vasile doru Postat Martie 21, 2005 Partajează Postat Martie 21, 2005 Stie cineva vreo metoda de a programa un PIC in JAL pt a recunoaste codurile unei telecomenzi? Daca aveti un mic exemplu de program mi-ar fi de mare ajutor. Multumiri anticipate. Link spre comentariu
Vizitator Vasile Postat Martie 22, 2005 Partajează Postat Martie 22, 2005 -- Written by Benjamin Hinrichs ([email protected]) - DH3BEN - (c) 2003---- Part of _VV.jal-- Look there for copyright and further information-- ---- name : rc5.jal-- version : v1.0-- author : Ben Hinrichs-- date : 7-Feb-2002-- purpose : Receive and decode RC5-Code-- requires: rc5p, jdelay, jpic---- [1] tested for 16f84_10, 16f877, 18f452---- Copyright (C) 2002 Benjamin Hinrichs----include jdelayinclude rc5pprocedure delay_1778us is-- should be 1728us [1] or 1778us [2]. Depends on where you look ;-) delay_100us(17) delay_1us(78)end procedureprocedure get_rc5 (byte out laddress, byte out lcommand, bit out ltoogle, bit out lrc5ok) is var byte count1, count2 laddress = 0 lcommand = 0 ltoogle = low count1 = 255 count2 = 255 lrc5ok = high-- wait for transmission-- A transmission is approx. 25 ms long. It includes 14 bits, each consisting of two half bits.-- Looking every 500 us shouldn't let us miss a transmission. Timeout is after 128 ms. The time-- from the starting bit to the starting bit of the following transmission is approx. 114 ms. while (ir_in == high) & (count1 > 0) loop delay_500us count1 = count1 - 1 end loop-- Found something ? if count1 == 0 then lrc5ok = low return end if-- ignore first transmission-- There is a space of approx. 90 ms between two transmissions. Waiting for 60 ms puts us between-- two transmissions. This ensures that we start reading at the beginning of the next transmission. delay_10ms(6)-- wait for start-bit-- RC5 is Manchestercode. A 1 is transmitted as two bits, first low, second high. A 0 vice versa.-- The receiver inverts the input. If there is no signal, you will see a high-state on ir_in.-- The RC5-Code starts with two high bits (-> 0101, which means 1010 on ir_in). So we just have-- to wait for a low state and we are on the second half-bit of the starting bit. Remember, we are-- having a low condition an ir_in and the starting bit is 1. If we wait 1778us we are exactly-- one bit further in the stream and can read it, but it is inverted. So we should wait only 3/4 of-- the time for the first time to be on the first half-bit. After that we apply the full time -- between two bits an can read the correct logical levels (see [1] for details). In the following-- code the time between two bits is always 1778us. If think this works because of some inaccuracies-- in jdelay ;-) count2 = 255 while (ir_in == high) & (count2 > 0) loop count1 = 255 while (ir_in == high) & (count1 > 0) loop delay_1us(1) count1 = count1 - 1 end loop count2 = count2 - 1 end loop if count2 == 0 then lrc5ok = low return end if-- Begin reception-- Decode second AGC-Bit. Should be high, otherwise this is no RC5-Code delay_1778us if (ir_in == low) then lrc5ok = low end if delay_1778us-- Decode toogle-bit if ir_in then ltoogle = high end if delay_1778us-- Decode 5 address-bits if ir_in then laddress = laddress + 16 end if delay_1778us if ir_in then laddress = laddress + 8 end if delay_1778us if ir_in then laddress = laddress + 4 end if delay_1778us if ir_in then laddress = laddress + 2 end if delay_1778us if ir_in then laddress = laddress + 1 end if-- Decode 6 command-bits delay_1778us if ir_in then lcommand = lcommand + 32 end if delay_1778us if ir_in then lcommand = lcommand + 16 end if delay_1778us if ir_in then lcommand = lcommand + 8 end if delay_1778us if ir_in then lcommand = lcommand + 4 end if delay_1778us if ir_in then lcommand = lcommand + 2 end if delay_1778us if ir_in then lcommand = lcommand + 1 end ifend procedure -- Written by Benjamin Hinrichs ([email protected]) - DH3BEN - (c) 2003---- Part of _VV.jal-- Look there for copyright and further information-- -- ir pindefsvar volatile bit ir_in is pin_e2pin_e2_direction = input Link spre comentariu
vasile doru Postat Martie 29, 2005 Autor Partajează Postat Martie 29, 2005 Merci! Am sa incerc Link spre comentariu
Vizitator Vasile Postat Martie 29, 2005 Partajează Postat Martie 29, 2005 Daca mai vrei ceva "rutine" te rog sa ceri :wink: Sunt expert in JAL :lol: Link spre comentariu
vasile doru Postat Iunie 2, 2005 Autor Partajează Postat Iunie 2, 2005 Am incercar rutina, dar nu merge. Imi receptioneaza acelasi cod indiferent pe ce buton apas. Am incercat cu mai multe telecomenzi. Poate telecomenzile nu emit in IR5 sau PIC-ul nu receptioneaza corect (merge la 4MHz si mai facea si altceva)? Ce poate fi? Link spre comentariu
Vizitator Vasile Postat Iunie 2, 2005 Partajează Postat Iunie 2, 2005 RC5 este standardul Philips la telecomenzi, daca folosesti altceva nu va merge Link spre comentariu
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