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ledul nu clipeste pe 16f628a


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am scris programul de mai jos

status equ 03htrisa equ 85hporta equ 05hCOUNT1        equ       08h                  ;First counter for our delay loopsCOUNT2        equ       09h                 ;Second counter for our delay loopsbsf                    status,5              ;Go to Bank 1movlw              00h                 ;Put 00000 into Wmovwf              trisa                  ;Move 00000 onto TRISA bcf                   status,5               ;Come back to Bank 0;turn the led onStart movlw 02h    ; write 00010 la registerul w        movwf porta  ; muta contentu de la w la port a;****Add a delay   call       delay ;****Delay finished, now turn the LED off****       movlw 00h ; write 00000 la registerul w      movwf porta  ; muta contentu de la w la port a; back to startgoto Start delay Loop1                decfsz              COUNT1,1               ;This second loop keeps the LED                     goto                  Loop1              ;turned off long enough for us to                     decfsz              COUNT2,1              ;see it turned off                     goto                  Loop1               ;Loop2                decfsz              COUNT1,1               ;This second loop keeps the LED                     goto                  Loop2              ;turned off long enough for us to                     decfsz              COUNT2,1              ;see it turned off                     goto                  Loop2               ;returnend
si ledul nu clipeste , ce am gresit ?

folosesc oscilatorul intern ledul sta doar aprins pe RA 1

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am dezactivat cu

CMCON equ 1FhMOVLW    0x07     ; Load 7 into W registerMOVWF    CMCON  ; CMCON = contents of W register 7h
dar tot nu merge , parca nu ar merge loop-ul , ca daca pun manual ca off portul respectiv se stinge becul
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Ledul se stinge,dar doar pentru cateva microsecunde, si normal ca se vede ca si cum ar sta aprins tot timpul. Trebuie sa bagi o intarziere (call delay)si dupa ce ai facut portul in 0 ( led stins) abia apoi poti sa te intorci la Start.Incearca asa :

status equ 03htrisa equ 85hporta equ 05hCOUNT1        equ       08h                  ;First counter for our delay loopsCOUNT2        equ       09h                 ;Second counter for our delay loopsbsf                    status,5              ;Go to Bank 1movlw              00h                 ;Put 00000 into Wmovwf              trisa                  ;Move 00000 onto TRISA bcf                   status,5               ;Come back to Bank 0;turn the led onStart movlw 02h    ; write 00010 la registerul w        movwf porta  ; muta contentu de la w la port a;****Add a delay   call       delay ;****Delay finished, now turn the LED off****       movlw 00h ; write 00000 la registerul w      movwf porta  ; muta contentu de la w la port a  call       delay; back to startgoto Start delay Loop1                decfsz              COUNT1,1               ;This second loop keeps the LED                     goto                  Loop1              ;turned off long enough for us to                     decfsz              COUNT2,1              ;see it turned off                     goto                  Loop1               ;Loop2                decfsz              COUNT1,1               ;This second loop keeps the LED                     goto                  Loop2              ;turned off long enough for us to                     decfsz              COUNT2,1              ;see it turned off                     goto                  Loop2               ;returnend

LE : In rutina de intarziere vad ca folosesti niste contoare ,dar nu le incarci nicaieri cu niste valori la inceput.In momentul alimentarii pic-ului continutul ram-ului e oarecum random,si anumite constante ce trebuiesc tinute in ram este necesar sa fie actualizate din memoria program. In plus pentru o rutina de intarziere,contoarele trebuiesc reincarcate la fiecare intrare in rutina,pentru ca pe masura executiei acesteia valoarea din contoare se altereaza.Incerca generatorul de la : ... /delay.htm

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