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LCD SONY BRAVIA KDL-32P3000 imagine in miscare neclara


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Salutare, colegi !Am la reparat un LCD SONY BRAVIA KDL-32P3000 si as avea nevoie de o indrumare din partea voastra...Defectul se manifesta astfel: atunci cand imaginea este in miscare, pe ecran apar ca niste trene (dare), acolo unde se schimba. In zonele in care continutul este static (de exemplu la scris), imaginea este relativ OK. In plus, la pornire, apar cateva dungi verticale, subtiri, colorate. Presupun ca-i ceva pe la driverele panoului, trasee intrerupte, dar inainte de a face "sapaturi" mai adanci, m-am gandit sa va intreb si pe aceia dintre voi care au mai multa experienta pe acest segment, poate ma puteti indruma... Atasez si cateva poze, pentru a fi mai explicit. Multumesc celor care vor raspunde !




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daca indiferent cat timp functioneaza aparatul imagine ramane la fel posibil defect tcon daca insa exista cea mai mica inbunatatire dupa un timp oarecare de ex 20 min defect display defect tipic la sony am acelasi defect la sony kdl40w4500 sigur din display deoarece am verificat prin schimbare

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Am vazut pe net acest defect si este tipic pentru SONY era un filmulet si daca se raceste cu un spray de racire pe merginea diplayului televizorul isi revenea deci incearca sa vezi ,este un defect de contact la filmele care fac contact la traseele de pe marginea ecranului.Remediul este sa presezi filmul inspre sticla cu ceva cauciuc

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Am vazut aici, pe forum, dar si pe altele, ca unele display-uri se pot repara. Mai astept, poate va raspunde cineva care s-a "intalnit" exact cu acest tip de TV si defect, si a reusit sa-l rezolve. Multumesc, celor care au raspuns pana acum !

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incearca si vezi daca se incadreaza la ce scrie aici:carrspaintscarrspaints2 posts since27-Feb-2011Written on 27-Feb-2011 12:10Almost all of the screen faults described in this thread are REPAIRABLE. Sony and almost all tv repair shops will tell you the screen will need to be replaced. The screen should be replaced, but since Sony seem reluctant to acknowledge that some of their sourced screens are junk and break down after a year or twos use, you have two choices. Repair it, or chuck it & buy new. The 1st option will cost you nothing more than 30-45 minutes of your time. The fault on all of these models (V, W & X series, e.g. KDL40X****, KDL46X****, KDL40W4***, KDL46W4*** etc) is with sleeves that connect the screen to screen boards. When facing the tv, the fault is almost always with the sleeve on the extreme left, or extreme right. Basically these sleeves are very thin plastic sheets that contain minute circuitry that connects the screen to the matrix boards. With the screens being subjected to significant heat over the months/years, the bond between the sleeve and the screen breaks down, which results in a bad contact. The fix is fairly simple. You need to remove the frame that surrounds the screen (usually an aluminium frame held in place with some small but longish screws.) When the frame is removed, you will see the long retangular boards at the top of the tv, two of them, one on the left side of the screen, one on the right. You will also see the sleeves that connect these boards to the screen. With the tv on and showing a picture (which should be distorted, dark, shadowed, with horizontal lines etc), lightly press the sleeve on the extreme left of the screen. Press the sleeve towards the frame, or downwards. You will note the picture miraculously works!!! So the cure? You need to put some padding between the frame and the sleeve so that when the frame is screwed back into position, the padding presses down on the sleeve and corrects the issue with the bad contact. Job done, it is that simple! The hardest part is taking the tv apart, but that should only take 20 minutes. 10 minutes to use some padding, 10 minutes to put the tv back together again. To clarify, the fault is almost always with the 1st or last sleeve, i.e. extreme left or right. It is usually the left sleeve that creates the problem. Try this, it works. Alternatively, stick your tv on ebay so I can buy it, fix it and make some pocket money.

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Revin cu amanunte si fotografii in legatura cu acest TV:Panoul LCD este modelul LTA320WT-L06T-CON-ul are seria 320WTC2LV3.9In primul rand, rog pe cei cu mai multa experienta sa-mi spuna daca acest panou este reparabil.In al doilea, poate-mi spuneti si mie unde apar intreruperile, pe foliile care fac legaturile intre drivere si display-ul propriu-zis, sau pe cea intre T-CON si drivere? Eu cred ca primul caz este cel real, dar sincer, nu prea vad cum se pot rezolva acestea, avand in vedere ca intra direct in sticla panoului...Multumesc !




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  • 1 an mai târziu...

(V on )de la matricea de sus coltul din draepta, legat la ( V On) de la driverul din mijloc . Eu folosesc pentru legatura un fir din cablu de la harddiscurile ide, modelul de cablu cu fire subtiri .Bafta .



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La modelu asta de display si defectul descris de tine este 100% von

fa o poza cu marginea sa vedem cum e driverul lateral , dar cred ca asta e modelu

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Posted Image

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Defectul consta in imagine mai intunecata si effect de ghost (miscare in reluare)

Tragi doar von si gata.

Grija mare in caz ca nu ai mai reparat ca il poti strica ireparabil.

Daca e modelu cu punctele drepte (unu sub altu) este tot primul de sus dar punctul de langa "sticla"

Am intalnit l06 cu ambele variante.

Si un video


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