merck Postat Februarie 25, 2024 Partajează Postat Februarie 25, 2024 Acum 23 minute, Ion_Bumbu a spus: Si atunci eu care am "evitat" emiterea a x tone CO2 voi primi acei bani ?? Voi fi scutit de taxa aia? Eu zic ca nu! Totul e doar jumulirea populatiei in continuare. Este un fel de amenda/penalitate. Deci nu vei primi bani ci doar vei plati daca emiti CO2. Daca te incalzesti electric, gatesti electric, ai bulectrica nu ai sa platesti taxe pe CO2. Link spre comentariu
Ion_Bumbu Postat Februarie 25, 2024 Partajează Postat Februarie 25, 2024 (editat) Oare chiar asa e normal? Cit CO2 se produce pentru 1kWh energie in Ro? La un consum mediu de 20kWh/100km un EV oare cit CO2 se degajeaza in atmosfera? Chiar credeti ca alea sint nepoluante? Editat Februarie 25, 2024 de Ion_Bumbu Link spre comentariu
merck Postat Februarie 25, 2024 Partajează Postat Februarie 25, 2024 (editat) Acum 15 minute, Ion_Bumbu a spus: Oare chiar asa e normal? Cit CO2 se produce pentru 1kWh energie in Ro? La un consum mediu de 20kWh/100km un EV oare cit CO2 se degajeaza in atmosfera? Chiar credeti ca alea sint nepoluante? Pai panourile tale cat CO2 degajeaza in atmosfera la 20kW produsi? P.S. Oricum ideea de baza este simpla: cei care sunt saraci vor saraci si mai mult. Taxele nu le platesc bogatii. La noi si in multe alte parti se va rezolva si problema aglomeratiei in trafic. Cand se sta bara la bara nu se degajeaza inutil CO2? Editat Februarie 25, 2024 de merck Link spre comentariu
franzm Postat Februarie 25, 2024 Partajează Postat Februarie 25, 2024 Acum 1 oră, merck a spus: Daca te incalzesti electric, gatesti electric, ai bulectrica nu ai sa platesti taxe pe CO2. Plateste producatorul de enegie electrica si ti-o va pasa dupa ce a garnisit-o cu TVA. Link spre comentariu
merck Postat Februarie 25, 2024 Partajează Postat Februarie 25, 2024 Acum 1 minut, franzm a spus: Plateste producatorul de enegie electrica si ti-o va pasa dupa ce a garnisit-o cu TVA. Prin vest, producatorii nu sunt obligati de la an la an sa isi mareasca productia de energie verde? Pe energia verde (eoliene, fotovoltaice, etc. ) nu se plateste CO2 pentru ca nu se degajeazza CO2 pe parcursul procesului de producere a energiei electrice. P.S. Daca am inteles bine unii cetateni ioropeni de peste gard platesc de ani buni o majorare de 15% (nu mai stiu exact cat am vazut pe factura, dar cam pe aici era) a facturii de la electricitate pentru a sprijini constructia de surse de energie verde. Link spre comentariu
Ion_Bumbu Postat Februarie 25, 2024 Partajează Postat Februarie 25, 2024 Acum 59 minute, merck a spus: Pai panourile tale cat CO2 degajeaza in atmosfera la 20kW produsi? Au degajat cind au fost fabricate... La ora asta in Romania se degaja cam 300gCO2/kWh... Link spre comentariu
merck Postat Februarie 25, 2024 Partajează Postat Februarie 25, 2024 (editat) Acum 39 minute, Ion_Bumbu a spus: Au degajat cind au fost fabricate... La ora asta in Romania se degaja cam 300gCO2/kWh... Dam dar coroborat cu energia produsa pe toata durata de viata a panoului eu zic ca nici nu incape comparatie vis-a-vis de energie produsa in termocentrale. 300gCO2/kWh banuiesc ca este o medie intre hidro, eoliene, etc. si nu valoarea doar din termocentrale. Alea pe gaz stiu ca pleaca de la 400gCO2 si carbunele de la 800gCO2 in sus. P.S. Am gasit si ceva date: Residential solar panels emit around 41 grams of CO2 equivalent emissions per kilowatt-hour of electricity generated. According to the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the total emissions associated with generating 1 kWh of electricity from rooftop solar adds up to 41 grams of CO2 equivalents Editat Februarie 25, 2024 de merck Link spre comentariu
merck Postat Februarie 25, 2024 Partajează Postat Februarie 25, 2024 (editat) Energy source Emissions (gCO2e per kWh) Coal 820 Biomass (co-firing) 740 Natural gas 490 Biomass (dedicated) 230 Solar PV (Utility) 48 Solar PV (Roof) 41 Geothermal 38 Solar concentrated 27 Hydropower 24 Ocean 17 Nuclear 12 Wind (offshore) 12 Wind (onshore) 11 Editat Februarie 25, 2024 de merck Link spre comentariu
sesebe Postat Februarie 25, 2024 Partajează Postat Februarie 25, 2024 Tradu! Cum produce dioxid de carbon o hidrocentrala, eoliana sau centrala nucleara ca să dau doar citeva exemple din tabelul postat? Link spre comentariu
Ion_Bumbu Postat Februarie 25, 2024 Partajează Postat Februarie 25, 2024 Link spre comentariu
merck Postat Februarie 25, 2024 Partajează Postat Februarie 25, 2024 Acum 30 minute, sesebe a spus: Tradu! Cum produce dioxid de carbon o hidrocentrala, eoliana sau centrala nucleara ca să dau doar citeva exemple din tabelul postat? What Is a Nuclear Power Carbon Footprint? Unlike other power sources, nuclear power operation doesn’t emit CO2 since the reactors don’t cause any pollution. However, the mining and processing of the uranium ore does require energy, but unlike solar panels, this is a very small amount. Nuclear power relies on radioactive material for electricity production, and emissions occur at various stages through its life cycle. Nuclear power is number three on the list of the lowest emitting energy sources. It accounts for only 12g of carbon per kWh on each life cycle. Therefore, besides the stigma surrounding it and the public’s concerns, nuclear energy credits remain one of the safest solutions to clean, recyclable energy. However, it makes up only 10% of the world’s electricity supply.2 Carbon Footprint: Nuclear Power Building The carbon footprint of nuclear power involves the plant’s construction, uranium mining and processing, and transportation of the end product. The following processes contribute to emissions from nuclear power. Construction: A nuclear plant consists of buildings, reactor vessels, pumps, steam lines, generators, and other essential components which require machinery that is heavy emitters. Mining: Uranium mining is similar to coal extraction, which entails massive emissions, generating around 1.9-5.1 billion tons yearly. Milling – this step is the extraction part, where the manufacturers crush the ore and use sulfuric acid. Enrichment – here, the u-235 concentration increases between 3.5%- 5% through the centrifugal process where the U-238 separates from the other isotope. Fuel fabrication – the ceramic pellets form from the fuel by pressing uranium oxide under extremely high temperatures. This process needs about 27 fuel tons annually for a 1000 MW reactor. Transportation – after all the processes are complete, the manufacturers must transport the nuclear fuel to plants, using engines that run on diesel (consuming one gallon of the fuel accounts for 22.38 CO2 pounds) Why Does the Public Believe Nuclear Power Plant Carbon Footprint Is Too High? The demand for nuclear power steadily increased until the 1986 Chernobyl disaster. The incident drastically changed the public’s view on the need for nuclear power, significantly impacting the global rate of use of the power source. However, the rate was still containable 25 years on until another bigger blow to the industry in Fukushima, Japan, in 2011. The industry suffered another setback, and more people showed their distrust. These disasters caused massive lethal emissions into the atmosphere forcing hundreds of thousands to leave their homes. The only way forward is to ensure that the power plants don’t suffer that fate again, although it may take a while to regain the public’s trust. What Is the Carbon Footprint of Nuclear Power (CO2 Per kWh)? Carbon footprint is an effective way to measure the impact of human activities on the environment, and it starts with checking the energy sources that everybody uses daily. It factors in the greenhouse gas emissions across the energy’s life cycles. Link spre comentariu
merck Postat Februarie 25, 2024 Partajează Postat Februarie 25, 2024 (editat) What Is the Carbon Footprint of Solar Panels? The carbon footprint solar panels are the first consideration when looking for an environmentally-friendly energy source for your home or business. It helps if you want to reduce your energy bill or want all your tasks to be kinder to the environment. Most of the emissions from solar panels come from manufacturing components like silicon, silver, copper, and other materials. However, solar energy is still significantly better for the environment than sources like coal and natural gas. Solar panels are responsible for 48- 50 grams of carbon emissions in their first few years of service, which is ten times less the carbon footprint of non-renewable power. In three years of use, the panels will have produced enough energy to offset the emissions from their production. Given that they can serve for 30-40 years,the energy does balance out, however, the disposal also generates a carbon footprint. What Are the Solar CO2 Emissions Per kWh? If you want to switch from fossil fuels and non-renewable energy sources and are considering purchasing solar panels, you are on the right track to offsetting your carbon emissions. Setting up panels on your home or business roof will save a lot of money and energy in the long run. One way to know is to use the CO2 emissions per kWh calculator, which tells you the environmental impact of solar power. Experts indicate that the lifetime emissions from solar energy are about 48 grams of carbon per kWh, making it one of the top earth-friendly energy sources since it is renewable. Solar energy calculator tools are elaborate ways to help you calculate your carbon footprint by entering a few essential details. The system asks for your roof size, energy output, how much money you have saved in the first year and other data depending on the tool’s design. This calculation will highlight how much carbon you have saved by installing the panels. You will notice that a solar system will save your business a lot of money and reduce your home or business’s carbon footprint. Editat Februarie 25, 2024 de merck Link spre comentariu
Усилитель Postat Februarie 26, 2024 Partajează Postat Februarie 26, 2024 Link spre comentariu
franzm Postat Februarie 26, 2024 Partajează Postat Februarie 26, 2024 Germania nu prea mai poate face nimic. Ar fi necesara eliminare tuturor politicienilor, birocratilor si legilor tâmpite. Si asta nu se poate cu populatia actuala, spalata pe putinul creier ramas. Link spre comentariu
Sharky Postat Februarie 26, 2024 Partajează Postat Februarie 26, 2024 Suntem cu economia pe butuci. Nu doar noi toată Europa. Profituri scoase din pix, cresteri bazate oe consum si împrumuturi. Fie oprești șarada, lucru cu care niciodată cei de sus nu vor fi de acord, fie mai tragi un strat xe pe pielea pălmașilor. Pana la taxa pe respirat mai sunt multe găselnițe de jupuit bani. Link spre comentariu
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