Mircea Postat Decembrie 20, 2014 Partajează Postat Decembrie 20, 2014 PIC-ul e protejat numai la citire. Il poti re-scrie oricand peste un cod (hex) protejat. Problema e in alta parte.Esti sigur ca ai ales PIC-ul corect in programator? Ce programator ai? Cablu lung? Link spre comentariu
ROBERT78 Postat Decembrie 20, 2014 Partajează Postat Decembrie 20, 2014 pic 16f877A am programat..programator am pickit2 clona..cablu o folosesc pe cea de la imprimantasi a doua problema regulatoru de +5 volti se incinge cam tare..cu lcd-ul in montaj...fara lcd nu..oare e de proasta calitate regulatoru??sau backlightu consuma asa de mult?? Link spre comentariu
GeoMar Postat Decembrie 20, 2014 Autor Partajează Postat Decembrie 20, 2014 (editat) pic 16f877A am programat..programator am pickit2 clona..cablu o folosesc pe cea de la imprimantasi a doua problema regulatoru de +5 volti se incinge cam tare..cu lcd-ul in montaj...fara lcd nu..oare e de proasta calitate regulatoru??sau backlightu consuma asa de mult?? Vorba colegilor, (cu), code protect activat NU poti citi ce hex ai scris in PIC, nu are treaba cu rescrierea unui alt hex in PIC. Referitor la "incingerea" stabilizatorului de +5Vcc, posibil sa fie "prost" el de la mama lui si verifica ca la afisajul LCD, pe partea de backlight, dioda LED care ilumineaza afisajul sa "contina" o rezistenta serie cu ea, multe LCD-uri au/nu au acea rezistenta de limitare pe backligt Editat Decembrie 20, 2014 de GeoMar Link spre comentariu
ROBERT78 Postat Decembrie 20, 2014 Partajează Postat Decembrie 20, 2014 ok... multumesc pentru sfaturi..am sa verific...lcd-ul,s-a rezolvat si programarea picului pina la urma...nu stiu ce a avut dar tot l-am fortat si a mers pina la urma...si inca o intrebare...daca nu sunt prea obraznic...cu ce program se poate copila(si un pic de ajutor cu pasii urmati) si mai are cineva programu radacina inca????? Link spre comentariu
GeoMar Postat Decembrie 20, 2014 Autor Partajează Postat Decembrie 20, 2014 ok... multumesc pentru sfaturi..am sa verific...lcd-ul,s-a rezolvat si programarea picului pina la urma...nu stiu ce a avut dar tot l-am fortat si a mers pina la urma...si inca o intrebare...daca nu sunt prea obraznic...cu ce program se poate copila(si un pic de ajutor cu pasii urmati) si mai are cineva programu radacina inca????? Codul este scris in Micro C, programul "radacina", adica mai pe romaneste, proiectul "de baza" de la care am pornit/modificat/imbunatatit softul este aici: http://www.sj-hobi.net/index.php?id=multimeter-pic16f877 Softul pentru proiectul meu a suferit multe/diverse modificari/imbunatatiri fata de proiectul de "baza". Succes. Link spre comentariu
ROBERT78 Postat Decembrie 20, 2014 Partajează Postat Decembrie 20, 2014 si acest soft cu modificari si imbunatatiri nu o mai are nimeni oare?? care sa se poata copila..adica schimbarea mesajului de intimpinare.. Link spre comentariu
GeoMar Postat Decembrie 20, 2014 Autor Partajează Postat Decembrie 20, 2014 si acest soft cu modificari si imbunatatiri nu o mai are nimeni oare?? care sa se poata copila..adica schimbarea mesajului de intimpinare.. Daca este vorba de schimbarea mesajului de intampinare, de la softul modificat de mine, zilele urmatoare iti pot modifica mesajul care apare si iti pot oferi HEX-ul. Trebuie doar sa instalez MicroC ca nu il mai am in PC, dupa reinstalul de Win. Link spre comentariu
ROBERT78 Postat Decembrie 21, 2014 Partajează Postat Decembrie 21, 2014 e ok pentru mine...dar nu am vrut sa deranjez...acum de sarbatori cu problemele mele..de aceea am cerut softul radacina si programul cu care se poate copila...si cu un pic de ajutor poate ma descurcam si eu...... Link spre comentariu
danpin Postat Decembrie 21, 2014 Partajează Postat Decembrie 21, 2014 Postez software-ul care il folosesc in prezent pe V-A ce echipeaza sursa mea: http://www.elforum.info/topic/42375-sursa-0-30v0-10a/?p=899917 Pt. a masura pana la 10A am modificat R7 si R6 noile valori fiind 3,3 k respectiv 680 ohmi plus calibrare din R8, notatiile fiind cele din schema lui GeoMar (atentie, schema lui GeoMar are o mica eroare la conectarea +5V pe pinul 1 MCLR si VDD pinii12, 31 in topic este si schema corecta). Explicatii cum functioneaza se gases in paginile precedente, cine vrea sa aduca imbunatatiri este binevenit. // LCD module connectionssbit LCD_RS at RB2_bit;sbit LCD_EN at RB3_bit;sbit LCD_D4 at RB4_bit;sbit LCD_D5 at RB5_bit;sbit LCD_D6 at RB6_bit;sbit LCD_D7 at RB7_bit;sbit LCD_RS_Direction at TRISB2_bit;sbit LCD_EN_Direction at TRISB3_bit;sbit LCD_D4_Direction at TRISB4_bit;sbit LCD_D5_Direction at TRISB5_bit;sbit LCD_D6_Direction at TRISB6_bit;sbit LCD_D7_Direction at TRISB7_bit;// End LCD module connections//char lcd_buffer[16];char msg[17]; //declare array set to max size required plus 1 [for terminator] for copying into// copy const to ram stringchar * CopyConst2Ram(char * dest, const char * src){ char * d ; d = dest; for(;*dest++ = *src++;) ; return d;}const char LCD_txt1[] = "Hello xxxxxxxxx!";const char LCD_txt2[] = "How are you?";const char LCD_txt3[] = "Loading modules";const char LCD_txt4[] = "Power supply";const char LCD_txt5[] = "0-30Vdc 0-10Adc";const char LCD_txt6[] = "* I'm ready! *";const char LCD_txt7[] = "What about you?";const char LCD_txt8[] = "Output short";const char LCD_txt9[] = "circuit detected";const char LCD_txt10[] = "Please remove";const char LCD_txt11[] = "short circuit!";const char LCD_txt12[] = "OVERCURRENT";const char LCD_txt13[] = "I > 10A";const char LCD_txt14[] = "Overtemperature!";const char LCD_txt15[] = "T>90";const char units[] = {'V', 'A', 'W'}; void Tone1() { Sound_Play(659, 75); // Frequency = 659Hz, duration = 250ms}void Tone2() { Sound_Play(698, 75); // Frequency = 698Hz, duration = 250ms}void Tone3() { Sound_Play(784, 75); // Frequency = 784Hz, duration = 250ms}bit x; // Flag for subroutine short or overcurrentunsigned int y=0, time=0, scov=0, tmp=0, sc=0;void interrupt() { if (INTCON.TMR0IF ==1) { sc++; // Used in short-circuit timing tmp++; // Used in read temperature timing scov++; // Used in short-circuit, overcurrent and overtemperature timing time++; // Used in read temperature timing y++; // Used in short-circuit, overcurrent and overtemperature timing INTCON.TMR0IF = 0; // Clear timer0 interrupt flag TMR0 = 4; // Preset for timer register } }const char character[] = {14,10,14,4,31,4,10,17}; // Initial splash screen symbolvoid CustomChar(char pos_row, char pos_char){ char i; Lcd_Cmd(64); for (i = 0; i<=7; i++) Lcd_Chr_CP(character[i]); Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_RETURN_HOME); Lcd_Chr(pos_row, pos_char, 0);}unsigned char ch, ADCx;unsigned int Voltage, Current;unsigned long V, A, Pw; void show_intro(void) // Initial splash screen{ char i;Tone1(); delay_ms (100); Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CURSOR_OFF); // Turn cursor off Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR); // Clear LCD Lcd_Out(1,1,CopyConst2Ram(msg,LCD_txt1)); // Write text "Hello ***!" in first row delay_ms (1000);Tone1(); Lcd_Out(2,3,CopyConst2Ram(msg,LCD_txt2)); // Write text "How are you?" in second row delay_ms (1500); Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR); Lcd_Out(1,2,CopyConst2Ram(msg,LCD_txt3)); // Write text "Loading modules" in first row delay_ms(500); CustomChar (2,1); // Write custom character in second row --> for(i=0;i<15;i++) { LCD_Chr_CP(0); Tone3(); delay_ms(50); } delay_ms(500); Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CURSOR_OFF); Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR);Tone1(); Lcd_Out(1,3,CopyConst2Ram(msg,LCD_txt4)); // Write text "Power supply" in first row Lcd_Out(2,1,CopyConst2Ram(msg,LCD_txt5)); // Write text "0-30Vdc 0-10Adc" in second row delay_ms(2500); Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR); Lcd_Out(1,2,CopyConst2Ram(msg,LCD_txt6)); // Write text "* I'm ready! *" in first row Lcd_Out(2,2,CopyConst2Ram(msg,LCD_txt7)); // Write text "What about you?" in second rowTone1();Tone2();Tone3();Tone3();Tone1();Tone2();Tone3();Tone3();Tone1(); Tone2(); Tone3(); delay_ms(1500); Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CURSOR_OFF); // Turn cursor off Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR); // Clear LCD}//const unsigned short TEMP_RESOLUTION = 9; // Resolution of used DS18x20 sensorchar *text = " 0.0";unsigned temp; void Display_Temperature(int temp2write) // Format temperature results { bit T; // Flag to select negative or positive temperature display const unsigned short RES_SHIFT = 1; //TEMP_RESOLUTION - 8; char temp_whole; unsigned int temp_fraction; // Check if temperature is negative if (temp2write & 0x8000) { T=1; // Flag =1 to select negative temperature display temp2write = ~temp2write + 1; } else T=0; // Flag =0 to select positive temperature display // Extract temp_whole temp_whole = temp2write >> RES_SHIFT ; // Convet temp_whole to characters switch(T) { case 0: // Display if temperature is positive if(!(temp_whole/100)) text[0] = ' '; else text[0] = temp_whole/100 + 48; // Extract hundreds digit if(!(temp_whole/10)%10) text[1] = ' '; else text[1] = (temp_whole/10)%10 + 48; // Extract tens digit text[2] = temp_whole%10 + 48; // Extract ones digit break; case 1: // Display if temperature is negative if(!((temp_whole/10)%10)) { text[0] = ' '; text[1] = '-'; text[2] = (temp_whole%10 + 48); // Extract ones digit } if((temp_whole/10)%10) { text[0] = '-'; text[1] = ((temp_whole/10)%10 + 48); // Extract tens digit text[2] = (temp_whole%10 + 48); // Extract ones digit } break; } // Extract temp_fraction and convert it to unsigned int temp_fraction = temp2write << (4-RES_SHIFT); temp_fraction &= 0x000F; temp_fraction *= 625; // Convert temp_fraction to characters text[4] = temp_fraction/1000 + 48; // Extract thousands digit //text[5] = (temp_fraction/100)%10 + 48; // Extract hundreds digit } void ReadTemp() // Perform temperature reading { Ow_Reset(&PORTD, 0); // Onewire reset signal Ow_Write(&PORTD, 0, 0xCC); // Issue command SKIP_ROM Ow_Write(&PORTD, 0, 0x44); // Issue command CONVERT_T if (time>80) // Delay for temp conversion (Temperature Conversion Time 750ms Max) { Ow_Reset(&PORTD, 0); Ow_Write(&PORTD, 0, 0xCC); // Issue command SKIP_ROM Ow_Write(&PORTD, 0, 0xBE); // Issue command READ_SCRATCHPAD temp = Ow_Read(&PORTD, 0); temp = (Ow_Read(&PORTD, 0) << 8) + temp; time=0; } } const char gradc[] = {16,6,9,8,8,9,6,0}; // Degree celsius symbol void celsius(char pos_row, char pos_char) { char i; Lcd_Cmd(64); for (i = 0; i<=7; i++) Lcd_Chr_CP(gradc[i]); Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_RETURN_HOME); Lcd_Chr(pos_row, pos_char, 0); } void Display_Temp() // Display Temperature { Lcd_Out(2,11,text); Display_Temperature(temp); ReadTemp(); } void Overtemp() // Overtemperature subroutine{ if(!(temp & 0x8000)) { scov=0; y=0; Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR); PORTB.F1=0; // Relay OFF while (temp>160) { celsius(2,16); // Degree celsius symbol Display_Temp(); // Display temperature if(scov<3000) { if(y>10) { Lcd_Out(1,1,CopyConst2Ram(msg,LCD_txt14)); // Write text "Overtemperature!" in first row Lcd_Out(2,1,CopyConst2Ram(msg,LCD_txt15)); // Write text "T>90" in second row celsius(2,5); // Write celsius symbol after "T>90" in second row } if(y>150) { Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR); Tone3(); Delay_ms(100); y=0; } } else //if(scov>3000) { if(y>10) { Lcd_Out(1,1,CopyConst2Ram(msg,LCD_txt14)); // Write text "Overtemperature!" in first row Lcd_Out(2,1,CopyConst2Ram(msg,LCD_txt15)); // Write text "T>90" in second row celsius(2,5); // Write celsius symbol after "T>90" in second row } if(y>3000) { Tone3(); Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR); Delay_ms(10); y=0; scov=3001 ; } } } } Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR);} void volt_ADC() // Reading the analog inputs (ADC) { Voltage = 0; for (ADCx=0; ADCx<5; ADCx++) { Voltage += ADC_Read(1); // Reading voltage values from channel 1 Delay_us(20); } Voltage = Voltage/ADCx; // Voltage calculation V = (long)Voltage*3500; // Millivolts conversion V = V/1023; // 0...1023 => 0...3500mV } void crt_ADC() // Reading the analog inputs (ADC) { Current = 0; for (ADCx=0; ADCx<5; ADCx++) { Current += ADC_Read(0); // Reading current values from channel 0 Delay_us(20); } Current = Current/ADCx; // Current calculation A = (long)Current*1005; // Millivolts conversion A = A/1023; // 0..1023 => 0...3500mV } void Display_voltage () { ch = V/1000; // Extract tens digit 10.00 if (ch==0) Lcd_Chr(1,1,32); else Lcd_Chr(1,1,48+ch); // Display results in ASCII format ch = (V/100) % 10; // Extract ones digit 01.00 Lcd_Chr_CP(48+ch); // Display results in ASCII format Lcd_Chr_CP('.'); // Display caracter '.' ch = (V/10) % 10; // Extract tenths digit 00.10 Lcd_Chr_CP(48+ch); ch = V % 10; // Extract hundredths digit 00.01 Lcd_Chr_CP(48+ch); LCD_Chr_CP (units[0]); // Print "V" after voltage value Delay_ms(50); } void Display_current () { ch = A/1000; // Extract tens 10.00 if (ch==0) Lcd_Chr(1,11,32); else Lcd_Chr(1,11,48+ch); // Display results in ASCII format ch = (A/100) % 10; // Extract ones digit 01.00 Lcd_Chr_CP(48+ch); // Display results in ASCII format Lcd_Chr_CP('.'); // Display caracter '.' ch = (A/10) %10; // Extract tenths 00.10 Lcd_Chr_CP(48+ch); // Display results in ASCII format ch = A % 10; // Extract hundredths 00.01 Lcd_Chr_CP(48+ch); Lcd_Chr_CP(units[1]); // Print "A" after current value Delay_ms(50); // Ten microseconds delay } void Display_power () { Pw = V*A/1000; // Power calculation ch = Pw/1000; // Hundreds digit calculation and display if (ch==0) Lcd_Chr(2,1,32); else Lcd_Chr(2,1,48+ch); ch = (Pw/100) % 10; // Tens digit calculation and display if (ch==0 && (Pw/1000==0)) Lcd_Chr(2,2,32); else Lcd_Chr(2,2,48+ch); ch = (Pw/10) %10; // Units digit calculation and display Lcd_Chr_CP(48+ch); Lcd_Chr_CP('.'); // Display caracter '.' ch = (Pw/1) % 10; // Tenths digit calculation and display Lcd_Chr_CP(48+ch); Lcd_Chr_CP(units[2]); // Print "W" after power value } void display_short() // Short circuit subroutine { char a; PORTB.F1=0; // Relay OFF Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR); y=0; scov=0; sc=0; do { if(sc<3000) a=1; if(sc>3000) a=2; switch(a) { case 1: if(y<10) { Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR); Lcd_Out(1,3,CopyConst2Ram(msg,LCD_txt8)); // Write text "Output short" in first row Lcd_Out(2,1,CopyConst2Ram(msg,LCD_txt9)); // Write text "circuit detected" in second row Tone3(); Tone1(); scov=0; y=50; } if((y>150)&&(scov<250)) { Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR); Lcd_Out(1,3,CopyConst2Ram(msg,LCD_txt10)); // Write text "Please remove" in first row Lcd_Out(2,3,CopyConst2Ram(msg,LCD_txt11)); // Write text "short circuit!" in second row Tone1(); Tone3(); scov=250; } if(scov>350) { y=0; } break; case 2: if(y<10) { Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR); Lcd_Out(1,3,CopyConst2Ram(msg,LCD_txt8)); // Write text "Output short" in first row Lcd_Out(2,1,CopyConst2Ram(msg,LCD_txt9)); // Write text "circuit detected" in second row Tone3(); Tone1(); scov=0; y=50; } if((y>1500)&&(scov<2150)) { Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR); Lcd_Out(1,3,CopyConst2Ram(msg,LCD_txt10)); // Write text "Please remove" in first row Lcd_Out(2,3,CopyConst2Ram(msg,LCD_txt11)); // Write text "short circuit!" in second row Tone1(); Tone3(); scov=2150; } if(scov>2800) { y=0; } break; } if(tmp>80) // Delay for temp conversion (Temperature Conversion Time 750ms Max) { ReadTemp(); tmp=0; } if((temp>80)&&(!(temp & 0x8000))) PORTD.F1=1; // If temp. is positive and > 40 start cooler if(temp<60) PORTD.F1=0; // If temp is < 30 stop cooler volt_ADC(); // Read voltage } while(V>0); // Do print_scurt while voltage > 0 Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR); x=1; // Set flag x} void display_overcurrent() // Overcurrent subroutine { PORTB.F1=0; // Relay OFF Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR); scov=0; y=0; //PORTB.F0=1; do { if(scov<3000) { if(y>10) { Lcd_Out(1,3,CopyConst2Ram(msg,LCD_txt12)); // Write text "OVERCURRENT" in first row Lcd_Out(2,5,CopyConst2Ram(msg,LCD_txt13)); // Write text "I > 10A" in second row } if(y>150) { Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR); Tone2(); Delay_ms(100); y=0; } } else //if(scov>=1550) { if(y>5) { Lcd_Out(1,3,CopyConst2Ram(msg,LCD_txt12)); // Write text "OVERCURRENT" in first row Lcd_Out(2,5,CopyConst2Ram(msg,LCD_txt13)); // Write text "I > 10A" in second row } if(y>3000) { Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR); Tone2(); Delay_ms(100); y=0; } scov=3500 ; } if(tmp>80) // Delay for temp conversion (Temperature Conversion Time 750ms Max) { ReadTemp(); tmp=0; } if((temp>80)&&(!(temp & 0x8000))) PORTD.F1=1; // If temp.is positive and > 40 start cooler if(temp<60) PORTD.F1=0; // If temp is < 30 stop cooler volt_ADC(); // Read voltage } while(V>0); // Do print_overload while voltage > 0 Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR); x=1; // Set flag x } void main(){ TRISB=0; // Make PORTB pin an output PORTB=0; // Set PORTB to 0 ADCON1 = 0x88; // Configure Vref, and analog channels TRISA = 0xFF; // Designate PORTA as input TRISD = 0xFD; // Designate PORTD as input, RD1 output OPTION_REG = 0; // Clear option register OPTION_REG = 0b10000111; // Prescaler is assigned to the Timer0, Prescaler = 256 INTCON = 0; // Clear the interrpt control register INTCON = 0b10100000; // Bit7 global interrupt enable, Bit5 TMR0 overflow interrupt enable TMR0 = 4; // Preset for timer register PORTD.F1=0; // Set PORTD pin 1 to 0 //PORTB.F1=0; // Set PORTB pin 1 to 0 Sound_Init(&PORTB, 0); // Configures the MCU pin 0 for sound generation Lcd_Init(); // Initialize LCD Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR); // Clear LCD Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CURSOR_OFF); // Turn cursor off show_intro(); // Show splash screen Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR); Delay_ms(10); // 10 milliseconds delay time=0; while(1) // Endless loop { do { volt_ADC(); // Read voltage crt_ADC(); // Read current x=0; // Reset flag x if((V==0) && (A>0)) display_short(); // Check for output short circuit if((V>0) && (A>1000)) display_overcurrent(); // Check for output overcurrent } while(x>0); // Do while x=1, means that the subroutine short or overcurrent has finished PORTB.F1=1; // Relay ON PORTB.F0=0; // Set PORTB pin 0 to 0 celsius(2,16); // Display degree celsius symbol row 2 col 16 Display_voltage(); Display_current(); Display_power(); Display_Temp(); if((temp>=80)&&(!(temp & 0x8000))) PORTD.F1=1; // If temp.is positive and > 40 start cooler if(temp<=60) PORTD.F1=0; // If temp is < 30 stop cooler if(temp>180) Overtemp(); // If temp is > 90 do overtemp }} Link spre comentariu
danpin Postat Decembrie 22, 2014 Partajează Postat Decembrie 22, 2014 (editat) Hex-ul pt. programul de mai sus, trebuie stearsa extensia txt. MyProject.hex.txt Editat Decembrie 22, 2014 de danpin Link spre comentariu
Florian Ciobanu Postat Decembrie 22, 2014 Partajează Postat Decembrie 22, 2014 (editat) Buna seara domnilor, as vrea sa fac si eu v-a metrul acesta dar fara optiunea cu protectia la scurtcircuit dar nu stiu sa modific programul, ma puteti ajuta careva? Editat Decembrie 22, 2014 de Florian Ciobanu Link spre comentariu
Florian Ciobanu Postat Decembrie 31, 2014 Partajează Postat Decembrie 31, 2014 La multi ani tuturor utilizatorilor acestui forum! Link spre comentariu
ROBERT78 Postat Ianuarie 11, 2015 Partajează Postat Ianuarie 11, 2015 buna seara..am finalizat voltampermetru cu pic 16f877a...totul functioneaza aproape bine(zic aproape bine deoarece...am icarcat hexul(ultimul postat)de domnul danpin..dar nu imi masoara curentul doar tensiunea...daca pun sarcina pe sursa monitorizata nu imi indica nimic la curent....oare care ar fi problema??undeam gresit?? niste pareri sugestii...multumesc.. Link spre comentariu
ROBERT78 Postat Ianuarie 13, 2015 Partajează Postat Ianuarie 13, 2015 e ok acum..masoara si curentul....am uitat sa leg un fir.. Link spre comentariu
ROBERT78 Postat Ianuarie 13, 2015 Partajează Postat Ianuarie 13, 2015 http://youtu.be/WmEkh1dTv-0.....un mic filmulet cu realizarea mea http://youtu.be/-oDk_XJP5MAhttp://youtu.be/WmEkh1dTv-0sper ca se vede binemultumesc tuturor pentru ajutorul acordat....pentru realizarea voltmetrului...si felicitari si pentru domnul danpin...pentru softul pe care dinsul l-a realizat,modificat... Link spre comentariu
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