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ma puteti ajuta cu codul asta. Acum imi afiseaza cate o temperatura in parte iar eu vreau sa pot asocia fiecare senzor cu o anumite variabila in parte. Aveti idee cum pot face asta?


// Returns 0 for one wire device presence, 1 for none int8 ow_reset(void) {    int8 presence;    output_low(DQ);    delay_us(488);          // Min. 480uS    output_float(DQ);    delay_us(72);           // Takes 15 to 60uS for devices to respond    presence = input(DQ);    delay_us(424);          // Wait for end of timeslot	//printf(lcd_putc, "\fPresence= %i", presence);//delay_ms(500);   return(presence);  } /******************************************************************************/ // Read bit on one wire bus int8 read_bit(void) {    output_low(DQ);    delay_us(1);         // 1uS min. Original code relied on 8051 being slow    output_float(DQ);    delay_us(20);        // Wait at least 15mS from start of time slot       return(input(DQ));   // Delay to finish time slot (total 60 to 120uS) } // must be done next. /******************************************************************************/ void write_bit(int8 bitval) {    output_low(DQ);    if(bitval == 1) {       delay_us(1);      // 1uS min. Original code relied on 8051 being slow       output_float(DQ);    }    delay_us(105);       // Wait for end of timeslot       output_float(DQ);  } /******************************************************************************/ int8 read_byte(void) {    int8 i;    int8 val = 0;    for(i=0;i<8;i++)    {       if(read_bit()) val |= (0x01 << i);       delay_us(120);  // To finish time slot    }    return val; } /******************************************************************************/ void write_byte(int8 val) {    int8 i;    int8 temp;    for (i=0;i<8;i++)    {       temp = val >> i;       temp &= 0x01;       write_bit(temp);    }    delay_us(105);} /******************************************************************************/ // One wire crc int8 ow_crc(int8 x) {    dowcrc = dscrc_table[dowcrc^x];       return dowcrc;  } /******************************************************************************/ // Searches for the next device on the one wire bus. If there are no more // devices on the bus then false is returned. int8 Next(void) {    int8 m = 1;             // ROM Bit index    int8 n = 0;             // ROM Byte index    int8 k = 1;             // Bit mask    int8 x = 0;    int8 discrepMarker = 0;    int8 g;                 // Output bit    int8 nxt;               // Return value    short flag;    nxt = FALSE;            // Reset next flag to false    dowcrc = 0;             // Reset the dowcrc    flag = ow_reset();    if (flag||doneFlag)     // If no parts return false    {       lastDiscrep = 0;     // Reset the search       return FALSE;    }    write_byte(0xF0);       // Send SearchROM command    do    {       x = 0;       if (read_bit() == 1) 		x = 2;       delay_us(120);       if (read_bit() == 1) 		x |= 1;   // And it's complement       if (x == 3)                   // There are no devices on the one wire bus       break;       else       {          if (x > 0)                 // All devices coupled have 0 or 1             g = x >> 1;             // Bit write value for search          // If this discrepancy is before the last discrepancy on a previous          // Next then pick the same as last time.          else          {             if (m < lastDiscrep)                g = ((Rom_Bit[n] & k) > 0);             // If equal to last pick 1             else                g = (m == lastDiscrep);  // If not then pick 0                // If 0 was picked then record position with mask k                if (g == 0) discrepMarker = m;          }          // Isolate bit in Rom_Bit[n] with mask k          if (g == 1) 			Rom_Bit[n] |= k;          else 			Rom_Bit[n] &= ~k;          write_bit(g);  // ROM search write          m++;           // Increment bit counter m          k = k << 1;    // and shift the bit mask k          // If the mask is 0 then go to new ROM          if (k == 0)          {  // Byte n and reset mask             ow_crc(Rom_Bit[n]);      // Accumulate the crc             n++;             k++;          }       }    } while (n < 8);  // Loop through until through all ROM bytes 0-7    if (m < (65||dowcrc))   // If search was unsuccessful then       lastDiscrep = 0;     // reset the last Discrepancy to zero    else  // Search was successful, so set lastDiscrep, lastOne, nxt    {       lastDiscrep = discrepMarker;       doneFlag = (lastDiscrep == 0);       nxt = TRUE; // Indicates search not yet complete, more parts remain    }    return nxt; } /******************************************************************************/ // Resets current state of a ROM search and calls Next to find the first device // on the one wire bus. int8 First(void) { 	lastDiscrep = 0; 	doneFlag = FALSE; 		return Next(); // Call Next and return it's return value; } /******************************************************************************/ void FindDevices(void) {    int8 m;    if(!ow_reset())    {       if(First())    // Begins when at least one part found       {          numROMs = 0; 		          do          {             numROMs++;             for (m=0;m<8;m++)             {                FoundROM[numROMs][m] = Rom_Bit[m];   // Identifies ROM no. on device             }             //printf("Device No.%u address ",numROMs); 			printf(lcd_putc,"%d  ",Rom_Bit[m]); 					//	printf(lcd_putc, "\f%X%X%X%X%X%X%X%X", 		//	FoundROM[numROMs][7],FoundROM[numROMs][6],FoundROM[numROMs][5], \ 		//	FoundROM[numROMs][4],FoundROM[numROMs][3],FoundROM[numROMs][2], \ 		//	FoundROM[numROMs][1],FoundROM[numROMs][0]); 	//	delay_ms(100); 	printf("%X%X%X%X%X%X%X%X\n\r", 	FoundROM[numROMs][7],FoundROM[numROMs][6],FoundROM[numROMs][5], 	FoundROM[numROMs][4],FoundROM[numROMs][3],FoundROM[numROMs][2], 	FoundROM[numROMs][1],FoundROM[numROMs][0]); 		         } while (Next() && (numROMs<10));   // Continues until no additional                                              // devices found.       }		else			{	printf(lcd_putc, "\fno ROM found"); 			//delay_ms(500);			}    } 	else			{	printf(lcd_putc, "\fno ROM found2"); 			//delay_ms(500);			}    //putc('\n'); putc('\r'); } /******************************************************************************/ // Sends Match ROM command to bus then device address int8 Send_MatchRom(void) {    int8 i;    if (ow_reset()) return FALSE;          // 0 if device present    write_byte(0x55);                      // Match ROM    for (i=0;i<8;i++)    {       write_byte(FoundRom[numROMs][i]);   // Send ROM code    }    return TRUE; }  /******************************************************************************/ //read temperature from one wire DS18B20 sensors//// de aici incepe citirea senzorilor si afisarea//////////////////////////////////////////////////void ReadTemp(void){	int8 i;    	signed int16 stemp16;   // Raw temperature data in 2's complement    	int8 scratch[10];       // Lowest two bytes are for temperature 	float result=0;	signed int16 temp;	      // If not using parasitic power can send the temperature convert       // command to all DS18B20 and/or DS1822 devices on the bus.       if (!ow_reset())     // If a device is present       {          write_byte(0xCC); // Skip Rom command          write_byte(0x44); // Temperature convert command         // output_float(DQ);          delay_ms(750);    // Max. conv. time is 750mS for 12 bit          ow_reset();            // Now get the device raw temperature data using Match ROM with the          // addresses obtained with FindDevices().  Scale to deg. C, scaling is          // 0.0625 (1/16) deg. C/bit with default 12 bit res. Could reduce res.          // and therefore shorten conversion time if necessary.          // Output the temperatures in whole degrees, apply rounding by adding          // half denom.              for (numRoms=1;numRoms<=4;numRoms++)          {             if (Send_MatchRom())             {                write_byte(0xBE); // Read scratch pad command                dowcrc = 0;       // Reset the crc to start a new calculation                    for (i=0;i<=7;i++)                {                    scratch[i] = read_byte();                    ow_crc(scratch[i]);     // Accumulate the crc             }                    scratch[8] = read_byte();   // Received crc byte                ow_reset();                    // If calculated crc from incoming bytes equal to crc byte                // then data is valid. Calculate and output temperature.                                if (scratch[8] == dowcrc)                {                   //stemp16 = (signed int16) make16(scratch[1],scratch[0]);                  // stemp16 = (stemp16 + 8)/16;                     // printf(lcd_putc, "\fTemp%i=%4ld ",numRoms, stemp16);  				//0.1 precision				temp = make16(scratch[1],scratch[0]); 				result = (float) temp / 16.0; //0.1 deg C resolution lcd_gotoxy(1,1);printf(lcd_putc,"\nT%i= %3.1f \uC", numRoms, result);//lcd_gotoxy(1,2);			//printf(lcd_putc,"\nT%i= %3.1f \uC", numRoms, result);				               }                else printf(lcd_putc,"\f Data error.");       // There was an error in the data             }          }       }		else		{			printf(lcd_putc,"\f      Error      ");			printf(lcd_putc,"\nSensors not found!");			delay_ms(200);		}}
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