nickrvl Postat Septembrie 30, 2019 Partajează Postat Septembrie 30, 2019 (editat) Nu stiu ce sa zic de primul fisier, acum vad si eu ca are 0 bytes ....... Aici: proba pe 64, chiar daca am generat prima data CNC Job pentru substract i-mi da crash daca incerc sa generez CNC Job pentru zona NCC. In rest ajut cu ce pot in limita timpului. Editat Septembrie 30, 2019 de nickrvl Link spre comentariu
nickrvl Postat Septembrie 30, 2019 Partajează Postat Septembrie 30, 2019 (editat) Dupa ce generez CNC Job la o geometrie facuta cu substract si mai vreau sa generez inca un CNC Job cu offset la aceasi geometrie programul nu se mai opreste in zona NCC ci va ocoli prin capetele traseelor din aceasta zona si astfel va dubla frezarea traseelor care intalnesc zona NCC. Editat Septembrie 30, 2019 de nickrvl Link spre comentariu
mars01 Postat Septembrie 30, 2019 Autor Partajează Postat Septembrie 30, 2019 (editat) Cum am mai scris pe undeva, aplicarea unui offset si implicit generarea unei o geometrii suplimentare aflata la o distanta de geometria de referinta (fata de care se face ofsetarea) este "oarba". Pur si simplu se "tine" dupa geometria de referinta. Nu are absolut nici-o informatie cu privire la ce mai este in jur. Nu stie de fisierul Gerber care este acolo, nu stie de zona de excludere pe care ai creat-o ... etc. Nu este cea mai inteligenta unealta din arsenal si nici nu a fost creata sa fie altceva decat este: un mod de a "manca' din cascaval" pe raspunderea noastra. Poti sa mai aplici un un substract suplimentar, poate ca partile nedorite vor fi eliminate (nu stiu sigur pana nu ma uit in cod pentru ca de cand am adaugat chestiile astea a trecut amar de vreme, dar cine stie, poate merge). Editat Septembrie 30, 2019 de mars01 Link spre comentariu
gigimargaus Postat Octombrie 1, 2019 Partajează Postat Octombrie 1, 2019 Salut! Sunt incepator in folosirea acestui program. Am cumparat un CNC 3018(o jucarie chinezeasca) si vreau sa o folosesc in principiue pentru electronica. Pt. o cutie cu mufe am facut niste desene in nanoCAD. Fisierele generate sunt de tip .DXF. Am importat fiserul in FlatCam si doresc sa generez g-cod-ul pentru a taia fetele cutiei. Cand generez geometria nu reusesc sa dau comanda ca unele forme le taie prin exterior si celelalte sa le taie in interior. Sper ca am reusit sa explic problema pe care o am. Help-urile programului sunt cam "subtirele" . Este cineva care poate sa ma ajute cu un sfat? Multumesc. Link spre comentariu
nickrvl Postat Octombrie 1, 2019 Partajează Postat Octombrie 1, 2019 (editat) Acum 8 ore, mars01 a spus: Cum am mai scris pe undeva, aplicarea unui offset si implicit generarea unei o geometrii suplimentare aflata la o distanta de geometria de referinta (fata de care se face ofsetarea) este "oarba". ............................................ Nu am creat o noua geometrie, m-am raportat la cea initiala, doar in noul CNC Job am dat offset astfel ma asteptam sa urmareasca vechea geometrie dar cu offset.... "gigimargaus", in programul de desenare, nanoCAD in cazul tau, foloseste layere. De exemplu panoul tau il imparti in doua layere unul care sa cuprinda exteriorul/conturul(frezare exterioara) iar celalalt care sa cuprinda gaurile(frezare interior) La frezare cele doua layere le folosesti pe rand, primul cel cu gaurile al doilea cel cu exteriorul.... Editat Octombrie 1, 2019 de nickrvl Link spre comentariu
mars01 Postat Octombrie 1, 2019 Autor Partajează Postat Octombrie 1, 2019 (editat) Acum 8 ore, nickrvl a spus: Nu am creat o noua geometrie, m-am raportat la cea initiala, doar in noul CNC Job am dat offset astfel ma asteptam sa urmareasca vechea geometrie dar cu offset.... Mai exact in tab-ul Selected, ocupat cu Geometry Object, in tabela de tool-uri in coloana Offset ai schimbat din optiunea Path in optiunea Custom? Si nu a facut ce anume? Acum 10 ore, gigimargaus a spus: Am importat fiserul in FlatCam si doresc sa generez g-cod-ul pentru a taia fetele cutiei. Cand generez geometria nu reusesc sa dau comanda ca unele forme le taie prin exterior si celelalte sa le taie in interior. Sper ca am reusit sa explic problema pe care o am. Help-urile programului sunt cam "subtirele" . Este cineva care poate sa ma ajute cu un sfat? In ceea ce priveste tooltip-urile care apar cand tii mouse-ul deasupra, nu pot sa pun romane acolo din doua motive. Trebuie traduse si aceasta este o munca enorma asa cum este acum iar apoi pot deveni foarte neplacute pt ca vor ocupa informatii utile pe ecran. Asa cum sunt, sunt suficiente pentru a da o idee despre ce este vorba. Intr-adevar nu exista deocamdata documentatie pentru ca ... este inca in faza beta, adica lucrurile care acum sunt intr-un fel, maine s-ar putea sa fie altfel. Ce ai tu nevoie sa faci nu se pote face intr-o singura operatie deoarece ai nevoie ca in aceasi geometrie sa faci atat taieri offsetate in afara cat si in interior. Dar se poate face in doua etape. Numai stiu ce am ascuns in modul Basic asa ca pt ca sa vorbim aceasi limba treci din modul "bebelush" adica BASIC in modul Avansat. Edit -> Preferences -> General Tab -> App Preferences -> APP. LEVEL -> Advanced Apoi importi din nou fisierul DXF. 1. Selectezi fisierul importat in Project Tab si Menu -> Edit -> Edit Object. Mai usor, tasta 'E' 2. Odata in modul Editor, selecteaza elementele geometrice care tebuie sa fie taiate in interior (pockets). Aceasta se poate face si cu simplu-click tinand apasat CTRL pt selectie multipla, sau mai usor cu selectie cu apasare mouse stanga si drag mouse pe ecran peste geometria care trebuie selectata + tasta CTRL ca sa poti selecta multiplu si restul de elemente geometrice. 3. Odata selectia completa, in bara de Tool-uri a Editorului de Geometrii este un icon B (Buffer Tool). Acelasi lucru se poate apela apasand tasta 'B' sau se poate selecta MENU-> Geometry Editor -> Buffer Tool. 4. In tab-ul Tools din stanga care tocmai a fost populat la Buffer distance scrii o valoare care este jumatate din diametrul uneltei de frezare. De ex daca tai cu o freza de 2.4mm, scrii 1.2mm. Apoi click pe butonul Buffer Interior. O noua geometrie se genereaza, offsetata in interior fata de geometria selectata (inca albastra) cu 1.2mm. Acum nu faci nic-un click si apesi tasta DEL pentru a sterge geometria sursa, cea pe care ai offsetat-o si de care numai ai nevoie. 5. Din nou te asiguri ca numai este nimic selectat, apoi faci selectia elementelor geometrice care trebuie taiate in afara (decupare). Odata selectia efectuata, se coloreaza elementele in albastru cand se face selectia, treci mai departe 6. Selectezi din nou Buffer Tool (B) ca mai sus, sa zicem cu tasta B, la Buffer distance din nou completezi cu jumatate din diametrul uneltei de frezare folosite mai sus. [[[Atentie, in aceasta faza nu poti folosi diametre de freze diferite. Pentru aceasta repeti operatiile pe o copie a obiectului Geometrie (adica ce rezulta din importul DXF) care se poate face din meniul Edit -> Copy.]]] Apoi apesi butonul Buffer Exterior. Se creaza un set nou de elemente geometrice offsetate de data aceasta in afara. Selectia initiala este inca activa asa ca acum este un moment bun sa stergi elementele geometrice sursa. 7. La final cu CTRL + S salvezi (sau din menu Edit -> Close Editor), salvezi cand esti intrebat. Acum, in tab-ul Selected al Geometriei tale editate (acum are sufixul _edit) in tabela de unelte, editezi unealta de frezare (dublu click in tabela de tool-uri, pe diametru) si treci diametrul uneltei de frezare (cea la care te-ai refeirt in Editor sub forma scrierii de jumatate de diametru in Buffer Distance). 8. Completezi parametrii de frezare si generezi CNCJob, iar la final salvezi GCode. PS: Nu strica sa salvezi si proiectul la final. Editat Octombrie 1, 2019 de mars01 1 Link spre comentariu
gigimargaus Postat Octombrie 1, 2019 Partajează Postat Octombrie 1, 2019 Salut! @mars01 Solutia propusa de tine e putin...asa... parca ma scarpin la urechea dreapta cu mana stanga. Inteleg ca acest program are limitarile lui. Am incercat sa urmez pasii sugerati de tine. Cand am ajuns la punctul 6. am selectat conturul care trebuie taiat la exterior apoi B si la Buffer distance: 0.5 la fel ca la decupare interioara(freza cu care tai are diametrul de 1mm). Am apasat pe Buffer Exterior dar nu avrut sa genereze noua forma. Asa ca am salvat si am generat G-cod-ul cu tool dia de 1mm si offset-ul out. Am bagat G-cod-ul in Candle(cu acest program lucrez ca sa comunic cu CNC-ul) si pare ok. Dupa parerea mea, de incepator, punctul 6. nu isi mai are rost. Off topic: Carcotelile mele nu au drept scop reprosuri. Este doar un feedback in scopul inbunatatirii acestui program. Intr-o lume care cei mai multi incearca sa scoata bani fara munca, exista persoane care creaza si inbunatetesc progrme fara un castig material(asa cred). Mai mult, ajuta incepatorii ( cand spun icepator ma refer doar la mine). Respect mars01 si echipei FlatCAM ! O alta problema: Masinuta(CNC 3018) pe care o am are si laser. Am luat-o pentru realizarea cablaje in regim DIY. Asa m-am gandit sa procedez: - cablaj dublu, vopsit cu sray negru pe amblele fete. - creat gerber cu Eagle -"arsa" vopseaua cu laser-ul pe ambele fete folosind o masa de sacrificiu cu o axa de rotatie pentru pastrarea referintelor cand se intoarce pe cealalta fata. -gaurire si decupare. Intrebare: Pot folosi FlatCAM-ul in etapa de "ardere" a vopselei cu laserul? Stie FlatCAM-ul sa "moduleze" puterea laserului?(masinuta foloseste un driver clona dupa Arduino Uno GRBL1.1) Multumesc! Link spre comentariu
gigimargaus Postat Octombrie 1, 2019 Partajează Postat Octombrie 1, 2019 @nickrvl Sunt la inceput cu programele de tip CAD. pana sa folosesc mai multe layer-e mai am de invatat. Inca nu m-am hotarat ce programe sa folosesc. Acum lucrez cu nanoCAD si Fussion 360. Sa gasesti un program bun si gratuit e putin mai greu. Deocamdata doar desenez 2D si doream sa decupez piesa desenata intr-un mod cat mai usor si intuitiv. Multumesc! Link spre comentariu
nickrvl Postat Octombrie 2, 2019 Partajează Postat Octombrie 2, 2019 (editat) Acum 15 ore, mars01 a spus: Mai exact in tab-ul Selected, ocupat cu Geometry Object, in tabela de tool-uri in coloana Offset ai schimbat din optiunea Path in optiunea Custom? Si nu a facut ce anume? ..................... 1. Generez geometrie cu Tool dia: 0.2, pana aici e ok dac generez CNC Job frezarea se opreste in zona curatata de cupru Dupa care exact pe aceasi geometrie cu setarile din poza de mai jos, adica cu pasii enumerati de tine, vreau un offset (0.18) dar frezarea sa se opreasca in aceasi zona deja curatata de cupru: Dupa cum se vede in poza in zona curatata de cupru prin capul traseului/traseelor care se intrerup in acea zona "urma lasata de freza" executa o intoarcere prin acea zona rezultand de fapt 3 treceri si nu 2, in acea zona vroiam sa se opreaca frezarea exact ca in primul CNC Job generat/prima trecere. Este mai mult o intrebare ce doresc eu, daca logica programului e alta asta e, ma raportez la ea. Editat Octombrie 2, 2019 de nickrvl Link spre comentariu
gigimargaus Postat Octombrie 2, 2019 Partajează Postat Octombrie 2, 2019 Salut! Am dat drumul la "utilaj". Problema aparuta este ca intai decupeaza exteriorul si apoi decupeaza formele interioare. Cum pot sa selectez sa-mi decupeze la sfarsit exteriorul? Multumesc! Link spre comentariu
mars01 Postat Octombrie 2, 2019 Autor Partajează Postat Octombrie 2, 2019 (editat) Acum 12 ore, gigimargaus a spus: Pot folosi FlatCAM-ul in etapa de "ardere" a vopselei cu laserul? Da. Pt a genera acoperirea 'pozitiva' a elementelor de cupru (trasee, ground-fill) se foloseste unealta Paint Tool. Menu -> Tools -> Paint Tool. In geometria rezultata trebuie folosit postprocesorul Laser_grbl11 Acum 12 ore, gigimargaus a spus: Stie FlatCAM-ul sa "moduleze" puterea laserului?(masinuta foloseste un driver clona dupa Arduino Uno GRBL1.1) FlatCAM poate seta puterea laserului la o valoare data (pt GRBL intre 0 si 255) si cam atat. Pt aceasta cred ca se foloseste valoarea de la SpindleSpeed. Restul, modularea functie de viteza etc este facuta de GRBL. Editat Octombrie 2, 2019 de mars01 Link spre comentariu
mars01 Postat Octombrie 2, 2019 Autor Partajează Postat Octombrie 2, 2019 Acum 3 ore, nickrvl a spus: Este mai mult o intrebare ce doresc eu, daca logica programului e alta asta e, ma raportez la ea. Ai atins punctul nodal, offset-ul nu este "unealta" corecta pt situatia ta. Mai degraba faceai o izolare cu mai multe "treceri" (pass) si aplicai substractia peste acea geometrie. Link spre comentariu
mars01 Postat Octombrie 2, 2019 Autor Partajează Postat Octombrie 2, 2019 (editat) Acum 3 ore, gigimargaus a spus: Problema aparuta este ca intai decupeaza exteriorul si apoi decupeaza formele interioare. Cum pot sa selectez sa-mi decupeze la sfarsit exteriorul? Problema este ca folosesti o unealta care este dedicata productiei de PCB pentru a efectua lucrari care presupun utilizarea altei unelte. Este ca si cum deschidem un borcan cu ciocanul: s-ar putea sa se deschida dar s-ar putea sa se sparga. Daca doresti sa faci aceste operatii cu FlatCAM atunci va trebui sa segmentezi procedura in doua. Creezi un GCOde pentru decupare exterioara si altul pentru decupari interioare. Apoi le rulezi in ordinea care o doresti. Altfel, eu as opta pentru folosirea unui alt program open-source excellent, care este dedicat pentru ce vrei sa faci. Editat Octombrie 2, 2019 de mars01 Link spre comentariu
gigimargaus Postat Octombrie 2, 2019 Partajează Postat Octombrie 2, 2019 Multumesc pentru raspunsuri. Link spre comentariu
mars01 Postat Octombrie 19, 2019 Autor Partajează Postat Octombrie 19, 2019 (editat) FlatCAM 8.98 Download link 32bit aici. Download link 64bit aici. Download link surse (Linux, OS X) aici. Ce este nou: Din nou gramada de chestii noi asa ca va las sa cititi (in lb. engleza). Citat Another ‘big’ release. Among the new things: - improved Film Tool. Now the generated film can be adjusted to compensate the printer errors: it can be scaled, skewed. The Film can be mirrored also to help with the TOP layer Gerbers. - The Film Tool can now generate Films with punched holes in the center of the Gerber pads to help with manual drilling. This works only for Positive films. The source for the punch holes can be an Excellon file and in this case the punch hole is variable depending on the drill diameters or the source can be the pad centers. The pads centers works only if the Film is done out of a Gerber file (a Film can be generated from Geometry object also). In the case of using the pad centers, a predefined punch hole diameter will be used. - a new Tool: Optimal Tool. What it will do? It will find the minimum distance between any two copper features in a Gerber file. What is the purpose? To find what tool diameter you can use to be sure that everything is isolated thus the optimal in the title. You may find also the other distances ordered from the minimum to maximum. Each can be selected and then jumped to in the Plot Area showing you the location of where the minimum distance is. In this way, you may ignore the actual absolute minimum perhaps because it will happen in one place where you can correct easily the error while providing a way to improve the speed of the job by using a higher tool diameter suitable to fit within the next minimum (higher tool dia may mean higher feedrates). - a new Tool: Check Rules Tool What it will do? It will check a set of rules to determine the “manufacturability” of a PCB board. A PCB manufacturer may give you a set of minimums and you can fill them in, in this tool and check them. It uses Python multiprocessing therefore using all the available cores that your processor has. It will display also a set of violations coordinates. You can select a set of coordinates, do CTRL+C, and when you actually press the key J with the Plot Area window in focus, the copied values will be prefilled in the box and you can jump to the location where the violation happen. Actually it will jump to the mid point between the offending features. - a Dark mode (theme). Well it is not a whole dark mode but only for the Plot Area. It will reboot automatically the app upon selection of a new mode. - a possible selection between a Little mouse cursor (as it used to be) and a BIG one (infinite lines). Edit -> Preferences -> General -> GUI Settings -> Mouse Cursor. The change is immediate. - two new types of FlatCAM objects: FlatCAM Script and FLatCAM Document. Basically it allow for those to be saved into the FlatCAM object. The FlatCAM Document objects can be used to leave notes into a project. In the Selected tab of those Document objects there are some tools to choose Fonts, Colors, Sizes, selection color, alignment. The FlatCAM document is used also by the Rules Check Tool to display the report. It also allow now to have simultaneously displayed multiple source codes for the loaded objects, a GCode, a FlatCAM script and so on. Before only one could be seen at a time. - a new Tool: Min Distance Tool What it will do? It will find the minimum distance between any two features you select: perhaps two Gerber objects, or two apertures in the Gerber editor or two drills in the Excellon Editor … It's a way to make a more precise measurement, especially when round shapes are involved - started to use SpinBoxes all around the app. It will enforce certain rules, like eliminating the issue of entering letters where only numbers should be entered or entering float numbers or only integers are required. It will also automatically convert the comma used as decimal separator to the dot used as decimal separator, seamlessly. It will force negative numbers where only negative numbers should be used (like Cut Z). - some GUI changes, like adding a new menu named Objects where each object loaded in FlatCAM will create a menu entry. Useful when working in FullScreen. A button in the Menu to toggle the notebook (left side of the app). Some other things, too. - added ability to use a V-Shape tool starting from the Gerber Isolation - added a new Tool in the Geometry Editor named “Explode Polygons” which will make lines out of polygons. Opposed to Polygon Union tool. - in About FlatCAM I've added a new category named Attributions to comply with the requests from sites where I've downloaded free Icons to add link to their site - Mark area Tool in Gerber Editor can delete now the marked polygons (aperture geometry) and can clear also the markings - added a new Bookmark Manager in the Help Menu. It allow you to save some useful web link's directly in the app. - added support for key-based panning in 3D graphic engine. Moving the mouse wheel while pressing either CTRL or SHIFT will pan the plot area. - improved Gerber parser - dramatically improved the G-Code loading time (perhaps hundreds of times over). - cleaned the import modules all over. Who knows, may yield something better than new bugs ) - a whole load of bugs, old and new ones, solved And the log here: 18.10.2019 - finished the update on the Google translated Spanish translation. - updated the new objects icons for Gerber, Geometry and Excellon - small import problem fixed - RELEASE 8.98 17.10.2019 - fixed a bug in milling holes due of a message wrongly formatted - added an translator email address - finished the update on German Google translation. Part of it was corrected by Jens Karstedt - finished the update of the Romanian translation. - finished the Objects menu by adding the ability of actions to be checked so they will show the selected status of the objects and by adding to actions to (de)select all objects - fixed and optimized the click selection on canvas - fixed Gerber parsing for very simple Gerber files that have only one Polygon but many LPC zones - fixed SVG export; fix bug #327 - finished the update on French Google translation. 16.10.2019 - small update to Romanian translation files 15.10.2019 - adjusted the layout in NCC Tool - fixed bug in Panelization Tool for which in case of Excellon objects, the panel kept a reference to the source object which created issues when moving or disabling/enabling the plots - cleaned up the module imports throughout the app (the TclCommands are not yet verified) - removed the styling on the comboboxes cellWidget's in the Tool Tables - replaced some of the icons that did not looked Ok on the dark theme - added a new toolbar button for the Copy object functionality - changed the Panelize tool icon - corrected some strings 14.10.2019 - modified the result highlight color in Check Rules Tool - added the Check Rules Tool parameters to the unit conversion list - converted more of the Preferences entries to FCDoubleSpinner and FCSpinner - converted all ObjectUI entries to FCDoubleSpinner and FCSpinner - updated the translation files (~ 89% translation level) - changed the splash screen as it seems that FlatCAM beta will never be more than beta - changed some of the signals from returnPressed to editingFinished due of now using the SpinBoxes - fixed an issue that caused the impossibility to load a GCode file that contained the % symbol even when was loaded in a regular way from the File menu - re-added the CNC tool diameter entry for the CNCjob object in Selected tab.FCSpinner - since the CNCjob geometry creation is only useful for graphical purposes and have no impact on the GCode creation I have removed the cascaded union on the GCode geometry therefore speeding up the Gcode display by many factors (perhaps hundreds of times faster) - added a secondary link in the bookmark manager - fixed the bookmark manager order of bookmark links; first two links are always protected from deletion or drag-and-drop to other positions - fixed a whole load of PyQT signal problems generated by recent changes to the usage of SpinBoxes; added a signal returnPressed for the FCSpinner and for FCDoubleSpinner - fixed issue in Paint Tool where the first added tool was expected to have a float diameter but it was a string - updated the translation files to the latest state in the app 13.10.2019 - fixed a bug in the Merge functions - fixed the Export PNG function when using the 2D legacy graphic engine - added a new capability to toggle the grid lines for both graphic engines: menu link in View and key shortcut combo ALT+G - changed the grid colors for 3D graphic engine when in Dark mode - enhanced the Tool Film adding the Film adjustments and added the GUI in Preferences - set the GUI layout in Preferences for a new category named Tools 2 - added the Preferences for Check Rules Tool and for Optimal Tool and also updated the Film Tool to use the default settings in Preferences 12.10.2019 - fixed the Gerber Parser convert units unnecessary usage. The only units conversion should be done when creating the new object, after the parsing - more fixes in Rules Check Tool - optimized the Move Tool - added support for key-based panning in 3D graphic engine. Moving the mouse wheel while pressing the CTRL key will pan up-down and while pressing SHIFT key will pan left-right - fixed a bug in NCC Tool and start trying to make the App responsive while the NCC tool is run in a non-threaded way - fixed a GUI bug with the QMenuBar recently introduced 11.10.2019 - added a Bookmark Manager and a Bookmark menu in the Help Menu - added an initial support for rows drag and drop in FCTable in GUIElements; it crashes for CellWidgets for now, if CellWidgetsare in the table rows - fixed some issues in the Bookmark Manager - modified the Bookmark manager to be installed as a widget tab in Plot Area; fixed the drag & drop function for the table rows that have CellWidgets inside - marked in gray color the rows in the Bookmark Manager table that will populate the BookMark menu - made sure that only one instance of the BookmarkManager class is active at one time 10.10.2019 - fixed Tool Move to work only for objects that are selected but also plotted, therefore disabled objects will not be moved even if selected 9.10.2019 - updated the Rules Check Tool - solved some issues - made FCDoubleSpinner to use either comma or dot as a decimal separator - fixed the FCDoubleSpinner to only allow the amount of decimals already set with set_precision() - fixed ToolPanelize to use FCDoubleSpinner in some places 8.10.2019 - modified the FCSpinner and FCDoubleSpinner GUI elements such that the wheel event will not change the values inside unless there is a focus in the lineedit of the SpinBox - in Preferences General, Gerber, Geometry, Excellon, CNCJob sections made all the input fields of type SpinBox (where possible) - updated the Distance Tool utility geometry color to adapt to the dark theme canvas - Toggle Code Editor now works as expected even when the user is closing the Editor tab and not using the command Toggle Code Editor - more changes in Preferences GUI, replacing the FCEntries with Spinners - some small fixes in toggle units conversion - small GUI changes 7.10.2019 - fixed an conflict in a signal usage that was triggered by Tool SolderPaste when a new project was created - updated Optimal Tool to display both points coordinates that made a distance (and the minimum) not only the middle point (which is still the place where the jump happen) - added a dark theme to FlatCAM (only for canvas). The selection is done in Edit -> Preferences -> General -> GUI Settings - updated the .POT file and worked a bit in the romanian translation - small changes: reduced the thickness of the axis in 3D mode from 3 pixels to 1 pixel - made sure that is the text in the source file of a FlatCAMDocument is HTML is loaded as such - added inverted icons 6.10.2019 - remade the Mark area Tool in Gerber Editor to be able to clear the markings and also to delete the marked polygons (Gerber apertures) - working in adding to the Optimal Tool the rest of the distances found in the Gerber and the locations associated; added GUI - added display of the results for the Rules Check Tool in a formatted way - made the Rules Check Tool document window Read Only - made Excellon and Gerber classes from camlib into their own files in the flatcamParser folder - moved the ApertureMacro class from camlib to ParseGerber file - moved back the ApertureMacro class to camlib for now and made some import changes in the new ParseGerber and ParseExcellon classes - some changes to the tests - perhaps I will try adding a few tests in the future - changed the Jump To icon and reverted some changes to the parseGerber and ParseExcellon classes - updated Tool Optimal with display of all distances (and locations of the middle point between where they happen) found in the Gerber Object 5.10.2019 - remade the Tool Calculators to use the QSpinBox in order to simplify the user interaction and remove possible errors - remade: Tool Cutout, Tool 2Sided, Tool Image, Panelize Tool, NCC Tool, Paint Tool to use the QSpinBox GUI elements - optimized the Transformation Tool both in GUI and in functionality and replaced the entries with QSpinBox - fixed an issue with the tool table context menu in Paint Tool - made some changes in the GUI in Paint Tool, NCC Tool and SolderPaste Tool - changed some of the icons; added attributions for icons source in the About FlatCAM window - added a new tool in the Geometry Editor named Explode which is the opposite of Union Tool: it will explode the polygons into lines 4.10.2019 - updated the Film Tool and added the ability to generate Punched Positive films (holes in the pads) when a Gerber file is the film's source. The punch holes source can be either an Excellon file or the pads center - optimized Rules Check Tool so it runs faster when doing Copper 2 Copper rule - small GUI changes in Optimal Tool and in Film Tool - some PEP8 corrections - some code annotations to make it easier to navigate in the - fixed exit FullScreen with Escape key - added a new menu category in the MenuBar named 'Objects'. It will hold the objects found in the Project tab. Useful when working in FullScreen - disabled a log.debug in ObjectColection.get_by_name() - added a Toggle Notebook button named 'NB' in the QMenBar which toggle the notebook - in Gerber isolation section, the tool dia value is updated when changing from Circular to V-shape and reverse - in Tool Film, when punching holes in a positive film, if the resulting object geometry is the same as the source object geometry, the film will not ge generated - fixed a bug that when a Gerber object is edited and it has as solid_geometry a single Polygon, saving the result was failing due of len() function not working on a single Polygon - added the Distance Tool, Distance Min Tool, Jump To and Set Origin functions to the Edit Toolbar 3.10.2019 - previously I've added the initial layout for the FlatCAMDocument object - added more editing features in the Selected Tab for the FlatCAMDocument object 2.10.2019 - fixed bug in Geometry Editor that did not allow the copy of geometric elements - created a new class that holds all the Code Editor functionality and integrated as a Editor in FlatCAM, the location is in flatcamEditors folder - remade all the functions for view_source, scripts and view_code to use the new TextEditor class; now all the Code Editor tabs are being kept alive, before only one could be in an open state - changed the name of the new object FlatCAMNotes to a more general one FlatCAMDocument - changed the way a new FlatCAMScript object is made, the method that is processing the Tcl commands when the Run button is clicked is moved to the FlatCAMObj.FlatCAMScript() class - reused the Multiprocessing Pool declared in the App for the ToolRulesCheck() class - adapted the Project context menu for the new types of FLatCAM objects - modified the setup_recent_files to accommodate the new FlatCAM objects - made sure that when an FlatCAMScript object is deleted, it's associated Tab is closed - fixed the FlatCMAScript object saving when project is saved (loading a project with this script object is not working yet) - fixed the FlatCMAScript object when loading it from a project 1.10.2019 - fixed the FCSpinner and FCDoubleSpinner GUI elements to select all on first click and deselect on second click in the Spinbox LineEdit - for Gerber object in Selected Tab added ability to chose a V-Shape tool and therefore control the isolation better by adjusting the cut width of the isolation in function of the cut depth, tip width of the tool and the tip angle of the tool - when in Gerber UI is selected the V-Shape tool, all those parameters (tip dia, tip angle, tool_type = 'V' and cut Z) are transferred to the generated Geometry and prefilled in the Geoemtry UI - added a fix in the Gerber parser to work even when there is no information about zero suppression in the Gerber file - added new settings in Edit -> Preferences -> Gerber for Gerber Units and Gerber Zeros to be used as defaults in case that those informations are missing from the Gerber file - added new settings for the Gerber newly introduced feature to isolate with the V-Shape tools (tip dia, tip angle, tool_type and cut Z) in Edit -> Preferences -> Gerber Advanced - made those settings just added for Gerber, to be updated on object creation - added the Geo Tolerance parameter to those that are converted from MM to INCH - added two new FlatCAM objects: FlatCAMScript and FlatCAMNotes 30.09.2019 - modified the Distance Tool such that the number of decimals all over the tool is set in one place by the self.decimals - added a new tool named Minimum Distance Tool who will calculate the minimum distance between two objects; key shortcut: SHIFT + M - finished the Minimum Distance Tool in case of using it at the object level (not in Editors) - completed the Minimum Distance Tool by adding the usage in Editors - made the Minimum Distance Tool more precise for the Excellon Editor since in the Excellon Editor the holes shape are represented as a cross line but in reality they should be evaluated as circles - small change in the UI layout for Check Rules Tool by adding a new rule (Check trace size) - changed a tooltip in Optimal Tool - in Optimal Tool added display of how frequent that minimum distance is found - in Tool Distance and Tool Minimal Distance made the entry fields read-only - in Optimal Tool added the display of the locations where the minimum distance was detected - added support to use Multi Processing (multi core usage, not simple threading) in Rules Check Tool - in Rules Check Tool added the functionality for the following rules: Hole Size, Trace Size, Hole to Hole Clearance - in Rules Check Tool added the functionality for Copper to Copper Clearance - in Rules Check Tool added the functionality for Copper to Outline Clearance, Silk to Silk Clearance, Silk to Solder Mask Clearance, Silk to Outline Clearance, Minimum Solder Mask Sliver, Minimum Annular Ring - fixes to cover all possible situations for the Minimum Annular Ring Rule in Rules Check Tool - some fixes in Rules Check Tool and added a QSignal that is fired at the end of the job 29.09.2019 - work done for the GUI layout of the Rule Check Tool - setup signals in the Rules Check Tool GUI - changed the name of the Measurement Tool to Distance Tool. Moved it's location to the Edit Menu - added Angle parameter which is continuously updated to the Distance Tool 28.09.2019 - changed the icon for Open Script and reused it for the Check Rules Tool - added a new tool named "Optimal Tool" which will determine the minimum distance between the copper features for a Gerber object, in fact determining the maximum diameter for a isolation tool that can be used for a complete isolation - fixed the ToolMeasurement geometry not being displayed - fixed a bug in Excellon Editor that crashed the app when editing the first tool added automatically into a new black Excellon file - made sure that if the big mouse cursor is selected, the utility geometry in Excellon Editor has a thicker line width (2 pixels now) so it is visible over the geometry of the mouse cursor - fixed issue #319 where generating a CNCJob from a geometry made with NCC Tool made the app crash; also #328 which is the same - replaced in FlatCAM Tools and in and in Editors all references to hardcoded decimals in string formats for tools with a variable declared in the __init__() - fixed a small bug that made app crash when the splash screen is disabled: it was trying to close it without being open 27.09.2019 - optimized the toggle axis command - added possibility of using a big mouse cursor or a small mouse cursor. The big mouse cursor is made from 2 infinite lines. This was implemented for both graphic engines - added ability to change the cursor size when the small mouse cursor is selected in Preferences -> General - removed the line that remove the spaces from the path parameter in the Tcl commands that open something (Gerber, Gcode, Excellon) - fixed issue with the old SysTray icon not hidden when the application is restarted programmatically - if an object is edited but the result is not saved, the app will reload the edited object UI and set the Selected tab as active - made the mouse cursor (big, small) change in real time for both graphic engines - started to work on a new FlatCAM tool: Rules Check - created the GUI for the Rule Check Tool - if there are (x, y) coordinates in the clipboard, when launching the "Jump to" function, those coordinates will be preloaded in the Dialog box. - when the combo SHIFT + LMB is executed there is no longer a deselection of objects - when the "Jump to" function is called, the mouse cursor (if active) will be moved to the new position and the screen position labels will be updated accordingly Editat Octombrie 19, 2019 de mars01 1 Link spre comentariu
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