Toader Postat Ianuarie 25, 2010 Partajează Postat Ianuarie 25, 2010 Incintele sant facute si ascult la ele.Proiectul e asta ... /H03.3.pdf Link spre comentariu
Toader Postat Ianuarie 25, 2010 Partajează Postat Ianuarie 25, 2010 Iar difuzoarele sant asta si asta Link spre comentariu
Vizitator SunRa Postat Ianuarie 25, 2010 Partajează Postat Ianuarie 25, 2010 Uite, la cat sunt de mici incintele eu nu mi-as face griji foarte mari. Insa raspunsul in frecventa este destul de jos, energia acumulata tinde sa fie mai mare acolo, iar tu ai simtit vibratii pe laturile incintei.O sa ma straduiesc sa gasesc cat mai repede acele teste de auditie de care iti spuneam si daca tu consideri ca mdf-ul nu este suficient de bun pentru aplicatia asta (ceea ce este perfect posibil), poti sa incerci placaj stratificat.Se pot pune linkuri de pe alte forumuri aici? Stiu o serie de thread-uri care discuta problema asta si cred ca ar fi de interes (mdf vs. wood, vs. plywood, metode inedite de constructie, etc.) Link spre comentariu
Vizitator SunRa Postat Ianuarie 26, 2010 Partajează Postat Ianuarie 26, 2010 Am promis ca vin cu niste completari. Nu e mare lucru, dar in lipsa echipamentului poate sunt de ajutor. Au fost descrise de Lynn Olson. Primul e mai mult legat de tweetere, insa mi s-a parut interesant:1. Tweeters have a surprising amount of distortion. To hear the tweeter distortion, play music at a level you're comfortable with, and choose selections that have a continuous line of singing. Now shut off the midbass and woofers, leaving the tweeter playing. The sound will be wispy and insubstantial, and after you listen for a little while, you'll notice that on some passages, it is actually quite distorted. Notice that the distortion comes and goes in an unpredictable and maddening way - just as you start to relax, the thing blats and sizzles like a piece of tissue paper, than the annoyance flits away again.2) Cabinets have more coloration than you think. Play a symphonic piece this time, something scored with a lot of density. No chamber music or jazz, no good for this test. Play it a moderate level, and walk up to the speaker and press your ear directly against the side of the cabinet. Repeat for the rear. Try the other side.Now sit and listen in the usual listening position. You can still hear the cabinet sound, can't you? Yes, it's been there all along, and you didn't know it. Now you do - and you won't be able to ignore it any more!3) Cabinets have really weird-sounding internal standing wave colorations, and especially cabinets where multiple drivers share a common chamber (line arrays, I'm looking at you). If you visit the proud audiophile or manufacturer when the drivers are pulled out, if the baffle opening is big enough, put your head inside (don't get stuck!!!), or if you want to play it safe, put your ear right at the aperture.Listen for awhile. Note just how different it sounds than when you're several feet away in free air. The cabinet, even if is filled with Miracle Absorbing Material, has a hollow, muffled, resonant - well, boxlike quality, but with odd colorations from the damping techniques themselves. It's not really a simple "box" sound - there's other stuff, too, and hard to describe.Speaker diaphragms are acoustically transparent, no matter what material they are made from. These weird boxy qualities are there all the time, overlaying their signature on the honest sound of the driver. This is especially severe in line arrays with a common rear chamber - the best reason for using multiple, small, isolated chambers, preferably of dissimilar dimensions.Alte cateva metode, descrise de alti DIYéri* For listening in a box, I want to add a simple technique I use when choosing stuffing. I put my head and talk in to the box. Every time my voice sounds the best I can achieve by changing type and arranging the stuffing, so it does the mid bass of the final speaker.** I found a quick way of listening to the 'sound' of a LS enclosure is to tape a few layers of newspaper over a driver opening and tap it firmly - you hear the cabinet 'tone' without driver influence or filtering.The sound is also very similar to what you hear when you tap the cone of an electrically disconnected driver in the cabinet, and it shows how you can hear much more from the cabinet via the driver than from the driver itself.*** My favorite tests for box noise is to place the speaker in a dead, large or outdoor environment and then run an MLS signal, or white noise. Kill it instantaneously and listen for the "boing" that trails the end of the signal, leading to silence. 90% of venteds make nice flower pots after this test. Link spre comentariu
Vizitator kidx Postat Februarie 6, 2010 Partajează Postat Februarie 6, 2010 nu mai retin exact dar acum ceva timp in urma am vazut pe net un filmulet unde o firma mare producatoare de incite acustice folosea osb. si eu am folosit osb si nu am avut probleme cu el . chiar si cel de 15 ,ranforsat se comporta bine si este usor. nu am incercat paralel 2 incinte identice una osb alta pal sau mdf ca sa pot vorbi dar am sa o fac cat de curand . la tego trebuie inlatuat acel strat de protectie. cel putin unde se imbina . daca gresesc as dori sa fiu corectat! Ce firma? Erau incinte pro sau de casa? Eu discut doar prin prisma incintelor hi-fi de casa, nu pentru sonorizare pro. Ca sa adere adezivul, intr-adevar trebuie curatata vopseaua. E-V foloseste osb la seria Eliminator de incinte pro Link spre comentariu
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