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Defect amplificator Zeck CA1600

Vizitator retturn_x

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Vizitator retturn_x

salutare comuniune de oameni,am un amplificator Zeck CA 1600 de prin 1998 fabricatie si a mers f bine pana cand de curand pe un canal cand trece de jumatate acolo unde incep ledurile vumetrului sa clipeasca in galben adica pana in rosu intra in protectiesi isi revine imediat apoi merge cateva secunde iar intra si tot asaindiferent ce boxe ii pun .folosesc doar cate doua incinte fiecare pe cate un canal si ampliful nu este solicitat , prokram de karaoke intr-un restaturant .boxele sunt jbl m-series, iar celelate sunt 2 blue tech cumparate de la magazin .nu le folosesc pe toate 4 pe amplif si chiar daca scimb boxele intre ele chiar si individual am aceeasi problema .va multumesc anticipat

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Vizitator sdsperera

salutare comuniune de oameni,am un amplificator Zeck CA 1600 de prin 1998 fabricatie si a mers f bine pana cand de curand pe un canal cand trece de jumatate acolo unde incep ledurile vumetrului sa clipeasca in galben adica pana in rosu intra in protectiesi isi revine imediat apoi merge cateva secunde iar intra si tot asa

indiferent ce boxe ii pun .folosesc doar cate doua incinte fiecare pe cate un canal si ampliful nu este solicitat , prokram de karaoke intr-un restaturant .boxele sunt jbl m-series, iar celelate sunt 2 blue tech cumparate de la magazin .nu le folosesc pe toate 4 pe amplif si chiar daca scimb boxele intre ele chiar si individual am aceeasi problema .va multumesc anticipat

Dear Sir,

I am in Sri Lanka. My name is Dinesh. Recently I receive Zeck CA1600 amplifier from one of my customer for repair purpose. He has given it to some other repair shop and they were unable to repair the amp. after that the owner brought the amp to me.
When I open the amp and observed, both CR153 diodes are missing from the both sides. I down loaded the CA1600 schematic but it has only written CR153 . theres no zener value.
could you please tell me whether I have to put 18V zenner or 4.3 Zenner. Or what is the correct zenner voltage . I downloaded Zeck A1205 schematic also. it mention 18v zenner. but on some other models of schematic mention 4.3v zenner .
so for CA1600 what is the correct zenner voltage?
Dear Sir, your valuable advice will be highly appreciated from our end.
please reply to [email protected] in ENGLISH
Dinesh - from sri Lanka
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Vizitator sdsperera


Dear Sir,

I am in Sri Lanka. My name is Dinesh. Recently I receive Zeck CA1600 amplifier from one of my customer for repair purpose. He has given it to some other repair shop and they were unable to repair the amp. after that the owner brought the amp to me.
When I open the amp and observed, both CR153 diodes are missing from the both sides. I down loaded the CA1600 schematic but it has only written CR153 . theres no zener value.


Moderator: Did you try to download the service manual from here ?

Edit: it seems that is no way to find that value in that service manual...

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Vizitator sdsperera

Many thanks for the reply Sir, I have the downloaded service manual. on that service manual it is only mention cr153 for that zener diode. if any one have the ca1600 amplifier then he can physically check that zener diode and tell me the voltave mention on it for me please.


I am waiting for someone's help. please

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