ducu Postat Octombrie 15, 2008 Partajează Postat Octombrie 15, 2008 Am primit un proiect in care eu trebuie sa fac un "regulator de temperatura cu PIC", ma puteti ajuta sa imi largesc orizontul in acest caz? scheme ceva, cam ce PIC-uri spuneti ca ar merge cel mai bine la acest proiect. Link spre comentariu
Vizitator gobolino Postat Octombrie 16, 2008 Partajează Postat Octombrie 16, 2008 Salut, http://www.machinegrid.com/content/view/51/108/ Temperature Control cu 16f84. Poti seta un punct de alarma, afisare pe display LCD, interesant de studiat. http://sodoityourself.com/ds1820-temperature-regulator/ exact ce iti trebuie, mura-n gura Succes Link spre comentariu
fratello Postat Octombrie 16, 2008 Partajează Postat Octombrie 16, 2008 http://www.microchipc.com/sourcecode/#ds1821 http://www.guidecircuit.com/Circuit-Mic ... mostat.htm http://technology.niagarac.on.ca/staff/ ... eAlarm.htm http://www.unusualelectronics.co.uk/projects/proj2.php (cu cod hexa2) Eu l-am facut pe ultimul din lista; e simplu si nu aveam LCD...Merge perfect ! Succes ! Link spre comentariu
ducu Postat Octombrie 21, 2008 Autor Partajează Postat Octombrie 21, 2008 Tin sa va multumesc mult pt. ajutorul acordat. Este exact ceea ce cautam, mai bine de atat nici nu se putea. :partyman: Link spre comentariu
Cristi2005 Postat Octombrie 22, 2008 Partajează Postat Octombrie 22, 2008 http://www.microchipc.com/sourcecode/#ds1821http://www.guidecircuit.com/Circuit-Mic ... mostat.htmhttp://technology.niagarac.on.ca/staff/ ... eAlarm.htm http://www.unusualelectronics.co.uk/projects/proj2.php (cu cod hexa2)Eu l-am facut pe ultimul din lista; e simplu si nu aveam LCD...Merge perfect ! Succes !si eu l-am facut pe ultimul dar cand ajunge la temperatura setata releul nu face nimic ??? Link spre comentariu
ducu Postat Octombrie 22, 2008 Autor Partajează Postat Octombrie 22, 2008 Putin dezamagit, am facut schema de AICI. Am incarcat hex-ul in pic totul a fost ok cica...dar "pacientu mort". Din program trebuie sa setez si cuvintele de inceput? Link spre comentariu
ducu Postat Decembrie 16, 2008 Autor Partajează Postat Decembrie 16, 2008 Deci HELP, poate vre-un meserias sa imi dea si mie o mana de ajutor aici? Acesta este programu din site-ul: list p=16f628 #include errorlevel 0,-302 ;AICI TREBUIE CUMVA SA SCRIU "CONFIGURAREA CUVINTELOR? CBLOCK 0x20 DS_DAT DS_SIGN SEND COUNT NUM1 NUM2 NUM3 DATA1 HALF DUMMY0 DUMMY1 DUMMY2 DUMMY5 DUMMY6 BITS COMPARE SET_TEMP ADDR endc ; End of definition #define DQ PORTA,0 ; Define text substitution #define E PORTB,0 #define RS PORTB,3 org 0x000 goto Start ;********************************************************************** ; LCD Display ;********************************************************************** Room_ addwf PCL,f ; dt "Room Temp " Set_ addwf PCL,f dt "Set Temp " First_ addwf PCL,f dt " " ;********************************************************************** ; Main Program * ;********************************************************************** Start call Init_Port ; Set -up port call Init_LCD ; Initial LCD movlw 0x20 ; Set temperature data = 00100000b = 16.0C movwf SET_TEMP bsf PORTA,4 ; Off relay, first movlw 0x80 ; movwf ADDR ; Select LCD's first line address call Set_Addr clrf COUNT ; Get message from table Send_Lp2 movf COUNT,w ; Begin with counter = 0 call First_ ; Income data position COUNT call Send ; Send data to LCD incf COUNT,f ; Get the next data if counter < 16 movlw .16 subwf COUNT,w ; Test counter < 16 ? btfss STATUS,Z goto Send_Lp2 ; If < 16, still send data Again movlw 0xC5 ; Select the center of LCD's second line movwf ADDR call Set_Addr clrf HALF ; Save half degree bcf STATUS,C rrf SET_TEMP,w ; Rotate bit data rlf HALF,f ; movwf DATA1 ; Save for conversion call Convert call Send_Temp ; Send temperature value to LCD btfsc PORTA,1 ; Check temperature increment switch goto Check_Run call Delay200 ; Delay for switch debouncing incf SET_TEMP,f Check_Run btfsc PORTA,3 ; Check running switch goto Again ; If not pressed, loop again movlw 0x01 ; Send command for clearing display movwf ADDR call Set_Addr call Delay5 ; Nescessary delay clrf COUNT ; Get message from table Send_Lp3 movf COUNT,w ; Begin with counter = 0 call Set_ ; Income data position COUNT call Send ; Send data to LCD incf COUNT,f ; Still send next data if counter < 8 movlw .9 subwf COUNT,w ; Test counter < 8 ? btfss STATUS,Z goto Send_Lp3 ; If < 8, try again call Send_Temp movlw 0xC0 ; Select LCD's second line address movwf ADDR call Set_Addr clrf COUNT ; Get message from Table Send_Lp4 movf COUNT,w ; Begin with counter = 0 call Room_ ; Income data position COUNT call Send ; Send data to LCD incf COUNT,f ; Still send next Data if counter < 8 movlw .9 subwf COUNT,w ; Test counter < 8 ? btfss STATUS,Z goto Send_Lp4 ; If < 8, try again OFF_ bsf PORTA,4 ; Off relay call RD_Temp movf DS_DAT,w ; Load data clrf HALF ; Clear register for storing a half temp value bcf STATUS,C rrf DS_DAT,w ; Use 7-bit upper rlf HALF,f ; Store a half degree (.5) or (.0) movwf DATA1 ; Data for conversion to decimal call Convert ; Convert data to decimal movf DS_DAT,w ; Check room temp > setting temp ? subwf SET_TEMP,w btfss STATUS,C goto ON_ ; If more than, goto on relay movlw 0xC9 ; If not, show room's temp on LCD movwf ADDR call Set_Addr call Send_Temp call Delay200 goto OFF_ ; Loop again ON_ bcf PORTA,4 ; On relay movlw 0xC9 ; Set address for LCD movwf ADDR ; Show room's temp call Set_Addr call Send_Temp ; Send temperature value to LCD call Delay200 call RD_Temp ; Read temperature value again movf DS_DAT,w ; Load data clrf HALF ; Clear register for storing a half temp bcf STATUS,C rrf DS_DAT,w ; Use 7-bit upper rlf HALF,f ; Store a half degree (.5) or (.0) movwf DATA1 ; Data for decimal conversion call Convert movf DS_DAT,w ; Check temperature again addlw 0x01 ; Temperarure is lower than [setting Temperature - 1] ? subwf SET_TEMP,w btfsc STATUS,C ; If yes, off relay goto OFF_ ; goto ON_ ; If no, loop again ;********************************************************************** ; SetPort I/O of PIC16F628 * ;********************************************************************** Init_Port clrf PORTA ; Clear PORTA before initial movlw 0x07 ; Set PORTA to digital I/O movwf CMCON bsf STATUS,RP0 movlw b'11101111' ; Set RA0, RA1 and RA3 as input, RA4 as output movwf PORTA movlw b'00000110' ; Use PORTB for LCD movwf PORTB bcf STATUS,RP0 return ;********************************************************************** ; Read Data From DS1820 * ;********************************************************************** RD_Temp call DS_Rx ; Check DS1820 status addlw 0x01 ; 255=ready, 0= ready btfss STATUS,Z ; Zero flag set = ready return ; W register is not zero = not ready Get_Temp call DS_Reset ; Reset chip first btfss STATUS,Z ; Zero flag set = OK goto Error_ ; If not response, exit movlw 0xcc ; Skip ROM command call DS_Tx ; Send command movlw 0xbe ; Read scratch pad command call DS_Tx ; Send command call DS_Rx ; Read 8-bit data movwf DS_DAT ; Save data to register call DS_Rx ; Sign (FF=-VE, 00=+VE) movwf DS_SIGN ; Save 9th bit to register call DS_Reset ; Restart movlw 0xcc ; Skip ROM command call DS_Tx ; Send command movlw 0x44 ; Start convert command call DS_Tx ; Send command movf DS_SIGN,w ; Check dign btfsc STATUS,Z ; Check dign = 00 ? goto Pass ; If yes, Temp as positive then return addlw 0x01 ; btfss STATUS,Z ; Check sign = FF ? goto Error_ ; If not, end with error Pass retlw 0x00 ; If Yes, (Temp as negstive then return Error_ retlw 0x01 ;********************************************************************** ; MACRO For DS1820 * ;********************************************************************** DQLOW macro bcf DQ ; DQ bit ready bsf STATUS,RP0 bcf DQ ; Set DQ to output bcf STATUS,RP0 endm DQHIZ macro bsf STATUS,RP0 bsf DQ ; Set DQ to input bcf STATUS,RP0 endm PAUSE macro DELAY ; Generate delay time movlw DELAY movwf DUMMY0 call DelayAL endm ;********************************************************************** ; DS1820 SubRoutine * ;********************************************************************** DelayAL nop ; Use for pausing macro nop decfsz DUMMY0,f goto DelayAL return ;********************************************************************** ; Reset DS1820 * ;********************************************************************** DS_Reset DQLOW PAUSE 0x77 ; 600 microsecond delay DQHIZ PAUSE 0x0c ; Wait 67 microsecond for response bit nop nop movf PORTA,w andlw 0x01 ; Use RA0 only movwf DUMMY1 PAUSE 0x3b ; 300 microsecond delay movf DUMMY1,w ; Response in W register return ;********************************************************************** ; Send Data To DS1820 (8 Bit) * ;********************************************************************** DS_Tx movwf DUMMY2 ; Transmission data movlw 0x08 ; Prepare 8-bit counter for sending data movwf DUMMY1 ; Define loop counter Tx_Loop DQLOW ; Macro of DQ pin to low, This is start bit PAUSE 0x01 ; 10 microsecond delay rrf DUMMY2,f ; Rotate data to Carry flag btfsc STATUS,C ; Test Carry flag bsf DQ ; If Carry flag = "1" , set DQ to high PAUSE 0x0d ; 70 microsecond delay DQHIZ nop decfsz DUMMY1,f ; 8 times ? goto Tx_Loop ; No, send again return ;********************************************************************** ; Recieve Data From DS1820 (8 Bit) * ;********************************************************************** DS_Rx movlw 0x08 ; Recieve 8-bit data movwf DUMMY1 Rx_Loop DQLOW ; Macro of DQ pin to low, this is start bit PAUSE 0x01 ; 10 microsecond delay DQHIZ ; Back to high for receiving nop nop movf PORTA,w ; Read data andlw 0x01 ; Get data bit 0 only addlw 0xff ; Move data bit 0 to Carry flag with addition method rrf DUMMY2,f ; Move data bit 0 to DUMMY bit 7 PAUSE 0x0b ; 60 microsecond delay decfsz DUMMY1,f ; Loop 8 times goto Rx_Loop ; Read again movf DUMMY2,w ; Save data to W register return ;********************************************************************** ; Subroutine For Send Data To LCD * ;********************************************************************** Send_Temp movf NUM3,w ; Read data from DS1820 btfsc STATUS,Z ; Fisrt data = 0 ? movlw 0xe0 ; If yes, convert to blank 0xE0+0x30 =0x20 (" ") addlw 0x30 ; Convert number to ASCII call Send ; Send data to LCD movf NUM2,w ; Read second digit addlw 0x30 ; Convert to ASCII call Send ; movf NUM1,w addlw 0x30 call Send movlw '.' ; call Send movlw '0' btfsc HALF,0 ; Test half degree = [0] or [5] movlw '5' call Send movlw 'C' call Send return Set_Addr bcf E ; Fix position on LCD bcf RS ; Send command call Delay125 movf ADDR,w ; Select address for sending data to LCD call Send bsf RS call Delay125 return reset_LCD macro movlw 0x38 ; Fisrt, send 8-bit mode command movwf BITS call Flip call Pulse call Delay125 endm Init_LCD bcf E ; Set command mode bcf RS call Delay125 reset_LCD reset_LCD reset_LCD reset_LCD movlw 0x28 ; Send 4-bit mode command in MSB only movwf BITS call Flip call Pulse call Delay125 movlw 0x28 ; Set LCD mode to 4 bit mode, 2 line display, 5x7 dot call Send movlw 0x0c ; Set LCD on, cursor off, cursor not blink call Send movlw 0x01 ; Clear display call Send call Delay5 return Send movwf BITS ; Send 8-bit data to LCD module call Flip ; call Pulse ; Send Upper 4-bit first and lower 4-bit following swapf BITS,f call Flip call Pulse call Delay125 return Flip bcf PORTB,4 ; Copy data from BITS register to RB4-RB7 btfsc BITS,4 ; bsf PORTB,4 ; Unchange other bit of PORTB bcf PORTB,5 ; btfsc BITS,5 bsf PORTB,5 bcf PORTB,6 btfsc BITS,6 bsf PORTB,6 bcf PORTB,7 btfsc BITS,7 bsf PORTB,7 return Pulse bsf E ; Generate enable pluse for LCD nop bcf E call Delay125 return Delay125 movlw .42 ; Delay 125 microsecond movwf DUMMY1 decfsz DUMMY1,f goto $-1 return Delay5 movlw .41 ; Delay 5 millisecond movwf DUMMY2 D1 call Delay125 decfsz DUMMY2,f goto D1 return Delay200 clrf DUMMY5 ; Delay ~ 200 mSec For Key Bounce clrf DUMMY6 decfsz DUMMY6,f goto $-1 decfsz DUMMY5,f goto $-3 return ;********************************************************************** ; Convert Hex to 3 Digit Decimal * ;********************************************************************** Convert clrf NUM2 ; Clear register of 10's unit Check movlw 0x0A ; Subtract with 10 until the result lower 10 subwf DATA1,w ; Fisrt subtraction < 10 ? btfss STATUS,C goto Less1 ; If < 10 then return incf NUM2,f ; If > 10 then increase 10's unit movlw 0x0A ; Subtract with 10 subwf DATA1,f ; Test Again. Is it lower 10 ? goto Check Less1 movf DATA1,w ; If < 10, send data to 1's unit movwf NUM1 ; clrf NUM3 ; Clear 100's unit Check2 movlw 0x0A subwf NUM2,w ; 10's unit > 10 ? btfss STATUS,C return ; If < 10 then return incf NUM3,f movlw 0x0A ; If > 10 then subtraction again subwf NUM2,f ; and check until the result is lower 10 goto Check2 end Link spre comentariu
sofian Postat Decembrie 16, 2008 Partajează Postat Decembrie 16, 2008 configurare cuvintelor se poate modifica si direct din softul cu care programezi PIC-uluite aici o posibilitate :__CONFIG _BODEN_OFF&_PWRTE_ON&_XT_OSC_&_WDT_OFF Link spre comentariu
ducu Postat Decembrie 16, 2008 Autor Partajează Postat Decembrie 16, 2008 Am incercat, nu merge. ii dau sa asambleze merge totul bine imi face si hex-ul il pun pe pic totul ok, dar cand il pun in montaj, nu face nimic "mort" . :cry: Link spre comentariu
fratello Postat Decembrie 18, 2008 Partajează Postat Decembrie 18, 2008 Ai rezolvat ? ...ce afisor folosesti ? Eu tocmai am cumparat un PRC1602a, la care pinii 1 si 2 (Vcc/Vss) sunt inversati !!!! Noroc ca am citit pe forumul acesta inainte de a-l folosi ! Eu voi incerca o schema de la Elektor. Tine-ma la curent, te rog. Succes ! Link spre comentariu
sofian Postat Decembrie 18, 2008 Partajează Postat Decembrie 18, 2008 mai multe detalii nu doar nu merge si gatafolosesti piesele exact ca in schema ?afiseaza ceva pe LCD ? Link spre comentariu
fratello Postat Decembrie 18, 2008 Partajează Postat Decembrie 18, 2008 Tot eu...Am incarcat in MPLAB codul si imi dadea o eroare; am corectat-o si acum totul e OK !Incearca si cu acest cod; vezi ca am notat modificarea, undeva la inceput. Link spre comentariu
adicontakt Postat Decembrie 18, 2008 Partajează Postat Decembrie 18, 2008 in schema asta http://www.guidecircuit.com/Circuit-Mic ... icture.htm nu vi se pare o greseala? schema se alimenteaza la 5 v in clusiv releul care e de 12 Link spre comentariu
ducu Postat Decembrie 18, 2008 Autor Partajează Postat Decembrie 18, 2008 Problema cu releul este banala am rezolvat-o, presupun ca acolo este vorba de tensiunea la contacte, eu am pus un releu care se alimenteaza la 12 v (pe bobina), nu e problema, tranzistoru tine (si apropo ledul nu se monteaza in serie cu bobina, ii papa tensiunea...si nu se mai deschide). Problema mare este la soft, partea hardware am rezolvat-o urmeaza sa ma mai informez daca nu cumva are dreptate "fratello" cu alimentarea LCD-ului, (am sa te tin la curent cu proiectul). Fratello softul si mie mi-a asamblat, hex-ul l-am pus pe PIC...si nu porneste LCD-ul...functioneaza doar iluminarea lui. Sofian piesele sunt exact ca in schema.(mai putin partea unde este releul. Eu am folosit un tranzistor NPN BC548 iar releul este montat pe ramura colectorului, in paralel i-am pus si un led inseriat cu o rezistenta de 1k ca sa vad cand primeste tensiune bobina releului)[Partea asta este functionala, am testat-o]. :cry: Pun aici niste poze cu tot ce am realizat pana in prezent, pt. a concluziona ideea: EDIT: Se pare ca am fost foarte atent de la bun inceput. LCD-ul este alimentat bine. Problema ramane la "Soft". Link spre comentariu
sofian Postat Decembrie 18, 2008 Partajează Postat Decembrie 18, 2008 deci fara pic in soclu trebuie sa se aprida rindul de sus la LCD, daca nu dai contrast de la potentiometru la maxim Link spre comentariu
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