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Am gasit problema. Sunt prea obosit :)

Am facut la un moment dat unele modificari in tool-ul acesta si am uitat intr-un loc un nume vechi. Tot ce a trebuit a fost sa redenumesc un obiect si s-a rezolvat. Interesant este ca nimeni nu s-a sesizat.

Din fericire mai am o chestie mai majora de terminat si ceva imbunatatiri fix la acest tool: Freeform Cutout Tool si gata ... prea mult timp consumat cu FlatCAM :)


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  • 2 săptămâni mai târziu...

Nightly 09.11.2018


Download link pentru Windows Installer x64 aici.

Sursele pentru rulat in Linux  aici.


Ce este nou:

- am rezolvat problema de generare a cutout-ului, semnalata mai sus

- am rezolvat un mic bug in fisierul de postprocesare Marlin

- am rezolvat un bug care crea probleme in salvarea proiectelor in anumite situatii specifice. Un typo in, am folosit un nume de variabila feedrate_Z in loc de feedrate_z (z de la final era mare in loc sa fie mic).

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Nightly 09.11.2018 SP1


Download link pentru Windows Installer x64 aici.

Sursele pentru rulat in Linux  aici.


Ce este nou:

- am rezolvat problema in installer

- am schimbat pozitia lui Tool Dia in Geometry Object UI si in Preferences.

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E un bug. Nu folosesc aceste functii asa ca in aceste sectiuni pot aparea bug-uri mai frecvent. Mai mult decat atat, se pare ca nu se emite un avertisment daca in anumite zone nu se poate face "paint" si este posibil ca sa se faca partial.

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Nightly 12.11.2018


Download link pentru Windows Installer x64 aici.

Sursele pentru rulat in Linux  aici.


Ce este nou:


- am rezolvat bug-ul in  Paint Single Polygon semnalat mai sus

- am adaugat spindle speed (pentru utilziare ca si  PWM control) in fisierul  postprocessor pt laser

- am rezolvat alte cateva bug-uri in fisierul de postprocesare pt Marlin

- am adaugat un parametru nou: "Z_start_move". Controleaza inaltimea la care se misca tool-ul (unealta) la prima miscare din job (lucrarea curenta). Lasati campul blank daca nu aveti nevoie de acest parametru (cel mai probabil).

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Nightly 21.11.2018


Download link pentru Windows Installer x64 aici.

Sursele pentru rulat in Linux  aici.


Ce este nou:


- am implementat o functie "Jump to Location" (Menu -> Edit -> Jump to Location); din pacate nu foarte precisa (imprecizia este la nivel de zecimi de milimetru), cred ca este o incurcatura intre diferite coordonate si s-ar putea ca forma ferestrei FlatCAM sa influenteze rezultatele (neclaritatile apar datorita modulului de accelerare 3D, VisPy, care este f stufos).
- am adaugat  taste shortcut  pentru "Jump to Location" (J) si pentru  Tool Transform (T)

- am rezolvat probleme in postprocesoare cu comentarii imbricate
- am rezolvat problema semnalata mai sus cu functia "Paint All" - am revenit la o stare anterioara functionala

- am redenumit acest Nightly ca si FlatCAM 3000
- am adaugat intrari noi in Help menu; una pentru lista de shortcut-uri si o intrare cu un link pentru o pagina YouTube unde voi publica in viitor tutoriale pentru aceasta versiune de FlatCAM (in engleza)
- daca intr-un fisier Gerber, parserul Gerber gaseste regiuni Gerber cu probleme, fisierul va elimina acele zone dar va avertiza intr-un mesaj ca fisierul este cu probleme


Editat de mars01
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Nightly 27.11.2018


Download link pentru Windows Installer x64 aici.

Sursele pentru rulat in Linux  aici.


Ce este nou:


- am rezolvat un bug in care atunci cand se facea izolare cu treceri multiple, acele treceri puteau sa afecteze traseele vecine daca parametrii erau prea mari pentru distantele dintre trasee

- am facut schimbari cosmetice in tool-urile  Buffer si Paint din Geometry Editor

- am schimbat modul in care functioneaza selectarea cu "mouse drag" in Geometry Editor. Acum selectarea cumulativa este realizata cu ajutorul tastei modificator (CTRL sau SHIFT), inainte acest comportament era default.


- orice tool FlatCAM care este folosit va schimba numele tab-ului Tools in propriul nume pentru o mai buna identificare cand se selecteaza alt tab

-  nu se mai face autoselectie la toate obiectele deschise in FlatCAM in mod automat (Gerber, Excellon etc). Exceptie fac doar geometriile si fisierele Excellon noi care in continuare vor fi autoselectate cand sunt create

- am revenit la metoda de selectie in Geometry Editor care era folosita in FlatCAM 8.5. Am incercat 3 metode pana acum si fiecare are probleme de un anumit tip (uzabilitate sau performanta redusa).


- schimbari minore si optimizari in functia de curatare a cuprului: Non Copper Clear. Acum, daca unul din tool-urile folosite nu este compatibil cu PCB-ul folosit (diametru prea mare) numai apare in lista de fisiere generate

- am schimbat numele intrarii din meniu Join Geometry intr-un nume care arata posibilitatile functiei: "Join Geo/Gerber" adica se pot fuziona si doua sau mai multe fisiere Gerber dar rezultatul va fi o Geometrie


- am adaugat o noua intrare in Menu -> View -> Toogle Axis. Face ce spune, activeaza/dezactiveaza axele

- am adaugat o noua intrare in Menu -> View -> Toogle Workspace. Face ce spune, activeaza/dezactiveaza workspace-ul care este selectat in Edit -> Preferences -> General Tab

- am adaugat o noua informatie in Edit -> Properties. Este vorba de aria patratului care include obiectul la care se evalueaza proprietatile. Practic este vorba de suprafata unui PCB


- am rezolvat un mic bug care facea ca Z toolchange sa nu fie setat cum trebuie in GCode


Editat de mars01
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Nightly 29.11.2018


Download link pentru Windows Installer x64 aici.

Sursele pentru rulat in Linux  aici.


Ce este nou:

In rezumat:

- am mutat Non copper clearing intr-un Tool nou accesat si din Gerber object cum se facea si anterior dar si din meniul Tools

- am adaugat mai multe optiuni de non copper clearing (din cele gasite si la Paint)

- am adaugat toolchange pentru fisierele GCode generate din Geometrii

- am mentionat contributorii mai importanti la aceasta versiune de FlatCAM in Menu -> Help -> About


- altele care le gasiti enumerate mai jos in engleza


- added checks for using a Z Cut with positive value. The Z Cut parameter has to be negative so if the app will detect a positive value it will automatically convert it to negative
- started to implement rest-machining for Non Copper clearing Tool - for now the results are not great *DO NOT USE THIS OPTION* (it is unchecked by default).

- added Toolchange X,Y position parameters and modified the default and manual_toolchange postprocessor file to use them
For now they are used only for Excellon objects who do have toolchange events
- added *Toolchange event selection for Geometry objects*; for now it is as before, single tool on each file
- remade the GUI for objects and in Preferences to have uniformity
- fixed bug: after editing a newly created Excellon/Geometry object the object UI used to not keep the original settings
- fixed some bugs in Tool Add feature of the new Non Copper Clear Tool

- added different methods of copper clearing (standard, seed, line_based) and "connect", "contour" options found in Paint function
- *remake of the non-copper clearing tool as a separate tool*
- modified the "About" menu entry to mention the main contributors to FlatCAM 3000 
- modified Marlin postprocessor according to modifications made by @redbull0174 user from forum
- modified Move Tool so it will detect if there is no object to move and issue a message




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Nightly 30.11.2018


Download link pentru Windows Installer x64 aici.

Sursele pentru rulat in Linux  aici.


Ce este nou:

- am refacut Cutout Tool. Am comasat fostul Freeform Cutout Tool si sectiunea Cutout din Gerber Object GUI si am lasat in gerber Object doar un link catre noul tool. Acesta se poate accesa si direct din meniul Tools

- am creat un tool nou numit Paint Tool in care am pus toate functiile Paint care erau in Paint Area in Geometry Object GUI si am lasat acolo doar un link catre noul tool


- am rezolvat un bug in Paint Tool care este ceva mai vechi. Mai exact, nu se salva Paint Method in preferinte

- am rezolvat un bug in parserul Gerber; candse intalnea un cod de operare tip D? singur pe linie, nu se retinea acest lucru. Din aceasta cauza fisierele Gerber generate de programul ECAD Easy PC (produs de Number One) se incarcau cu probleme. Rezolvat.


- am rezolvat un bug nou introdus de mine cand am adaugat noile optiuni de toolchange in Geometrii

- am rezolvat un bug mai vechi care facea ca atunci cand in proiectul curent exista un CNC Job, proiectul nu se putea scala la unitatile alternative celor curente (adica nu se putea converti din INCH in MM sau invers, functie de unitatile de masura curente).


- am adaugat noi parametri in CNC Job Options din care se poate seta cate zecimale sa aiba coordonatele X,Y,Z dar si fedrate-ul in codul GCODE. Am modificat si fisierele de postprocesare ca sa foloseasca aceste posibilitati. A fost necesar pentru a putea folosi fisierele GCODE pentru masinile HAAS TM (acestea nu permit mai mult de 3 zecimale, daca are mai multe zecimale acel numar este transformat in comentariu :) ).


Editat de mars01
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Nightly 03.12.2018


Download link pentru Windows Installer x64 aici.

Sursele pentru rulat in Linux  aici.


Ce este nou:

Cele mai importante schimbari sunt:

- am adaugat "autocomplete" (cu tasta TAB) cand se lucreaza in TCL Shell

- am adaugat tabela de unelte in Geometry Object. Se poate taia acum "In"side, "Out"side si on "Path". Optiunea de Rough/Finish pentru fiecare tool este doar visuala si va influenta numele fisierului rezultant astfel incat user-ul sa stie ce trebuie sa faca cu acel fisier.


Restul de modificari in engleza obosita de mai jos (prea mult de scris si plictisitor)



- Geometry Tool table: delete multiple tools with same diameter = DONE
- Geometry Tool table: possibility to cut a path inside or outside or on path = DONE
- Geometry Tool table: fixed situation when user tries to add a tool but there is no tool diameter entered
- if a geometry is a closed shape then create a Polygon out of it
- some fixes in Non Copper Clearing Tool
- Geometry Tool table: added option to delete_tool function for delete all
- Geometry Tool table: added ability to delete even the last tool in tool table and added an warning if the user try to generate a CNC Job without a tool in tool table
- if a geometry is painted inside the Geometry Editor then it will store the tool diameter used for this painting. Only one tool can be stored (the last one) so if multiple paintings are done with different tools in the same geometry it will store only the last used tool.
- if multiple geometries have different tool diameters associated (contain a paint geometry) they aren't allowed to be joined and a message is displayed letting the user know

- started to work on a geometry Tool Table
- renamed FlatCAMShell as ToolShell and moved it (and termwidget) to flatcamTools folder
- cleaned up the ToolShell by removing the termwidget separate file and added those classes to ToolShell
- added autocomplete for TCL Shell - the autocomplete key is 'TAB'
- covered some possible exceptions in rotate/skew/mirror functions
- Geometry Tool table: add/delete tools = DONE
- Geometry Tool table: add multiple tools with same diameter = DONE

- fixed Gerber parser so now the Gerber regions that have D02 operation code just before the end of the region will be processed correctly. *Autotrax Dex* Gerbers are now loaded correctly
- fixed an issue with temporary geo storage "geo" being referenced before assignment
- moved all FlatCAM Tools into a single directory


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  • 2 săptămâni mai târziu...

Nightly 13.12.2018


Download link pentru Windows Installer x64 aici.

Sursele pentru rulat in Linux  aici.


Ce este nou: Rezumat.

- am refacut partea de generare fisier GCode din Geometrii astfel incat acum se pot folosi mai multe tool-uri pentru o geometrie. Se genereaza un singur fisier GCode.

Fiecare tool are propriul set de date (feedrate, adancime taiere etc etc tot ce este UI este acum personalizat pentru fiecare tool in parte). Ordinea in care se adauga tool-urile este ordinea in care se proceseaza in GCode

- pentru fiecare tool in Geometrii se poate selecta acum mai multe proprietati. Unele sunt doar vizuale (ca sa ne reaminteasca ce fel de freza sa folosim) altele au caracter functional de  exemplu cand se selecteaza offset-ul se poate taia acum in afara geometriei sau in interiorul geometriei sau pe geometrie sau la un offset custom unde se pot introduce atat valori pozitive (se taie inspre exteriorul geometriei) cat si negative (se taie in interiorul geometriei). Daca se selecteaza tipul de freza 'V' (adica V-shape) adancimea Cut Z se calculeaza din valorile pe care le specificati la unghiul la varf al frezei si diametrul la varf al frezei.

- cand se genereaza obiectul CNCJob, inainte de a exporta fisierul GCode, acum este un tool table si acolo care are rol vizual. Acolo puteti sa faceti vizibile sau nu, trecerile corespunzatoare fiecarui tool. Ca sa vedeti cam pe unde taie o freza etc.


- o gramada de alte chestii despre care puteti citi mai jos. Am avut un bug al naibii de greu, a fost foarte greu de rezolvat. Probabil ca mai sunt si alte buguri, am lucrat asupra codului si sunt schimbari mari asa ca va rog sa contribuiti si sa postati aici bug-urile gasite. Multumesc.




- major rework in the Geometry / CNCJob objects sections
- NEW Geometry Object and CNC Object architecture (3rd attempt) which allow multiple tools for one geometry
- fixed issue with cumulative G-code after successive delete/create of a CNCJob on the same geometry (some references were kept after deletion of CNCJob object which kept the deleted tools data and added it to a new one)
- fixed plot and export G-code in new format
- fixed project save/load in the new format for geometry
- added new feature in CNCJob Object UI: since we may have multiple tools per CNCJob object due of having multiple tool in Geometry Object, now there is a Tool Table in CNC Object UI and each tool GCode plot can be enabled or disabled (only plotting it does not affect the GCode generation which use always all tools). Only wo rks for Geometry not for Excellon.

- Geometry Tool Table: when the Offset type is 'custom' each tool it's storing the value and it is updated on UI when that tool is selected in UI table
- Geometry Tool Table: fixed tool offset conversion when the Offset in Tool Table UI is set to Custom
- fixed Geometry copy at object level

- Geometry Tool Table: new tool added copy all the form fields (data) from the last tool
- finished work on generation of a single CNC Job file (therefore a single GCODE file) even for multiple tools in Geo Tool Table
- GCode header is added only on saving the file therefore the time generation will be reflected in the file
- modified postprocessors to accommodate the new CNC Job file with multiple tools
- modified postprocessors so the last X,Y move will be to the toolchange X,Y pos (set in Preferences)
- save_project and load_project now work with the new type of multitool geometry and cncjob objects

- added new feature in Geometry Tool Table: if the Offset type in tool table is 'Offset' then a new entry is unhidden and the user can use custom offset
- Geometry Tool Table: fixed add new tool with diameter with many decimals
- Geometry Tool Table: when editing the tip dia or tip angle for the V Shape tool, the CutZ is automatically calculated

- new Geometry Tool Table has functional unit conversion
- when entering a float number in Spindle Speed now there is no error and only the integer part is used, the decimals are discarded
- finished the Geometry Tool Table in the form that generates only multiple files
- if tool type is V-Shape ('V') then the Cut Z entry is disabled and new 'Tip Dia' and 'Tip Angle' fields are showed. The values entered will calculate the Cut Z parameter

- remade the Geometry Tool Table, before this change each tool could not store it's own set of data in case of multiple tools with same diameter
- added a new column in Geo Tool Table where to specify which type of tool to use: C for circular, B for Ball and V for V-shape

- new geometry/excellon object name is now only "new_g"/"new_e" as the type is clear from the category is into (and the associated icon)
- always autoselect the first tool in the Geometry Tool table
- issue error message if the user is trying to generate CNCJob without a tool selected in Geometry Tool Table
- add the whole data from Geometry Object GUI as dict in the geometry tool dict so each tool (file) will have it's own set of data



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Nightly 18.12.2018


Download link pentru Windows Installer x64 aici.

Sursele pentru rulat in Linux  aici.


Ce este nou: Rezumat.

O gramada de schimbari care insa au aparut si din cauza unui feature nou, important. Acum este posibil in FlatCAM sa se foloseasca mai multe tool-uri (chestie introdusa anterior) dar mai mult decat atat, se poate genera din aceste geometrii multi-tool un singur fisier GCode chiar si atunci cand fiecare tool are geometria sa (cazul cand se face Paint cu mai multe tool-uri.


Practic  acum se face distinctie intre geometria singlegeo si geometria multigeo. Toate geometriile importate (SVG, DXF) sau nou create (New Geometry) sunt de tip singlegeo. Geometriile generate de Paint Tool sunt multigeo.


Se poate face conversia cu noile functii destinate pentru asa ceva din Edit -> Conversion cu mentiunea ca atunci cand se face conversia din multigeo in singlegeo, se pierde din informatie adica asocierea unei geometrii cu un anume tool.


Functia de Join este valabila numai pentru geometrii ce au acelasi tip: ori sunt singlegeo toate ori sunt multigeo. In caz de nevoie, se poate promova o geometrie singlegeo la multigeo si se poate face Join (fuzionare).



*What's new:*
A lot of changes but the main one is that now the multi-tool geometries will generate a single GCODE file suitable for autolevelling and toolchange. That opened a whole can of worms but hopefully there will not that many bugs :)

- small changes in FlatCAMGeometry.plot()
- updated the FlatCAMGeometry.merge() function and the Join Geometry feature to accommodate the different types of geometries: singlegeo and multigeo type
- added Conversion submenu in Edit where I moved the Join features and added the Convert from MultiGeo to SingleGeo type and the reverse
- added Copy Tool (on a selection of tools) feature in Geometry Object UI 
- fixed the bounds() method for the MultiGeo geometry object so the canvas selection is working and also the Properties Tool
- fixed Move Tool to support MultiGeo geometry objects moving
- added tool edit in Geometry Object Tool Table
- added Tool Table context menu in Geometry Object and in Paint Tool
- modified some Status Bar messages in Geometry Object

- added support for multiple solid_geometry in a geometry object; each tool can now have it's own geometry. Plot, project save/load are OK.
- added support for single GCode file generation from multi-tool PaintTool job
- added protection for results of Paint Tool job that do not have geometry at all. An Error will be issued. It can happen if the combination of Paint parameters is not good enough
- solved a small bug that didn't allow the Paint Job to be done with lines when the results were geometries not iterable 
- added protection for the case when trying to run the cncjob Tcl Command on a Geometry object that do not have solid geometry or one that is multi-tool
- Paint Tool Table: now it is possible to edit a tool to a new diameter and then edit another tool to the former diameter of the first edited tool
- added a new type of warning, [warning_notcl]
- fixed conflict with "space" keyboard shortcut for CNC job

- redone the Options menu; removed the Transfer Options as they were not used
- deleted some folders in the project structure that were never used
- Paint polygon Single works only for left mouse click allowing mouse panning
- added ability to print errors in status bar without raising Tcl Shell
- fixed small bug: when doing interiors isolation on a Gerber that don't allow it, no object is created now and an error in the status bar is issued
- fixed bug in Paint All for Geometry made from exteriors Gerber isolation
- fixed the join geometry: when the geometries has different tools the join will fail with a status bar message (as it should). Allow joining of geometries that have no tool. // Reverted on 18.12.2018
- changed the error messages that are simple to the kind that do not open the TCl shell
- fixed some issues in Geometry Object
- Paint Tool - reworked the UI and made it compatible with the Geometry Object UI
- Paint Tool - tool edit functional
- added Clear action in the Context menu of the TCl Shell

- fixed typo in
- minor changes in Excellon Object UI
- added Tool Table in Paint Tool
- now in Paint Tool and Non Copper Clearing Tool a selection of tools can be deleted (not only one by one)
- minor GUI changes (added/corrected tooltips)
- optimized vispy startup time from about >6 sec to ~3 seconds
- removed vispy text collection starting in plotcanvas as it did nothing // RESTORED 18.12.2018 as it messed the graphical presentation
- fixed cncjob TclCommand for the new type of Geometry
- make sure that when using the TclCommands, the object names are case insensitive
- updated the TCL Shell auto-complete function; now it will index also the names of objects created or loaded in the application
- on object removal the name is removed from the Shell auto-complete model


Editat de mars01
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