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Diagnosticarea AUTOMOBILELOR cu ajutorul PC-ului ...

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Vizitator vasycara

Am un fiat doblo 1,3 multijet din2004. am conectat interfata elm327 la obd2 al masinii,si imi spune ca nu se poate conecta la incercat cu mai multe programe pt elm327 ,acelasi rezultat.mentionez ca interfata merge bine pe un ww pasat 2001. daca ma poate ajuta cineva,multumesc anticipat.

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Vizitator gabriel75

cine ma poate ajuta cu o kia clarus 98 sa-i rescriu ecu ? are o memorie eeprom 27c512. Tot imi da eroare imobilizator, cu toate ca am schimbat imobilizatorul cu cod imo cu tot.

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Vizitator vasycara

Am gasit interfata diagnoza pentru fiat,doblo,merge foarte bine sint multumit, imi fac singur diagnoza.Merge pe aproape toate tipurile de fiat care au OBD2.

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  • 1 lună mai târziu...
Vizitator gabriel75

e vorba de kia clarus 1998 1.8 16v, ecu M 261204863, K9BN, si imi trebuie un soft cu care sa rescriu cipul fara imobilizator. Un immo off.

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Buna domnilor,


De ceva vreme caut o interfata de diagnosticare a intregul autovehicul(ABS, AIRBAG, etc) si nu numai motorul. sunt interesat de ODB2 dar in special de CAN-bus. Imi puteti recomanda o asemenea interfata?

Am ales cateva dar nu prea sunt lamurit cu ele. teoretic aceste interfete au acces la CANbus dar din descrierile software nu prea reiese acesta.



1. ElmCan-II USB


OBD2/EOBD interface for all protocols and USB computer connection, max. 500.000 Baud mit Original IC ELM327 v1.3a . 500,000 baud with original IC ELM327 v1.3a. Lieferung mit Demo-Software oder optional mit einer ScanMaster-ELM OEM Software-Lizenz, bitte wählen Sie unten. Supplied with demonstration software or with an optional ScanMaster-ELM OEM software license, please choose below. Bitte wählen Sie unten auch OBD Steckertyp. Please select below also OBD Connector.


Supported protocols:


* ISO9141-2

* KWP2000 slow init KWP2000 slow init

* KWP2000 fast init KWP2000 fast init



* CAN 11bit/250kB CAN 11bit/250kB

* CAN 11bit/500kB CAN 11bit/500kB

* CAN 29bit/250kB CAN 29bit/250kB

* CAN 29bit/500kB CAN 29bit/500kB


2. OBDLink Scan Tool


Supports all legislated OBD protocols:


* ISO15765-4 (CAN)


* ISO14230-4 (Keyword Protocol 2000)

* ISO9141-2 (Asian, European, Chrysler vehicles)

* J1850 VPW (GM vehicles)

* J1850 PWM (Ford vehicles) ... dlink.html


Vine impreuna cu softwareul: OBDwiz Automotive Diagnostic Software


3. ELM 327 v1.5a(desi nu am vazut pe situl oficial aceasta versiune software ci doar 1.4 "We are currently shipping version 1.4 of the ELM327")

Suporta urmatoarele protocoale:




ISO 14230-4 (KWP2000)

ISO 9141-2 (5 baud init. 10.4 kbaud, replaced by 14230-4 gradually, stopped in USA in 2008)

ISO 15765-4 (CAN-B 125Kbps, CAN-C 500Kbs, started since 2003 in USA)

SAE J1850 VPW (10.4 kbaud, replaced by 14230-4 gradually, stopped in USA in 2008)

SAE J1850 PWM (41.6 kbaud, replaced by 14230-4 gradually, stopped in USA in 2008)

SAE J1939 the Data link connector standard

ISO KWP (5 baud init, 10.4 kbaud)

ISO KWP (fast init, 10.4 kbaud)

ISO CAN (11 bit ID, 500 kbaud)

ISO CAN (29 bit ID, 500 kbaud)

ISO CAN (11 bit ID, 250 kbaud)

ISO CAN (29 bit ID, 250 kbaud)


Nu stiu ce sa spun dar aceste protocoale sunt suportate si de ELM327 v1.3a!


Toate aceste interfete sunt contruite in jurul cipului ELM 327, dar nici unde nu am vazut concret ca pot diagnostica si alte unitati de control(ABS, AIRBAG etc.) in afara de ECU?!(adica nici un software nu prezinta asemenea functii, se spune ca ScanXL Professional ar putea dar in descriere nu gasesc nimic.)


4. OBD-DIAG 4000

In K-Line/KKL mode poate functiona cu urmatoarele softwareuri:


OBD-DIAG, C.E.S. spezial Edition, Scantool, Digimoto, PCMSCAN, OBD-ScanMaster, wOBD, Real Scan, Scan-Test, OBD Gauge for Pocket PC, OBD2ScanTool, 409(KKL-capable), DDT2000, AlfaDiag si altele.


Modes / protocols


1. ISO9141-2

2. KWP2000 slow init

3. KWP2000 fast init

4. PWM


6. CAN 11bit/250kB

7. CAN 11bit/500kB

8. CAN 29bit/250kB

9. CAN 29bit/500kB

10. K/L transit mode

11. KK/L transit mode ... 90&lang=en


5. OBD-DIAG 4000exp


In K-Line/KKL mode poate functiona cu urmatoarele softwareuri:


OBD-DIAG, C.E.S. spezial Edition, Scantool, Digimoto, PCMSCAN, OBD-ScanMaster, wOBD, Real Scan, Scan-Test, OBD Gauge for Pocket PC, OBD2ScanTool, 409(KKL-capable), DDT2000, AlfaDiag si altele.


Modes / protocols


1. ISO9141-2

2. KWP2000 slow init

3. KWP2000 fast init

4. PWM


6. CAN 11bit/250kB

7. CAN 11bit/500kB

8. CAN 29bit/250kB

9. CAN 29bit/500kB

10. K/L transit mode

11. KK/L transit mode

12. CAN low-level mode ... 19&lang=en


La ambele interfete se pot utiliza softwareuri compatibile cu ELM32x.


6. DIAMEX DX-ExpressCard Expert


Supported Protocols:


ISO (ISO9141-2)

CAN-Bus (ISO15765-4) 11Bit / 29Bit / 250kBaud / 500kBaud

KWP2000 (ISO14230-4) Fast & Slow

PWM (SAE J1850)

CAN-Bus LowLevel(''LAWICEL'' Modus)

VPWM (SAE J1850)

K/L and KK/L(for using and other Software) ... 65f3c3fd24


7. CAN sniffer Car Kit


The CAN monitor program allows to implement, with the help of a CANUSB Interface Adapter, a simple way, tests and measurements on the CAN bus. CAN Frames mit beliebigen Parametern (CAN-ID, Datenlänge, Geschwindigkeit etc.) lassen sich damit aussenden, empfangen und protokollieren. CAN frames with arbitrary parameters (CAN-ID, data length, speed, etc.) can thus receive and send, and track. ... r-kit.html



*********** SOFTWARE **********


1. ScanMaster-ELM ELM327 OBD-2 software


ScanMaster-ELM OBD-II/EOBD is a diagnostic tool for vehicle diagnostics in an amount prescribed pursuant gesätzlich OBD-II/EOBD standards that the ELM327 chip, the company ELM Electronics was developed specifically for and supports all 10 SAE J1979 defined in OBD-2 Diagnostic Modes $ 01 - $ 0A and communication protocols:



ISO9141-2 ISO9141-2


ISO14230-4 (KWP2000) fast init ISO14230-4 (KWP2000) almost init

* ISO14230-4 (KWP2000) slow init ISO14230-4 (KWP2000) slow init






ISO15765-4 (CAN Bus) 11/250 ISO15765-4 (CAN bus) 11 / 250

* ISO15765-4 (CAN Bus) 11/500 ISO15765-4 (CAN bus) 11 / 500

* ISO15765-4 (CAN Bus) 29/250 ISO15765-4 (CAN bus) 29 / 250

* ISO15765-4 (CAN Bus) 29/500 ISO15765-4 (CAN bus) 29 / 500 ... links.html


2. ScanXL (Professional)


Desi OBDLink Scan Tool vine impreuna cu softul OBDwiz totusi este prea putin pt necesitatile mele(nu stie ABS, Aibag etc).


Premium diagnostic software, such as ScanXL and ScanMaster, offers a myriad of additional features, including access to proprietary systems such as ABS, and thousands of enhanced manufacturer-specific parameters.


* Compatible with all ElmScan Multi Protocol scan tools sold on this website.

* Supports all OBD-II compliant vehicles, including EOBD and JOBD vehicles. See complete list of supported vehicles.

* Works on any Windows PC.

* Scalable vector graphics look great at any resolution.

* Dyno and Drag Strip measure horsepower (manual transmission only) and acceleration.

* Customizable Graphs, Maps, and Gauges help make sense of the data.

* With Freeze Frames you will be able to retrieve a "snap-shot" of sensor data when your ECU stores trouble codes.

* Don't wait until you have a problem with your vehicle. Use ScanXL's Data Logger to record healthy engine parameters and use that data to help spot problems in the future.

* Alerts feature produces an audible warning when a parameter value (coolant temperature, RPM, etc) goes outside normal operating range (Pro version only).

* After clearing trouble codes, check Monitor Status to see if your vehicle is ready for emissions testing.

* The Vehicle Manager can keep track of multiple vehicles and owners simultaneously.

* Javascript engine lets user define custom parameters (miles per gallon, acceleration, etc).


3. MoDiag

aici aveti ce stie:


si cu stupoare am aflat ca nu stie ce ma intereseaza:


F: Can I reset the service indicator light with moDiag?


A: No! OBD-2 protocols are standardized for "emmisions related" diagnostics. The service indicator is not emmisions related! It is a function which is implemented by the manufacturer. And every manufacturer has a different way to reset it.


F: Can I read/erase trouble codes of Anti-Lock-Brake system (Climate Control, Airbag...)?


A: No! These are not "emmissions related" systems. Therefor for these systems no standardized communication protocols exist! Every manufacturer has his own way of communication to these systems!


F: But the workshop also uses the OBD-2-connector to communicate with the Anti-Lock-Brake system (Climate control; Airbag...)?


A: The OBD-2 connector has more pins than neccessary for OBD-2-diagnostics. The manufacturer specific testers of the work shop are using other pins of the connector and - more important - different and manufaturer specific communication protocols.



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  • 1 lună mai târziu...
Vizitator iliehar

Eu am incercat pe un espace 2001 1.9 TDI si interfata cu ddt 2000 si ELM 327 si nu vrea am cumparat un aparat FR704 zice ca merge pe tot cei frantuzesc dar mirare nu vede decat airbag si abs nu vede motorul si pe logan doar motorul fara airbag nu stiu ce sa fac ,poate dati si voi un sfat.Multumesc

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  • 3 săptămâni mai târziu...

Va salut! am un fiat Punto Cabrio ELX,motor 1,6 8valve,88CP(MPI), am incercat sa o diagnostic cu o interfata pt VW, (nu are mufa OBD doar mufa cu 3 pini K ,L ,GND) problema e ca nu imi gasesc compuetrul in nici o lista a programelor de diagnoza,am incercat si cu Alfadiag si nu vede conputerul nici un program, Ecu este produs de GM,model 1,58L MAN ,16214289, BP JZ 034Dupa multe cautari pe net am gasit ca ar fi asemanator cu ecu de opel aceasi motorizare.Multumesc!

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  • 7 luni mai târziu...

Am un scaner ELM327 v1.4 din plastic-conectat la un rover45 din 2001,cu scanmaster 2.1 citeste senzorii,recunoaste protocolul 1942-2,dar la coduri de eroare nu citeste nimic,nu pot sa sting ceckengine.Cu obd2tool si alte softuri insotite de interfata nu citeste nimic-conectat la vw polo din 2000,cu scanmaster,recunoaste interfata,dar nu comunica cu ecu.Cu o interfata simpla cu 2 tranz si cu soft vwtools merge.VCDS si vagcom nu recunosc interfata.Cred ca acestea merg doar la interfata vag?Deci ce sa-i mai fac la ELM327? e stricata interfata,necesita alt soft?

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  • 3 luni mai târziu...
Vizitator supremas

De unde pot lua un manual de utilizare, sau ceva informatii despre cum se foloseste o interfata diagnoza vag K+CAN, 1.4(vreau de exemplu se citesc memoria 24c4 si am inteles ca se poate cu aceasta interfata dar cum?) Multumesc.

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