fratello Postat Iulie 4, 2020 Partajează Postat Iulie 4, 2020 (editat) Voi incerca, multumesc. Butonul de alarma trebuie pe pinul 1 (PORTA 2), nu pe pinul 2 (PORTA 3). setat 'C : 01, dar tot nu pot scapa de "bucla". Editat Iulie 4, 2020 de fratello LE Link spre comentariu
fratello Postat Iulie 6, 2020 Partajează Postat Iulie 6, 2020 Oare functionarea defectuoasa are legatura cu faptul ca : - la PIC16F1824 INT/T0CKI este acelasi pin, 11 (RA2) - conectat la SQW - la PIC16F1827 INT este pinul 6 (RB0) - conectat la SQW, iar T0CKI este pinul 3 (RA4) - buton Mode ? Link spre comentariu
Untold Postat Iulie 7, 2020 Partajează Postat Iulie 7, 2020 (editat) Salutare tuturor! Ieri, am dat si eu peste matricile mele led, au 7x5 leduri si am 4 placi cu cate 10 bucati fiecare, plus placa de comanda pt ele. Matricile nu au porpria lor placa cu acel driver, insa sunt infipte toate 10 pe o placa ce contine mai mlte integrate smd, probabil driverele. Intrebarea mea este daca s-ar putea face un ceas cu ce am eu, Poze cu placile aici iar datasheetul matricilor aici Multumesc pentru orice ajutor! HARVS00338-1.pdf Editat Iulie 7, 2020 de Untold Link spre comentariu
nico_2010 Postat Iulie 7, 2020 Partajează Postat Iulie 7, 2020 Da, folosind DOAR matricele cu led-uri. Si eventual alte componente marunte. In rest, ai 3 controllere acolo (din care unul este M30264, celelalte doua sunt ilizibile ca marcaj) si posibil ULN 2004 sau ceva similar pentru actionarea matricelor. Link spre comentariu
fratello Postat Iulie 10, 2020 Partajează Postat Iulie 10, 2020 Multumita Kreatorului sau care a sesizat necesitatea acestor modificari : -se inlocuieste in program procedura alarm cu : sub procedure alarm PORTB.1 =flgal and al.0 and PORTB.0 end sub -si in procedura init_main() TRISB = %00000000 ' PORTC All Outputs cu TRISB = %00000001 si dupa ce am testat si am aflat valoarea corecta a oscilatorului intern -OSCCON = %01110000 am si eu acum un ceas pe deplin functional, cu PIC16F1827 ! Multumiri autorului si celor care m-au sustinut in acest demers. Toate cele bune ! Link spre comentariu
fratello Postat Iulie 10, 2020 Partajează Postat Iulie 10, 2020 (editat) Revin cu update. Nu-mi dau seama de ce uneori cifrele sunt afisate trunchiat ... Exemplificari cifrele 2 si 3 (dar se aplica si la altele): Incerc sa-mi dau seama daca eroarea este numai la coloana I a celei de-a doua matrice.... Editat Iulie 10, 2020 de fratello LE Link spre comentariu
RealAlex Postat Iulie 10, 2020 Partajează Postat Iulie 10, 2020 Schimba matricele intre ele si vezi ce se intampla. Senzor de lumina i-ai montar? Cum se vede noaptea, te poti uita in el? Link spre comentariu
fratello Postat Iulie 10, 2020 Partajează Postat Iulie 10, 2020 Nu e din matrice. Kreator inca nu a upgradat softul pentru senzor de lumina. Link spre comentariu
val Postat Iulie 11, 2020 Partajează Postat Iulie 11, 2020 Acum 14 ore, RealAlex a spus: Cum se vede noaptea, te poti uita in el? Am realizat acest proiect in două variante: cu afișaj roșu și afișaj verde. Cel verde e ok, am setat aceeași luminozitate pt. zi și noapte. Cel roșu era dezastru, soluția de compromis a fost aplicarea de folie pt. parbriz auto pe afișaj. Link spre comentariu
RealAlex Postat Iulie 11, 2020 Partajează Postat Iulie 11, 2020 Pai este normal sa fie deranjant, d asta tot insist pe un senzor de lumina, daca nu senzor atunci trecerea automata a iluminarii , din soft, la mod zi/noapte. Ceas cu folie auto pe display am vazut la o gagica pe noptiera .. foarte tehnica tipa! :)) Link spre comentariu
nel65 Postat Iulie 19, 2020 Partajează Postat Iulie 19, 2020 (editat) Salutare,am facut acest ceas ,varianta cu PIC16F1825,functioneaza dar afiseaza doar ora .Nu reusesc sa intru in mode ca sa afiseze si temperatura si eventual sa-l potrivesc.Cum se face ? le am rezolvat prin reprogramare Editat Iulie 19, 2020 de nel65 Link spre comentariu
minel Postat Iulie 22, 2020 Partajează Postat Iulie 22, 2020 Am o rugaminte:am construit montajul in varianta initiala si doresc sa elimin afisarea temperaturii,ma poate ajuta cineva cu fisierul hex? Link spre comentariu
Kreator Postat Iulie 22, 2020 Autor Partajează Postat Iulie 22, 2020 Intra in menu si seteaza 'C = 00. 1 Link spre comentariu
fratello Postat Septembrie 29, 2020 Partajează Postat Septembrie 29, 2020 Habar n-am de ce nu mai pot compila programul... Am achizitionat , in sfarsit, un PIC 16F1824 si as vrea sa (re)fac ceasul. Am cateva minore modificari la fonturi. Va rog frumos, o compilare, se poate ?! Multumesc anticipat ! program Ceas_MAX7219_PIC1824 ' Declarations section Const cnfgww As Byte = %11010000 'Adress for write DS3231 Const cnfgwr As Byte = %11010001 'Adress for read DS3231 const MAX7219_TEST as byte =0x0F const MAX7219_BRIGHTNESS as byte = 0x0A const MAX7219_SCAN_LIMIT as byte = 0x0B const MAX7219_DECODE_MODE as byte = 0x09 const MAX7219_SHUTDOWN as byte = 0x0C const mxbt As Byte[11] =(0, 23, 59, 31, 12, 99, 59, 23, 59, 15, 1) ' max value const mnbt As Byte[11] =(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) ' min value const stadrs As Byte[11] =(0, 0x02, 0x01, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x00, 0x09, 0x08, 0x0B, 0x0D) ' Adress data RTC const alfabet as byte [16] [8]= (( 30, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 30), '0 ( 6, 14, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 15), '1 ( 30, 35, 3, 3, 6, 12, 24, 63), '2 ( 30, 51, 3, 14, 3, 3, 51, 30), '3 ( 6, 14, 22, 38, 38, 63, 6, 6), '4 ( 62, 48, 48, 62, 3, 3, 51, 30), '5 ( 30, 49, 48, 62, 51, 51, 51, 30), '6 ( 63, 3, 3, 6, 12, 12, 12, 12), '7 ( 30, 51, 51, 30, 51, 51, 51, 30), '8 ( 30, 51, 51, 51, 31, 3, 51, 30), '9 ( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), 'blank ( 0, 3, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 0), 'dp (120, 124, 68, 64, 64, 68, 124, 120), 'C ( 56, 109, 109, 109, 57, 1, 1, 0), '` ( 62, 63, 51, 62, 51, 51, 63, 62), 'B ( 0, 0, 27, 31, 28, 24, 24, 24)) 'r Dim CS as sbit at RC3_bit 'Chip Select pin for MAX7219 CS_Direction as sbit at TRISC3_bit Dim Soft_I2C_Sda as sbit at RC5_bit 'SDA pin for DS3231 Dim Soft_I2C_Scl as sbit at RC4_bit 'SCL pin for DS3231 Dim Soft_I2C_Sda_Direction as sbit at TRISC5_bit Dim Soft_I2C_Scl_Direction as sbit at TRISC4_bit Dim i,j, x, y, yy, bright, m, s_, z_, u, dp, str as byte Dim k, k0, k1, k4, k5, al as byte Dim flgal, flsh, x0, x1, x5, flgint, pflgint as bit Dim ma, sa, za, uua, utmp, ztmp, stmp, ltmp, rtmp, mtmp as byte[8] Dim dsp, th_dsp, h_dsp as byte[32] Dim s0, s1, m0, m1, h0, h1, ah0, ah1, am0, am1 As Byte Dim d0, d1, mo0, mo1, y0, y1, th0, th1, br1, br0 As Byte Dim btset, btmod, btvar, btmp, grc As Byte sub function I2CR(dim byref adress as byte) as byte ' Read value from RTC Soft_I2C_Start() ' Issue start signal Soft_I2C_Write(cnfgww) ' Address DS3221 datasheet Soft_I2C_Write(adress) ' Go to adresa Soft_I2C_Start() ' Issue repeated start signal Soft_I2C_Write(cnfgwr) ' Address for reading R/W=1 result = Soft_I2C_Read(0) ' Read with NAK Soft_I2C_Stop() ' Stop end sub sub procedure I2CW(dim adress, value as byte) ' Write value in TRC Soft_I2C_Start() ' Issue start signal Soft_I2C_Write(cnfgww) ' Address Soft_I2C_Write(adress) ' Go to adresa Soft_I2C_Write(value) ' Write valoare Soft_I2C_Stop() ' Stop end sub sub procedure read_RTC() ' Read some data from RTC btmp=0x00 btmp=I2CR(btmp) 'sec s0 = btmp Mod 16 s1 = btmp / 16 btmp=0x01 btmp=I2CR(btmp) 'min m0 = btmp Mod 16 m1 = btmp / 16 btmp=0x02 btmp=I2CR(btmp) 'hour h0 = btmp Mod 16 h1 = btmp / 16 btmp=0x04 btmp=I2CR(btmp) 'day d0 = btmp Mod 16 d1 = btmp / 16 btmp=0x05 btmp=I2CR(btmp) 'mounth mo0 = btmp Mod 16 mo1 = btmp / 16 btmp=0x06 btmp=I2CR(btmp) 'year y0 = btmp Mod 16 y1 = btmp / 16 btmp=0x08 btmp=I2CR(btmp) 'almin am0 = btmp Mod 16 am1 = btmp / 16 btmp=0x09 btmp=I2CR(btmp) 'alhour ah0 = btmp Mod 16 ah1 = btmp / 16 btmp=0x11 btmp=I2CR(btmp) 'temp th0 = btmp Mod 10 th1 = btmp / 10 btmp=0x0B bright=I2CR(btmp) ' brightness br0 = bright Mod 16 br1 = bright / 16 btmp=0x0C al=I2CR(btmp) ' set alarm On/Off btmp=0x0F btmp=I2CR(btmp) ' flag alarm flgal=btmp.0 btmp=0x0D btmp=I2CR(btmp) ' Temperature On/Off grc=btmp end sub sub procedure maxCMD (dim address, value as byte) ' Send command to MAX7219 CS = 0 for i = 0 to 3 SPI_Write(address) '// Send address. SPI_Write(value) '// Send the value. next i CS = 1 end sub sub procedure max7219_init() ' Initialize MAX7219 maxCMD(MAX7219_TEST, 0x01) ' Test mode maxCMD(MAX7219_TEST, 0x00) ' Finish test mode maxCMD(MAX7219_DECODE_MODE, 0x00) ' Disable BCD mode maxCMD(MAX7219_BRIGHTNESS, bright) ' Use lowest intensity maxCMD(MAX7219_SCAN_LIMIT, 0x0f) ' Scan all digits maxCMD(MAX7219_SHUTDOWN, 0x01) ' Turn on chip end sub 'Prepare hour data sub procedure prepare_to_show_hour(dim m, s_, z_, u, dp1, al1 as byte) for i = 0 to 7 ma[i] = alfabet[m] [i] sa[i] = alfabet[s_] [i] za[i] = alfabet[z_] [i] uua[i] = alfabet[u] [i] next i for i = 0 to 7 utmp[i]=uua[i] next i for i = 0 to 7 utmp[i].7 =za[i].0 next i for i = 0 to 7 ztmp[i]=za[i]>>1 next i for i = 0 to 7 ztmp[i].6 = alfabet[10 + dp1] [i]. 0 ztmp[i].7 = alfabet[10 + dp1] [i]. 1 next i for i = 0 to 7 stmp[i]=sa[i]<<1 next i for i = 0 to 7 mtmp[i]=ma[i] next i mtmp[0].7=al1 for i = 0 to 7 h_dsp[i] = utmp[i] h_dsp[i+8] = ztmp[i] h_dsp[i+16] = stmp[i] h_dsp[i+24] = mtmp[i] next i end sub 'Prepare Temperature data sub procedure prepare_to_show_temp(dim z_, u as byte) for i = 0 to 7 za[i] = alfabet[z_] [i] uua[i] = alfabet[u] [i] next i for i = 0 to 7 mtmp[i] = za[i] >>1 next i for i = 0 to 7 stmp[i]=uua[i] next i for i = 0 to 7 stmp[i].7 =za[i].5 next i for i = 0 to 7 ztmp[i] = alfabet[13] [i] next i for i = 0 to 7 utmp[i] = alfabet[12] [i] <<1 next i for i = 0 to 7 th_dsp[i] = utmp[i] th_dsp[i+8] = ztmp[i] th_dsp[i+16] = stmp[i] th_dsp[i+24] = mtmp[i] next i end sub sub procedure temp2hour 'Scroll from temperature to hour for i = 0 to 7 th_dsp[i+24] = th_dsp[i+24] << 1 th_dsp[i+24].0 = th_dsp[i+16].7 th_dsp[i+16] = th_dsp[i+16] << 1 th_dsp[i+16].0 = th_dsp[i+8].7 th_dsp[i+8] = th_dsp[i+8] << 1 th_dsp[i+8].0 = th_dsp[i].7 th_dsp[i] = th_dsp[i] << 1 th_dsp[i].0 = h_dsp[24+i].7 h_dsp[i+24] = h_dsp[i+24] << 1 h_dsp[i+24].0 = h_dsp[i+16].7 h_dsp[i+16] = h_dsp[i+16] << 1 h_dsp[i+16].0 = h_dsp[i+8].7 h_dsp[i+8] = h_dsp[i+8] << 1 h_dsp[i+8].0 = h_dsp[i].7 h_dsp[i] = h_dsp[i] << 1 next i for i = 0 to 31 dsp[i] = th_dsp[i] next i end sub sub procedure hour2temp 'Scrool from hour to temperature for i = 0 to 7 h_dsp[i+24] = h_dsp[i+24] << 1 h_dsp[i+24].0 = h_dsp[i+16].7 h_dsp[i+16] = h_dsp[i+16] << 1 h_dsp[i+16].0 = h_dsp[i+8].7 h_dsp[i+8] = h_dsp[i+8] << 1 h_dsp[i+8].0 = h_dsp[i].7 h_dsp[i] = h_dsp[i] << 1 h_dsp[i].0 = th_dsp[24+i].7 th_dsp[i+24] = th_dsp[i+24] << 1 th_dsp[i+24].0 = th_dsp[i+16].7 th_dsp[i+16] = th_dsp[i+16] << 1 th_dsp[i+16].0 = th_dsp[i+8].7 th_dsp[i+8] = th_dsp[i+8] << 1 th_dsp[i+8].0 = th_dsp[i].7 th_dsp[i] = th_dsp[i] << 1 next i for i = 0 to 31 dsp[i] = h_dsp[i] next i end sub sub procedure up_down() 'Procedure for Button Up or Button Down if x0 = 1 then if btset = 6 then I2CW(btmod, 0) else btvar = I2CR(btmod) btvar = bcd2dec(btvar) if btvar = mnbt[btset] Then btvar = mxbt[btset] else btvar = btvar - 1 end if I2CW(btmod, dec2bcd(btvar)) end if x0 = 0 end if if x1 = 1 then if btset = 6 then I2CW(btmod, 0) else btvar = I2CR(btmod) btvar = bcd2dec(btvar) if btvar = mxbt[btset] Then btvar = mnbt[btset] else btvar = btvar + 1 end if I2CW(btmod, dec2bcd(btvar)) end if x1 = 0 end if end sub sub procedure prepare_2_show_data ' Prepare data for send to MAX7219 for i = 0 to 31 dsp[i] = h_dsp[i] next i end sub sub procedure send_2_display() ' Send data to MAX7219 for i = 0 to 7 CS = 0 ' Begin transfer. SPI_Write(i+1) ' Send address. SPI_Write(dsp[i+24]) ' Send the value. SPI_Write(i+1) ' Send address. SPI_Write(dsp[i+16]) ' Send the value. SPI_Write(i+1) ' Send address. SPI_Write(dsp[i+8]) ' Send the value. SPI_Write(i+1) ' Send address. SPI_Write(dsp[i]) ' Send the value. CS = 1 ' Finish transfer. next i end sub sub procedure show_data() ' Show received data prepare_2_show_data send_2_display() end sub sub procedure alarm ' Buzz if PORTC1 = 1 PORTC.1 =flgal and al.0 and PORTA.2 end sub sub procedure init_main() OSCCON = %11111111 ' MCU clock at 16 MHz ANSELA = %00000000 ' All I/O pins of the PORTA are configured as digital ANSELC = %00000000 ' All I/O pins of the PORTC are configured as digital CM1CON0 = %00000000 ' Disbale comparator CM2CON0 = %00000000 ' Disbale comparator TRISA = %11111111 ' PORTA All Inputs TRISC = %00000000 ' PORTC All Outputs APFCON0.SDOSEL = 0 APFCON0.SSSEL = 1 INTCON.GIE = 1 ' Enables all unmasked interrupts INTCON.PEIE = 0 ' Disables all peripheral interrupts INTCON.T0IE = 1 ' Enables the TMR0 interrupt INTCON.INTE = 1 ' Enables the RA2/INT external interrupt INTCON.IOCIE = 0 ' Disables the PORTA change interrupt INTCON.T0IF = 0 ' TMR0 register did not overflow INTCON.INTF = 0 ' The RA2/INT external interrupt did not occur INTCON.IOCIF = 0 ' None of the PORTA <5:0> pins have changed state OPTION_REG.WUE = 0 ' PORTA pull-ups are enabled by individual port latch values OPTION_REG.INTEDG = 0 ' Interrupt on rising/falling edge of RA2/INT pin OPTION_REG.T0CS = 0 ' set Timer0 clock source to internal OPTION_REG.T0SE = 1 ' Increment on high-to-low transition on RA2/T0CKI pin OPTION_REG.PSA = 0 ' asign prescaler to Timer 0 OPTION_REG.PS2 = 1 ' asign prescaler value OPTION_REG.PS1 = 1 ' asign prescaler value OPTION_REG.PS0 = 1 ' asign prescaler value WPUA = %00111111 ' Pull-ups PORTA to be enabled SPI1_Init_Advanced(_SPI_MASTER_OSC_DIV4, _SPI_DATA_SAMPLE_MIDDLE, _SPI_CLK_IDLE_LOW, _SPI_LOW_2_HIGH) Soft_I2C_Init() ' Initialize I2C module SPI1_Init() ' Initialize SPI module btmp=0xB ' Set brtightness adress bright=I2CR(btmp) ' Read brtightness value grc=0 ' Read Temp_On/Off value btmp=0xC ' Set alarm on/off adress al=I2CR(btmp) ' Read alarm on/off value max7219_init() ' Initialize MAX7219 module PORTC.1 = 0 ' Do not start alarm on start_up I2CW(0xA,%10000000) ' Alarm when hours, minutes, and seconds match I2CW(0x0E,0) ' Square wave is output on the INT/SQW pin TRISC.1 = 0 ' Because SPI1_Init make PORTC1 as input str = 0 j = 0 y = 0 k = 0 x = 0 x0 = 0 x1 = 0 x5 = 0 flgint = 0 pflgint = 0 flgal = 0 dp = 0 btset = 0 CS=1 end sub sub procedure Interrupt() iv 0x0004 ics ICS_AUTO if INTCON.INTF = 1 then flgint = not flgint OPTION_REG.INTEDG = not OPTION_REG.INTEDG dp.0 = not dp.0 k = k + 1 if k = 23 then k = 0 end if INTCON.INTF = 0 End if if INTCON.T0IF = 1 then TMR0 = 61 if flgal and al.0 and porta.2 then end if y = y + 1 if y = 20 then flsh = not flsh y = 0 end if ' buton mod if Button(PORTA, 4, 1, 1) then k4 = 255 end if if k4 and Button(PORTA, 4, 1, 0) then btset = btset + 1 if btset= 11 then btset= 0 end if btmod = stadrs[btset] k4 = 0 end if ' Button Up if btset <> 0 then if Button(PORTA, 0, 1, 1) then k0 = 255 end if if k0 and Button(PORTA, 0, 1, 0) then k0 = 0 x0 = 1 end if end if ' Button Down if btset <> 0 then if Button(PORTA, 1, 1, 1) then k1 = 255 end if if k1 and Button(PORTA, 1, 1, 0) then k1 = 0 x1 = 1 end if end if ' Button Al On/Off if Button(PORTA, 5, 1, 1) then k5 = 255 end if if k5 and Button(PORTA, 5, 1, 0) then x5 = 1 k5 = 0 end if INTCON.T0IF = 0 End if end sub main: ' Main program delay_ms(100) init_main() while TRUE select case btset case 0 ' show alt hour & temperature if flgint <> pflgint then pflgint = flgint read_RTC() prepare_to_show_hour(h1, h0, m1, m0, dp, al ) prepare_to_show_temp(th1, th0) if grc = 1 then if k<=16 then if k=16 then dp = 1 prepare_to_show_hour(h1, h0, m1, m0, dp, al ) for yy = 0 to 31 hour2temp send_2_display() delay_ms(30) alarm() next yy else prepare_2_show_data send_2_display() alarm() end if else if k=22 then dp = 1 prepare_to_show_hour(h1, h0, m1, m0, dp, al ) for yy = 0 to 31 temp2hour send_2_display() delay_ms(30) alarm() next yy else prepare_to_show_temp(th1, th0) for i = 0 to 31 dsp[i] = th_dsp[i] next i send_2_display() alarm() end if end if else show_data alarm() end if end if case 1 read_RTC() if flsh = 0 then h1 = 10 h0 = 10 end if prepare_to_show_hour(h1, h0, m1, m0, 1, 0 ) show_data() up_down() case 2 read_RTC() if flsh = 0 then m1 = 10 m0 = 10 end if prepare_to_show_hour(h1, h0, m1, m0, 1, 0 ) show_data() up_down() case 3 read_RTC() if flsh = 0 then d1 = 10 d0 = 10 end if prepare_to_show_hour(d1, d0, mo1, mo0, 0, 0 ) show_data() up_down() case 4 read_RTC() if flsh = 0 then mo1 = 10 mo0 = 10 end if prepare_to_show_hour(d1, d0, mo1, mo0, 0, 0 ) show_data() up_down() case 5 read_RTC() if flsh = 0 then y1 = 10 y0 = 10 end if prepare_to_show_hour(2, 0, y1, y0, 0, 0 ) show_data() up_down() case 6 read_RTC() if flsh = 0 then s1 = 10 s0 = 10 end if prepare_to_show_hour(10, 10, s1, s0, 1, 0 ) show_data() up_down() case 7 read_RTC() if flsh = 0 then ah1 = 10 ah0 = 10 end if prepare_to_show_hour(ah1, ah0, am1, am0, 1, 1 ) show_data() up_down() case 8 read_RTC() if flsh = 0 then am1 = 10 am0 = 10 end if prepare_to_show_hour(ah1, ah0, am1, am0, 1, 1 ) show_data() up_down() case 9 read_RTC() if flsh = 0 then br1 = 10 br0 = 10 end if prepare_to_show_hour(14, 15, br1, br0, 1, 0 ) show_data() up_down() read_RTC() maxCMD(MAX7219_BRIGHTNESS, bcd2dec(bright)) case 10 read_RTC() if flsh = 0 then grc = 10 end if prepare_to_show_hour(13, 12, 0, grc, 1, 0 ) show_data() up_down() end select if x5 = 1 then x5 = 0 if al <> 0 then al = 0 else al = 1 end if while not k5.0 prepare_to_show_hour(ah1, ah0, am1, am0, 1, 1 ) show_data() wend I2CW(0xc,dec2bcd(al)) ' Alarm On/Off I2CW(0xf,dec2bcd(0x0)) ' Clear alarm flag end if alarm() Link spre comentariu
Untold Postat Octombrie 22, 2020 Partajează Postat Octombrie 22, 2020 (editat) Va salut! Inca n-am renuntat la ideea de a-mi face si eu un ceas asemanator, dar cu matricile led pe care le am eu, 7x5, HCD88442. Am tot cautat scheme, dar nu prea am gasit, Ceasul as vrea sa fie cu nodemcu, dar mai mult ma intereseaza partea de demultiplexare/afisare, etc a matricilor led. Atasez aici link-ul cu datasheetul matricii si va rog, daca puteti gasi schema. Multumesc! Editat Octombrie 22, 2020 de Untold Link spre comentariu
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