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@nico_2010Inca nu mi-a iesit...codul ar fi asta :

$regfile "m32def.dat"$crystal = 16000000'6 mhz crstal$hwstack = 32 ' default use 32 for the hardware stack$swstack = 8Dim Once_a_sec As BitDim Clock_word As WordDim Hours As Byte , Minutes As Byte , Seconds As ByteDim Red As Byte , Green As ByteDim Count As Byte , X As Byte , Segment As ByteDim Number As Byte , Digit_select As ByteDim Del As Byte , Diagdelay As ByteDim Large As WordDel = 1' delay variable in milliseconds' all ports 0Portc = 0 'P0'redPortd = 255 'portd'yellow all high for sw inputsPortb = 0 'portb'green'P3 = 0'blue not usedConfig Debounce = 30' key debounce time in milli secondsConfig Timer0 = Timer , Prescale = 8'Timer0 use timer 0'Gate = Internal no external interrupt'Mode = 2 8 bit auto reload'Gosub Diag' diagnostic routine' set t0 internal interruptOn Timer0 Timer_0_intTimer0 = 250'Priority Set Timer0Enable InterruptsEnable Timer0Start Timer0Hours = 0Minutes = 0Seconds = 0Clock_word = 0Do' yellow port-1 key inputs for settingDebounce Pind.0 , 0 , Hup , SubDebounce Pind.1 , 0 , Hdown , SubDebounce Pind.2 , 0 , Mup , SubDebounce Pind.3 , 0 , Mdown , SubDebounce Pind.4 , 0 , Zero , SubIf Once_a_sec = 1 Then' once_a_sec=calculation every secondOnce_a_sec = 0'update hh mm ssIncr SecondsIf Seconds = 60 ThenSeconds = 0Incr MinutesIf Minutes = 60 ThenMinutes = 0Incr HoursIf Hours = 24 ThenHours = 0End IfEnd IfEnd IfEnd If' display time constantly' hoursNumber = Hours / 10Portb = 31Gosub DispWaitms DelPortc = 0'-------Number = Hours Mod 10Portb = 47Gosub DispWaitms DelPortc = 0'-------'minutesNumber = Minutes / 10Portb = 55Gosub DispWaitms DelPortc = 0'-------Number = Minutes Mod 10Portb = 59Gosub DispWaitms DelPortc = 0'-------'SECONDSNumber = Seconds / 10Portb = 61Gosub DispWaitms DelPortc = 0'-------Number = Seconds Mod 10Portb = 62Gosub DispWaitms DelPortc = 0'-------Loop' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -' set keys belowHup:Incr HoursIf Hours >= 24 ThenHours = 0End IfReturnHdown:Decr HoursIf Hours = 255 ThenHours = 23End IfReturnMup:Incr MinutesIf Minutes >= 60 ThenMinutes = 0End IfReturnMdown:Decr MinutesIf Minutes = 255 ThenMinutes = 59End IfReturnZero:Hours = 0 : Minutes = 0 : Seconds = 0Return' - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - -Diag:'diagnostics'if zero button pressed then goto zero label and returnDiagdelay = 121For Seconds = 1 To 5Diagdelay = Diagdelay - 20Portb = 1For Green = 0 To 5Portc = 1For Red = 0 To 7Debounce Pind.4 , 0 , Zero , SubWaitms DiagdelayRotate Portc , LeftNext RedRotate Portb , LeftNext GreenNext Seconds' next diag show 000000 to 999999 on all digits' - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - -For Number = 0 To 9Portb = 1For Large = 1 To 50' approx 1 second time loop with 200 in largeFor Green = 0 To 5Debounce Pind.4 , 0 , Zero , SubGosub DispWaitms DelRotate Portb , LeftNext GreenNext LargeNext NumberReturn'Displaying routineDisp:Restore Tabela' scan 7-seg table to get byte for the digit to displayFor X = 0 To 9Read SegmentIf X = Number Then'if X = value to displayPortc = Segment'then set this value to Port0-redExit For'and exit FOR loopEnd IfNextReturn' int subroutine -----------------Timer_0_int:Incr Clock_wordIf Clock_word > 2000 ThenClock_word = 0Once_a_sec = 1End IfReturn'---- data for 7-seg LED display ------Tabela:Data &H3F , &H06 , &H5B , &H4F , &H66 , &H6D , &H7C , &H07 , &H7F , &H67' end of program

PS : Nu-i vorba inca de ajustarea Timer0 inca...problema e ca nu pot afisa nimic pe Anod Comun.
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Din curiozitate intreb: comanda afisoarelor cum o faci?

Ai o interfata, gen ULN2803 sau 2003 si catozii conectati la portul uC?

Asta este schema partii de afisare de pe placa de evaluare.


Posted Image

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Sigur ai respectat corespondenta conexiunilor cu specificatiile din program?Tranzistoarele le-ai conectat la portul corespunzator si pe primii 6 pini ai portului cu pricina (PORTB) - in cazul tau primii 4, respectiv PORTB.0 - PORTB.3?

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Sigur ai respectat corespondenta conexiunilor cu specificatiile din program?Tranzistoarele le-ai conectat la portul corespunzator si pe primii 6 pini ai portului cu pricina (PORTB) - in cazul tau primii 4, respectiv PORTB.0 - PORTB.3?

Am respectat totul...-PORTB.0-PORTB.3 - digiti-PORTC.0-PORTC.6 - segmentele-PORTD.0-PORTD.4-butoane.
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Pune un osciloscop pe portul de digiti si vezi daca ai semnal si, la fel, si pe cel de segmente.Daca nu ai asa ceva, schimba fusebitul de oscilator al uC pe ceas intern 8 MHz si vezi cum se comporta.Asta pentru ca, pe simulator, programul functioneaza partial, respectiv nu ia comenzi de setare a orelor si minutelor, insa functioneaza secundele!

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Salut. Faptul ca nu indica nimic nu mi se pare nici mie ok. Alta problema. In tabela ptr "0" avem 63, unde segmrentul A este D0 si G este D6 ptr catod comun. Pentru anod comun negat ar trebui sa fie 192 sau punind D7 in 0 ar fi 64. Cred eu ca tabela aia atasata este pe invers, dar este adevarat ca nici YO9HNF nu a aratat in desen ordinea cum a conectat pini la integrat. Putina atentie nu strica...poate gresesc si eu.

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Salut ywar2!Din schema atasata am presupus ca segmentul a va fi conectat la PORTC.6 si descendent, segmentul g la PORTC.0, iar punctul zecimal (care nu este folosit in schema) a fost alocat ipoteticului PORTC.7 (disponibil numai in varianta TQFP).In consecinta, tabela a fost redactata avand la baza rationamentul de mai sus.Totusi, nu inteleg de ce la YO9HNF nu functioneaza?

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Salut. Ptr YO9HNF, m-am uitat pe codul tau si cred ca ar trebui ca sa declari porturile ca fiind intrari si iesiri, iar eu nu am vazut asta la tine. Uite un cod:

Config Portc = OutputPortc = 0                                                   'P0'redConfig Portd = InputPortd = &B11111111Portd = 255                                                 'portd'yellow all high for sw inputsConfig Portb = OutputPortb = 0 'portb'green
Deasemenea, valorile din tabela ar trebui sa fie cele date de tine in al doi-lea exemplu de la inceputul acestui subiect.


Data &H40 , &H79 , &H24 , &H30 , &H19 , &H12 , &H02 , &H78, &H00 , &H10
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salut tuturor!

Intr-adevar, a sesizat bine ywar2 lipsa configurarii porturilor din program, insa cam asta e totul.

Dupa verificari practice, programul de mai jos functioneaza cu afisoare cu anod comun si "bate secunda" relativ exact!!

Tabela pentru segmentele afisoarelor a avut ca logica de redactare conectarea segmentului "A" la PORTD.6 si segmentul "G" la PORTD.0

PORTC.0 este digitul de secunde, PORTC.1 cel de zeci de secunde s.a.m.d.

De asemenea, setarea prescalerului TIMER0 la 64, iar a variabilei "Clock_word" (din subrutina de intrerupere) la 748 si nu 2000 (ca in programul original) a fost impusa de "precizia" (!?) secundei.

$regfile "m8def.dat"

$crystal = 12000000



'6 mhz crstal

$hwstack = 32 ' default use 32 for the hardware stack

$swstack = 8

Dim Once_a_sec As Bit

Dim Clock_word As Word

Dim Hours As Byte , Minutes As Byte , Seconds As Byte

Dim Red As Byte , Green As Byte

Dim Count As Byte , X As Byte , Segment As Byte

Dim Number As Byte , Digit_select As Byte

Dim Del As Byte , Diagdelay As Byte

Dim Large As Word

Del = 1

' delay variable in milliseconds

' all ports 0

Config Portc = Output

Config Portd = Output

Config Portb = Input

Portd = 255 'P0


Portb = 255 'portd

'yellow all high for sw inputs

Portc = 255 'portb


'P3 = 0

'blue not used

Config Debounce = 30

' key debounce time in milli seconds

Config Timer0 = Timer , Prescale = 64

'Timer0 use timer 0

'Gate = Internal no external interrupt

'Mode = 2 8 bit auto reload

'Gosub Diag

' diagnostic routine

' set t0 internal interrupt

On Timer0 Timer_0_int

Timer0 = 100

'Priority Set Timer0

Enable Interrupts

Enable Timer0

'Start Timer0

Hours = 0

Minutes = 0

Seconds = 0

Clock_word = 0


' yellow port-1 key inputs for setting

Debounce Pinb.0 , 0 , Hup , Sub

Debounce Pinb.1 , 0 , Hdown , Sub

Debounce Pinb.2 , 0 , Mup , Sub

Debounce Pinb.3 , 0 , Mdown , Sub

Debounce Pinb.4 , 0 , Zero , Sub

If Once_a_sec = 1 Then

' once_a_sec=calculation every second

Once_a_sec = 0

'update hh mm ss

Incr Seconds

If Seconds = 60 Then

Seconds = 0


Incr Minutes

If Minutes = 60 Then

Minutes = 0


Incr Hours

If Hours = 24 Then

Hours = 0

End If

End If

End If

End If

' display time constantly

' hours

Number = Hours / 10

Portc = 31

Gosub Disp

Waitms Del

Portc = 0


Number = Hours Mod 10

Portc = 47

Gosub Disp

Waitms Del

Portc = 0



Number = Minutes / 10

Portc = 55

Gosub Disp

Waitms Del

Portc = 0


Number = Minutes Mod 10

Portc = 59

Gosub Disp

Waitms Del

Portc = 0



Number = Seconds / 10

Portc = 61

Gosub Disp

Waitms Del

Portc = 0


Number = Seconds Mod 10

Portc = 62

Gosub Disp

Waitms Del

Portc = 0



' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

' set keys below


Incr Hours

If Hours >= 24 Then

Hours = 0

End If




Decr Hours

If Hours = 255 Then

Hours = 23

End If




Incr Minutes

If Minutes >= 60 Then

Minutes = 0

End If




Decr Minutes

If Minutes = 255 Then

Minutes = 59

End If




Hours = 0 : Minutes = 0 : Seconds = 0


' - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - -



'if zero button pressed then goto zero label and return

Diagdelay = 121

For Seconds = 1 To 5

Diagdelay = Diagdelay - 20

Portd = 1

For Green = 0 To 5

Portc = 1

For Red = 0 To 7

Debounce Pinb.4 , 0 , Zero , Sub

Waitms Diagdelay

Rotate Portd , Left

Next Red

Rotate Portc , Left

Next Green

Next Seconds

' next diag show 000000 to 999999 on all digits

' - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - -

For Number = 0 To 9

Portc = 1

For Large = 1 To 50

' approx 1 second time loop with 200 in large

For Green = 0 To 5

Debounce Pinb.4 , 0 , Zero , Sub

Gosub Disp

Waitms Del

Rotate Portc , Left

Next Green

Next Large

Next Number


'Displaying routine


Restore Tabela

' scan 7-seg table to get byte for the digit to display

For X = 0 To 9

Read Segment

If X = Number Then

'if X = value to display

Portd = Segment

'then set this value to Port0-red

Exit For

'and exit FOR loop

End If



' int subroutine -----------------


Incr Clock_word

If Clock_word > 748 Then

Clock_word = 0

Once_a_sec = 1

End If


'---- data for 7-seg LED display ------


Data &H01 , &H4F , &H12 , &H06 , &H4C , &H24 , &H60 , &H0F , &H00 , &H0C

YO9HNF, daca ai timp, poti verifica acest program si daca totusi ai probleme spune-ne si noua


Putin mai tarziu:

O constatare: se pare ca zecile de minute ale lor nu sunt la fel cu ale noastre

Daca incerci sa scazi minutele din butonul aferent zecilor de minute se constata ca valoarea afisata incepe de la 9 !?

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