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datasheet for T63N1800 or URL of it and so analog of it of w

Vizitator jaralec

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Vizitator jaralec

Dear friends!I'm glad to greet you from Tyumen, Russia.I've found this letter as only on Google for my request of tiristor T63N1800: >Post subject: Re: Detalii tiristor>Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 4:52 pm >zice ca-i mester>Joined: Tue Oct 24, 2006 1:33 am>Posts: 541>Location: Resita >Este tiristor cu viteza normala de 32A curent direct si 1800V tensiune inversa. >Anodul e conectat la capsula, catodul la firul gros si poarta la cel subtire. >Data amanuntite am gasit numai pentru T63N1800. This tiristor was broken on our old metalcutting machine. If possible, please, send me datasheet for T63N1800 or URL of it and so analog of it of west manufactureres. I'm grateful beforehand, Jaralec.

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I don't have the datasheet, searcing in looks like T63N1800 it's a romanian thiristor, 160 A, 1800 V, normal speed, now it's out of production.


Elforum users bolek and/or fanos might have some spare T63N1800. Maybe you wold like to contact them using PM or e-mail.


It also a good ideea to place your message like a new topic here:


where usually we are posting our buying announcements.

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Vizitator jaralec

Dear RoGeorge !


Thanks for your reply.


>I don't have the datasheet, searcing in looks like T63N1800 it's a romanian thiristor, 160 A, 1800 V, normal speed,

^^^ it's, cos, understood, but from another letter

I saw that current for this tiristor is 63A ?


>now it's out of production.

^^^ selbstverstaendlich !


>Elforum users bolek and/or fanos might have some spare T63N1800. Maybe you wold like to contact them using PM or e-mail.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I.m interesting in only in main features, i.e, tension of control ...


What's about URLs of main Romanian traders of electronical components?


I'm grateful beforehand,


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Later edit:The manufacturer of T63N1800 was I.P.R.S. Baneasa and this company does not exist any more. Sorry, but I don't know a usefull link for you and I think you will never find this part in a store.I have an old databook printed in 1989. So the address and phone of the company in the last picture are useless. Indeed, according to my datasheet is 63 A not 160 A whitch make sense for me too (see PIC5222a.jpg). B 23 is the case type.These are all the informations i can provide to you so Good luck! :partyman:

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Hi jaralec, I think that the command voltage can be measured either with a multimeter, or with an oscilloscope. The problem is that you won't find this part so I recommend you to try to find a match based on the data provided by RoGeorge: 160A, 1800V inverse voltage. Can you tell us what load it has?

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