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incinta pt bandpass

Vizitator hazard

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Vizitator hazard

Am o incinta de 1.40/41/41 cm, pal de 2cm si vreau s-o impart, in asa fel incat sa-mi iasa un bandpass de ordin 4 jos, si sus 2 bas-mid si 1 tweeter.Am calculat putin si am iesit cu 90/41/41 cm pt bandpass, dc nu ma insel cam 133 litri.Am vazut un Boschmann V-10df cu urmatorii parametrii:Z = 4 ohmRe = 3.800 ohmFo (res. freq)=35.4954 HzZo (Zmax at Fo) = 17.8432Sd (piston) = 0.0339 m^2Bl (flux lenght) = 8.4123No (ref. efficien.) = 0.26Diam = 25.7 cm Qms = 3.0122Qes = 0.8151Qts = 0.6415Vas = 48.2047Cms (compliance) = 295.3870Mms (total mass) = 68.0621Mmd (diafr. mass) = 64.4732Xmax = 4 mmDa stiu, e boschmann, dar asta imi permit acum:).Anyway, dupa winsid merge bine intr-un bandpass 4.Cutia inchisa de 100l si cea deschisa de 32l, tunning freq de 43.68 Hz.Diametru la vent 10,2 cm si lungime de 32.08 cm.As dorii totusi un sfat sa stiu dc iese ceva asa, pt ca la bass-reflex imi trebuie o cutie ceva mai mare si raspunsul este mai prost, sau cel putin asa apare pe grafic.

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Vizitator dorupetrescu

Citeste postul meu:

si vezi daca e cazul sa te mai apuci sau nu.

Mirosul meu imi spune ca o sa ai un raspuns tranzitoriu de 2 lei.

O sa-mi fac timp sa si calculez ce-ar iesi. Oricum volumul inchis e mult prea mare fata de cel cu port.


Edit: am calculat, renunta. Nici macar subwoofer nu mi-as face cu raspunsul asta tranzitoriu.

Un calcul mai corect genereaza 76 l closed, 38 vented, 10 cm Dia si 20 cm lungime la port, acordat pe 48 Hz.

Iar daca Xmax la difuzor este intr-adevar 4 mm, nu stiu cum te scoti.

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Vizitator Vasile

Un calcul mai corect genereaza 76 l closed, 38 vented, 10 cm Dia si 20 cm lungime la port, acordat pe 48 Hz.

Nu ar trebui sa fie invers ?76 Litri vented38 Litri closedEu stiu ca incintele inchise ies mai mici :P
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Vizitator dorupetrescu

Vasile, era vorba de bandpass de ordinul 4.Cele doua volume de la bandpass rezulta 76l cel inchis si 38l cel cu port.Sau vrei sa ma cert si cu tine ca si cu Codebutcher si TDA dintr-o confuzie? :lol:

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Vizitator Vasile

Am refacut proiectul.... cu mai multa lana bagata in el :) Dar am o lene sa-l incarc pe internet.. tare greoaie procedura exista pe forumul asta (il batem pe Vasile pentru asta ? ) :?

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Vizitator hazard

sorry pt delay, dar mi-a cazut netul (din pod:)) aproape toata ziua.Multumesc f mult pt ajutor si chiar sunt impresionat ca mi-ati raspuns asa rpd.Cred ca varianta 3 pe care mi-a prezentat-o vasile este exact cum trebuie.Numai ca A-ul si este de 38cm si C-ul la fel.Asa incat o sa fie 103,4 cm pt B.Cred ca e ok asa nu?Inca un amanunt, incinta este floorstand, este vreo pb?Si ultima intrebare la "fill" pt cea inchisa este heavy si pt cea ventilata este normal.Cum pot sa imi dau seama ce inseamna fill heavy si normal?Ce fac cantaresc materialul pe care il bag inauntru?:)).Aaa...era sa uit, cum interpretez graficele la phase response si group delay?Cam aceleasi rezultate am avut si in winsid, numai ca imi cerea o cutie mai mare pt partea inchisa.Va multumesc inca o data pt ajutor.

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Vizitator Vasile

Nu-i nici o problema ca incinta va fi una de podea.Fill inseamna "materialul fonoabsorbant" heavy inseamna ca este multnormal inseamna (ca nu este nebun :lol:) material pus nici mult si noci putin cam o paturica de vro 2-3 cm grosime pe toti pereti interiori. phase response este perfect cum a iesit, este raspunsul pe care-l baga incinta ca defazaj (iar nu am tradus bine)group delay este intarziere sunetului dupa ce ai oprit amplificatorul :lol: sau mai bine zis aceasta intarziere se suprapune peste semnalul util in timpul functionari si aici mai mic nu am putut scoate.Nu ma pune sa traduc termeni "americani" ca eu am facut rusa la scoala :|

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Vizitator Vasile

Explicatiile sunt preluate, nu-mi apartingroup delay

This graph is similar to the phase response graph except that it expresses the lag of the output audio signal as a delay in milliseconds. The group delay is derived from the slope of the phase response.Ideally, there should be no delay from one frequency to the next. This would result in a flat plot line. In general, the group delay increases as the frequency decreases. A gradual change in the group delay is not very audible. However, sudden large changes in group delay are audible and should be avoided.

Phase Response

This graph shows how much the audio signal emanating from the driver will lag behind the input signal. This delay is expressed as a phase angle in degrees. It is literally the difference between the phase of the input signal and the phase of the output signal.The phase of a perfect sine wave rotates 360° in one complete cycle or wavelength. If this perfect sine wave were used to drive the loudspeaker and the sound that emanated from it had no delay, the phase response would be zero degrees (0°) because the phase of both the input and output would match perfectly. If the sine wave emanating from the loudspeaker were delayed by half a wavelength, the phase response would be 180° at that frequency. In this case, the sine wave emanating from the loudspeaker would be inverted—it would be negative when the input is positive and visa versa.The phase response is most important in the crossover region between two different drivers. If the phase response at the crossover frequency of the woofer is 180° different from that of the tweeter, then the sound emanating from the two drivers will cancel at the crossover frequency, creating a dip in the amplitude response.Ideally, there should be no difference in phase from one frequency to the next. This would result in a flat plot line. In practice however, the phase angle increases as the frequency decreases. Closed boxes typically experience a 180° total phase shift while vented boxes typically experience a 360° total phase shift. Bandpass boxes have an even greater phase shift.

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Vizitator hazard

Ok.Am rezolvat-o cu dimesiunile sa am exact acelasi litraj.Acum am ajuns la o inaltime de 72cm, latime de 37 si adancime de 39.Problema acum este:incinta este floorstand, care dintre camere este cea lipita de podea?Si unde montez vent-ul in fatza, spate sau lateral?Are vreo importanta?

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