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Vizitator mister_rf

spune de unde iei 200V tensiune continua pentru tub?...

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One of the more daunting challenges for AOpen engineering team in developing the AX4B-533 Tube was the process of powering the tube circuitry that requires high voltage of up to 100V from the power supply to properly operate the tube. By incorporating a switching mode power supply for the tube circuitry that can truly rival solid-state amplifiers, then employing a maxim 668 DC-DC voltage converter to provide ample voltage for the tube to function under optimal conditions - correct audio playback is achieved. As a result, the AX4B-533 Tube performs brilliantly.






After careful study of many classic pre-amp circuits, AOpen decided to employ a single dual-triode (one tube with two front stereo channels) as the main amplification device. In addition, by following a long path to achieve signal amplification, straightforward amplification is achieved without the use of numerous coupling devices that could add unwanted coloration to the sound of the playback output. A separate input connector is also provided allowing users with existing sound card's output going through the tube amplification to achieve desire tube tonality. This design allows millions of users out there with their existing sound card to be working with AX4B-533 Tube in tandem.






One of the inherent difficulties of utilizing tubes for audio output amplification has always been the dreadful by-product of noise. AOpen solved this problem flawlessly with a method of noise reduction called the Frequency Isolation Wall (FIW). The FIW is strategically placed at all regions throughout the motherboard that separates each operating frequency regions such as CPU, memory, AGP and PCI where the operating frequency ranging from 133MHz, 66MHz and 33MHz. Cross talk among each regions had been reduced greatly for overall system stability as well as minimize inherit noise that may go to tube amplification circuitry.






A critical issue with any electronic device is reliability. When it comes to hybrid audio equipment, reliability plays an even greater role. The MTBF ratios for both the motherboard and the tube circuitry in the AX4B-533 Tube are stellar, with minimum 50,000 MTBF hours on the motherboard, and 35,000 MTBF hours on the tube circuitry (Tube itself will have about 4,000 to 5,000 hours, depends on operating conditions)






To ensure accurate tonal quality for music playback and to fully enhance the gaming experience, AOpen engineers meticulously selected the finest components from the world's top-rated manufacturers in designing and building the AX4B-533 Tube. In addition, the AX4B-533 Tube is painstakingly and patiently assembled, piece-by-piece, then fully inspected and individually tested by AOpen technicians to ensure that each motherboard meets its desired peak performance levels without hesitation.


The AX4B-533 Tube Motherboard comes with latest Intel 845E chipset design and features DDR SDRAM memory channels delivering 2.1 GB/s of memory bandwidth to the processor - maximizing the full performance of the Intel Pentium? 4 processor with 533Mhz FSB offers best overall performance and longevity. It comes with a 4X AGP slots; with new ICH4, the AX4B-533 Tube supports 4 ports of USB 2.0 and Ultra ATA/100 interface. With Intel 845E chipset, AOpen's AX4B-533 Tube provides a revolutionary fusion of old and new technology, producing unsurpassed PC audio output that takes full advantage of the Intel Pentium? 4 processor's capabilities.


Audio grade components are used throughout critical circuitry. By cooperating with Reliable Capacitors, high-end Rel MultiCap coupling capacitors were used. Cardas wires are also deployed strategically on the output to achieve faithful reproduction of music and sound effect.


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Vizitator mister_rf

Off topic:Mai mult de 99.99999% din lucrurile afirmate in lume nu vor fi ''vazute sau auzite'' de tine direct de la ''sursa''... deci ce faci?!... cum le verifici?... :lol:

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:evil: Nu este altceva decat o noua bomba comerciala ca sa atraga fraierii la fel ca dual chanel la RAM de exemplu.E foarte posibil ca tubul ala sa nu fie inclus in circuit exceptand incalzirea filamentului.

Ei aici nu ai nimerit-o. RAM-ul dual channel aduce un spor de performanta cam de 30% in aplicatii care folosesc intens memoria. Asta inseamna foarte mult practic e similar cu un upgrade la procesor. Ce memorii dual-channel ai avut pana acum (tip, producator) si nu ai fost multumit de rezultate?
Serios? nu mai spune si cum minunea asta?Degeaba ai conducta dubla la memorie atata timp cat la procesor ai conducta simpla. Fluxul masiv de date este intre procesor si memorie si este limitat de FSB-ul procesorului chiar daca mergi cu doua memorii in paralel si ai putea comunica la o rata dubla cu memoriile, totul va merge la rata procesorului, deci aici nici o imbunatatire. Apoi ar mai fi DMA-ul care exclusiv vine de pe PCI deci la o rata de 33MHz pe 32b muuult mai mica decat rata de lucru a memoriei, cam 133MB/s, pe care-i obtine la o memorie single chanel pur si simplu din pauzele care apar inerent in transferul dintre procesor si memorie din cauza memoriei cash interne procesorului. Deci poti sa-mi explici si in ce consta imbunatatirea care apare in cazul memorilor dual chanel.
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Nu este altceva decat o noua bomba comerciala ca sa atraga fraierii la fel ca dual chanel la RAM de exemplu.

E foarte posibil ca tubul ala sa nu fie inclus in circuit exceptand incalzirea filamentului.


Ei aici nu ai nimerit-o. RAM-ul dual channel aduce un spor de performanta cam de 30% in aplicatii care folosesc intens memoria. Asta inseamna foarte mult practic e similar cu un upgrade la procesor. Ce memorii dual-channel ai avut pana acum (tip, producator) si nu ai fost multumit de rezultate?


Serios? nu mai spune si cum minunea asta?

Degeaba ai conducta dubla la memorie atata timp cat la procesor ai conducta simpla. Fluxul masiv de date este intre procesor si memorie si este limitat de FSB-ul procesorului chiar daca mergi cu doua memorii in paralel si ai putea comunica la o rata dubla cu memoriile, totul va merge la rata procesorului, deci aici nici o imbunatatire. Apoi ar mai fi DMA-ul care exclusiv vine de pe PCI deci la o rata de 33MHz pe 32b muuult mai mica decat rata de lucru a memoriei, cam 133MB/s, pe care-i obtine la o memorie single chanel pur si simplu din pauzele care apar inerent in transferul dintre procesor si memorie din cauza memoriei cash interne procesorului. Deci poti sa-mi explici si in ce consta imbunatatirea care apare in cazul memorilor dual chanel.


No comment ca m-ai bagat in ceata.


Uite un link ca sa te lamuresti: ... el_DDR.htm

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Ma gandeam eu ca la sunet; dar am citit toate posturile de mai sus:<< spune de unde iei 200V tensiune continua pentru tub?...>><<"Noutatea" a circulat in revistele de informatica de 1 aprilie trecut (NU asta) ... Toti colegii au ras cu hohote cand au vazut poza... >>

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Ma gandeam eu ca la sunet; dar am citit toate posturile de mai sus:<< spune de unde iei 200V tensiune continua pentru tub?...>><<"Noutatea" a circulat in revistele de informatica de 1 aprilie trecut (NU asta) ... Toti colegii au ras cu hohote cand au vazut poza... >>

N-ai citit cu atentie pentru ca scrie mai sus cum se obtine tensiunea anodica. Asa in principiu ti se pare ca un convertor 12V-200V e imposibil de construit? Placa nu e o noutate , probabil ca de ea s-a ras anul trecut ( e foarte usor sa razi de ceva ce nu intelegi ) . Exista si o varianta pentru AMD cu chipset nForce 2 pe care o puteti vedea aici alta ordine de idei , daca cineva are o asemenea placa il rog sa posteze si sa ne spuna daca intr-adevar suna mai bine decat o placa obisnuita , altfel discutam degeaba despre "a fi sau a nu fi"
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Hmmm... ma gandesc pe cati dintr-e voi fac fericiti..... (si cati au sa stea in fata monitorului, buimaci ! )A fost greu sa fac rost de el dar este aici, nu l-am studiat, il studiem impreuna. hahahahahaha!!! :smt007 :smt007 :smt007 :smt044 :smt044 :smt044 :partyman: :partyman: :smt020 nu ma pot oprii... dr am sa ma opresc aici .bogdanm, eu am avut placa de sunet onboard la: DELL, Compaq, IBM, chiar si Matsonic, si nu s-a auzit nici un alt sunet decat cel pe care vroiam sa-l aud eu, este altceva ce a cauzat acele sunete nedorite la tine...

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