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proiect ceas/temperatura yo6pir


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Am descarcat softul de la mine de pe site si l-am incarcat in ceasul meu RTC-Dual-Temp.

Rezultatul: FUNCTIONEAZA COECT! Inclusiv reglajele de la ora si minute.

In cazul asta nu mai am nici o completare.

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am rezolvat problema mea cu reglajul orei.....

m-am uitat din nou pe site , si am vazut sub cablajul postat ca.....fusebitii trebe schimbati la oscilator intern de 4 Mhz   :26

eu am setat la 8 Mhz.....( am ramas la prima varianta....)

acum FUNCTIONEAZA corect !.

multumesc pentru verificarea Hex-lui....


lipsa cafea...... :limb:

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Trying to really do it, and you will see it will work! :reytre 

What you simulate in Proteus there is not the same as the original scheme posted on the site.

Editat de yo6pir
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Vizitator ir02x6

Trying to really do it, and you will see it will work! :reytre

What you simulate in Proteus there is not the same as the original scheme posted on the site.

tanks for reply :)


i do it , but ... :(

please see this :



why simulate in Proteus there is not the same as the original scheme posted on the site ?

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tanks for reply :)


i do it , but ... :(

please see this :

Posted Imagetest.mkv.rar


why simulate in Proteus there is not the same as the original scheme posted on the site ?

in your Proteus project, as in real test board, you did not put the 4 tranzistors. Maybe the curent for LED is not important in a test but they act as inverters for the comand signal. Display is anode common mode, so three of them must be with the common pin to ground while just one receive Vcc. The PNP tranzistor instead are commanded with ground for the ON digit, while the others gets Vcc.

Editat de XAN77
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Vizitator ir02x6

in your Proteus project, as in real test board, you did not put the 4 tranzistors. Maybe the curent for LED is not important in a test but they act as inverters for the comand signal. Display is anode common mode, so three of them must be with the common pin to ground while just one receive Vcc. The PNP tranzistor instead are commanded with ground for the ON digit, while the others gets Vcc.


tanks for reply :)

i put the 4Qs , but not work again :(

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