Vizitator prigbel Postat Octombrie 17, 2009 Partajează Postat Octombrie 17, 2009 Salut,Am 2 uC-uri ATMEGA16 si desi sunt aproape noi (am facut cu ele doar cateva teste gen apasat buton si aprins led) am cativa pini care raman pe 1 logic. Asta chiar daca ii spun in program sa ii puna pe 0 sau chiar daca nu are nimic in el (softul sters).De exemplu pinii PORTC5 si 6 sunt pe 1 logic iar restul sunt 0. De mentionat ca nu sunt aceeasi pini cu probleme la ambele uC. Ati mai intalnit asa ceva? Stima. Link spre comentariu
danzup Postat Octombrie 18, 2009 Partajează Postat Octombrie 18, 2009 Salut, Am 2 uC-uri ATMEGA16 si desi sunt aproape noi (am facut cu ele doar cateva teste gen apasat buton si aprins led) am cativa pini care raman pe 1 logic. Asta chiar daca ii spun in program sa ii puna pe 0 sau chiar daca nu are nimic in el (softul sters). De exemplu pinii PORTC5 si 6 sunt pe 1 logic iar restul sunt 0. De mentionat ca nu sunt aceeasi pini cu probleme la ambele uC. Ati mai intalnit asa ceva? Stima. Ai citit documentatia , adica pdf-ul lui atmega 16 ?The alternate pin configuration is as follows: ? TOSC2 ? Port C, Bit 7 TOSC2, Timer Oscillator pin 2: When the AS2 bit in ASSR is set (one) to enable asynchronous clocking of Timer/Counter2, pin PC7 is disconnected from the port, and becomes the inverting output of the Oscillator amplifier. In this mode, a Crystal Oscillator is connected to this pin, and the pin can not be used as an I/O pin. ? TOSC1 ? Port C, Bit 6 TOSC1, Timer Oscillator pin 1: When the AS2 bit in ASSR is set (one) to enable asynchronous clocking of Timer/Counter2, pin PC6 is disconnected from the port, and becomes the input of the inverting Oscillator amplifier. In this mode, a Crystal Oscillator is connected to this pin, and the pin can not be used as an I/O pin. ? TDI ? Port C, Bit 5 TDI, JTAG Test Data In: Serial input data to be shifted in to the Instruction Register or Data Register (scan chains). When the JTAG interface is enabled, this pin can not be used as an I/O pin. ? TDO ? Port C, Bit 4 TDO, JTAG Test Data Out: Serial output data from Instruction Register or Data Register. When the JTAG interface is enabled, this pin can not be used as an I/O pin. The TD0 pin is tri-stated unless TAP states that shifts out data are entered. ? TMS ? Port C, Bit 3 TMS, JTAG Test Mode Select: This pin is used for navigating through the TAP-controller state machine. When the JTAG interface is enabled, this pin can not be used as an I/O pin. ? TCK ? Port C, Bit 2 TCK, JTAG Test Clock: JTAG operation is synchronous to TCK. When the JTAG interface is enabled, this pin can not be used as an I/O pin. -------------------------------------------------------------- Deci cum sunt setati fusebitii ??? Link spre comentariu
Vizitator prigbel Postat Octombrie 19, 2009 Partajează Postat Octombrie 19, 2009 Intr-adevar era activat fusebit-ul de la JTAG. Multam.Stima Link spre comentariu
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