Mar Postat August 29, 2005 Partajează Postat August 29, 2005 As vrea sa introduc in programul meu o secventa cu watchdog timer, va rog sa ma ajutati si pe mine cu mai multe detalii. Din cite stiu eu trebuie sa:setez PSAsetez prescalerul(PSA si prescalerul din registrul OPTION_REG)Mai trebuie ceva?Multumesc Link spre comentariu
Cristiano Postat August 29, 2005 Partajează Postat August 29, 2005 In afara de ce ai mentionat deja, trebuie sa mai dai cate un CLRWDT din cand in cand (si anume la intervale care sunt mai scurte decat perioada minima a ceasului de garda, care e de aproximativ 10 .. 20ms - vezi foaia de catalog, inmultita cu valoarea aleasa pentru postscaler). Link spre comentariu
Mar Postat August 30, 2005 Autor Partajează Postat August 30, 2005 Daca poti sa fi mai explicit te rog ca nu stiu nimic de ceasul de garda si postscaler Multumesc Link spre comentariu
Mar Postat August 30, 2005 Autor Partajează Postat August 30, 2005 Adica daca setez prescalerul la 0,5 sec., trebuie sa dau clrwdt inainte de 0,5 sec.? Link spre comentariu
Cristiano Postat August 30, 2005 Partajează Postat August 30, 2005 Daca poti sa fi mai explicit te rog ca nu stiu nimic de ceasul de garda si postscaler Multumesc Pai de ce nu stii nimic, e explicat in foaia de catalog. In momentul in care pui o intrebare, ar trebui sa fi citit deja ce scrie acolo. An 8-bit counter is available as a prescaler for the Timer0 module, or as a postscaler for the Watchdog Timer. A prescaler assignment for the Timer0 module means that there is no postscaler for the Watchdog Timer, and vice-versa. The PSA and PS2:PS0 bits (OPTION<3:0>) determine the prescaler assignment and prescale ratio. The watchdog timer is a free running on-chip RC oscillator which does not require any external components. This RC oscillator is separate from the RC oscillator of the CLKIN pin. That means that the WDT will run, even if the clock on the OSC1 and OSC2 pins of the device has been stopped, for example, by execution of a SLEEP instruction. During normal operation, a WDT time out generates a device RESET. If the device is in SLEEP mode, a WDT time out causes the device to wake-up and continue with normal operation. The WDT can be permanently disabled by programming the configuration bit WDTE as clear (Section 14.1). 14.7.1 WDT PERIOD The WDT has a nominal time out period of 18 ms (with no prescaler). The time out periods vary with temperature, VDD and process variations from part to part (see DC Specifications, Table 17-7). If longer time out periods are desired, a postscaler with a division ratio of up to 1:128 can be assigned to the WDT under software control by writing to the OPTION register. Thus, time out periods up to 2.3 seconds can be realized. The CLRWDT and SLEEP instructions clear the WDT and the postscaler, if assigned to the WDT, and prevent it from timing out and generating a device RESET. The TO bit in the STATUS register will be cleared upon a Watchdog Timer time out. 14.7.2 WDT PROGRAMMING CONSIDERATIONS It should also be taken in account that under worst case conditions (VDD = Min., Temperature = Max., max. WDT postscaler) it may take several seconds before a WDT time out occurs. Trebuie sa rulezi periodic CLRWDT, inainte ca perioada de time-out sa expire (in caz ca doresti resetare la latch-up / erori in program), ori il poti lasa intentionat sa expire (mod low-power). Ceasul de garda e pus pentru siguranta (in caz ca programul o ia razna ori cipul intra in latch-up, microcontroller-ul va fi resetat), ori pentru facilitarea unui consum redus (impreuna cu modul SLEEP - microcontroller-ul se va activa periodic pentru durate scurte, in restul timpului fiind in sleep). Link spre comentariu
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