Vizitator Gladiatorul1933 Postat Ianuarie 11, 2010 Partajează Postat Ianuarie 11, 2010 Trebuie sa fac un proiect cu PIC16F84-DS18B20-LCD16x2 am nevoie urgenta de un cod!!Va rog frumos pe cei care aveti sau stiti si puteti sa ma ajutati ...........v-as fi foarte recunoscator!!!!!!! Link spre comentariu
gr1ph0n Postat Ianuarie 14, 2010 Partajează Postat Ianuarie 14, 2010 Codul principal: #include <16f84.h>#use delay(clock=4000000)#fuses NOWDT,XT, NOPUT, NOPROTECT#include "1wire.c"#include "mylcd.c"float ds1820_read(){int8 busy=0, temp1, temp2;signed int16 temp3;float result;onewire_reset();onewire_write(0xCC);onewire_write(0x44);delay_ms(200);while (busy == 0) busy = onewire_read();onewire_reset();onewire_write(0xCC);onewire_write(0xBE);temp1 = onewire_read();temp2 = onewire_read();temp3 = make16(temp2, temp1);result = (float) temp3 / 16.0; //0.1 deg C resolutiondelay_ms(200);return(result);}void main(){float temperature; delay_ms(50); lcd_init();//for 10 bit resolution modonewire_write(0xCC);onewire_write(0x4E);onewire_write(125); onewire_write(-55); //this should be done for proper working of DS18B20 onewire_write(127);onewire_reset(); onewire_write(0xCC); onewire_write(0x48); delay_ms(15);while (1){ temperature = ds1820_read();lcd_putc("\f");printf(lcd_putc,"Temp:");printf (lcd_putc," %d", (signed int) temperature);delay_ms(100);}} //enf of main program 1wire.c #ifndef ONE_WIRE_C#define ONE_WIRE_C/* * One wire (1-wire) driver for CCS C compiler. Suitable for use with devices * such as the DS18B20 1-wire digital temperature sensor. */#define ONE_WIRE_PIN PIN_A0/* * onewire_reset() * Description: Initiates the one wire bus. */// OK if just using a single permanently connected devicevoid onewire_reset() { output_low(ONE_WIRE_PIN); // pull the bus low for reset delay_us(500); output_float(ONE_WIRE_PIN); // float the bus high delay_us(500); // wait-out remaining initialisation window output_float(ONE_WIRE_PIN);}/* * onewire_write(int8 data) * Arguments: a byte of data. * Description: writes a byte of data to the device. */void onewire_write(int8 data) { int8 count; for(count = 0; count < 8; ++count) { output_low(ONE_WIRE_PIN); delay_us(2); // pull 1-wire low to initiate write time-slot. output_bit(ONE_WIRE_PIN, shift_right(&data, 1, 0)); // set output bit on 1-wire delay_us(60); // wait until end of write slot. output_float(ONE_WIRE_PIN); // set 1-wire high again, delay_us(2); // for more than 1us minimum. }}/* * onewire_read() * Description: reads and returns a byte of data from the device. */int onewire_read() { int count, data; for(count = 0; count < 8; ++count) { output_low(ONE_WIRE_PIN); delay_us(2); // pull 1-wire low to initiate read time-slot. output_float(ONE_WIRE_PIN); // now let 1-wire float high, delay_us(8); // let device state stabilise, shift_right(&data, 1, input(ONE_WIRE_PIN)); // and load result. delay_us(120); // wait until end of read slot. } return data;}#endif /*ONE_WIRE_C*/ mylcd.c struct lcd_pin_map { // This structure is overlayed BOOLEAN enable; // on to an I/O port to gain BOOLEAN rs; // access to the LCD pins. BOOLEAN rw; // The bits are allocated from BOOLEAN unused; // low order up. ENABLE will int data : 4; // be pin B0. } lcd;#byte lcd = 6 // on to port B (at address 6)#define set_tris_lcd(x) set_tris_b(x)#define lcd_type 1 // 1 lines#define lcd_line_two 0x40 // LCD RAM address for the second lineBYTE const LCD_INIT_STRING[4] = {0x20 | (lcd_type << 3),0xC,1,6}; // These bytes need to be sent to the LCD // to start it up. // The following are used for setting // the I/O port direction register.struct lcd_pin_map const LCD_WRITE = {0,0,0,0,0}; // For write mode all pins are outstruct lcd_pin_map const LCD_READ = {0,0,0,0,15}; // For read mode data pins are inBYTE lcd_read_byte(){ BYTE low,high; set_tris_lcd(LCD_READ); = 1; delay_cycles(1); lcd.enable = 1; delay_cycles(1); high =; lcd.enable = 0; delay_cycles(1); lcd.enable = 1; delay_us(1); low =; lcd.enable = 0; set_tris_lcd(LCD_WRITE); return( (high<<4) | low);}void lcd_send_nibble( BYTE n ){ = n; delay_cycles(1); lcd.enable = 1; delay_us(2); lcd.enable = 0;}void lcd_send_byte( BYTE address, BYTE n ){ = 0; while ( bit_test(lcd_read_byte(),7) ) ; = address; delay_cycles(1); = 0; delay_cycles(1); lcd.enable = 0; lcd_send_nibble(n >> 4); lcd_send_nibble(n & 0xf);}void lcd_init(){ BYTE i; set_tris_lcd(LCD_WRITE); = 0; = 0; lcd.enable = 0; delay_ms(15); for(i=1;i<=3;++i) { lcd_send_nibble(3); delay_ms(5); } lcd_send_nibble(2); for(i=0;i<=3;++i) lcd_send_byte(0,LCD_INIT_STRING[i]);}void lcd_gotoxy( BYTE x, BYTE y){ BYTE address; if(y!=1) address=lcd_line_two; else address=0; address+=x-1; lcd_send_byte(0,0x80|address);}void lcd_putc( char c){ switch (c) { case '\f' : lcd_send_byte(0,1); delay_ms(2); break; case '\n' : lcd_gotoxy(1,2); break; case '\b' : lcd_send_byte(0,0x10); break; default : lcd_send_byte(1,c); break; }}char lcd_getc( BYTE x, BYTE y){ char value; lcd_gotoxy(x,y); while ( bit_test(lcd_read_byte(),7) ); // wait until busy flag is low; value = lcd_read_byte();; return(value); Nu stiu daca o sa functioneze la tine, nu ai specificat nicio schema. Vrei cod pentru PIC16F84 sau PIC 16F877? Link spre comentariu
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