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Ceas cu display LED 8x8 dot matrix si modul DS3231


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Fiindca am achizitionat 4 x MAX7912 cu scopul de a face un ceas matriceal, am vrut initial sa realizez unul cu Arduino ... dar cativa colegi m-au indrumat spre acest topic si le multumesc. Proiectul este exact ce cautam !

Felicitari Kreator pentru realizare !

As vrea insa sa imi creez propriile fonturi pentru cifre si eventual sa incerc "portarea" pe un alt PIC, neavand acest model disponibil.

M-ar ajuta mult sa stiu exact in ce mediu de programare a fost scris programul ... Am incercat sa il compilez in MikroBasic PRO for PIC 7.5.0, dar au fost semnalate asa de multe erori incat m-am gandit ca nu e ce trebuie sau nu stiu eu ce trebuie facut.

Multumesc anticipat pentru orice sfat !

Editat de fratello
Link spre comentariu

Salut @fratello

Ma bucur ca-ti place proiectul meu! 

Programul prezentat in primul post a fost scris in MikroBasic  PRO for PIC de la Mikroe, eu detin var 6.4.0.

Intre timp am realizat o alta varianta (pe care o recomand a fi realizata), deoarece asamblat in carcasa, matricile incalzesc interiorul acesteia, iar temperatura citita din RTC este mai mare decat a mediului ambiant. Solutia adoptata a fost ca temperatura sa o citesc  dintr-un DS18B20 montat in exteriorul carcasei, astfel temperatura afisata este cea a mediului ambiant. O alta imbunatatire fata de varianta anterioara este afisarea corecta a temperaturilor negative. Deoarece a crescut marimea programului a trebuit sa folosesc alt PIC si anume fratele mai mare a celui initial - PIC 16F1825. 

Schema a devenit urmatoarea (rezistenta de 2M2 si conectorul X1 nu se vor monta, acestea fiind prevazute pentru o dezvoltare ulterioara a proiectului care sa seteze intensitatea luminoasa a afisajului in fct de lumina ambientala):


Programul este mai jos, fontul il modifici schimband itemii din variabila alfabet. Pentru usurinta iti recomand sa-ti faci un program in excel, unde setezi coloanele egale cu randurile, introduci 1 in celulele "aprinse" si cu o formula iti determini itemii fontului. Programul poate fi transpus foarte usor pentru Arduino (vad ca este foarte la moda acum!)


program Ceas_MAX7219_PIC1825

' Declarations section
Const cnfgww As Byte = %11010000         'Adress  for write DS3231
Const cnfgwr As Byte = %11010001         'Adress  for read  DS3231
const TEMP_RESOLUTION as byte = 9
const MAX7219_TEST as byte =0x0F
const MAX7219_BRIGHTNESS as byte  = 0x0A
const MAX7219_SCAN_LIMIT as byte  = 0x0B
const MAX7219_DECODE_MODE as byte = 0x09
const MAX7219_SHUTDOWN as byte    = 0x0C
const mxbt As Byte[11]    =(0, 23, 59, 31, 12, 99, 59, 23, 59, 15, 1)           ' max value
const mnbt As Byte[11]    =(0,  0,  0,  1,  1,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0, 0)           ' min value
const stadrs As Byte[11]  =(0,  0x02, 0x01,  0x04,  0x05, 0x06,
                                0x00, 0x09,  0x08,  0x0B, 0x0D)                 ' Adress data RTC

const alfabet as byte [17] [8]= (( 30,  63,  51,  51,  51,  51,  63,  30),      '0
                                 (  6,  14,  30,   6,   6,   6,   6,  15),      '1
                                 ( 30,  63,  35,   6,  12,  24,  63,  63),      '2
                                 ( 30,  63,  35,  14,  14,  35,  63,  30),      '3
                                 (  6,  14,  30,  54,  54,  63,   6,  15),      '4
                                 ( 62,  63,  48,  62,  51,   3,  63,  30),      '5
                                 ( 30,  63,  48,  62,  51,  51,  63,  30),      '6
                                 ( 63,  63,   3,   6,  12,  12,  12,  12),      '7
                                 ( 30,  63,  51,  30,  51,  51,  63,  30),      '8
                                 ( 30,  63,  51,  51,  31,   3,  63,  30),      '9
                                 (  0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0),      'blank
                                 (  0,   3,   3,   0,   0,   3,   3,   0),      'dp
                                 (120, 124,  68,  64,  64,  68, 124, 120),      'C
                                 ( 56, 109, 109, 109,  57,   1,   1,   0),      '`
                                 ( 62,  63,  51,  62,  51,  51,  63,  62),      'B
                                 (  0,   0,  27,  31,  28,  24,  24,  24),      'r
                                 (  0,   0,   0,   7,   7,   0,   0,   0))      '-
Dim CS as sbit at RC3_bit                                   'Chip Select pin for MAX7219
CS_Direction as sbit at TRISC3_bit
Dim Soft_I2C_Sda as sbit at RA0_bit                         'SDA pin for DS3231
Dim Soft_I2C_Scl as sbit at RA1_bit                         'SCL pin for DS3231
Dim Soft_I2C_Sda_Direction as sbit at TRISA0_bit
Dim Soft_I2C_Scl_Direction as sbit at TRISA1_bit
Dim i,j, x, y, yy, bright, m, s_, z_, u, dp, str as byte
Dim k, k0, k1, k4, k5, al as byte
Dim flgal, flsh, x0, x1, x5, flgint, pflgint,tal,tal1 as bit
Dim ma, sa, za, uua, utmp, ztmp, stmp, ltmp, rtmp, mtmp as byte[8]
Dim dsp, th_dsp, h_dsp as byte[32]
Dim s0, s1, m0, m1, h0, h1, ah0, ah1, am0, am1 As Byte
Dim d0, d1, mo0, mo1, y0, y1, th0, th1, br1, br0 As Byte
Dim btset, btmod, btvar, btmp, grc, ytal, tsgn  As Byte
dim temp1 as word

sub function I2CR(dim byref adress as byte)  as byte     ' Read value from RTC
    Soft_I2C_Start()                                     ' Issue start signal
    Soft_I2C_Write(cnfgww)                               ' Address DS3231
    Soft_I2C_Write(adress)                               ' Go to adresa
    Soft_I2C_Start()                                     ' Issue repeated start signal
    Soft_I2C_Write(cnfgwr)                               ' Address for reading R/W=1
    result = Soft_I2C_Read(0)                            ' Read with NAK
    Soft_I2C_Stop()                                      ' Stop
end sub

sub procedure I2CW(dim adress, value as byte)            ' Write value in TRC
    Soft_I2C_Start()                                     ' Issue start signal
    Soft_I2C_Write(cnfgww)                               ' Address
    Soft_I2C_Write(adress)                               ' Go to adresa
    Soft_I2C_Write(value)                                ' Write valoare
    Soft_I2C_Stop()                                      ' Stop
end sub

sub procedure read_RTC()       ' Read some data from RTC
    btmp=I2CR(btmp)            'sec
    s0 = btmp Mod 16
    s1 = btmp / 16
    btmp=I2CR(btmp)            'min
    m0 = btmp Mod 16
    m1 = btmp / 16
    btmp=I2CR(btmp)            'hour
    h0 = btmp Mod 16
    h1 = btmp / 16
    btmp=I2CR(btmp)            'day
    d0 = btmp Mod 16
    d1 = btmp / 16
    btmp=I2CR(btmp)            'mounth
    mo0 = btmp Mod 16
    mo1 = btmp / 16
    btmp=I2CR(btmp)            'year
    y0 = btmp Mod 16
    y1 = btmp / 16
    btmp=I2CR(btmp)            'almin
    am0 = btmp Mod 16
    am1 = btmp / 16
    btmp=I2CR(btmp)            'alhour
    ah0 = btmp Mod 16
    ah1 = btmp / 16

    bright=I2CR(btmp)          ' brightness
    br0 = bright Mod 16
    br1 = bright / 16
    al=I2CR(btmp)              ' set alarm On/Off
    btmp=I2CR(btmp)            ' flag alarm
    btmp=I2CR(btmp)            ' Temperature On/Off
end sub

sub procedure maxCMD (dim address, value as byte) ' Send command to MAX7219
    CS = 0
    for i = 0 to 3
        SPI_Write(address)        '// Send address.
        SPI_Write(value)          '// Send the value.
    next i
    CS = 1
end sub

sub procedure max7219_init()           ' Initialize MAX7219
    maxCMD(MAX7219_TEST, 0x01)         ' Test mode
    maxCMD(MAX7219_TEST, 0x00)         ' Finish test mode
    maxCMD(MAX7219_DECODE_MODE, 0x00)  ' Disable BCD mode
    maxCMD(MAX7219_BRIGHTNESS, bright) ' Use lowest intensity
    maxCMD(MAX7219_SCAN_LIMIT, 0x0f)   ' Scan all digits
    maxCMD(MAX7219_SHUTDOWN, 0x01)     ' Turn on chip
end sub

'Prepare hour data
 sub procedure prepare_to_show_hour(dim m, s_, z_, u, dp1, al1 as byte)
     for  i = 0 to 7
          ma[i]  = alfabet[m] [i]
          sa[i]  = alfabet[s_] [i]
          za[i]  = alfabet[z_] [i]
          uua[i] = alfabet[u] [i]
     next i

     for i = 0 to 7
         utmp[i].7 =za[i].0
     next i

     for i = 0 to 7
         ztmp[i].6 = alfabet[10 + dp1] [i]. 0
         ztmp[i].7 = alfabet[10 + dp1] [i]. 1
     next i


     for i = 0 to 7
         h_dsp[i]    = utmp[i]
         h_dsp[i+8]  = ztmp[i]
         h_dsp[i+16] = stmp[i]
         h_dsp[i+24] = mtmp[i]
     next i

end sub

'Prepare Temperature data
sub procedure prepare_to_show_temp(dim tsgn, z_, u as byte)
     for  i = 0 to 7
          ma[i]  = alfabet[tsgn] [i]
          za[i]  = alfabet[z_] [i]
          uua[i] = alfabet[u] [i]
     next i

     for i = 0 to 7
         utmp[i] = alfabet[12] [i] >>1
         utmp[i].6 = alfabet[13] [i].0
         ztmp[i] = alfabet[13] [i] >> 2
         ztmp[i].6 = uua[i].0
         ztmp[i].7 = uua[i].1
         stmp[i] = uua [i] >> 2
         stmp[i].5 = za[i].0
         stmp[i].6 = za[i].1
         stmp[i].7 = za[i].2
         mtmp[i]=ma[i]  << 4
         mtmp[i].0 = za[i].3
         mtmp[i].1 = za[i].4
         mtmp[i].2 = za[i].5
     next i

     for i = 0 to 7
         th_dsp[i]    = utmp[i]
         th_dsp[i+8]  = ztmp[i]
         th_dsp[i+16] = stmp[i]
         th_dsp[i+24] = mtmp[i]
     next i
end sub

sub procedure temp2hour         'Scroll from temperature to hour
     for i = 0 to 7
         th_dsp[i+24] = th_dsp[i+24] << 1
         th_dsp[i+24].0 = th_dsp[i+16].7

         th_dsp[i+16] = th_dsp[i+16] << 1
         th_dsp[i+16].0 = th_dsp[i+8].7

         th_dsp[i+8] = th_dsp[i+8] << 1
         th_dsp[i+8].0 = th_dsp[i].7

         th_dsp[i] = th_dsp[i] << 1
         th_dsp[i].0 = h_dsp[24+i].7

         h_dsp[i+24] = h_dsp[i+24] << 1
         h_dsp[i+24].0 = h_dsp[i+16].7
         h_dsp[i+16] = h_dsp[i+16] << 1
         h_dsp[i+16].0 = h_dsp[i+8].7
         h_dsp[i+8] = h_dsp[i+8] << 1
         h_dsp[i+8].0 = h_dsp[i].7
         h_dsp[i] = h_dsp[i] << 1
     next i

     for i = 0 to 31
         dsp[i] = th_dsp[i]
     next i
end sub

sub procedure hour2temp                  'Scrool from hour to temperature

     for i = 0 to 7
         h_dsp[i+24] = h_dsp[i+24] << 1
         h_dsp[i+24].0 = h_dsp[i+16].7

         h_dsp[i+16] = h_dsp[i+16] << 1
         h_dsp[i+16].0 = h_dsp[i+8].7

         h_dsp[i+8] = h_dsp[i+8] << 1
         h_dsp[i+8].0 = h_dsp[i].7

         h_dsp[i] = h_dsp[i] << 1
         h_dsp[i].0 = th_dsp[24+i].7

         th_dsp[i+24] = th_dsp[i+24] << 1
         th_dsp[i+24].0 = th_dsp[i+16].7
         th_dsp[i+16] = th_dsp[i+16] << 1
         th_dsp[i+16].0 = th_dsp[i+8].7
         th_dsp[i+8] = th_dsp[i+8] << 1
         th_dsp[i+8].0 = th_dsp[i].7
         th_dsp[i] = th_dsp[i] << 1

     next i
     for i = 0 to 31
         dsp[i] = h_dsp[i]
     next i
end sub

sub procedure up_down()                  'Procedure for Button Up or Button Down
    if x0 = 1 then
       if btset = 6 then
          I2CW(btmod, 0)
          btvar = I2CR(btmod)
          btvar = bcd2dec(btvar)
          if btvar = mnbt[btset] Then
             btvar = mxbt[btset]
             btvar = btvar - 1
          end if
          I2CW(btmod, dec2bcd(btvar))
       end if
       x0 = 0
    end if

    if x1 = 1 then
       if btset = 6 then
          I2CW(btmod, 0)
          btvar = I2CR(btmod)
          btvar = bcd2dec(btvar)
          if btvar = mxbt[btset] Then
             btvar = mnbt[btset]
             btvar = btvar + 1
          end if
          I2CW(btmod, dec2bcd(btvar))
       end if
       x1 = 0
    end if
end sub

sub procedure prepare_2_show_data        ' Prepare data for send to MAX7219
     for i = 0 to 31
         dsp[i] = h_dsp[i]
     next i
end sub

sub procedure send_2_display()           ' Send data to MAX7219
    for i = 0 to 7
        CS = 0                           ' Begin transfer.
        SPI_Write(i+1)                   ' Send address.
        SPI_Write(dsp[i+24])             ' Send the value.
        SPI_Write(i+1)                   ' Send address.
        SPI_Write(dsp[i+16])             ' Send the value.
        SPI_Write(i+1)                   ' Send address.
        SPI_Write(dsp[i+8])              ' Send the value.
        SPI_Write(i+1)                   ' Send address.
        SPI_Write(dsp[i])                ' Send the value.
        CS = 1                           ' Finish transfer.
   next i
end sub

sub procedure show_data()                ' Show received data
end sub

sub procedure alarm                      ' Buzz if PORTC1 = 1
    if al = 0 then  I2CW(0xf,0x0) end if
    PORTC.1 = flgal  and al.0 and tal1 and tal
end sub

sub procedure init_main()

    OSCCON =  %11111111    '  MCU clock at 16 MHz
    ANSELA  = %00000000    '  All I/O pins of the PORTA are configured as digital
    ANSELC  = %00000000    '  All I/O pins of the PORTC are configured as digital
    CM1CON0 = %00000000    '  Disbale comparator
    CM2CON0 = %00000000    '  Disbale comparator
    TRISA   = %11111111    '  PORTA All Inputs
    TRISC   = %00100000    '  PORTC All Outputs

    APFCON0.SSSEL  = 1

    INTCON.GIE   = 1       '  Enables all unmasked interrupts
    INTCON.PEIE  = 0       '  Disables all peripheral interrupts
    INTCON.T0IE  = 1       '  Enables the TMR0 interrupt
    INTCON.INTE  = 1       '  Enables the RA2/INT external interrupt
    INTCON.IOCIE = 0       '  Disables the PORTA change interrupt
    INTCON.T0IF  = 0       '  TMR0 register did not overflow
    INTCON.INTF  = 0       '  The RA2/INT external interrupt did not occur
    INTCON.IOCIF = 0       '  None of the PORTA <5:0> pins have changed state

    OPTION_REG.WUE    = 0  '  PORTA pull-ups are enabled by individual port latch values
    OPTION_REG.INTEDG = 0  '  Interrupt on rising/falling edge of RA2/INT pin
    OPTION_REG.T0CS   = 0  '  set Timer0 clock source to internal
    OPTION_REG.T0SE   = 1  '  Increment on high-to-low transition on RA2/T0CKI pin
    OPTION_REG.PSA    = 0  '  asign prescaler to Timer 0
    OPTION_REG.PS2    = 1  '  asign prescaler value
    OPTION_REG.PS1    = 1  '  asign prescaler value
    OPTION_REG.PS0    = 1  '  asign prescaler value
    WPUA = %00111111       '  Pull-ups PORTA to be enabled
    WPUC = %00100000       '  Pull-ups PORTA to be enabled
    Soft_I2C_Init()         ' Initialize I2C module
    SPI1_Init()             ' Initialize SPI module
    btmp=0xB                ' Set brtightness adress
    bright=I2CR(btmp)       ' Read brtightness value
    if bright >15 then bright = 2 end if
    I2CW(btmp,bright)       ' write bright
    btmp=0x0D               ' Set Temp_On/Off adress
    grc=I2CR(btmp)          ' Read Temp_On/Off value
    if grc > 1 then grc = 0  end if
    I2CW(btmp,grc)          ' write Temp_On/Off adress
    btmp=0xC                ' Set alarm on/off adress
    al=I2CR(btmp)           ' Read alarm on/off value
    max7219_init()          ' Initialize MAX7219 module
    PORTC.1 = 0             ' Do not start alarm on start_up
    I2CW(0xA,%10000000)     ' Alarm when hours, minutes, and seconds match
    I2CW(0x0E,0)            ' Square wave is output on the INT/SQW pin
    I2CW(0x10,0)            ' Aging Offset
    TRISC.1 = 0             ' Because SPI1_Init make PORTC1 as input
    str = 0
    j = 0
    y = 0
    k = 0
    x = 0
    x0 = 0
    x1 = 0
    x5 = 0
    flgint = 0
    pflgint = 0
    flgal = 0
    dp = 0
    btset = 0
    ytal = 0
    tal = 0
    tal1 = 0

    'I2CW(2,Dec2Bcd(23)) 'hour
    'I2CW(1,Dec2Bcd(19)) 'min
    'I2CW(0x0D,1) ' hour to temp
    'I2CW(0x0C,0) ' alarm
end sub

sub procedure Interrupt()  iv 0x0004 ics ICS_AUTO

    if INTCON.INTF = 1 then
        flgint = not flgint
        dp.0 = not dp.0
        if dp.0 = 0 then
           Ow_Reset(PORTC, 4)                                     ' Onewire reset signal
           Ow_Write(PORTC, 4, 0xCC)                               ' Issue command SKIP_ROM
           Ow_Write(PORTC, 4, 0x44)                               ' Issue command CONVERT_T
           Ow_Reset(PORTC, 4)
           Ow_Write(PORTC, 4, 0xCC)                               ' Issue command SKIP_ROM
           Ow_Write(PORTC, 4, 0xBE)                               ' Issue command READ_SCRATCHPAD
           temp1 =  Ow_Read(PORTC, 4)
           temp1 = (Ow_Read(PORTC, 4) << 8) + temp1
           btmp.0 =  temp1.4  btmp.1 =  temp1.5  btmp.2 =  temp1.6   btmp.3 =  temp1.7
           btmp.4 =  temp1.8  btmp.5 =  temp1.9  btmp.6 =  temp1.10  btmp.7 =  temp1.11
           if btmp > 128 then
              tsgn = 16
              btmp = not btmp + 1
              tsgn = 10
           end if
           th0 = btmp Mod 10
           th1 = btmp / 10
        end if
        k = k + 1
        if k = 23 then k = 0 end if
        INTCON.INTF = 0
    End if

    if INTCON.T0IF = 1 then
       TMR0 = 61
       y = y + 1
       if ytal = 128  then ytal = 0 end if
       if ytal<64 then tal1 = 1 else tal1 = 0 end if
       if tal1 = 1 then
          if ytal mod 8 = 0 then tal = not tal end if
           tal = 0
       end if
       ytal = ytal + 1
       if y = 20  then flsh = not flsh  y = 0 end if
        ' buton mod
      if Button(PORTA, 3, 1, 1) then
         k4 = 255
      end if
      if k4 and Button(PORTA, 3, 1, 0) then
         btset = btset + 1
         if btset= 11 then  btset= 0 end if
         btmod = stadrs[btset]
         k4 = 0
      end if
       'Button Up
      if btset <> 0 then
         if Button(PORTA, 5, 1, 1) then
            k0 = 255
         end if
         if k0 and Button(PORTA, 5, 1, 0) then
            k0 = 0
            x0 = 1
         end if
      end if
      ' Button Down
      if btset <> 0 then
         if Button(PORTA, 4, 1, 1) then
            k1 = 255
         end if
         if k1 and Button(PORTA, 4, 1, 0) then
            k1 = 0
            x1 = 1
         end if
      end if
      'Button Al On/Off
      if Button(PORTC, 5, 1, 1) then
         k5 = 255
      end if
      if k5 and Button(PORTC, 5, 1, 0) then
         x5 = 1
         k5 = 0
      end if

      INTCON.T0IF = 0
    End if

end sub

'   Main program
    while TRUE
        select case btset
               case 0   ' show alt hour & temperature
                    if flgint <> pflgint then
                       pflgint = flgint
                       prepare_to_show_hour(h1, h0, m1, m0, dp, al )
                       prepare_to_show_temp(tsgn, th1, th0)
                       if grc = 1 then
                          if k<=16 then
                             if k=16 then
                                dp = 1
                                prepare_to_show_hour(h1, h0, m1, m0, dp, al )
                                for yy = 0 to 31
                                next yy
                             end if
                             if k=22 then
                                dp = 1
                                prepare_to_show_hour(h1, h0, m1, m0, dp, al )
                                for yy = 0 to 31
                                next yy
                                prepare_to_show_temp(tsgn, th1, th0)
                                for i = 0 to 31
                                    dsp[i] = th_dsp[i]
                                next i
                             end if

                          end if
                       end if
                    end if
               case 1
                    if flsh = 0 then
                       h1 = 10
                       h0 = 10
                    end if
                    prepare_to_show_hour(h1, h0, m1, m0,  1, 0 )

               case 2
                    if flsh = 0 then
                       m1 = 10
                       m0 = 10
                    end if
                    prepare_to_show_hour(h1, h0, m1, m0,  1, 0 )

               case 3
                    if flsh = 0 then
                       d1 = 10
                       d0 = 10
                    end if
                    prepare_to_show_hour(d1, d0, mo1, mo0,  0, 0 )

                case 4
                    if flsh = 0 then
                       mo1 = 10
                       mo0 = 10
                    end if
                    prepare_to_show_hour(d1, d0, mo1, mo0,  0, 0 )

               case 5
                    if flsh = 0 then
                       y1 = 10
                       y0 = 10
                    end if
                    prepare_to_show_hour(2, 0, y1, y0,  0, 0 )

               case 6
                    if flsh = 0 then
                       s1 = 10
                       s0 = 10
                    end if
                    prepare_to_show_hour(10, 10, s1, s0,  1, 0 )

               case 7
                    if flsh = 0 then
                       ah1 = 10
                       ah0 = 10
                    end if
                    prepare_to_show_hour(ah1, ah0, am1, am0,  1, 1 )

              case 8
                    if flsh = 0 then
                       am1 = 10
                       am0 = 10
                    end if
                    prepare_to_show_hour(ah1, ah0, am1, am0,  1, 1 )

               case 9
                     if flsh = 0 then
                       br1 = 10
                       br0 = 10
                    end if
                    prepare_to_show_hour(14, 15, br1, br0,  1, 0 )
                    bright=I2CR(btmp)          ' brightness
                    br0 = bright Mod 16
                    br1 = bright / 16
                    maxCMD(MAX7219_BRIGHTNESS, bcd2dec(bright))

               case 10
                    btmp=I2CR(btmp)            ' Temperature On/Off
                    if flsh = 0 then
                       grc = 10
                    end if
                    prepare_to_show_hour(13, 12, 0, grc,  1, 0 )

        end select

        if x5 = 1 then
           x5 = 0
           if al <> 0 then
              al = 0
              al = 1
           end if

           while not k5.0
                 prepare_to_show_hour(ah1, ah0, am1, am0,  1, 1 )

           I2CW(0xc,al)   ' Alarm On/Off
           I2CW(0xf,0x0)  ' Clear alarm flag
        end if





Cum se procedeaza a.i. codul sa apara intr-o caseta mai mica, ca in alte forumuri?


Editat de Kreator
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$ systemd-analyze && systemd-analyze blame
Startup finished in 3.943s (kernel) + 32.791s (userspace) = 36.735s reached after 31.998s in userspace
         14.539s polkit.service
         12.580s snapd.service
          9.207s lvm2-monitor.service
          8.257s dev-sdb1.device
          7.314s udisks2.service
          6.999s NetworkManager.service
          6.409s avahi-daemon.service
          6.371s org.cups.cupsd.service
          6.315s linux-module-cleanup.service
          6.314s systemd-logind.service
          4.041s apparmor.service
          3.904s systemd-modules-load.service
          2.896s upower.service
          2.681s ModemManager.service
          2.327s systemd-udevd.service
          1.850s ldconfig.service
          1.823s systemd-sysusers.service
          1.738s systemd-journal-flush.service
          1.123s systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service
           902ms systemd-timesyncd.service
           789ms tlp.service
           686ms [email protected]
           658ms systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service
           578ms systemd-journald.service
           448ms systemd-udev-trigger.service
lines 1-25

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40 minutes ago, Kreator said:


Cum se procedeaza a.i. codul sa apara intr-o caseta mai mica, ca in alte forumuri?


Scrii ca în imaginea atașată, iar în locul la .... introduci codul, și o să iasă ca în postarea mea anterioară.

Scuze pentru ce am postat anterior, nu are legătură cu topicul, dar am vrut să probez dacă merge



Editat de mama
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Felicitari lui @Kreator si celorlalti pentru realizare, as vrea sa-mi fac si eu un astfel de ceas. DAR! Nu prea ma pricep si am un pickit2 antic si de demult. Insa detin mai multe dotpoint-uri din alea, de la o reclama stradala, au cam 10 cm inaltime. Le am la serviciu, saptamana viitoare pe joi, vineri cand ajung, am sa pun poze aici si datasheetul. Avand prea multe module cu care nu am ce face, ma ofer sa dau la schimb un set sau chiar doua pentru o placa functionala la care sa conectez doar afisajul. Sau macar un kit, sa lipesc piesele pe placa ma pricep oleaca.

Multumesc si felicitari inca o data pentru acest frumos proiect!


L.E. Scuze, acum am vazut ca modulele ceasului sunt luate de pe e-bay, dar oare pe Aliexpress nu sunt? Imi puteti da un link? Ca eu nu am paypall, dar de pe Aliexpress am mai cumparat. Ramane insa valabila si oferta cu schimbul.

Editat de Untold
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Multumesc frumos, Kreator !!! Postez aici pe masura ce avansez.


LE. Cu codul de pe prima pagina obtin eroarea din poza :



Editat de fratello
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Acum 2 ore, Untold a spus:

...acum am vazut ca modulele ceasului sunt luate de pe e-bay, dar oare pe Aliexpress nu sunt? Imi puteti da un link?


De aici am luat modul culoare verde: 

De aici am luat modul culoare rosie:

Posibil sa le gasiti si mai ieftine , dar tineti cont si de numarul componentelor vandute si de comentariile cumparatorilor.



Editat de val
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@Val, multumesc mult pentru link-uri, insa eu am module destul de multe, in jur de 10-15 bucati, rosii. M-ar fi interesat partea electronica, o placa completa cu microcontroler, senzor de temp, RTC si ce mai e p-acolo. Multumiri inca o data!


P.S. Poate atasa cineva o poza cu ceasul la interior?

Editat de Untold
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Scuze din partea mea pentru neintelegere, din pacate pe e-bay sau Aliexpress nu veti gasi placa completa pentru acest proiect, doar modulul rtc, uC-u neprogramat si senzorul de temperatura separat. Referitor la modulele de afisaj pe care le detineti trebuie sa verificati daca acestea contin cate un ci Max7219 pe fiecare grup de 8x8 led pentru a le folosi in acest proiect.

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Ma puteti ajuta, va rog ?!?

Incerc sa portez programul (prima pagina) pe un PIC16F1827 , pe care il am ...  Din pacate nu reusesc.

Nu stiu care este problema ; compilarea programului de pe pagina 3, pentru PIC16F1825, merge fara probleme, deci nu este limita MikroBasic.

Poate e din cauza ca 16F1827 are doar 4K memorie program ? Dar si 16F1824 are tot 4k ....




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PIC16F1827 are doar 4k de ROM spre deosebire de 1825 care are 8k iar spatiul necesar este de 4669 octeti deci ceva mai mult de 4k ( 4096 octeti ) .

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