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Adăugare funcție control volum la selector intrari Musffy


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Am realizat practic selectorul de intrări de la (a nu se considera reclamă, vă rog) și totul funcționează așa cum scrie pe site că trebuie să funcționeze, însă aș vrea să îi adaug și funcția de control volum. Adica atunci când apăs pe telecomandă butonul Vol+ pinul aferent să treacă în starea HIGH și să fie HIGH doar atât timp cât este apăsat butonul Vol+. Similar și pentru Vol-. Am adaptat eu puțin din cod dar nu prea mă pricep. Ce am reușit să fac a fost să comand trecerea în HIGH a celor 2 pini la apîarea butoanelor aferente pe telecomandă, însă acești pini rămân HIGH orice altă comandă aș da, până la întreruperea alimentării. Vă cer ajutorul pentru a reuși să implementez funcția de control volum. Mulțumesc! și atașez codul, cu micile modificări aduse de mine (cred ca sunt evidente, dacă nu, revin cu detalii)


/* Muffsy Relay Input Selector
 * Control relays using IR and rotary encoder
 * Control external power to amp using IR and push button
 * LM3886
 * Last update with functionality changes: 2023-09-27
 * Introduction:
 * The software works on the concept of "powerState", which determines the behavior of the Input Selector:
 * 0: Boot
 *   Read last input channel from NVRAM, selecting the same input as when the input selector was turned off or lost power 
 *   The input selector is muted, and mute LED is turned off 
 *   Print startup message
 *   powerState is changed to 2 (off)
   2: Power OFF
 *   Turn off all relays
 *   Set power amp to off (SSR = LOW)
 *   The input selector is muted, and mute LED is turned off
 *   Limited functionality, only IR powerbutton and rotary encoder pushbutton is active
 *   All input events, even those not available, will be shown in the serial monitor
 * 1: Power ON
 *   Turn on power button LED
 *   Set power amp to on, SSR = HIGH
 *   Activates the input channel read from NVRAM
 *   Will start muted with mute LED turned on
 *   No actions are read until the input selector unmutes after 1500 ms (default)
 *   All functions available, IR Remote and rotary encoder
 *   All input events and actions will be shown in the serial monitor

 * Load libraries
#include <EEPROM.h> // EEPROM Library
#include <IRremote.h> // IR Remote Library
#include <Versatile_RotaryEncoder.h> // Rotary Encoder Library

 * Startup delay
 * When powering on, the input selector is muted to avoid any unwanted pops
 * Set the delay value in milliseconds (default 1500)
 * Change to 0 for no delay
#define startupDelay 1500

 * Enable SSR
 * If you want to use a Solid State Relay to control mains power to an
 * amplifier or similar, set this value to 1
 * Default 0 (disabled), as handling mains power is dangerous
 #define enableSSR 1

/* Mute and Power on / off:
 * The rotary encoder is also a push button, which registers
 * either a short or a long press. These are their functions:
 *    Short press: Power on / off
 *    Long press: Mute
 * To reverse this behaviour, change the value below to 1 (default = 0)
 #define encPush 0

 * Rotary encoder direction.
 * If the rotary encoder rotation is the wrong way around, change this value to 1
 * Default: 0
 #define encDirection 0

 * Rotational encoder rate
 * Delay between registering rotational encoder turns, in milliseconds.
 * If the repeat rate when turning the rotational encoder is too fast, change this timer.
 * Note:
 * Introducing a delay in reading turns of the rotational encoder may skip one or more
 * of the encoders "clicks". In turn, it prevents you from skipping channels if you turn
 * the encoder to fast.
 * Lower number: Faster repeat rate
 * Higher number: Slower repeat rate
 * Default: 0
#define rotRate 0

 * IR rate
 * Delay between registering IR commands, in milliseconds.
 * If the repeat rate when holding down a button on the remote is
 * to slow or too fast, change this timer.
 * Lower number: Faster repeat rate
 * Higher number: Slower repeat rate
 * Default: 175
#define irRate 250

 *IR Commands
 * The following variables map all the buttons on the remote
 * control that comes with the Muffsy Input Selector.
 * For instructions on how to configure your own remote, see:
 * While connecting your Input Selector to the computer, it will display
 * any remote commands in the Arduiono IDE's Serial Monitor like this:
 *    [LM3886]: Received IR code: <IR code of button pushed>
 * There are placeholder commands in the function irRemote{} for the buttons
 * 0 and 5 to 9 that serves as templates for your own IR routines
#define zeroButton 10       // Placeholder command in the function irRemote{}, default: 13
#define oneButton 1        // Input 1, default: 12
#define twoButton 2        // Input 2, default: 24
#define threeButton 3      // Input 3, default: 94
#define fourButton 4        // Input 4, default: 8
#define fiveButton 5       // Placeholder command in the function irRemote{}, default: 28
#define sixButton 6        // Placeholder command in the function irRemote{}, default: 90
#define sevenButton 7      // Placeholder command in the function irRemote{}, default: 66
#define eightButton 8      // Placeholder command in the function irRemote{}, default: 82
#define nineButton 9       // Placeholder command in the function irRemote{}, default: 74
#define eqButton 70         // Default value: 70
#define modeButton 68       // Default value: 68
#define muteButton 23       // Mute, default: 71
#define ffButton 17         // "Fast Forward" button: Channel up, default: 21
#define rewButton 18         // "Rewind" button: Channel down, default: 7
#define powerButton 22      // Power on / off, default: 69
#define volupButton 20      // Default value: 25
#define voldownButton 21    // Default value: 22
#define rptButton 64        // Default value: 64
#define tfuButton 67        // Default value: 67
#define playButton 99        // Default value: 9

 * Do not edit below, unless you intend to change the code!

// Rotary encoder pins
#define clk 35  // (A3)
#define dt 34   // (A4)
#define sw 5   // (A5)

// Functions prototyping to be handled on each Encoder Event
void handleRotate(int8_t rotation);
void handlePressRelease();
void handleLongPress();

// Create a global pointer for the encoder object
Versatile_RotaryEncoder *versatile_encoder;

//  EEPROM size: 1 (relayCount)
#define EEPROM_SIZE 1
// Variables, pin definitions

// Onboard LED/Power LED
#define LED 2

// IR Receiver pin and setup
//const byte IR_Recv = 36;
#define IR_Recv 36

// Relays
#define R1 16
#define R2 12
#define R3 27
#define R4 33
#define R5 32

//Volume Up and down
#define vup 13
#define vdwn 14

//Solid State Relay
#define SSR 17

// Mute LED
#define muteLed 4

// Relay Array
volatile int relays[] = {16, 12, 27, 33, 32};

// Relay variables
volatile int relayCount;
int previousRelay;
int relayNumber;

 * Power/Mute variables
 * powerState explained in detail at the beginning of this program:
 *  0 = Welcome message, getting ready
 *  1 = Powered on
 *  2 = Powered off
 * mute:
 *  0: Tell toggleMute() to unmute
 *  1: Tell toggleMute() to mute
 * poweronMute:
 *  1: mute for the period defined by startupDelay, then unmute, only when powering on (change powerState to 1)
 *  0: Disable the startupDelay if powerState is unchanged
int powerState = 0;   // Power ready-state
int mute = 1;         // Mute off/on (0/1) -> The circuit starts out muted, tell toggleMute() to stay muted at first run
int poweronMute = 1;  // Mute at poweron, with startupDelay

void setup() {

  Serial.begin(115200); // Set serial monitor transfer rate to 115,200
	versatile_encoder = new Versatile_RotaryEncoder(clk, dt, sw);

  // Load to the rotary encoder functions
  // Modify rotary encoder defualt values (optional)
  versatile_encoder->setReadIntervalDuration(3);    // set 3 ms as long press duration (default is 1 ms)
  // versatile_encoder->setShortPressDuration(35);  // set 35 ms as short press duration (default is 50 ms)
  // versatile_encoder->setLongPressDuration(550);  // set 550 ms as long press duration (default is 1000 ms)

  // Define INPUT pins, make sure the inputs aren't touch enabled
  pinMode (sw,INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode (clk,INPUT_PULLDOWN);
  pinMode (dt,INPUT_PULLDOWN);
  pinMode (IR_Recv,INPUT_PULLUP);

  // Define OUTPUT pins
  // Onboard LED
  pinMode (LED,OUTPUT);

  // Mute LED
  pinMode (muteLed,OUTPUT);

  // Relays
  pinMode (R1,OUTPUT);
  pinMode (R2,OUTPUT);
  pinMode (R3,OUTPUT);
  pinMode (R4,OUTPUT);
  pinMode (R5,OUTPUT);
  pinMode (SSR,OUTPUT);

  //volume Up and down
  pinMode (vup,OUTPUT);
  pinMode (vdwn,OUTPUT);

  // Relay variables
  relayCount =;
  previousRelay = relayCount + 1; // Start out not matching relayCount

  // Enable IR Receiver
bool bRecRepeat = false;
 * Main loop

void loop() {
  if (powerState == 0) { // Booting, welcome message

  } else if (powerState == 1){ // Powered on
      relayOn();    // Will automatically change input if a function changes the relayCount variable
      irRemote();   // Allowing all functionality in the irRemote() function
      rotEncoder(); // Read the rotaryencoder 

  } else { // Powered off
      irRemote();   // irRemote() function, react to Power on/off only
      rotEncoder(); // Read the rotaryencoder, react to Power on/off only

} // End Main loop

 * Functions

 * Power on amplifier (Welcome/Boot message when first powered on)
void powerOn() { // Only called if powerState is 0 (Ready-status)
  Serial.println("\n       --- LM3886 ---\n");
  Serial.println("The Muffsy Relay Input Selector has woken up!\n");
  Serial.print(" ** Reading saved relay state from NVRAM: ");

  Serial.println("\n ** Mute Relay turned ON");
  Serial.println(" ** All input relays are turned OFF");

  Serial.println(" ** Solid State Relay is turned OFF\n");
  digitalWrite (SSR,LOW);
  Serial.println(" ** Startup completed - waiting for Power ON\n");
  Serial.println("       -------------------------\n");

  // Set powerState to 2 (Powered off). This function will not run again.
  powerState = 2;
} // End powerOn()

  * Turn off all relays
void relayOff() {
    for (int off = 0; off <= 3; off++) {
    digitalWrite(relays[off], LOW);
} // End relayOff

  * Turn on or off input relays (mute relay is controlled by toggleMute())
  * relayCount is the actual chosen active relay
  * previousRelay is the previous chosen active relay
  * This function is triggered if the two are unequal
  * The function can be forced to trigger by changing previousRelay: previousRelay = relayCount + 1;
void relayOn() {
  // If relayCount has changed: Turn on the selected relay (next, previous, direct)
  // If previousRelay has changed: Turn on the last selected relay
  if (relayCount != previousRelay) {
    auto localRelayCount = relayCount; // local copy, assuming atomic integer

    /* Rollover 3 or 0, 
     * There are four input relays, 0 to 3 (Status messages prints them as inputs 1 to 4)
     * This part makes sure we can't choose relays lower than 0 or higher than 3
    if (localRelayCount > 3) {
      localRelayCount = 0;
    } else if (localRelayCount < 0) {
      localRelayCount = 3;

    // Turn off all relays, then turn on localRelayCount
    digitalWrite(relays[localRelayCount], HIGH);
    relayCount = localRelayCount;

    // Write relayCount to memory
    Serial.print("[LM3886]: Written \"relayCount = ");
    Serial.println("\" to save slot 0");
    // Reset counters, output relayNumber
    previousRelay = relayCount;
    relayNumber = relayCount + 1;
    Serial.print("[LM3886]: Activated relay #");

     * Mute, then unmute if just powered on
     * relayOn() is called at power on, placing the startupDelay mute here is convenient so we don't have to run a separate function
     * If the configurable value startupMute is 0, there will be no delay
    if ((poweronMute == 1) && (startupDelay == 0)) {
      poweronMute = 0; // Set poweronMute to 0, so this mutedelay doesn't occur every time the circuit is muted
      mute = 0; // toggleMute will unmute

    } else if (poweronMute == 1) {
      poweronMute = 0; // Set poweronMute to 0, so this mutedelay doesn't occur every time the circuit is muted
      Serial.println("[LM3886]: Turning on mute LED");
      Serial.print("[LM3886]: Milliseconds delay before turning off mute: ");
      mute = 0; // toggleMute will unmute when called next
} // End relayOn()

 * Mute activate/deactivate
void toggleMute() {
  // This function will mute if unmuted, and vice versa everytime it's called
  if (mute == 1) { // Read mute variable. if unmuted, turn on mute
    Serial.println("[LM3886]: Mute relay turned ON");

    if (powerState == 1){ // If powered on, also turn on mute LED
      Serial.println("[LM3886]: Turning on mute LED\n");

      // Set mute to 0, next time toggleMute is called, it will turn OFF mute
      // mute = 0 now means we're muted
      mute = 0; // Unmute next time this function is called
    } // End if powered on

  } else { // Mute must be 0, turn off mute
    Serial.println("[LM3886]: Mute relay turned OFF");
    Serial.println("[LM3886]: Turning off mute LED\n");
    digitalWrite(muteLed,LOW); // Turn off mute LED, no matter if it was turned on or off earlier.

    // Set mute to 1, next time toggleMute is called, it will turn ON mute
    // mute = 1 now means we're unmuted
    mute = 1; // Mute next time this function is called
  } // 
} // End toggleMute()

 * Power on / off
void togglePower() {

   * If powerState is 1, turn OFF: All relays OFF, power amp OFF
  if (powerState == 1) {
    powerState = 2; // Setting powerState to 2 (off)

    if (mute == 1) { // If unmuted, turn on mute 
      toggleMute(); // mute variable = 1, toggleMute will turn on mute. powerState = 2, mute LED will not turn on
    } else if (mute == 0) { // If already muted, turn off mute LED
      Serial.println("[LM3886]: Mute relay stays turned ON");
      Serial.println("[LM3886]: Turning off mute LED");
      digitalWrite(muteLed,LOW); // Turning off the mute LED
    if (enableSSR == 1) { // Only turn off SSR if "enableSSR" is set to 1
      digitalWrite (SSR,LOW); // Turning off Solid State Relay
      Serial.println("[LM3886]: Solid State Relay OFF");

    Serial.println("[LM3886]: Turning off power LED");
    Serial.println("[LM3886]: Power OFF\n");
    digitalWrite (LED,LOW); // Turning off the power LED
    poweronMute = 1; // Set poweronMute to 1, this will force a mute with delay on next power on

   * If powerState is 2, turn ON: Last selected relay ON, power amp (Solid State Relay ON)
  } else if (powerState == 2) { // 
    powerState = 1; // Setting powerState to 1 (on)
    Serial.println("[LM3886]: Turning on power LED");
    digitalWrite (LED,HIGH); // Turning on the power lED
    previousRelay = relayCount + 1; // Trigger relayOn()
    Serial.println("[LM3886]: Power ON");

    if (enableSSR == 1) { // Only enable SSR if "enableSSR" is set to 1
      digitalWrite (SSR,HIGH); // Turning on Solid State Relay
      Serial.println("[LM3886]: Solid State Relay ON\n");

    // We have just powered on
    // The circuit is muted, manually in powerOn(), toggleMute() has not been involved to set the mute variable
    // mute = 0; tells toggleMute() that we are muted, and that toggleMute() will unmute the next time it's called
    // relayOn() will call toggleMute if poweronMute = 1
    mute = 0;

} // End togglePower()

 * Read the rotary encoder
void rotEncoder() {

 * IR Remote
void irRemote() { // Start irRemote function

    // Decode the infrared input
  if (IrReceiver.decode()) {
    long int decCode = IrReceiver.decodedIRData.command;

    if (decCode != 0) {
      Serial.print("[LM3886]: Received IR code: ");
    // Read pushed remote control button and take action
    // All actions for remote control buttons are defined here
      switch (decCode) { // Start switch/case
        case oneButton: // Relay 1 - Input 1
            Serial.println("[LM3886]: Button \"1\"");
            if (powerState == 1) {
              relayCount = 0;
            } else {
              Serial.println("[LM3886]: Powered off, doing nothing...\n");

        case twoButton: // Relay 2 - Input 2
            Serial.println("[LM3886]: Button \"2\"");
            if (powerState == 1) {
             relayCount = 1;
            } else {
              Serial.println("[LM3886]: Powered off, doing nothing...\n");

        case threeButton: // Relay 3 - Input 3
            Serial.println("[LM3886]: Button \"3\"");
            if (powerState == 1) {
             relayCount = 2;
            } else {
             Serial.println("[LM3886]: Powered off, doing nothing...\n");

        case fourButton: // Relay 4 - Input 4
            Serial.println("[LM3886]: Button \"4\"");
            if (powerState == 1) {
              relayCount = 3;
            } else {
              Serial.println("[LM3886]: Powered off, doing nothing...\n");
          case fiveButton: // Button 5 - Info message
            Serial.println("[LM3886]: Button \"5\"");
            if (powerState == 1) {
            } else {
              Serial.println("[LM3886]: Powered off, doing nothing...\n");

          case sixButton: // Button 6 - Info message
            Serial.println("[LM3886]: Button \"6\"");
            if (powerState == 1) {
            } else {
              Serial.println("[LM3886]: Powered off, doing nothing...\n");

          case sevenButton: // Button 7 - Info message
            Serial.println("[LM3886]: Button \"7\"");
            if (powerState == 1) {
            } else {
              Serial.println("[LM3886]: Powered off, doing nothing...\n");

          case eightButton: // Button 8 - Info message
            Serial.println("[LM3886]: Button \"8\"");
            if (powerState == 1) {
            } else {
              Serial.println("[LM3886]: Powered off, doing nothing...\n");

          case nineButton: // Button 9 - Info message
            Serial.println("[LM3886]: Button \"9\"");
            if (powerState == 1) {
            } else {
              Serial.println("[LM3886]: Powered off, doing nothing...\n");

          case zeroButton: // Button 0 - Info message
            Serial.println("[LM3886]: Button \"0\"");
            if (powerState == 1) {
            } else {
              Serial.println("[LM3886]: Powered off, doing nothing...\n");

          case volupButton: // Volume up - Info message
            Serial.println("[LM3886]: Button \"vup\"");
            if (powerState == 1) {
              digitalWrite (vup, HIGH)
              bRecRepeat = true;
            } else {
              Serial.println("[LM3886]: Powered off, doing nothing...\n");

          case voldownButton: // Volume down - Info message
            Serial.println("[LM3886]: Button \"vdwn\"");
            if (powerState == 1) {
              digitalWrite (vdwn, HIGH)
              bRecRepeat = true;
            } else {
              Serial.println("[LM3886]: Powered off, doing nothing...\n");

          case muteButton: // Mute
            Serial.println("[LM3886]: Button \"Mute\"");
            if (powerState == 1) {
            } else {
              Serial.println("[LM3886]: Powered off, doing nothing...\n");

          case ffButton: // Channel UP
            Serial.println("[LM3886]: Button \"UP\"");
            if (powerState == 1) {
            } else {
              Serial.println("[LM3886]: Powered off, doing nothing...\n");
          case rewButton: // Channel DOWN
            Serial.println("[LM3886]: Button \"DOWN\"");
            if (powerState == 1) {
            } else {
              Serial.println("[LM3886]: Powered off, doing nothing...\n");

        case powerButton: // Power button
            Serial.println("[LM3886]: Button \"POWER\"");
	    unsigned long powMillis = millis();
	    // Always wait a bit longer after powerButton to avoid turning on immediately after power off, regardless of irRate
            while (millis() - powMillis < 750) { 

                 bRecRepeat = false;
            Serial.println("[LM3886]: Going back to waiting for IR remote keypress\n");
          } */
      }// End switch/case

      unsigned long irMillis = millis();
      while (millis() - irMillis < irRate) {
  IrReceiver.resume(); // Receives the next value from the button you press

  } // End of if IrReceiver decode
} // End irRemote() 

 * Rotate the rotary encoder
 * Change the encDirection value if you want to reverse the direction
void handleRotate(int8_t rotation) {
  Serial.print("[LM3886]: Rotational encoder turned ");

  // encDirection set to 0
  if ( ((rotation > 0) && (encDirection == 0)) || ((rotation < 0) && (encDirection == 1)) ) { // Channel down (counter-clockwise)


    if (powerState == 1) {
      // Increase relayCount

    } else {
      Serial.println("[LM3886]: Powered off, doing nothing...\n"); // Powered off
  } else if ( ((rotation > 0) && (encDirection == 1)) || ((rotation < 0) && (encDirection == 0)) ) { // Channel up (clockwise) 

    if (powerState == 1) {
      // Increase relayCount

    } else {
      Serial.println("[LM3886]: Powered off, doing nothing...\n"); // Powered off

  // Wait for the amount of milliseconds defined by rotRate until reading the next IR command
  // This delay uses interrupts, so it won't hold up the rest of the program
  unsigned long rotMillis = millis();
  while (millis() - rotMillis < rotRate) {
} // End handleRotate()

 * Press rotary encoder button.
 * Will turn on or off the Muffsy Input selector when the button is released,
 * or mute if you have changed the encPush value and the powerState is 1 (on)
void handlePressRelease() {
  if (encPush == 0) { // Power off
  	Serial.println("[LM3886]: Button \"Power\"");

  } else { // Mute
    Serial.println("[LM3886]: Button \"Mute\"");
   if (powerState == 1) {

   } else {
      Serial.println("[LM3886]: Powered off, doing nothing...\n");
} // End handlePressRelease()

 * Long press the rotary encoder button.
 * It will mute or unmute, as long as powerState is 1 (on),
 * or power on/off if you have changed the encPush value
void handleLongPress() {
  if (encPush == 1) { // Power off
    Serial.println("[LM3886]: Button \"Power\"");

  } else { // Mute
    Serial.println("[LM3886]: Button \"Mute\"");
   if (powerState == 1) {

   } else {
      Serial.println("[LM3886]: Powered off, doing nothing...\n");
} // End handleLongPress()



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Incearca asta si spune-mi cum se manifesta:

/* Muffsy Relay Input Selector

   Control relays using IR and rotary encoder
   Control external power to amp using IR and push button

   Last update with functionality changes: 2023-09-27

   The software works on the concept of "powerState", which determines the behavior of the Input Selector:

   0: Boot
     Read last input channel from NVRAM, selecting the same input as when the input selector was turned off or lost power
     The input selector is muted, and mute LED is turned off
     Print startup message
     powerState is changed to 2 (off)

   2: Power OFF
     Turn off all relays
     Set power amp to off (SSR = LOW)
     The input selector is muted, and mute LED is turned off
     Limited functionality, only IR powerbutton and rotary encoder pushbutton is active
     All input events, even those not available, will be shown in the serial monitor

   1: Power ON
     Turn on power button LED
     Set power amp to on, SSR = HIGH
     Activates the input channel read from NVRAM
     Will start muted with mute LED turned on
     No actions are read until the input selector unmutes after 1500 ms (default)
     All functions available, IR Remote and rotary encoder
     All input events and actions will be shown in the serial monitor

   Load libraries
#include <EEPROM.h> // EEPROM Library
#include <IRremote.h> // IR Remote Library
#include <Versatile_RotaryEncoder.h> // Rotary Encoder Library

   Startup delay

   When powering on, the input selector is muted to avoid any unwanted pops
   Set the delay value in milliseconds (default 1500)

   Change to 0 for no delay
#define startupDelay 1500

   Enable SSR

   If you want to use a Solid State Relay to control mains power to an
   amplifier or similar, set this value to 1

   Default 0 (disabled), as handling mains power is dangerous
#define enableSSR 1

/* Mute and Power on / off:

   The rotary encoder is also a push button, which registers
   either a short or a long press. These are their functions:

      Short press: Power on / off
      Long press: Mute

   To reverse this behaviour, change the value below to 1 (default = 0)
#define encPush 0

   Rotary encoder direction.

   If the rotary encoder rotation is the wrong way around, change this value to 1
   Default: 0
#define encDirection 0

   Rotational encoder rate

   Delay between registering rotational encoder turns, in milliseconds.
   If the repeat rate when turning the rotational encoder is too fast, change this timer.

   Introducing a delay in reading turns of the rotational encoder may skip one or more
   of the encoders "clicks". In turn, it prevents you from skipping channels if you turn
   the encoder to fast.

   Lower number: Faster repeat rate
   Higher number: Slower repeat rate
   Default: 0
#define rotRate 0

   IR rate

   Delay between registering IR commands, in milliseconds.
   If the repeat rate when holding down a button on the remote is
   to slow or too fast, change this timer.

   Lower number: Faster repeat rate
   Higher number: Slower repeat rate
   Default: 175
#define irRate 250

  IR Commands

   The following variables map all the buttons on the remote
   control that comes with the Muffsy Input Selector.

   For instructions on how to configure your own remote, see:

   While connecting your Input Selector to the computer, it will display
   any remote commands in the Arduiono IDE's Serial Monitor like this:

      [LM3886]: Received IR code: <IR code of button pushed>

   There are placeholder commands in the function irRemote{} for the buttons
   0 and 5 to 9 that serves as templates for your own IR routines

#define zeroButton 10       // Placeholder command in the function irRemote{}, default: 13
#define oneButton 1        // Input 1, default: 12
#define twoButton 2        // Input 2, default: 24
#define threeButton 3      // Input 3, default: 94
#define fourButton 4        // Input 4, default: 8
#define fiveButton 5       // Placeholder command in the function irRemote{}, default: 28
#define sixButton 6        // Placeholder command in the function irRemote{}, default: 90
#define sevenButton 7      // Placeholder command in the function irRemote{}, default: 66
#define eightButton 8      // Placeholder command in the function irRemote{}, default: 82
#define nineButton 9       // Placeholder command in the function irRemote{}, default: 74
#define eqButton 70         // Default value: 70
#define modeButton 68       // Default value: 68
#define muteButton 23       // Mute, default: 71
#define ffButton 17         // "Fast Forward" button: Channel up, default: 21
#define rewButton 18         // "Rewind" button: Channel down, default: 7
#define powerButton 22      // Power on / off, default: 69
#define volupButton 20      // Default value: 25
#define voldownButton 21    // Default value: 22
#define rptButton 64        // Default value: 64
#define tfuButton 67        // Default value: 67
#define playButton 99        // Default value: 9

   Do not edit below, unless you intend to change the code!

// Rotary encoder pins
#define clk 35  // (A3)
#define dt 34   // (A4)
#define sw 5   // (A5)

// Functions prototyping to be handled on each Encoder Event
void handleRotate(int8_t rotation);
void handlePressRelease();
void handleLongPress();

// Create a global pointer for the encoder object
Versatile_RotaryEncoder *versatile_encoder;

//  EEPROM size: 1 (relayCount)
#define EEPROM_SIZE 1
// Variables, pin definitions

// Onboard LED/Power LED
#define LED 2

// IR Receiver pin and setup
//const byte IR_Recv = 36;
#define IR_Recv 36

// Relays
#define R1 16
#define R2 12
#define R3 27
#define R4 33
#define R5 32

//Volume Up and down
#define vup 13
#define vdwn 14

//Solid State Relay
#define SSR 17

// Mute LED
#define muteLed 4

// Relay Array
volatile int relays[] = {16, 12, 27, 33, 32};

// Relay variables
volatile int relayCount;
int previousRelay;
int relayNumber;

   Power/Mute variables

   powerState explained in detail at the beginning of this program:
    0 = Welcome message, getting ready
    1 = Powered on
    2 = Powered off

    0: Tell toggleMute() to unmute
    1: Tell toggleMute() to mute

    1: mute for the period defined by startupDelay, then unmute, only when powering on (change powerState to 1)
    0: Disable the startupDelay if powerState is unchanged
int powerState = 0;   // Power ready-state
int mute = 1;         // Mute off/on (0/1) -> The circuit starts out muted, tell toggleMute() to stay muted at first run
int poweronMute = 1;  // Mute at poweron, with startupDelay
bool bRecRepeat = false;

void setup() {

  Serial.begin(115200); // Set serial monitor transfer rate to 115,200
  versatile_encoder = new Versatile_RotaryEncoder(clk, dt, sw);

  // Load to the rotary encoder functions
  // Modify rotary encoder defualt values (optional)
  versatile_encoder->setReadIntervalDuration(3);    // set 3 ms as long press duration (default is 1 ms)
  // versatile_encoder->setShortPressDuration(35);  // set 35 ms as short press duration (default is 50 ms)
  // versatile_encoder->setLongPressDuration(550);  // set 550 ms as long press duration (default is 1000 ms)

  // Define INPUT pins, make sure the inputs aren't touch enabled
  pinMode (sw, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode (clk, INPUT_PULLDOWN);
  pinMode (dt, INPUT_PULLDOWN);
  pinMode (IR_Recv, INPUT_PULLUP);

  // Define OUTPUT pins
  // Onboard LED
  pinMode (LED, OUTPUT);

  // Mute LED
  pinMode (muteLed, OUTPUT);

  // Relays
  pinMode (R1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (R2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (R3, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (R4, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (R5, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (SSR, OUTPUT);

  //volume Up and down
  pinMode (vup, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (vdwn, OUTPUT);

  // Relay variables
  relayCount =;
  previousRelay = relayCount + 1; // Start out not matching relayCount

  // Enable IR Receiver

   Main loop

void loop() {
  if (powerState == 0) { // Booting, welcome message

  } else if (powerState == 1) { // Powered on
    relayOn();    // Will automatically change input if a function changes the relayCount variable
    irRemote();   // Allowing all functionality in the irRemote() function
    rotEncoder(); // Read the rotaryencoder

  } else { // Powered off
    irRemote();   // irRemote() function, react to Power on/off only
    rotEncoder(); // Read the rotaryencoder, react to Power on/off only

} // End Main loop


   Power on amplifier (Welcome/Boot message when first powered on)
void powerOn() { // Only called if powerState is 0 (Ready-status)
  Serial.println("\n       --- LM3886 ---\n");
  Serial.println("The Muffsy Relay Input Selector has woken up!\n");
  Serial.print(" ** Reading saved relay state from NVRAM: ");
  digitalWrite(relays[4], LOW);

  Serial.println("\n ** Mute Relay turned ON");
  Serial.println(" ** All input relays are turned OFF");

  Serial.println(" ** Solid State Relay is turned OFF\n");
  digitalWrite (SSR, LOW);
  Serial.println(" ** Startup completed - waiting for Power ON\n");
  Serial.println("       -------------------------\n");

  // Set powerState to 2 (Powered off). This function will not run again.
  powerState = 2;
} // End powerOn()

   Turn off all relays
void relayOff() {
  for (int off = 0; off <= 3; off++) {
    digitalWrite(relays[off], LOW);
} // End relayOff

   Turn on or off input relays (mute relay is controlled by toggleMute())

   relayCount is the actual chosen active relay
   previousRelay is the previous chosen active relay
   This function is triggered if the two are unequal
   The function can be forced to trigger by changing previousRelay: previousRelay = relayCount + 1;
void relayOn() {
  // If relayCount has changed: Turn on the selected relay (next, previous, direct)
  // If previousRelay has changed: Turn on the last selected relay
  if (relayCount != previousRelay) {
    auto localRelayCount = relayCount; // local copy, assuming atomic integer

    /* Rollover 3 or 0,

       There are four input relays, 0 to 3 (Status messages prints them as inputs 1 to 4)
       This part makes sure we can't choose relays lower than 0 or higher than 3
    if (localRelayCount > 3) {
      localRelayCount = 0;
    } else if (localRelayCount < 0) {
      localRelayCount = 3;

    // Turn off all relays, then turn on localRelayCount
    digitalWrite(relays[localRelayCount], HIGH);
    relayCount = localRelayCount;

    // Write relayCount to memory
    EEPROM.write(0, relayCount);
    Serial.print("[LM3886]: Written \"relayCount = ");
    Serial.println("\" to save slot 0");

    // Reset counters, output relayNumber
    previousRelay = relayCount;
    relayNumber = relayCount + 1;
    Serial.print("[LM3886]: Activated relay #");

       Mute, then unmute if just powered on
       relayOn() is called at power on, placing the startupDelay mute here is convenient so we don't have to run a separate function
       If the configurable value startupMute is 0, there will be no delay
    if ((poweronMute == 1) && (startupDelay == 0)) {
      poweronMute = 0; // Set poweronMute to 0, so this mutedelay doesn't occur every time the circuit is muted
      mute = 0; // toggleMute will unmute

    } else if (poweronMute == 1) {
      poweronMute = 0; // Set poweronMute to 0, so this mutedelay doesn't occur every time the circuit is muted
      Serial.println("[LM3886]: Turning on mute LED");
      digitalWrite(muteLed, HIGH);
      Serial.print("[LM3886]: Milliseconds delay before turning off mute: ");
      mute = 0; // toggleMute will unmute when called next
} // End relayOn()

   Mute activate/deactivate
void toggleMute() {
  // This function will mute if unmuted, and vice versa everytime it's called
  if (mute == 1) { // Read mute variable. if unmuted, turn on mute
    Serial.println("[LM3886]: Mute relay turned ON");
    digitalWrite(relays[4], LOW);

    if (powerState == 1) { // If powered on, also turn on mute LED
      Serial.println("[LM3886]: Turning on mute LED\n");
      digitalWrite(muteLed, HIGH);

      // Set mute to 0, next time toggleMute is called, it will turn OFF mute
      // mute = 0 now means we're muted
      mute = 0; // Unmute next time this function is called
    } // End if powered on

  } else { // Mute must be 0, turn off mute
    Serial.println("[LM3886]: Mute relay turned OFF");
    digitalWrite(relays[4], HIGH);
    Serial.println("[LM3886]: Turning off mute LED\n");
    digitalWrite(muteLed, LOW); // Turn off mute LED, no matter if it was turned on or off earlier.

    // Set mute to 1, next time toggleMute is called, it will turn ON mute
    // mute = 1 now means we're unmuted
    mute = 1; // Mute next time this function is called
  } //
} // End toggleMute()

   Power on / off
void togglePower() {

     If powerState is 1, turn OFF: All relays OFF, power amp OFF
  if (powerState == 1) {
    powerState = 2; // Setting powerState to 2 (off)

    if (mute == 1) { // If unmuted, turn on mute
      toggleMute(); // mute variable = 1, toggleMute will turn on mute. powerState = 2, mute LED will not turn on
    } else if (mute == 0) { // If already muted, turn off mute LED
      Serial.println("[LM3886]: Mute relay stays turned ON");
      Serial.println("[LM3886]: Turning off mute LED");
      digitalWrite(muteLed, LOW); // Turning off the mute LED

    if (enableSSR == 1) { // Only turn off SSR if "enableSSR" is set to 1
      digitalWrite (SSR, LOW); // Turning off Solid State Relay
      Serial.println("[LM3886]: Solid State Relay OFF");

    Serial.println("[LM3886]: Turning off power LED");
    Serial.println("[LM3886]: Power OFF\n");
    digitalWrite (LED, LOW); // Turning off the power LED
    poweronMute = 1; // Set poweronMute to 1, this will force a mute with delay on next power on

       If powerState is 2, turn ON: Last selected relay ON, power amp (Solid State Relay ON)
  } else if (powerState == 2) { //
    powerState = 1; // Setting powerState to 1 (on)
    Serial.println("[LM3886]: Turning on power LED");
    digitalWrite (LED, HIGH); // Turning on the power lED
    previousRelay = relayCount + 1; // Trigger relayOn()
    Serial.println("[LM3886]: Power ON");

    if (enableSSR == 1) { // Only enable SSR if "enableSSR" is set to 1
      digitalWrite (SSR, HIGH); // Turning on Solid State Relay
      Serial.println("[LM3886]: Solid State Relay ON\n");

    // We have just powered on
    // The circuit is muted, manually in powerOn(), toggleMute() has not been involved to set the mute variable
    // mute = 0; tells toggleMute() that we are muted, and that toggleMute() will unmute the next time it's called
    // relayOn() will call toggleMute if poweronMute = 1
    mute = 0;

} // End togglePower()

   Read the rotary encoder
void rotEncoder() {

   IR Remote
void irRemote() { // Start irRemote function

  // Decode the infrared input

  if (IrReceiver.decode()) {
    long int decCode = IrReceiver.decodedIRData.command;

    if (decCode != 0) {
      Serial.print("[LM3886]: Received IR code: ");
    // Read pushed remote control button and take action
    // All actions for remote control buttons are defined here
    switch (decCode) { // Start switch/case

      case oneButton: // Relay 1 - Input 1
          Serial.println("[LM3886]: Button \"1\"");
          if (powerState == 1) {
            relayCount = 0;
          } else {
            Serial.println("[LM3886]: Powered off, doing nothing...\n");

      case twoButton: // Relay 2 - Input 2
          Serial.println("[LM3886]: Button \"2\"");
          if (powerState == 1) {
            relayCount = 1;
          } else {
            Serial.println("[LM3886]: Powered off, doing nothing...\n");

      case threeButton: // Relay 3 - Input 3
          Serial.println("[LM3886]: Button \"3\"");
          if (powerState == 1) {
            relayCount = 2;
          } else {
            Serial.println("[LM3886]: Powered off, doing nothing...\n");

      case fourButton: // Relay 4 - Input 4
          Serial.println("[LM3886]: Button \"4\"");
          if (powerState == 1) {
            relayCount = 3;
          } else {
            Serial.println("[LM3886]: Powered off, doing nothing...\n");

      case fiveButton: // Button 5 - Info message
          Serial.println("[LM3886]: Button \"5\"");
          if (powerState == 1) {
          } else {
            Serial.println("[LM3886]: Powered off, doing nothing...\n");

      case sixButton: // Button 6 - Info message
          Serial.println("[LM3886]: Button \"6\"");
          if (powerState == 1) {
          } else {
            Serial.println("[LM3886]: Powered off, doing nothing...\n");

      case sevenButton: // Button 7 - Info message
          Serial.println("[LM3886]: Button \"7\"");
          if (powerState == 1) {
          } else {
            Serial.println("[LM3886]: Powered off, doing nothing...\n");

      case eightButton: // Button 8 - Info message
          Serial.println("[LM3886]: Button \"8\"");
          if (powerState == 1) {
          } else {
            Serial.println("[LM3886]: Powered off, doing nothing...\n");

      case nineButton: // Button 9 - Info message
          Serial.println("[LM3886]: Button \"9\"");
          if (powerState == 1) {
          } else {
            Serial.println("[LM3886]: Powered off, doing nothing...\n");

      case zeroButton: // Button 0 - Info message
          Serial.println("[LM3886]: Button \"0\"");
          if (powerState == 1) {
          } else {
            Serial.println("[LM3886]: Powered off, doing nothing...\n");

      case volupButton: // Volume up - Info message
          Serial.println("[LM3886]: Button \"vup\"");
          if ((powerState == 1) && (bRecRepeat == false)) {
            digitalWrite (vup, HIGH);
            bRecRepeat = true;
          } else {
            digitalWrite (vup, LOW);
            bRecRepeat = false;
            Serial.println("[LM3886]: Powered off, doing nothing...\n");

      case voldownButton: // Volume down - Info message
          Serial.println("[LM3886]: Button \"vdwn\"");
          if ((powerState == 1) && (bRecRepeat == false)) {
            digitalWrite (vdwn, HIGH);
            bRecRepeat = true;
          } else {
            digitalWrite (vdwn, LOW);
            bRecRepeat = false;
            Serial.println("[LM3886]: Powered off, doing nothing...\n");

        case muteButton: // Mute
            Serial.println("[LM3886]: Button \"Mute\"");
            if (powerState == 1) {
            } else {
              Serial.println("[LM3886]: Powered off, doing nothing...\n");

        case ffButton: // Channel UP
            Serial.println("[LM3886]: Button \"UP\"");
            if (powerState == 1) {
            } else {
              Serial.println("[LM3886]: Powered off, doing nothing...\n");

        case rewButton: // Channel DOWN
            Serial.println("[LM3886]: Button \"DOWN\"");
            if (powerState == 1) {
            } else {
              Serial.println("[LM3886]: Powered off, doing nothing...\n");

        case powerButton: // Power button
            Serial.println("[LM3886]: Button \"POWER\"");
            unsigned long powMillis = millis();
            // Always wait a bit longer after powerButton to avoid turning on immediately after power off, regardless of irRate
            while (millis() - powMillis < 750) {

                 bRecRepeat = false;
            Serial.println("[LM3886]: Going back to waiting for IR remote keypress\n");
            } */
        }// End switch/case

        unsigned long irMillis = millis();
        while (millis() - irMillis < irRate) {

        IrReceiver.resume(); // Receives the next value from the button you press

    } // End of if IrReceiver decode
  } // End irRemote()
   Rotate the rotary encoder

   Change the encDirection value if you want to reverse the direction
void handleRotate(int8_t rotation) {
  Serial.print("[LM3886]: Rotational encoder turned ");

  // encDirection set to 0
  if ( ((rotation > 0) && (encDirection == 0)) || ((rotation < 0) && (encDirection == 1)) ) { // Channel down (counter-clockwise)


    if (powerState == 1) {
      // Increase relayCount

    } else {
      Serial.println("[LM3886]: Powered off, doing nothing...\n"); // Powered off
  } else if ( ((rotation > 0) && (encDirection == 1)) || ((rotation < 0) && (encDirection == 0)) ) { // Channel up (clockwise)


    if (powerState == 1) {
      // Increase relayCount

    } else {
      Serial.println("[LM3886]: Powered off, doing nothing...\n"); // Powered off

  // Wait for the amount of milliseconds defined by rotRate until reading the next IR command
  // This delay uses interrupts, so it won't hold up the rest of the program
  unsigned long rotMillis = millis();
  while (millis() - rotMillis < rotRate) {
} // End handleRotate()

   Press rotary encoder button.

   Will turn on or off the Muffsy Input selector when the button is released,
   or mute if you have changed the encPush value and the powerState is 1 (on)
void handlePressRelease() {
  if (encPush == 0) { // Power off
    Serial.println("[LM3886]: Button \"Power\"");

  } else { // Mute
    Serial.println("[LM3886]: Button \"Mute\"");
    if (powerState == 1) {

    } else {
      Serial.println("[LM3886]: Powered off, doing nothing...\n");
} // End handlePressRelease()

   Long press the rotary encoder button.

   It will mute or unmute, as long as powerState is 1 (on),
   or power on/off if you have changed the encPush value
void handleLongPress() {
  if (encPush == 1) { // Power off
    Serial.println("[LM3886]: Button \"Power\"");

  } else { // Mute
    Serial.println("[LM3886]: Button \"Mute\"");
    if (powerState == 1) {

    } else {
      Serial.println("[LM3886]: Powered off, doing nothing...\n");
} // End handleLongPress()



Link spre comentariu

Multumesc de raspuns! Da, aveam eroare, ceva legat de un simbol /, la sfarsitul secventelor cu "case", dar nu am stiut cum sa o rezolv. Voi incerca cu noul cod, probabil pe seara. Inca o data, multumesc!

Link spre comentariu

Am revenit.

am compilat sketch-ul, nicio problemă. L-am încărcat și testat: power on si apoi power off, la vreo 2 secunde, în buclă. Nu mai primeste nicio comanda, probabil pentru ca nu mai are timp sa primeasca si comenzi. Nu stiu unde sa modific, probabil e prins in bucla ceva ce nu ar trebui sa fie acolo.

Link spre comentariu

Salut gabitzu.
M-am uitat si eu peste codul propus de tine.
Este întradevăr bine comentat dar tare rău este conceput logic.
Din cauza asta este și greu de urmărit și depanat. Am să incerc să-l optimizez puțin. Dacă nu rezolvi până luni, am să postez și eu ceva mai ușor de înteles.

Link spre comentariu
Acum 2 ore, cloudy a spus:

Salut gabitzu.
M-am uitat si eu peste codul propus de tine.
Este întradevăr bine comentat dar tare rău este conceput logic.
Din cauza asta este și greu de urmărit și depanat. Am să incerc să-l optimizez puțin. Dacă nu rezolvi până luni, am să postez și eu ceva mai ușor de înteles.

multumesc pentru raspuns, dar oare ar fi bine sa modificam codul si sa o luam de la capat cu incercarile? Am mai incercat acum ceva ani sa fac un astfel de selector si cu control volum si am ajuns la concluzia ca mai bine il fac pe acesta. Codul e deja scris, mai e de bibilit puțin la el. Cred ca acel bRecRepeat nu e pus unde trebuie....dar nu ma pricep

L.E.: codul nu-mi apartine, e facut de nordicul ala. Eu doar am incercat sa-l adaptez

Editat de gabitzu2006
Link spre comentariu
17 hours ago, gabitzu2006 said:

Codul e deja scris, mai e de bibilit puțin la el.

Eu consider că este un "cod" care nu prea are legătură cu programarea in general.
Evident că "merge și așa". Oricum ai face, sfatul meu este să nu iei ca exemplu un așa fel de scriere a unui program informatic.

Link spre comentariu

Daca ne pute-ti ajuta cu un cod functional , noi , astia care nu ne pricepem la programare , zicem sarumana :40

pentru noi , nu conteaza sa fie frumos organizat sau optimizat , conteaza sa mearga

apropo , si eu sunt interesat ( si posibil si altii ) de acest selector ( asa ca zic sarumana si lui gabitzu2006 pentru ca ni l-a adus la cunostiinta )

asteptam in continuare acel cod functional , bineinteles cand se poate ( nu este nici o graba )

Link spre comentariu

In primul rand trebuie rescris codul.
Asa cum este acum este obositor de parcurs. Contine multe lucruri repetitive, fara nici un rost.
Daca nu este adus la o forma decenta nu stiu cine va sta sa parcurga zeci de linii scrise degeaba.
In momentul de fată cred că are mai bine de 500 de linii de cod (fara comentarii).
Mai mult de 100 nu cred ca trebuie sa aiba. Mult mai usor va fi apoi de inteles si modificat.
Daca este de interes, am sa incerc de mâine să-l modific deși nu am cum să testez fizic.

Link spre comentariu

Am o intrebare: valorile de mai jos sunt rezultatul verificarii codurilor transmise de telecomanda si receptionate de ESP?

Adica, spre exemplu, pentru "zeroButtoncodul transmis de telecomanda este "10"? Cum ai ajuns la valorile astea?

#define zeroButton 10       // Placeholder command in the function irRemote{}, default: 13
#define oneButton 1        // Input 1, default: 12
#define twoButton 2        // Input 2, default: 24
#define threeButton 3      // Input 3, default: 94
#define fourButton 4        // Input 4, default: 8
#define fiveButton 5       // Placeholder command in the function irRemote{}, default: 28
#define sixButton 6        // Placeholder command in the function irRemote{}, default: 90
#define sevenButton 7      // Placeholder command in the function irRemote{}, default: 66
#define eightButton 8      // Placeholder command in the function irRemote{}, default: 82
#define nineButton 9       // Placeholder command in the function irRemote{}, default: 74
#define eqButton 70         // Default value: 70
#define modeButton 68       // Default value: 68
#define muteButton 23       // Mute, default: 71
#define ffButton 17         // "Fast Forward" button: Channel up, default: 21
#define rewButton 18         // "Rewind" button: Channel down, default: 7
#define powerButton 22      // Power on / off, default: 69
#define volupButton 20      // Default value: 25
#define voldownButton 21    // Default value: 22
#define rptButton 64        // Default value: 64
#define tfuButton 67        // Default value: 67
#define playButton 99        // Default value: 9


Link spre comentariu

da, butoanele de la 0-9 au acele valori. La fel si butoanele power, mute, chanel up si dwn, vol up si dwn. de celelalte nu am nevoie, asa ca nici nu le-am mai verificat. ESP trimite pe serial ce tasta s-a apasat la telecomanda, asa le-am dibuit. Folosesc o telecomanda universala pe care am programat-o sa dea coduri pt daewoo cred, ca nu am nimic daewoo prin casa. Am incercat si alte coduri IR, dar unele erau din 2 secvente, de exemplu pentru tasta 1 imi trimite 22 si 15. Am incercat pana am gasit un cod IR care sa fie din cel mult 2 cifre si sa nu interfereze cu ce am prin casa.

Link spre comentariu

@gabitzu2006 Incerc sa te ajut, am modificat in varianta initiala (postata de tine mai sus) a codului. Nu stiu daca functioneaza, nu am compilat, dar daca ai timp incearca sa vezi daca se schimba ceva, sunt 2 versiuni diferite.

Editat de cristi7521
Link spre comentariu

Deoarece evenimentul "ridicare buton" nu există, trebuie facut cu un timmer.
Inlocuieste functia void irRemote() {} cu asta:

unsigned long millis_vol=0;

void irRemote() 
  if (IrReceiver.decode()) {

    long int decCode = IrReceiver.decodedIRData.command;

    if (decCode != 0)  {
      Serial.print("[LM3886]: Received IR code: ");

    if(decCode==powerButton) {
      Serial.println("[LM3886]: Button \"POWER\"");
      unsigned long powMillis = millis();
      // Always wait a bit longer after powerButton to avoid turning on immediately after power off, regardless of irRate
      while (millis() - powMillis < 750); 
    else if(powerState == 1) {
      switch (decCode) { 
        case oneButton:
        case twoButton:            
        case threeButton:
        case fourButton:
          Serial.println("[LM3886]: Button "+String(decCode));
          relayCount = decCode - 1; 
        case volupButton:
          Serial.println("[LM3886]: Button \"vup\"");
          digitalWrite (vup, HIGH);
          bRecRepeat = true;
        case voldownButton:
          Serial.println("[LM3886]: Button \"vdwn\"");
          digitalWrite (vdwn, HIGH);
          bRecRepeat = true;
        case muteButton: // Mute
          Serial.println("[LM3886]: Button \"Mute\"");
        case ffButton: // Channel UP
          Serial.println("[LM3886]: Button \"UP\"");
        case rewButton: // Channel DOWN
          Serial.println("[LM3886]: Button \"DOWN\"");
    else {
      Serial.println("[LM3886]: Powered off, doing nothing...\n");
  if(bRecRepeat && (millis()-millis_vol>500))   // nu s-a apasat VolUP sau VolDown timp de 500ms
    digitalWrite (vup, LOW);
    digitalWrite (vdwn, LOW);
    bRecRepeat = false;


Editat de cloudy
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