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 Prin anii 70 era moda miniului la noi.Umblau fetele cu fuste scurte fix până sub c0r...Interesant că nu s-a luat nimeni de ele cu moda,cum s-au luat anterior de masculii care purtau pantaloni extra-evazați sau plete!

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Nordsieck’s Differential Analyzer (1950) American theoretical physicist Arnold Nordsieck built this analog computer at the University of Illinois from $700 worth of surplus electronic parts left over from World War II. It was modeled on the mechanical differential analyzers built since the 1930s but with a key difference, it used electrical connections instead of mechanical shafts. Nordsieck’s differential analyzer used synchros (selsyn motors) a type of transformer whose primary-to-secondary coupling may be varied by physically changing the relative orientation of the two windings. These were used to convert angular motion of the disk-and-wheel integrators to electric current. Also visible are the two plotting tables that can be used for input or output. His electromechanical differential analyzer, like mechanical analyzers that preceded it, solved differential equations, thus providing a powerful tool for engineering, rocketry, physics, and other disciplines that needed to model complex real world conditions. Copies of his machine became the first computers at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and Purdue University. On the blackboard is the Van der Pol equation, a non-linear second-order ordinary differential equation that can be used to model a nonlinear oscillator. For example his machine could mathematicaly model a generator on a triode for a vacuum tube with a cubic characteristic. The equation is also used to model chaotic behaviour when sinusoidal forcing is involved.

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La 30.09.2023 la 21:10, antemir a spus:

Astfel de Creiere au dus la adevăratul progres al omenirii.
Nu alde fute-vânt gen Musk, Zuckerberg  & Co.


Nu vad unde anume pulifricii aia enumerati de tine ar fi adus aport la progresu omenirii

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 Inspirație model Vest sau sovietic?Şi cele relativ mai noi erau asemănătoare.Poate potcovava să nu fie atât de lată ca la modelul ăsta.

 Oricum o chestie de bază,micrometrele erau calibrate,probabil,la 25⁰ C...La altă temperatură creşte eroarea.

Editat de BRANCA
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Acum 39 minute, BRANCA a spus:

micrometrele erau calibrate,probabil,la 25⁰ C.

Desigur, cifrele gravate pe el adica ''20'' si litera ''C'' exact asta inseamna! adica 25!

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