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Modificare cod 16f84 pentru 16F628


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Se poate face asa ceva? Din cate am studiat, par "echivalente", insa la microcontrolere joc sub grupa mica.Ce-ar trebui sa schimb, in afara de declarare si configurare, la urmatorul cod, scris pentru F84, ca sa ruleze pe F628 ?File HALFSTEP.ASM; ... for PIC16F84 microcontroller; Program to use F84 as a step and direction controller for a unipolar; step motor. Step and direction pins are RA0, RA1; RA2, RA3; RB0-3 and RB4-7 are the windings; in order (driven by NPN small sig transistors or MOSFETS). RA4 selects full or half-step.; Steps on negative going edge of step pulse.; CPU configuration processor 16f84 include __config _XT_OSC & _WDT_OFF & _PWRTE_ON; Declare variablespattA equ H'0D' ;Current step pattern number (0-7) for axis AlastA equ H'0E' ;Last state of step pin on axis A (1 is high, 0 is low)pattB equ H'0F' ;Current step pattern number (0-7) for axis BlastB equ H'10' ;Last state of step pin on axis B (1 is high, 0 is low)inport equ H'11' ;Value of port A when read (stored for later access)temp equ H'12'; Program org 0 ; start at address 0;***************************************************;; START OF PIC 16F84 CODE FOR STEP;;;***************************************************;;------------------------------------------;****Power on reset startpoint;------------------------------------------;***Initialization of program ; Set port B as output and port A as input (except bit 4) movlw B'00011111' tris PORTA movlw B'00000000' tris PORTB ;Clear ports and zero motors clrf PORTA movlw B'00010001' movwf PORTB clrf lastA clrf lastB clrf pattA clrf pattB;Loop around for a while to let everything stabilize movlw d'255' movwf inportloop: decfsz inport, f; goto loop;***Basic program loop;Main routine - check pin states and step on negative edge;Get port data and store, then check axis A;A10 checks if old is 0, new is 1 (update register);A01 checks if old is 1, new is 0 (step and update register);Similarly for axis Bmain: movf PORTA, w movwf inportA10: btfsc lastA, 0 goto A01 btfss inport, 2 goto A01 bsf lastA, 0A01: btfss lastA, 0 goto B10 btfsc inport, 2 goto B10 bcf lastA, 0 call stepAB10: btfsc lastB, 0 goto B01 btfss inport, 0 goto B01 bsf lastB, 0B01: btfss lastB, 0 goto main btfsc inport, 0 goto main bcf lastB, 0 call stepB goto main;------------------------------------------;***stepA - sub to cycle axis A one half step; Dir of 1 is increase, else decreasestepA: btfss inport, 3 decf pattA, f btfsc inport, 3 incf pattA, f;Check for pattern overflow and fix movf pattA, w sublw D'255' movlw D'07' btfsc STATUS, 2 movwf pattA movf pattA, w sublw D'08' btfsc STATUS, 2 clrf pattA ;Get step pattern and send to port B on bits 0-3 movf PORTB, w andlw B'11110000' movwf temp movf pattA, w btfsc PORTA , 4 call dcode btfss PORTA , 4 call dfcode iorwf temp, w movwf PORTB return;------------------------------------------;***stepB - sub to cycle axis B one half step; Dir of 1 is increase, else decreasestepB: btfss inport, 1 decf pattB, f btfsc inport, 1 incf pattB, f;Check for pattern overflow and fix movf pattB, w sublw D'255' movlw D'07' btfsc STATUS, 2 movwf pattB movf pattB, w sublw D'08' btfsc STATUS, 2 clrf pattB ;Get step pattern and send to port B on bits 4-7 movf PORTB, w andlw B'00001111' movwf temp swapf temp, f movf pattB, w btfsc PORTA , 4 call dcode btfss PORTA , 4 call dfcode iorwf temp, f swapf temp, w movwf PORTB return;------------------------------------------;***stepcode - sub to generate bit pattern for number in w (!!MUST BE 0-7!!); pattern is stored in w register (lower four bits) for half step patterndcode: addwf PCL, f retlw B'00000001' ;0 retlw B'00000011' ;1 retlw B'00000010' ;2 retlw B'00000110' ;3 retlw B'00000100' ;4 retlw B'00001100' ;5 retlw B'00001000' ;6 retlw B'00001001' ;7dfcode: addwf PCL, f retlw B'00000001' ;0 retlw B'00000010' ;1 retlw B'00000100' ;2 retlw B'00001000' ;3 retlw B'00000001' ;4 retlw B'00000010' ;5 retlw B'00000100' ;6 retlw B'00001000' ;7;Mandatory end of program command end

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Vizitator yo2lio
processor 16f628include <>__config _XT_OSC & _WDT_OFF & _PWRTE_ON; Declare variablespattA equ H'20' ;Current step pattern number (0-7) for axis AlastA equ H'21' ;Last state of step pin on axis A (1 is high, 0 is low)pattB equ H'22' ;Current step pattern number (0-7) for axis BlastB equ H'23' ;Last state of step pin on axis B (1 is high, 0 is low)inport equ H'24' ;Value of port A when read (stored for later access)temp equ H'25'; Programorg 0 ; start at address 0;***************************************************;; START OF PIC 16F628 CODE FOR STEP;;;***************************************************;;------------------------------------------;****Power on reset startpoint;------------------------------------------;***Initialization of program; Set port B as output and port A as input (except bit 4)movlw B'00011111'andwf STATUS,f movlw B'00000111'movwf CMCONmovlw B'00011111'tris PORTAmovlw B'00000000'tris PORTB;Clear ports and zero motorsclrf PORTAmovlw B'00010001'movwf PORTBclrf lastAclrf lastBclrf pattAclrf pattB;Loop around for a while to let everything stabilizemovlw d'255'movwf inportloop: decfsz inport, f; goto loop;***Basic program loop;Main routine - check pin states and step on negative edge;Get port data and store, then check axis A;A10 checks if old is 0, new is 1 (update register);A01 checks if old is 1, new is 0 (step and update register);Similarly for axis Bmain: movf PORTA, wmovwf inportA10: btfsc lastA, 0goto A01btfss inport, 2goto A01bsf lastA, 0A01: btfss lastA, 0goto B10btfsc inport, 2goto B10bcf lastA, 0call stepAB10: btfsc lastB, 0goto B01btfss inport, 0goto B01bsf lastB, 0B01: btfss lastB, 0goto mainbtfsc inport, 0goto mainbcf lastB, 0call stepBgoto main;------------------------------------------;***stepA - sub to cycle axis A one half step; Dir of 1 is increase, else decreasestepA: btfss inport, 3decf pattA, fbtfsc inport, 3incf pattA, f;Check for pattern overflow and fixmovf pattA, wsublw D'255'movlw D'07'btfsc STATUS, 2movwf pattAmovf pattA, wsublw D'08'btfsc STATUS, 2clrf pattA;Get step pattern and send to port B on bits 0-3movf PORTB, wandlw B'11110000'movwf tempmovf pattA, wbtfsc PORTA , 4call dcodebtfss PORTA , 4call dfcodeiorwf temp, wmovwf PORTBreturn;------------------------------------------;***stepB - sub to cycle axis B one half step; Dir of 1 is increase, else decreasestepB: btfss inport, 1decf pattB, fbtfsc inport, 1incf pattB, f;Check for pattern overflow and fixmovf pattB, wsublw D'255'movlw D'07'btfsc STATUS, 2movwf pattBmovf pattB, wsublw D'08'btfsc STATUS, 2clrf pattB;Get step pattern and send to port B on bits 4-7movf PORTB, wandlw B'00001111'movwf tempswapf temp, fmovf pattB, wbtfsc PORTA , 4call dcodebtfss PORTA , 4call dfcodeiorwf temp, fswapf temp, wmovwf PORTBreturn;------------------------------------------;***stepcode - sub to generate bit pattern for number in w (!!MUST BE 0-7!!); pattern is stored in w register (lower four bits) for half step patterndcode: addwf PCL, fretlw B'00000001' ;0retlw B'00000011' ;1retlw B'00000010' ;2retlw B'00000110' ;3retlw B'00000100' ;4retlw B'00001100' ;5retlw B'00001000' ;6retlw B'00001001' ;7dfcode: addwf PCL, fretlw B'00000001' ;0retlw B'00000010' ;1retlw B'00000100' ;2retlw B'00001000' ;3retlw B'00000001' ;4retlw B'00000010' ;5retlw B'00000100' ;6retlw B'00001000' ;7;Mandatory end of program commandend
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Nu prea m-a ajutat, sincer sa fiu.

Am modificat codul, dupa cel exemplificat acolo, atat cat m-am priceput insa n-am obtinut nimic. Am avut o multime de erori la compilare.

Pana la urma am gasit o referire aici care m-a mai deslusit.

Compilarea a mers OK. Nici o eroare ! Din pacate la simularea in ISIS nu merge nimic.

Ca de obicei, totul e OK,.... dar nu functioneaza nimic:aplauze

Incerc ca mai caut explicatii....

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Multumesc yo2lio !Mulutmesc tuturor !E bun codul tau, dar, la compilare, da o lista NESFARSITA de "WARNINGS"Intre timp, desi nu sint foarte convins ce-am facut :nebunrau: , l-am "carpit" si eu si, pentru varianta cu oscilator intern de 4Mhz, arata cam asa:; File HALFSTEP.ASM; ... for PIC16F628 microcontroller; Program to use F628 as a step and direction controller for a unipolar; step motor. Step and direction pins are RA0, RA1; RA2, RA3; RB0-3 and RB4-7 are the windings; in order (driven by NPN small sig transistors or MOSFETS). RA4 selects full or half-step.; Steps on negative going edge of step pulse. LIST p=16F628 ;tell assembler what chip we are using include "" ;include the defaults for the chip __config 0x3D18 ;sets the configuration settings ;(oscillator type etc.) org 0x0000 ;org sets the origin, 0x0000 for the 16F628, ;this is where the program starts running movlw 0x07 movwf CMCON ;turn comparators off ; Declare variablespattA equ H'20' ;Current step pattern number (0-7) for axis AlastA equ H'21' ;Last state of step pin on axis A (1 is high, 0 is low)pattB equ H'22' ;Current step pattern number (0-7) for axis BlastB equ H'23' ;Last state of step pin on axis B (1 is high, 0 is low)inport equ H'24' ;Value of port A when read (stored for later access)temp equ H'25'; Program;***************************************************;; START OF PIC 16F628 CODE FOR STEP;;;***************************************************;;------------------------------------------;****Power on reset startpoint;------------------------------------------;***Initialization of program ; Set port B as output and port A as input (except bit 4) bsf STATUS, RP0 ;select bank 1 movlw b'00000000' ;set PortB all outputs movwf TRISB movlw b'00011111' movwf TRISA ;set PortA all outputs bcf STATUS, RP0 ;select bank 0 ;Clear ports and zero motors clrf PORTA movlw b'00010001' movwf PORTB clrf lastA clrf lastB clrf pattA clrf pattB;Loop around for a while to let everything stabilize movlw d'255' movwf inportloop: decfsz inport, f ; goto loop;***Basic program loop;Main routine - check pin states and step on negative edge;Get port data and store, then check axis A;A10 checks if old is 0, new is 1 (update register);A01 checks if old is 1, new is 0 (step and update register);Similarly for axis Bmain: movf PORTA, w movwf inportA10: btfsc lastA, 0 goto A01 btfss inport, 2 goto A01 bsf lastA, 0A01: btfss lastA, 0 goto B10 btfsc inport, 2 goto B10 bcf lastA, 0 call stepAB10: btfsc lastB, 0 goto B01 btfss inport, 0 goto B01 bsf lastB, 0B01: btfss lastB, 0 goto main btfsc inport, 0 goto main bcf lastB, 0 call stepB goto main;------------------------------------------;***stepA - sub to cycle axis A one half step; Dir of 1 is increase, else decreasestepA: btfss inport, 3 decf pattA, f btfsc inport, 3 incf pattA, f;Check for pattern overflow and fix movf pattA, w sublw D'255' movlw D'07' btfsc STATUS, 2 movwf pattA movf pattA, w sublw D'08' btfsc STATUS, 2 clrf pattA ;Get step pattern and send to port B on bits 0-3 movf PORTB, w andlw B'11110000' movwf temp movf pattA, w btfsc PORTA , 4 call dcode btfss PORTA , 4 call dfcode iorwf temp, w movwf PORTB return;------------------------------------------;***stepB - sub to cycle axis B one half step; Dir of 1 is increase, else decreasestepB: btfss inport, 1 decf pattB, f btfsc inport, 1 incf pattB, f;Check for pattern overflow and fix movf pattB, w sublw D'255' movlw D'07' btfsc STATUS, 2 movwf pattB movf pattB, w sublw D'08' btfsc STATUS, 2 clrf pattB ;Get step pattern and send to port B on bits 4-7 movf PORTB, w andlw B'00001111' movwf temp swapf temp, f movf pattB, w btfsc PORTA , 4 call dcode btfss PORTA , 4 call dfcode iorwf temp, f swapf temp, w movwf PORTB return;------------------------------------------;***stepcode - sub to generate bit pattern for number in w (!!MUST BE 0-7!!); pattern is stored in w register (lower four bits) for half step patterndcode: addwf PCL, f retlw B'00000001' ;0 retlw B'00000011' ;1 retlw B'00000010' ;2 retlw B'00000110' ;3 retlw B'00000100' ;4 retlw B'00001100' ;5 retlw B'00001000' ;6 retlw B'00001001' ;7dfcode: addwf PCL, f retlw B'00000011' ;0 retlw B'00000110' ;1 retlw B'00001100' ;2 retlw B'00001001' ;3 retlw B'00000011' ;4 retlw B'00000110' ;5 retlw B'00001100' ;6 retlw B'00001001' ;7;Mandatory end of program command end

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