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Loewe Xelos 40 sasiu MB180 LED ul de power palpaie continu


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Buna Ziua !!

Am un tv  Loewe Xelos 40  sasiu MB180 LED ul de power palpie continu Am tensiuni normale pe el !! Ma gandesc la soft !! Placa digitala e 17MB71-4  sursa 17PW07-2 iar ecranul e LTA400-HR24 daca ma poate ajuta cineva

Multumesc  !!!

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  • Răspunsuri 15
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Top autori în acest subiect

  • iuliantv


  • Costica Tv


  • babanu


  • megabit


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Imagini postate

2 hours ago, iuliantv said:

Nu cred sa faca ceva cu softul de reparare 17MB70....e diferenta mare intre MB70 si MB71.......

La partea de software e greuceanu sa repari acest sasiu, pentru ca e blindat de memorii eeprom, flashuri spi + Nand Flash si nici nu prea se gasesc dumpuri..totusi avand in vedere ca acest sasiu MB71 are procesor BCM3556 exact ca la MB70, sunt sanse foarte mari de rezolvare prin reflow la procesor...



Editat de Costica Tv
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14 hours ago, babanu said:

Buna Ziua !!

Am un tv  Loewe Xelos 40  sasiu MB180 LED ul de power palpie continu Am tensiuni normale pe el !! Ma gandesc la soft !! Placa digitala e 17MB71-4  sursa 17PW07-2 iar ecranul e LTA400-HR24 daca ma poate ajuta cineva

Multumesc  !!!

Daca vrei sa rezolvi ceva, scoate radiatorul de la procesorul BCM3556 si da aer cald cu suflanta pe el 150-200 grade/un minut, apoi baga tv-ul in priza si pornestel....

Editat de Costica Tv
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Acum 17 ore, Costica Tv a spus:

Cum vine treaba asta, sasiu MB180, placa digitala 17MB71-4 ?


 Chassis MB180 este denumirea sasiului si nu are nicio legatura cu  core_update, chiar daca foloseste placi se Vestel.

Actualizarea software se face din Menu si se utilizeaza doua stick-uri pe USB, in etape. Si asa este, procesorul provoaca cel mai probabil acest defect cu pornirea din cauza temperaturii la care lucreaza.




mb 180 eng.PNG

mb180 chassis.PNG

Editat de megabit
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  • 4 luni mai târziu...

a a juns si tv-ul la mine,tara asta fiind asa de mica,de la piatra neamt la  bacau e distanta foarte mica,e acelasi tv postat de babanul,de ce spun asta ? este poza cu eticheta spate identica cifra cu cifra cu cea a tv-ului de la mine,initiatorul topicului  nu s-a mai obosit sa raspunda ce si cum a facut,raspund eu in locul lui

a facut in felul urmator a incalzit ceea ce nu trebuia ,parerea mea,a incazit si schimbat radiatorul scalerului video(procesorului video) 

dupa spusele celui ce mi-a vandut tv-ul ,el la adus din germania,la dat la reparat si vandut de bun,in ceva timp cel ce la cumparat sa intors cu el retur defect,ledul frontal  licarea incontinuu fara a porni, ia returnat omului banii si mi la vandut mie la un pret modic ,ca defect

la bootare usb nu raspundea nu vedea stickul,dupa o reflow la procesorul broadcom bcm3556fkfsb5g tv-ul a pornit si pare sa fie ok,mai putin partea de stby,deci o data bagat in priza porneste normal si merge ok,dar o data oprit din telecomanda ledul frontal nu mai lumineaza ,nu mai porneste decat daca il scoti din priza,am dat reset in menu service,fara rezultat,maine oi incerca si un update de boot si soft


codul display este 

LTA400HF24 nu cel postat mai sus


Editat de iuliantv
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se pare ca problema stby e data de soft,la mine stby ver.este 0

sa vad maine ce iese 

Software installation
instructions for devices with chassis MB180 via USB stick
Devices with the chassis MB180 have a total of three different software packages (application software, standby software and the boot loader).
As of software V3.1.5, the update procedure for MB180 chassis has been simplified. The USB update of application software and standby software is now carried out via the menu (Settings -> Other -> Software update). In a second step, the boot loader is automatically updated with a second USB stick when the device is started.
1st step: Update the application and standby software
1. Copy all files of the current folder "Application_V3.xx" into the main directory of an empty USB stick.
2. Switch on the device.
3. Connect the USB stick to the TV.
4. Select the menu item "Settings -> Miscellaneous -> Software update"
and confirm with "OK".
5. Now the current and the software version of the update are displayed.
6. Pressing "OK" again starts the update.
7. The display now switches off and the LED lights up orange.
8. After approx. 2 minutes the display switches on again with a corresponding
message and the LED on the device goes out.
9. The update is complete after a further 2 minutes.
10. Now switch the device off and on again using
the "hard" power switch .
2nd step: Update the boot loader software (a second USB stick is required for this)
1. Copy all files of the current folder "Bootloader_Vx" into the main directory of an empty USB stick.
2. Switch off the device with the mains switch.
3. First connect the USB stick to the TV.
4. Then switch on the TV set.
5. The update is now carried out automatically. During the update
the display remains switched off and the LED is permanently orange.
6. Now wait at least 2 minutes! There is no special notification
when the update process is complete.
7. Remove the USB stick and restart the device.

After the updates in the service menu, please check whether the new software versions have been adopted:
Standby software Bootloader
Application software
If there are any differences, please repeat the respective update.
- The boot loader software cannot be flashed via an Internet update, but must be updated by the specialist dealer / service partner using a USB stick. This requires a second step and a second USB stick. It is advisable to use the bootloader software if you encounter problems with switching on and off.
- The two USB sticks must not be write-protected.
- During the update process, data is
buffered on the USB stick .
- After the update, the first installation of the device should
be carried out.
- No station lists may be
copied from older software versions via USB stick .




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Dupa ce il rezolvi, incearca si vezi daca la placa asta 17MB71-4 se poate copia profilele pe stick cu un folder "downloadprofile.mb71" sau "downloadpq.mb71",  la mb70 se stie deja ca nu merge.....

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24 minutes ago, iuliantv said:

pai sigur nu merge 

are acelasi procesor cu 17mb70

Asa m-am gandit si eu, dar avand in vedere ca placa e diferita hardware + software fata de mb70, merita o incercare, mai ales ca nu a incercat nimeni....

Editat de Costica Tv
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nu face nimic cu usb in menu service,ma mancat in am testat un soft de 17mb70 si a ramas blocat pe prima instalare cu menu de 17mb70,nu mai trece de acest pas,chiar daca pare sa instaleze softul oficial de loewe tot soft de 17mb70 ramane,am sa vad daca pot sa-l scot din ,,somn, si revin cu rezultate

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l-am readus la viata cu softul de mai jos,cu tate ca sant si fisierele de stby tuner,partea de stby telecomanda tot nu sa rezolvat

daca am timp mai sap azi,e ciudat ca la stby in service menu ramane stby 0 ,altfel ma ducea gandul ca e tot vorba de procesor

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