mars01 Postat Decembrie 24, 2018 Autor Partajează Postat Decembrie 24, 2018 Craciun Fericit! Multa sanatate si sa aveti tot ce va doriti mai bun !!! Ca si cadou de Craciun, am creat primul release complet din FlatCAM 3000. Este oferit si in versiunea de 32bit si in versiunea de 64bit. FlatCAM 3000 v1.000 Download link 32bit aici. Download link 64bit aici. Download link surse (Linux, MacOS) aici. Sunt multe imbunatatiri in aceasta versiune dar in rezumat: - am portat codul la PyQt5 - am adaugat rest machining in NonCopperClear Tool - se adauga mai multe freze si programul incepe sa curete cuprul cu freza cu diametrul cel mai mare, ce nu poate curata este curatat cu urmatoarea freza cu diametrul mai mic si tot asa pana numai sunt unelte sau numai este cupu de curatat. - rezolvat multiple bug-uri Quote * FlatCAM3000 v1.000* But now a bit of description. It require a *GRAPHICS CARD capable of at least OPENGL 2.0* with programmable pipeline. Any graphics card newer than 10 years should do. *32bit version*: - smaller in size (almost half compared with 64bit) - the only drill path optimization is based on Travelling Salesman Algorithm which is not the best out there but it is good enough. - about half of the processing speed of 64bit version *64bit version:* - bigger in size, it takes a whooping 400MB from HDD - faster than 32bit version (double performance) - Google OR tools drill path optimization's which are very good. This release brings* PYQT5 port *of the code. It seems to allow a faster start-up of FlatCAM. For those who don't know what features FlatCAM 3000 has: - *3D OpenGL* acceleration - *postprocessors* for GRBL, Manual Toolchange, Laser, Marlin, Roland RML1 language - drill path optimizations for an optimal drill path (no more zig-zagging around the CNC table). - *Excellon Editor*: create new Excellon, edit loaded Excellons, edit drills, edit tools, export Excellon files in Excellon format. -* improved Geometry Editor *- it can have multiple tools for a single geometry (multitool) and it can have geometry objects who contain multiple geometries (multigeo, each can have multiple tools, too). Automatic calculation for cut depth when using V-Shape tool. A single file containing all the GCODE is saved therefore suitable for autolevelling using 3rd party software. - *Non Copper Clearing with multiple tools* and functional *Rest Machining*. Which means that in the UI the user add multiple tools and the software will start copper clearing with the bigger tool and what it can't clear will be cleared with smaller tools, from higher diameter to the lower. - *Paint Tool* - for painting areas - usable for usage with lasers or to clear pads in soldermask coverage. - import from raster images: BMP, JPG, PNG to geometry - add text into a edited geometry using the system fonts - import and export geometry in* DXFformat* - import and export geometry in *SVG format* - export image of canvas in *PNG format* - *edit GCODE* directly in FlatCAM app - GCODE can be moved like any other FlatCAM object (it's new) - FlatCAM Tools: Transform = geometric transformation (skew/shear, rotation, mirroring, scale with reference, offset), 2-Sided Tool (for manufacture of double sided PCB), Measure Tool, Panelize Tool (for creating panels = array of a PCB), Film Tool (to generate negative and positive film in SVG format), Calculators Tool (for units conversion, or V-Shape path calculation) - Tcl scripting support in GUI = powerful tool for operation automation's - Tcl shell with auto-complete including the Tcl commands and the loaded object's names. 3 Link spre comentariu
Dan57 Postat Decembrie 24, 2018 Partajează Postat Decembrie 24, 2018 Multumim mars01 si La multi ani! 1 Link spre comentariu
Dan57 Postat Decembrie 25, 2018 Partajează Postat Decembrie 25, 2018 (editat) Spune-mi te rog, am o placa video ATI Radeon HD 4600, este compatibila cu acest soft? Imi apare dupa instalare acest mesaj (foto cu telefonul). Editat Decembrie 25, 2018 de Dan57 Link spre comentariu
mars01 Postat Decembrie 25, 2018 Autor Partajează Postat Decembrie 25, 2018 Hmm, ai incercat sa rulezi varianta pe 32bit? Am creat installer-ul pe un sistem WIndows 64bit (numai 64bit am pe toate calculatoarele, inclusiv pe noul laptop - cadou de Craciun ) poate ca de aici vine eroarea. Trebuie sa facem putin debugging, eroarea nu are treaba cu placa video. Link spre comentariu
Dan57 Postat Decembrie 25, 2018 Partajează Postat Decembrie 25, 2018 (editat) Pe 32bit ca eu nu folosesc 64 deoarece am multe programe facute pe 32 si nu merg pe 64 si nici dotarea necesara pentru 64 nu o am. Sa porti sanatos cadoul de Craciun. Multumesc pentru efort, poate merge ceva si pe 32. Oricum sarbatori fericite. Editat Decembrie 25, 2018 de Dan57 Link spre comentariu
tcm Postat Decembrie 25, 2018 Partajează Postat Decembrie 25, 2018 Craciun fericit si La multi ani! 1 Link spre comentariu
mars01 Postat Decembrie 28, 2018 Autor Partajează Postat Decembrie 28, 2018 FlatCAM3000 v1.001 Am sters vechile installere pentru ca aveau ceva probleme si ramane acest release ca cel de baza care presupune si un installer pe 32bit. Asadar: Download link 32bit aici. Download link 64bit aici. Download link surse (Linux, MacOS) aici. In rezumat: - destul de multe buguri rezolvate (mai multe buguri decat ma asteptam sa fie dar ...) - am mai modificat mesajele din status bar a.i sa fie mai descriptive - am modificat unele tool-tip-uri - am rezolvat si problema cu installerul pt. OS 32bit Quote *What's new*: There were some issues with the 32bit installer so I am doing this release that although the version name is 1.001 and not a full 1.000, will count as a full release. This time I've tested the 32bit installer in a virtual machine with Windows 7 x86 so it should be functional. I also fixed some issues that I've overlooked in a hurry to release the previous build before Christmas ... - fixed bugs in Excellon Editor due of PyQt5 port - fixed transformations in Tool Transform - fixed DoubleSided Tool - fixed bug when loading Gerber with follow - fixed bug that when a Gerber was loaded with -follow parameter it could not be isolated external and full - changed multiple status bar messages - changed some assertions to (status error message + return) combo - fixed issues in 32bit installers - added protection against using Excellon joining on different kind of objects - fixed bug in ToolCutout where the Rectangular Cutout used the Type of Gaps from Freeform Cutout - fixed bug that didn't allowed saving SVG file from a Gerber file - modified file for PyQt5 packages Enjoy! 2 Link spre comentariu
Dan57 Postat Ianuarie 2, 2019 Partajează Postat Ianuarie 2, 2019 Draga prietene, cu toate ca am Windows 7, mie tot nu imi merge, acum zice ceva de un dll dar acum sa ne bucuram de sarbatori. La multi ani! Link spre comentariu
mars01 Postat Ianuarie 2, 2019 Autor Partajează Postat Ianuarie 2, 2019 (editat) Am instalat Windows 7 32bit intr-o masina virtuala. Apoi am facut toate update-urile. Apoi am instalat FlatCAM3000 v1.001 versiunea 32bit. Rezultat = succes. Nu stiu ce sa zic. Incearca sa instalezi ultimul Microsoft C Compiler x86 de aici. Ar trebui sa se fi instalat in procesul de updatare al Windows-ului dar cine stie ce s-a intamplat ... La multi ani! Editat Ianuarie 2, 2019 de mars01 1 Link spre comentariu
Dan57 Postat Ianuarie 3, 2019 Partajează Postat Ianuarie 3, 2019 Multumesc prietene pentru efort, ca de obicei, AI DREPTATE. Problema sa rezolvat, programul tau functioneaza. Multumesc frumos! Link spre comentariu
Vizitator Postat Ianuarie 4, 2019 Partajează Postat Ianuarie 4, 2019 modificarile de soft se regasesc si in actualizarea manualului ? multumesc. Link spre comentariu
Dan57 Postat Ianuarie 4, 2019 Partajează Postat Ianuarie 4, 2019 1 oră în urmă, johnelforum a spus: modificarile de soft se regasesc si in actualizarea manualului ? multumesc. O faci tu. Link spre comentariu
Vizitator Postat Ianuarie 4, 2019 Partajează Postat Ianuarie 4, 2019 multumesc dan57 dar nu stiu cum, altfel nu as fi cerut sprijin nu sint un amator de emoticons , dar chiar nu inteleg, te rog fi mai explicit numai bine Link spre comentariu
mars01 Postat Ianuarie 4, 2019 Autor Partajează Postat Ianuarie 4, 2019 Manualul de pe site-ul este pentru versiunea veche. De fapt, tocmai am avut o discutie cu developer-ul principal JP Caram (in ultimul an eu m-am ocupat de FlatCAM dar oarecum separat de proiectul FlatCAM) si a rezultat ca am sa postez toate modificarile sub egida FlatCAM. Practic FlatCAM 3000, Nightly-urile vor dispare si ramane doar FlatCAM. Era un pic deranjat ca a aparut FC3000 pe langa FlatCAM si cum pe mine nu ma intereseaza sa imi apara numele ici si colo, am acceptat solutia oferita. Ieri am creat un branch numit Beta pe site-ul de dezvoltare FlatCAM si dezvoltarea software-ului va continua acolo. Vof fi beta-uri si va urma probabil si un release oficial, poate un FlatCAM 9 care va fi de fapt tot ce este in FlatCAM 3000. Daca nu vor fi acceptate toate modificarile aduse de mine probabil ca voi urmari o alta solutie (in limitele licentei MIT sub care este oferit FlatCAM). Ulterior vor urma si modificari in manual. Pana una alta sunt destul de multe tooltip-uri pe aproape fiecare buton sau eticheta in soft incat sa ofere indicii. Desigur, cel care lucreaza cu versiunea aceasta de FlatCAM trebuie sa stie ce sa faca cu FlatCAM original. Link spre comentariu
mars01 Postat Ianuarie 20, 2019 Autor Partajează Postat Ianuarie 20, 2019 (editat) FLatCAM Beta 8.902 Download link 32bit aici. Download link 64bit aici. Ce este nou: - acum totul este sub egida FlatCAM regular - am rezolvat bug in izolarea traseelor: in anumite conditii izolarile puteau sa "mushte" din cuprul izolat - am adaugat un postprocessor nou care salveaza cod HPGL - am rezolvat bug in comanda Tcl cncjob - am adaugat ferestre de confirmare atunci cand se initiaza actiuni care pot duce la pierderea de informatie din FlatCAM (inchiderea FlatCAM intreaba daca se doreste salvarea si tot asa si la crearea de proiect nou) - am rezolvat bug in detectia selectie postprocessor Marlin - si altele care le puteti citi mai jos in lb engleza. Quote 20.01.2019 - fixed the HPGL code geometry rendering when travel - fixed the message box layout when asking to save the current work - made sure that whenever the HPGL postprocessor is selected the Toolchange is always ON and the MultiDepth is OFF - the HPGL postprocessor entry is not allowed in Excellon Object postprocessor selection combobox as it is only applicable for Geometry - when saving HPGL code it will be saved as a file with extension .plt - the units mentioned in HPGL format are only METRIC therefore if FlatCAM units are in INCH they will be transform to METRIC - the minimum unit in HPGL is 0.025mm therefore the coordinates are rounded to a multiple of 0.025mm 19.01.2019 - added initial implementation of HPGL postprocessor - fixed display HPGL code geometry on canvas 11.01.2019 - added a status message for font parsing 9.01.2019 - added a fix to allow creating of Excellon geometry even when there are points with no tools by skipping those points and warning the user about this in a Tcl message - added a message box asking users if they want to save the project in case that either New Project menu entry is clicked or if Exit menu entry is clicked or if the app is closed from the close button. The message box will be showed only if there are objects in the collection. - modified the first line in the Gcode header to show the FlatCAM version and version_date 8.01.2019 - added checkboxes in Preferences -> General -> Global Preferences to switch on/off version check at application startup and also to control if the app will send anonymous statistics about FlatCAM usage to help improve FlatCAM 7.01.2019 - added tooltips in Edit->Convert menu - fixed cutting from copper features when doing Gerber isolation with multiple passes 6.01.2019 - fixed the Marlin postprocessor detection in GCode header - the version date in GCode header is now the one set in FlatCAMApp.App.version_date - fixed bug in postprocessor files: number of drills is now calculated only for the Excellon objects in toolchange function (only Excellon objects have drills) 5.01.2019 - fixed cncjob TclCommand - it used the default values for parameters - fixed the layout in ToolTransform - fixed the initial text in the ToolShell - reactivated the version check in case the release is not BETA; FlatCAMApp.App has now a beta object that when set True the application will show in the Title and help-> About that is Beta (and it disable version checking) - added a new name (mine: for good and/or bad) to the contributors list - fixed the Join function to work on Gerber and Excellon, Gerber and Gerber, Excellon and Excelon combination of objects. The merged property is the solid_geometry and the result is a FlatCAMGeometry object. 3.01.2019 - initial merge into FlatCAM regular Editat Ianuarie 20, 2019 de mars01 3 Link spre comentariu
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