10 clase absolvite, dar continui studiile Link spre comentariu
hpavictor Postat Mai 30, 2012 Partajează Postat Mai 30, 2012 Te-a ajuns din urma ... sau la ce te referi ? Ti-a pus piedica sau te-a talharit ? Daca nu intelegi ca ai folosit cuvinte nepotrivite.......discutia se incheie aici . Nu tin sa am ultimul cuvant , este doar treaba ta daca stii sau nu sa folosesti corect cuvintele pentru a te exprima in limba romana . Link spre comentariu
sloop Postat Iunie 17, 2012 Autor Partajează Postat Iunie 17, 2012 Au intrat la vanzare: viewtopic.php?f=59&t=118019 Link spre comentariu
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