romicap Postat Noiembrie 7, 2013 Partajează Postat Noiembrie 7, 2013 Da, cred ca modificarea e bias, cei doi semireglabili se ved lipiturile ceva mai lucioase.Daca era un amplif Gabriele nu mai era vorba de modificari! :daCat priveste firma, cred ca e HiWatt.(hiwatt cp 103) Link spre comentariu
Vizitator Postat Noiembrie 7, 2013 Partajează Postat Noiembrie 7, 2013 Cistigatorul acestei editii .....este ..................................................................................Romica A punctat corect atit modelul , marca si modificarea adusa.Pe viitor Romica fii mai sigur pe tine ,elimina cuvintele (cred,e posibil fii) .In acesta seara am sa descriu in ce consta si premiul..!!!!!!!! Link spre comentariu
romicap Postat Noiembrie 7, 2013 Partajează Postat Noiembrie 7, 2013 Ha ha ha, sincer sa fiu n`am castigat niciodata nimic doar scriind cateva fraze!!!Sunt incantat! Link spre comentariu
zal Postat Noiembrie 7, 2013 Partajează Postat Noiembrie 7, 2013 Felicitări! Sînt curios de premiu. Link spre comentariu
carageae Postat Noiembrie 7, 2013 Partajează Postat Noiembrie 7, 2013 Hm, credeam ca avem dreptul la doua incercari...chiar la inceputul paginii se vad, in ordine, puse de mine: CP103, DR103 (care nici nu sunt esential diferite) si un model customizat Sound City.Sunt curios, oare colegul Romica ar fi ajuns aici daca nu spuneam eu ca e vorba de un HiWatt? Felicitari, oricum, pe mine m-a animat mai mult curiozitatea decat premiul.Poate totusi ar fi fair play daca ne descrie colegul diferenta dintre CP103 si DR103... Link spre comentariu
romicap Postat Noiembrie 7, 2013 Partajează Postat Noiembrie 7, 2013 DR103W, ca. 1978.Ca. 1978, closeup of DR103W amplifier showing differing control panel from CP103, including Normal Vols. and Brilliant Vols. centered under each pair of volume controls.In 1973, 1974, 1977, 1978, 1982 and 1985, Pete used amplifiers similar to the CP103 — the Hiwatt DR103W. These models featured a similar circuit and controls to the CP103, with no “The Who” faceplate. Controls are, from left to right: four inputs, four volume controls (two for “Normal Vols.,” two for “Brilliant Vols.” — a difference from the 1–4-numbered controls of the CP103), Bass, Treble, Master Volume, Standby, and Mains.Nu sunt diferente de conceptie....Si ca sa fim rezonabili, cel mai aproape de adevar a fost Kosmin (ma refer la brand si serie) Link spre comentariu
carageae Postat Noiembrie 7, 2013 Partajează Postat Noiembrie 7, 2013 Sau mai detaliat: (material preluat de pe I'd say those two amps are actually very different. Circuit-wise, the first stage and the tone stack are completely different. The phase inverter and power amp is just about identical though. However, the preamp differences yield quite different results. The DR103 is cleaner, smoother and warmer. The EQ also gives it a lot of versatility. It does break up quite a bit at the end, but not as much as the SC100/CP103. The CP103 at full tilt is crunchier and more distorted, but it's a very crystalline sort of crunch, very far from your typical compressed, fat Marshall sound. The real fun begins when you roll back the guitar volume. The CP103 then reveals the world's greatest clean tone! The EQ, with only bass and treble and no presence control, is quite limited in the range of sounds you can get. The controls are very active (and interactive!), but the EQ itself seems quite scooped in a blackface sort of way (yet not still has some British kind of midrange), so it's hard to dial in anything resembling a smoother, fatter kind of tone. But as mentioned, this gives it a very distinct, crystalline crunchy tone at full breakup, and TREMENDOUS chimey, vibrant clean sounds with the guitar volume rolled off. It sounds a bit like the world's biggest AC30 at those settings, only better... However, I should also mention that the loudness and somewhat hard breakup can be a little grating over time, and it doesn't match particularly well with bright guitars. It loves P90s. It's no great secret that Townshend's Live at Leeds tone is a bit of a benchmark for these amps, with good reason. I also think it needs to be matched with a Fane-loaded cab to reveal it's full potential. I can't for the life of me dial in a good tone with a Strat with this amp, it sounds like a scooped mess...makes me wonder how Jimi used his. May have something to do with the cab though... In a few words: DR103: versatility, full range character, clean, smooth, warm with gritty, grunty breakup. Cleans up well. CP103: not as versatile, picky with guitars, extremely punchy, crunchy, crystal clear and with amazing clean-up. The differences between the SC100 and various incarnations of Hiwatt CP103s are primarily that the SCs and early Hiwatts had a pair of 82k PI plate resistors, vs 91k and 82k in the later ones. The latter yields a little more compression and breakup, and smooths it out a little. I like both - listen to The Who at Woodstock for the former and Live at Leeds for the latter. Furthermore, there's a small difference in the pre-PI circuit with a 1M resistor in the earliest amps, then 470k and the 100k for 1970 and one. Also tends to brown out the amp a little more. Finally, there's a difference in how the B+ line was laid out, but I don't think that impacts the overall sound all that much. Oh, and the SC had a 6k8 voltage dropper between PI and the rest of the amp, vs 1k in the later amps. *** P.S. Eu intrebam de o deosebire din care sa ne putem da seama, dupa poza, de ce nu (mai) e DR103 si de ce poate fi CP103 sau altceva... Link spre comentariu
romicap Postat Noiembrie 7, 2013 Partajează Postat Noiembrie 7, 2013 Fiecare cu norocul lui....chestie de inspiratie Link spre comentariu
Vizitator Postat Noiembrie 7, 2013 Partajează Postat Noiembrie 7, 2013 Si mult rivnitul premiu: E vorba de componente:condesatori electrolitici ,2 tuburi (807) si multe altele ca in foto la care se adauga si 2 transformatoare sectiune 10cm2 la alegere PP sau SE.......!!!!Astept indicatii in acest sens. Si adresa desigur .....trasportul il voi suporta tot eu,doar e premiu Sa-l stapinesti sanatos Romica ,mai ales ca am vazut ca tii des letconul in mina spre rusinea multora pe aici care sunt buni doar de gura!!!(dar cine sunt eu sa-i judec) Link spre comentariu
romicap Postat Noiembrie 8, 2013 Partajează Postat Noiembrie 8, 2013 Multumesc frumos Gabriel,m`ai dat gata cu cele doua 807 pe care `am sa le folosesc drept finale la un amp. SE. Trafurile vor fi pentru ele binenteles. Link spre comentariu
Vizitator Postat Noiembrie 8, 2013 Partajează Postat Noiembrie 8, 2013 Asa am sa fac.......!!!!(2 trafurii SE pt 807..)Sanatate la toata lumea si vor mai fi si alte intrecerii,cine nu participa nu cistiga Link spre comentariu
zal Postat Noiembrie 8, 2013 Partajează Postat Noiembrie 8, 2013 O curiozitate: ce sînt ''condensatorii'' albaştrii din stg pozei? Mie îmi seamănă a ceva anume, dar vreau să fiu sigur. Link spre comentariu
Vizitator Postat Noiembrie 8, 2013 Partajează Postat Noiembrie 8, 2013 Sunt PTC-uri.....mai" babane", cu siguranta Romica le va gasii intrebuintare.Eu le foloseam inseriate cu filamentele de 0,3A.............prieteni stiu de ce. Link spre comentariu
zal Postat Noiembrie 8, 2013 Partajează Postat Noiembrie 8, 2013 Bănuiam că sînt Epcos, dar înseriate cu filamentele? De obicei se pun NTC-uri. Link spre comentariu
Vizitator Postat Noiembrie 8, 2013 Partajează Postat Noiembrie 8, 2013 Identic cu ce se monta la filamentele inseriate din TV A/N......corect!? ce avantje erau !? Link spre comentariu
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