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Amplificator SARA 2016 detalii despre constructie

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Softstartul nu e interesant, este comun totalmente. Daca imi amintesc bine dar totusi nu sunt sigur, mai are un releu in plus astfel incat butonul de pornire sa vada o tensiune si un curent mic pe el. In rest cred ca mai sunt si circuitele speakers-delay. Nu-i nimic interesant acolo, s-a folosit ce era la indemana prin atelier.  Nu merita sa va focusati pe softstart. Ma repet, traful este de valoare, a fost de altfel si foarte scump.

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8 minutes ago, alexy said:

hai u , Mircea arata adevarul,,, , un clip , sau poze ,,,

Vezi Mircea nimeni,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Parca esti gurul ala de a plecat de pe forum pişandu-se cu boltă pe forum. 


La 625VA, unul sau doua, eu as pune un NTC in serie. Daca vrei sa-l suntezi sau nu cu releu, e treaba ta.


Apropo, dar intrerupatorul tau de ON-OFF ce caracteristici electrice are? Cate inrushuri va suporta pana se ard contactele?


Ca tot se vorbeste de lipsa de SS.

2 minutes ago, sk24bpo said:


 Cumva este o imitatie a principiului din cablul star-quad.

O sa caut pe Google. Multumesc.

Editat de Mircea
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3 hours ago, Mircea said:


Despre star quad.


Dezavantajele sunt de neglijat, discutam de 20-40cm maximum intr-un amplif.



When star-quad cable is used for a single balanced line, such as professional audio applications and two-wire telephony, two non-adjacent conductors are terminated together at both ends of the cable, and the other two conductors are also terminated together. Interference picked up by the cable arrives as a virtually perfect common mode signal, which is easily removed by a coupling transformer or differential amplifier. The combined benefits of twisting, differential signalling, and quadrupole pattern give outstanding noise immunity, especially advantageous for low signal level applications such as long microphone cables, even when installed very close to a power cable. It is particularly beneficial compared to twisted pair when AC magnetic field sources are in close proximity, for example a stage cable that can lie against an inline power transformer.



The disadvantage is that star quad, in combining two conductors, typically has more capacitance than similar two-conductor twisted and shielded audio cable. High capacitance causes an increasing loss of high frequencies as distance increases. The high-frequency loss is due to the RC filter formed by the output impedance of the cable driver and the capacitance of the cable. In some cases an increase in distortion can occur in the cable driver if it has difficulty driving the higher cable capacitance.

The capacitance of a 4 conductor quad-star cable is roughly equal to the capacitance of a standard 2 conductor cable about 1.5 times as long. The increased capacitance of the star quad cable is not usually a problem with short cable runs, but it can be an issue for long cable runs. For example, an 8 m (25 ft) star-quad cable has a capacitance of 150 pF/m for a total capacitance of 1200 pF for the entire length of cable. With a 150 Ohm source impedance and 1200 pF load capacitance, the frequency response of this RC circuit is -0.02 dB at 20 kHz. If the cable was 80 m instead of 8 m, then the frequency response would be -0.2 dB at 20 kHz, and -3 dB at 88 kHz.


O sa incerc si eu o implementare de test.

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Uite, mai jos niste foto facute acum. Desi ascult la el de vreo 3 ani deja si tot de atunci este in varianta asta, nu il consider inca finalizat. 

Ultimile posturi ale userului alexy imi par totusi  puse din "plictiseala", ca sa nu spun altfel. E posibil sa fie o clona sau ceva. 

Oricum, plecand de la prezumtia de nevinovatie, atasez foto cu un amp terminat si functional. 








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