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LG 32LJ502U


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Buna ziua am televizorul din titlu cu mainboard 715g8524-m01-b00--004k care isi da restart dupa sigla lg.

Gasim un dump pentru memoria nand ?


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Imagini postate

1 hour ago, cmj0791 said:

Acum am donat prin PayPal (2$+2$ taxe) si astept codul de invitatie.

Un pachet de tigari :rade:

Multumesc daca reusiti sa downlodati as incerca si acest dump .

se pare ca nu exista inca nimic pentru modelele astea noi de lg

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Ce porcarie de site! am donat degeaba.Nu ma lasa sa descarc nici un dump pentru NAND decat dupa ce uploadez si eu unul + ca trebuie sa astept pana il verifica.

Dear forum members!

VIP forum member status is usually given immediately after receiving a donation, but sometimes there are delays of up to 8 hours!

This is due to the fact that I keep track of all donations personally and 24 hours a day, so it is simply impossible for you to open VIP access instantly.

In this thread, any questions on VIP status are resolved.

Attention! : contract:At the moment, the status of VIP and access to files have changes!

What privileges do VIP members have on the forum?

Temporary VIP member freely downloads any files from our File Sharing site - Archive files  other than NAND FLASH partitions.  Update via USB,  these files are available only to members (PERMANENT) VIP

For all others, downloading NAND FLASH  files. Update via USB   according to its title 1: 1.

First download one file to us, then one file can be downloaded to you!

Maximum number of downloads per week? - 30 files

Maximum number of file downloads per day? - 10 files ( this is enough for normal operation.)

VIP member is exempt from obligatory participation in discussions on our KenotronTV forum , and any downloads to the Archives of our forum files!



Your donation is the only source of payment for the content of our site.

Any forum member can make a donation for our forum and receive temporary VIP status as a member of our forum!

100 rubles - for one day. Without access   to the NAND FLASH   + section  (USB updates) 

200 rubles - for a period of two days. Without access  to the NAND FLASH   + section  (USB updates)  

300 rubles - for a period of three days. Without access  to the NAND FLASH   + section  (USB updates)  

3000 rubles for a period of one year. Without access  to the NAND FLASH   + section  (USB updates)  

Forever (PERMANENT) VIP member of our forum!   Donation 7000 rub

Permanent (PERMANENT) VIP status - allows full access to the  NAND FLASH   + section  (USB updates) 

Anyone who makes a donation for our forum - 7 000 rubles will receive a permanent ( PERMANENT) VIP status of a member of our forum, and access to the   NAND FLASH section and the Archives of our forum files!

Please note (PERMANENT) VIP there is a restriction on downloading files:

Maximum downloads per day 10

Maximum downloads per week 30

Maximum downloads per month 120



Editat de cmj0791
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On 3/19/2019 at 12:24 PM, profimex said:

Buna ziua am televizorul din titlu cu mainboard 715g8524-m01-b00--004k care isi da restart dupa sigla lg.

Gasim un dump pentru memoria nand ?


O incalzire usoara a procesorului ai incercat?, controleaza bine pe placa si spune daca are flash spi si eeprom, nu intodeauna e de vina nandul...

Editat de Vizitator
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22 hours ago, cmj0791 said:

Ce porcarie de site! am donat degeaba.Nu ma lasa sa descarc nici un dump pentru NAND decat dupa ce uploadez si eu unul + ca trebuie sa astept pana il verifica.


A fost forumul arabilor "" plin de nand-uri pentru LG, PHILIPS, SAMSUNG...etc, cine dracu a stiut ca le inchide forumul....daca stiam asa descarcam la greu tot ce se putea.....

Editat de Vizitator
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On 3/22/2019 at 10:36 PM, Costica LCD said:

O incalzire usoara a procesorului ai incercat?, controleaza bine pe placa si spune daca are flash spi si eeprom, nu intodeauna e de vina nandul...

am incercat un reflow face la fel .

Spi nu are decat memoria nand.

Am incercat un alt soft pt. nand dar imi apare ci plus key fail si la fel se restarteaza .


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Va merge cu rescrierea nandului , dar daca are blocurii defecte de acolo nu se mai poate citi nimic de la blocuri ma refer si daca nui softul complect atunci nu va merge dar merita incercat ca se gaseste rar acest dump pentru acest model de tv

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51 minutes ago, Costica LCD said:

Era bine de prima data sa salvezi dumpul din nand, sters nandul, verificat daca are blocuri defecte si apoi rescris cu acelasi dump original

058:  Chip pins contact is detected OK.
059:  TotalPageNum: 0x10000,PageNumInBlock: 64,PageSize: 2112
060:  Chip ID verification OK.
061:  Chip pins contact is detected OK.
062:  TotalPageNum: 0x10000,PageNumInBlock: 64,PageSize: 2112
063:  Chip ID verification OK.
064:  TotalBlockNum: 1024
065:  No bad blocks were found.

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Nu cumva ai dat pe bad block detection daca da si nu ai salvat continutul inainte atunci a devenit gol (chel) si din aceasta cauza posibil sa nu functioneze

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