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ELFORUM - Forumul electronistilor

Sursa HAMEG Rohde & Schwaz HM8143

Ion Andrei

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   2x 0V to 30V / 1x 5V, 3x 2A (130W)
 Linear regulated, two-quadrant power supply (current source and sink)
 Realtime voltage and current values
 Advanced parallel and serial operation
 Setting and readback resolution: 10mV, 1mA
 Electronic fuse and tracking mode
 Front connectors: 4mm safety sockets
 SENSE connectors for line loss compensation (30V channels)? External modulation of output voltages up to 20kHz
 Arbitrary module: 4,096 points, 12bit
 RS-232/USB dual interface, IEEE-488 (GPIB) optionally


Pret: 1600 ron

Tel: 0760.540.469



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21 hours ago, Ion Andrei said:

Sursa este aproape noua. 


   2x 0V to 30V / 1x 5V, 3x 2A (130W)
 Linear regulated, two-quadrant power supply (current source and sink)
 Realtime voltage and current values
 Advanced parallel and serial operation
 Setting and readback resolution: 10mV, 1mA
 Electronic fuse and tracking mode
 Front connectors: 4mm safety sockets
 SENSE connectors for line loss compensation (30V channels)? External modulation of output voltages up to 20kHz
 Arbitrary module: 4,096 points, 12bit
 RS-232/USB dual interface, IEEE-488 (GPIB) optionally


Pret: 1600 ron




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