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Drivere bipolare


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Ieri am reusit sa aduc si (cred) cele mai bune drivere bipolare la ora actuala din piata (de la vest la est).Sunt drivere de 6A continuu (10-12A peak) reali ( 9 tranzistoare Fet pe driver). Sunt modulare, se pot folosi doar pe axele cu motoare puternice, restul se pot folosi drivere de 2-3A.Sunt digitale, programarea lor (a softului 1/1 - 1/16) se face prin adaugarea jumperului, si se poate programa atmelul. Cireasa de pe tort este ca controllerul paralel care este in poza are si programatorul ISP de atmel (se conecteaza pe mufa din stanga si la fiecare driver este o mufa identica unde se face conexiunea si se compota ca programator. Totodata controllerul are si 4 iesiri pentru diverse(spindle, aer, lichid racire, etc), la care se cupleaza direct releul si nu mai trebuiesc montaje separate. Reglajul pe amperaj se face pe potentiometru.Ca pret mi se par accesibile pentru multi dintre noi care vrem sa lucram in zona profi. Si se tine cont ca nu trebuiesc drivere asa de puternice pentru toate axele (doar cele solicitate). Merg perfect pe orice controller cu step si dir.Features:· 6A/phase Bipolar microstepping driver· Optically Isolated inputs· 20-48VDC Stepper Motor drive voltage· ATmega168 onboard processor· Integrated Heat Sink design· Inline command processing· 512 Internal EEPROM· 512 Internal SRAM· Aux digital IO on ISP port· ISP Programming Port (requires CISP adapter)· Small form factor (4.4x1.6 in)Cred ca saptamana viitoare se pune la punct si driverele servo dc (stil gecko), dar cred ca vor fi mai puternice (60A/driver).

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Mai adaug ceva date la ele:1.0 IntroductionFeatures:· 6A/phase Bipolar microstepping driver· Optically Isolated inputs· 20-48VDC Stepper Motor drive voltage· ATmega168 onboard processor· Integrated Heat Sink design· Inline command processing· 512 Internal EEPROM· 512 Internal SRAM· Aux digital IO on ISP port· ISP Programming Port (requires CISP adapter)· Small form factor (4.4x1.6 in)HardwareThe MM220 is a 1/16th Microstepping bipolar 6A per phase stepper motor driver that converts step anddirection signals to appropriate high voltage stepper motor drive signals. The board is designed tooperate at 5VDC. Motor voltage can vary from 20-48VDC. The motor drive chip is controlled by adedicated onboard 8 bit RISC processor (Atmega168) that provides various expansion and enhancementfeatures. Applications can communicate with the board using encoded commands on the step anddirection inputs. A Limit switch input is monitored and can be used to stop step operation.. An eStopinput can also be monitored to stop step operation. The MM220 consumes about 12ma in active state notincluding motor drive current. All signal inputs are optically isolated.Motor Control SoftwareThe MM220 is shipped with a sophisticated software application burned into the on boardAtmega168processor that controls the A3986 driver chip, monitors step/direction inputs, limit switch state, encodedcommands on the step/direction input lines. The MM220 can operate as a single axis G Code processingcontroller by acting on commands sent to it via the Step/Direction input signals. See the section onsoftware operation for a full description of the complete command structure. A free application calledGstepPP.exe can be used to send encoded commands to the MM220 on the Step/Direction lines.At power up the two LEDs flash twice then the RED LED flashes slowly for 5 seconds after which bothLEDs go out. While the RED LED is flashing the driver is in Command Recognition Mode. In CommandRecognition Mode signals on the step and direction inputs are interpreted either as step commands orhigh level commands. High Level Commands can change driver configuration parameters or tell thedriver to execute a set of functions. The specific encoding is described in the Technical Reference Manualalong with a complete description of all high level commands. After 5 seconds the driver automaticallyswitches to Pass Through Mode – in this mode encoded commands are not recognized and commands tochange step mode, automatic shut off, etc are ignored. Re-powering the MM220 starts the 5 secondprocess again.By default the MM220 software sets the step mode to quarter step, enable smart limit recognition,disables eStop recognition and switches to Pass Through Mode after 5 seconds.

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Pe mine m-ar interesa foarte mult cat de bine merg driver-ele .

Am vazut ca au la baza un driver foarte dezbatut pe CNC ZONE , de care si eu am fost interesat la un momentdat, si anume A3986, care se pare ca are probleme cu pierderea pasilor la tensiuni mai mari de 18V.

Din aceasta cauza Allegro a venit cu un nou driver la care au rezolvat problemele lui A3986, anume A4989.

De aceea sunt foarte curios daca vor merge conform asteptarilor tale.


Ieri am reusit sa aduc si (cred) cele mai bune drivere bipolare la ora actuala din piata (de la vest la est).
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Pe mine m-ar interesa foarte mult cat de bine merg driver-ele .Am vazut ca au la baza un driver foarte dezbatut pe CNC ZONE , de care si eu am fost interesat la un momentdat, si anume A3986, care se pare ca are probleme cu pierderea pasilor la tensiuni mai mari de 18V.Din aceasta cauza Allegro a venit cu un nou driver la care au rezolvat problemele lui A3986, anume A4989.De aceea sunt foarte curios daca vor merge conform asteptarilor tale.

Ieri am reusit sa aduc si (cred) cele mai bune drivere bipolare la ora actuala din piata (de la vest la est).

Este cu Fet-uri ( tranzistoare mos-fet de putere). Are un atmel care are un programel in el pentru toate axele x,y,z,a. Stie in momentul colaborarii cu mach-ul pe ce axa este. Este un driver profesional.Cred ca nu o sa-mi dea Vasile la cap daca pun pretul: un set complect de 4 drivere cu controller - 350E (cu tot cu transport, vama si tva pe colet), fara controller 320E (80E/driver).
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1.0 Introduction


· 6A/phase Bipolar microstepping driver

· Optically Isolated inputs

· 20-48VDC Stepper Motor drive voltage

· ATmega168 onboard processor

· Integrated Heat Sink design

· Inline command processing

· 512 Internal EEPROM

· 512 Internal SRAM

· Aux digital IO on ISP port

· ISP Programming Port (requires CISP adapter)

· Small form factor (4.4x1.6 in)


The MM220 is a 1/16th Microstepping bipolar 6A per phase stepper motor driver that converts step and

direction signals to appropriate high voltage stepper motor drive signals. The board is designed to

operate at 5VDC. Motor voltage can vary from 20-48VDC. The motor drive chip is controlled by a

dedicated onboard 8 bit RISC processor (Atmega168) that provides various expansion and enhancement

features. Applications can communicate with the board using encoded commands on the step and

direction inputs. A Limit switch input is monitored and can be used to stop step operation.. An eStop

input can also be monitored to stop step operation. The MM220 consumes about 12ma in active state not

including motor drive current. All signal inputs are optically isolated.

Motor Control Software

The MM220 is shipped with a sophisticated software application burned into the on boardAtmega168

processor that controls the A3986 driver chip, monitors step/direction inputs, limit switch state, encoded

commands on the step/direction input lines. The MM220 can operate as a single axis G Code processing

controller by acting on commands sent to it via the Step/Direction input signals. See the section on

software operation for a full description of the complete command structure. A free application called

GstepPP.exe can be used to send encoded commands to the MM220 on the Step/Direction lines.

At power up the two LEDs flash twice then the RED LED flashes slowly for 5 seconds after which both

LEDs go out. While the RED LED is flashing the driver is in Command Recognition Mode. In Command

Recognition Mode signals on the step and direction inputs are interpreted either as step commands or

high level commands. High Level Commands can change driver configuration parameters or tell the

driver to execute a set of functions. The specific encoding is described in the Technical Reference Manual

along with a complete description of all high level commands. After 5 seconds the driver automatically

switches to Pass Through Mode – in this mode encoded commands are not recognized and commands to

change step mode, automatic shut off, etc are ignored. Re-powering the MM220 starts the 5 second

process again.

By default the MM220 software sets the step mode to quarter step, enable smart limit recognition,

disables eStop recognition and switches to Pass Through Mode after 5 seconds.

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Asta scrie in datele furnizate de tine.

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Motor Control Software

The MM220 is shipped with a sophisticated software application burned into the on boardAtmega168

processor that controls the A3986 driver chip, monitors step/direction inputs, limit switch state, encoded

commands on the step/direction input lines.

Da, si pot sa-ti spun ca merg perfect. L-am alimentat in 3 moduri - 24 - 36 - 42v.

Stai ca am facut o greseala, fetu-rile sunt IRF540. Deci nu ai de ce sa-ti faci probleme. Textul ala este vechi, nemodificat.

Nu ai de ce sa-ti faci probleme, eu lucrez numai cu drivere de la ei (2,5A, 3A, 6A), si nu mi-au sarit pasii niciodata. Si mai am un prieten care lucreaza cu astfel de drivere, si la fel. Plus ca sunt 6 cnc-uri care nu au avut nici o reclamatie.

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au intrari pt encodere?

Nu, sunt pentru steppere. Exista si driver de stepper cu encoder ca la servo, dar sunt foarte scumpe. Motoare stepper cu encoder am.
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  • Administratori

Scumpe rau pentru niste drivere cu A3986 si nici straluctite nu sunt cum zici, de la est la vest :ras:


Eu am facut printre primi drivere cu acel integrat martor este un subiect de pe cnczone unde l-am postat dar am renuntat ca nu sa ridicat la asteptari, fata de un driver de 7,9A cum am eu sau de la leadshine(pretul este cam la fel) nu are nici o treaba, este un integrat rudimentar din punctul meu de vedere. Daca desfaci un driver de 7,9A mori langa el cand vezi cum e facut, cablaj pe 4 straturi, 2 CPLD-uri, convertor AD si DA, sursa in comutatie auxiliara si tehnologii DSP antivibratii la greu


Hai cu ceva mai serios care sa merite cei 80 Euro :freaza:

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Scumpe rau pentru niste drivere cu A3986 si nici straluctite nu sunt cum zici, de la est la vest :ras:


Eu am facut printre primi drivere cu acel integrat martor este un subiect de pe cnczone unde l-am postat dar am renuntat ca nu sa ridicat la asteptari, fata de un driver de 7,9A cum am eu sau de la leadshine(pretul este cam la fel) nu are nici o treaba, este un integrat rudimentar din punctul meu de vedere. Daca desfaci un driver de 7,9A mori langa el cand vezi cum e facut, cablaj pe 4 straturi, 2 CPLD-uri, convertor AD si DA, sursa in comutatie auxiliara si tehnologii DSP antivibratii la greu


Hai cu ceva mai serios care sa merite cei 80 Euro :freaza:

Nu sunt cu A3986, sunt cu fet IRF540 si atmel. Asta are 6A continuu, si 12 peak. Crede-ma, functioneaza perfect. O sa pun cnc-ul la care lucrez acum de 2,5m/2m intr-un topic nou sa-l vezi. Este o constructie atipica fata de ce s-a vazut aici.
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  • Administratori

IRF540 nu e nu stiu ce tranzistor, majoritatea driverelor folosesc acest mosfet pentru ca este ieftin. Toate merg perfect dar conteza din ce unghi privesti aceasta perfectiune

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