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Daca frezez din doua treceri conturul traseelor, prima trecere cu freza de 0.2 iar a doua trecere vreau sa o fac cu freza de 0.4 cum procedez? adica pot sa dau "offset 0.2" de undeva pentru a doua trecere? In idea ca a doua trecere sa nu se suprapuna peste prima.....

Folosesc tot varianta 8.95.

Editat de nickrvl
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Acum 4 ore, nickrvl a spus:

Daca frezez din doua treceri conturul traseelor, prima trecere cu freza de 0.2 iar a doua trecere vreau sa o fac cu freza de 0.4 cum procedez? adica pot sa dau "offset 0.2" de undeva pentru a doua trecere? In idea ca a doua trecere sa nu se suprapuna peste prima.....

Folosesc tot varianta 8.95.



Editezi geometria rezultata la pasul 1 si aplici Buffer Tool din Editorul de Geometrii cu o valoare de 0.2mm.

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Daca dau buffer 0.4 sa zicem genereza insa doar exterior, la interior cu toate ca este loc nu se deplaseaza..... se pare ca urmareste strict contur exterior si patrunde doar daca e rost mai mic de 0.4 intre trasee.


Editat de nickrvl
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Totusi...... in Gerber Object g.thumb.jpg.ebdd2da5674227da6c149939eb5577c9.jpg atunci cand cream o geometrie, nu se poate insera optiune de offset? 

Adica vreau sa utilizez doua freze de diametre diferit, prima de 0.2 pentru prima trecere pe linga trasee pentru a patrunde "peste tot" si a doua de 0.4 cu offset de 0.4 pentru viteza de lucru mai mare, poate chiar si a treia de 1....

Programul deja e capabil sa execute mai multe treceri succesive cea ce este minunat dar acest avantaj e diminuat de aceasta problema.... 

Pot obtine acest "offset" din programul de creat pcb in sensul ca pot crea o zona de cupru cat pcb-ul de mare la distanta de cat vreau eu fata de trasee dar nu e un avantaj deoarece FlatCAM sau oricare alt program face toata frezarea cu aceasi freza de start adica de 0.2 in acest caz, deci din nou se pierde timp.

Acest offset ar ajuta mult mult de tot, la cablaje THT nu ar fi atat de evident ajutorul data fiind dimensiunea/scala la care se lucreaza insa la SMD-uri ar fi excelent.


       Cu scuze ca tot pun intrebari ciudate sau imposibile insa vorbesc din experienta unde ma cramponez de multe pcb-uri SMD, sau poate din punctul de vedere al utilizatorului pretentios ?  :)


In rest numai de bine!

Editat de nickrvl
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Nu am verificat dar poti incerca urmatoarele:

Poti crea mai multe Geometrii de izolare. Una cu tool cu dia 0.2, alta cu tool cu dia 0.4 samd.

La final, ca sa ai un singur fisier geometrie poti sa faci Join (Menu Edit -> Conversions -> Join Geo/Gerber/Exc -> Geo).

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Acum 13 minute, mars01 a spus:


Poti crea mai multe Geometrii de izolare. Una cu tool cu dia 0.2, alta cu tool cu dia 0.4 samd.


Exact aceasta ma intereseaza insa problema e ca a doua trecere/a doua geometrie, cea cu 0.4, va trece si peste frezarea cu 0.2 adica in total fata de traseele cablajului nu voi avea 0.2 + 0.4 = 0.6 mm frezati ci voi avea doar 0.4 mm frezati.

Poate ca a doua geometrie sa o "exagerez" adica sa "pacalesc" programul....... , sa fac prima geometrie pentru 0.2 iar la doua geometrie/trecere sa pun in masina freza de 0.4 dar sa scriu in program (Tool dia:) 0.8......   haaammm, e si asta o ide.... cred ca va merge asa...... teoretic ar trebui sa iasa latimea totala frezata = 0.6



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Se poate face ce vrei tu in felul urmator:

1. Creezi o Geometrie de izolare cu dia = 0.2

2. Apoi, in tabul Selected al Geometriei rezultate, adaugi un tool nou cu dia = 0.4 si in tabela de tool-uri alegi noua unealta si setezi un Offset Custom din coloana Offset.

3. Apoi in campul Tool offset care devine vizibil dupa selectie, adaugi un offset de 0.2.

4. Ai grija apoi sa setezi toate valorile cum trebuie (la adaugarea unui tool nou se copiaza valorile tool-ului precendent) si mergi mai departe spre generarea de G-Code.


Singura problema este ca daca la prima izolare, programul se asigura ca nu se taie absolut nici-un traseu prin izolare, atunci cand adaugi un tool nou cu un offset custom numai exista nici-o verificare, practic se face la propria evaluare. E posibil ca G-code-ul facut de unealta 2 sa taie in cupru-ul util daca spatiile nu sunt suficiente intre trasee.

Editat de mars01
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FlatCAM 8.97


Download link 32bit aici.

Download link 64bit aici.

Download link surse (Linux, OS X) aici.


Ce este nou:

Foarte multe si este prea mult de scris ca sa traduc ce am scris deja in lb engleza.

Asa ca aveti mai jos ce este nou:



I will list here only the most important things. For the rest look in the log below.


1. FlatCAM has now a 2D graphic engine option. Practically I've ported the low-performance graphic engine from FlatCAM 8.5 and adapted it to FlatCAM 8.97. Why? Because some of the users use a too old graphic card which is not working with the 3D engine of FlatCAM 8.9x. Now, those users can use FlatCAM 8.97.

Look for it in the Edit -> Preferences -> General -> App. Preferences -> Graphic Engine

This porting made me make a lot of changes under the hood and exposed some things that were not done correctly and I fixed them.


2. I've remade big chunks of the cam functions so now the Tcl Commands are back and capable.

I've also added new Tcl Commands like: Copper Clearing, remade the Paint Tcl Command, remade the CNCJob and DrillCncJob to work multi-geo geometries (like the ones generated by the copper clear or by Paint tools – or the equivalent tcl commands. Added some new Tcl Commands like: Quit-FlatCAM which may be useful when running Fl atCAM headless ) or MillDrills or MillSlots or Bounds.

The Tcl command Bounds may be used to get the object dimensions inside a Tcl script and that may be useful when using Tcl commands like Offset.


3. FLatCAM can now run HeadLess. Meaning that it will run in background without GUI, perhaps crunching some juicy FlatCAM Tcl script and then spitting your GCode files and after that safely closing itself by using the Tcl Command quit_flatcam.


4. There are new GUI features. A SplashScreen so now the app will start when it's completely ready. And I think it's nice.

A SysTray icon with a small menu. Basicallly it will be useful when running FlatCAM headless perhaps. Or perhaps not. Of course both of this can be turned off in Preferences if you like.


5. FlatCAM is now associated with all your Gerber, Excellon, GCode files. In Windows. [[[Sorry Linux/Mac guys but it is a bit too much for me to do it in Linux. ]]]

That means that double clicking a Gerber/Excellon file will open it in FlatCAM. Double clicking another one will open the file in the same window and not in a new FlatCAM instance. That took some doing but it's done.


There is a new Tab in Preferences Tab named UTILITIES. There you can delete those file associations if you don't like them. Or add some new extensions. Or delete one of them.

I've left the .TXT not associated although many Excellon's are like that. But .TXT is used for many other things and I like it opened by the NotePad++ )


6. Fixed crashes in Properties Tool


7. Heavily remade the NCC Tool and the Paint Tool. New capabilities there, fixed issues. Test them or read below about them because it's too much to write.

PS: I would advise to at least change once the new visibility thing for NCC Tool and/or Paint from Normal -> Progressive. It's nice to see real time the Painting process.


8. Added percentage in the Status bar wherever was possible. It's nice to see the nice activity GIF's (replaced the old one, it was a bit outdated, with a selection of new ones – again setting them is in the Edit -> Preferences) but it's nicer to see some kind of progress especially for the processes that take time.


9. Added a key combo (CTRL + ALT + X) that in most cases will abort the current process. Sometime the program may look stuck or we want to change something so we don't have to wait so much … CTRL + ALT +X and your're back in business.


10. Gerber files can be loaded without buffering. May be interesting for some because the load time are 10 times faster. But for almost any operations there is still the need for buffering. Which can now be done after the load without the buffering. The option will be in Gerber Selected tab but only for the case when the file is loaded without buffering (setting for that in … Edit -> Preferences -> Gerber -> Gerber ADv Options).


11. Gerber and Excellon edited files will have the source file stored and accessible with the right click on Project View entry and View Source click.


12. The Script Editor (Menu -> File -> Scripting -> New TCL Script) has the ability to run the script fro the window


13. There is a new —shellvar argument for FlatCAM at startup. The list of arguments separated by comma but no spaces will be loaded into the TCL and accessible in a TCL script as shellvar0, shellvar1, etc in order.


14. The TSA drill path optimization algorithm is now available in the 64bit version too. There was no reason to keep it only for the 32bit version of FlatCAM. Although the 32bit version can use only the TSA algorithm.


15. IMPORTANT. Until now, only the geometries generated by isolating Gerber files can have the ability to select the kind of GCode will be generated. With milling type Climb or with milling type Conventional. Climb offer better quality but only if your CNC does not have backlash. If it has backlash use the Conventional milling type: lower quality but at least it is not affected by backlash.

Anyway. Now, any geometry that is edited will be modified upon saving so it will generate Gcode with Climb or COnventional modes as set in the Edit -> Preferences -> Geometry -> Geometry Editor -> Milling Type.

No matter what Spindle Direction you set in there, the Climb vs Conventional milling type will be still be the one selected.


16. Added new GOOGLE-TRANSLATED awful French Translation.


17. Many, many bug fixes.


And now, the log.




- added a Copy All button in the Code Editor, clicking this button will copy all text in the editor to the clipboard

- added a ‘Milling Type’ radio button in Geometry Editor Preferences to contorl the type of geometry will be generated in the Geo Editor (for conventional milling or for the climb milling)

- added the functionality to allow climb/conventional milling selection for the geometry created in the Geometry Editor

- now any Geometry that is edited in Geometry editor will have coordinates ordered such that the resulting Gcode will allow the selected milling type in the ‘Milling Type’ radio button in Geometry Editor Preferences (which depends also of the spindle direction)

- some strings update

- French Google-translation at 100%

- German Google-translation update to 100%

- updated the other languages and the .POT file

- changed some strings (that should not have been included for translation) and updated language files and the .POT file

- fixed issue when rebooting from within in cxfreezed state (it issued a startup arg with the path to FlatCAM.exe but that triggered the last sys.exit(2) that I had in the App.argsatstartup())

- modified the makewin script for the presence of MatPlotLib




- French translation at 33%

- fixed the ‘Jump To’ function to work in legacy graphic engine

- in legacy graphic engine fixed the mouse cursor shape when grid snapping is ON, such that it fits with the shape from the OpenGL graphic engine

- in legacy graphic engine fixed the axis toggle

- French Google-translation at 48%




- fixed the fullscreen method to show the application window in fullscreen wherever the mouse pointer it is therefore on the screen we are working on; before it was showing always on the primary screen

- fixed to include the matplotlib package required by the Legacy (2D) graphic engine

- in legacy graphic engine, fixed issue where immediately after changing the mouse cursor snapping the mouse cursor shape was not updated

- in legacy graphic engine, fixed issue where while zooming the mouse cursor shape was not updated

- in legacy graphic engine, fixed issue where immediately after panning finished the mouse cursor shape was not updated

- unfortunately the fix for issue where while zooming the mouse cursor shape was not updated braked something in way that Matplotlib work with PyQt5, therefore I removed it

- fixed a bug in legacy graphic engine: when doing the in newproject an app crash occurred

- implemented the Annotation change in CNCJob Selected Tab for the legacy graphic engine




- in legacy graphic engine, fixed bug that made the old object disappear when a new object was loaded

- in legacy graphic engine, fixed bug that crashed the app when creating a new project

- in legacy graphic engine, fixed a bug that when deleting an object all objects where deleted

- added a new TclCommand named “setorigin” which will set the origin for all loaded objects to zero if the -auto True argument is used and to a certain x,y location if the format is: setorigin 5,7

- added a new TclCommand named “bounds” which will return a list of bounds values from a supplied list of objects names. For use in Tcl Scripts

- updated strings in the translations and the .POT file

- added the new keywords to the default keywords list

- fixed the FullScreen option not working for the 3D graphic engine (due bug of Qt5 when OpenGL window is fullscreen) by creating a sort of fullscreen

- added a final fix that allow full coverage of the screen in FullScreen in Windows and still the menus are working

- optimized the Gerber mark shapes display

- fixed a color format bug in Tool Move for 3D engine

- made sure that when the Tool Move is used on a Gerber file with mark shapes active, those mark shapes are deleted before the actual move

- in legacy graphic engine, fixed issue with Delete shortcut key trying to delete twice

- 26% in Google-translated French translation and updated some strings too




- fixed zoom directions legacy graphic engine (previous commit)

- fixed display of MultiGeo geometries in legacy graphic engine

- fixed Paint tool to work in legacy graphic engine

- fixed CutOut Tool to work in legacy graphic engine

- fixed display of distance labels and code optimizations in ToolPaint and NCC Tool

- adjusted axis at startup for legacy graphic engine plotcanvas

- when the graphic engine is changed in Edit -> Preferences -> General -> App Preferences, the application will restart

- made hover shapes work in legacy graphic engine

- fixed bug in display of the apertures marked in the Aperture table found in the Gerber Selected tab and through this made it to also work with the legacy graphic engine

- fixed annotation in Mark Area Tool in Gerber Editor to work in legacy graphic engine

- fixed the MultiColor plot option Gerber selected tab to work in legacy graphic engine

- documented some methods in the ShapeCollectionLegacy class

- updated the files: and requirements.txt

- some strings changed to be easier for translation

- updated the .POT file and the translation files

- updated and corrected the Romanian and Spanish translations

- updated the .PO files for the rest of the translations, they need to be filled in.

- fixed crash when trying to set a workspace in FlatCAM in the Legacy engine 2D mode by disabling this function for the case of 2D mode

- fixed exception when trying to Fit View (shortcut key ‘V’) with no object loaded, in legacy graphic engine




- fixed Measuring Tool in legacy graphic engine

- fixed Gerber plotting in legacy graphic engine

- fixed Geometry plotting in legacy graphic engine

- fixed CNCJob and Excellon plotting in legacy graphic engine

- in legacy graphic engine fixed the travel vs cut lines in CNCJob objects

- final fix for key shortcuts with modifier in legacy graphic engine

- refactored some of the code in the legacy graphic engine

- fixed drawing of selection box when dragging mouse on screen and the selection shape drawing on the selected objects

- fixed the moving drawing shape in Tool Move in legacy graphic engine

- fixed moving geometry in Tool Measurement in legacy graphic engine

- fixed Geometry Editor to work in legacy graphic engine

- fixed Excellon Editor to work in legacy graphic engine

- fixed Gerber Editor to work in legacy graphic engine

- fixed NCC tool to work in legacy graphic engine




- final fix for the —shellvar having spaces within the assigned value; now they are retained

- legacy graphic engine – made the mouse events work (click, release, doubleclick, dragging)

- legacy graphic engine – made the key events work (simple or with modifiers)

- legacy graphic engine – made the mouse cursor work (enabled/disabled, position report); snapping is not moving the cursor yet

- made the mouse cursor snap to the grid when grid snapping is active

- changed the axis color to the one used in the OpenGL graphic engine

- work on ShapeCollectionLegacy

- fixed mouse cursor to work for all objects

- fixed event signals to work in both graphic engines: 2D and 3D




- made sure that if FlatCAM is registered with a file extension that it does not recognize it will exit

- added some fixes in the the file extension detection

- added some status messages for the Tcl script related methods

- made sure that optionally, when a script is run then it is also loaded into the code editor

- added control over the display of Sys Tray Icon in Edit -> Preferences -> General -> GUI Settings -> Sys Tray Icon checkbox

- updated some of the default values to more reasonable ones

- FlatCAM can be run in HEADLESS mode now. This mode can be selected by using the —headless=1 command line argument or by changing the line headless=False to True in config/configuration.txt file. In this mod the Sys Tray Icon menu will hold only the Run Scrip menu entry and Exit entry.

- added a new TclCommand named quitflatcam which will … quit FlatCAM from Tcl Shell or from a script

- fixed the command line argument —shellvar to work when there are spaces in the argument value

- fixed bug in Gerber editor that did not allow to display all shapes after it encountered one shape without ‘solid’ geometry

- fixed bug in Gerber Editor -> selection area handler where if some of the selected shapes did not had the ‘solid’ geometry will silently abort selection of further shapes

- added new control in Edit -> Preferences -> General -> Gui Preferences -> Activity Icon. Will select a GIF from a selection, the one used to show that FlatCAM is working.

- changed the script icon to a smaller one in the sys tray menu

- fixed bug with losing the visibility of toolbars if at first startup the user tries to change something in the Preferences before doing a first save of Preferences

- changed a bit the splash PNG file

- moved all the GUI Preferences classes into it's own file

- changed the default method for Paint Tool to ‘all’




- added more functionality to the Extension registration with FLatCAM and added to the GUI in Edit -> Preferences -> Utilities

- fixed the parsing of the Manufacturing files when double clicking them and they are registered with FlatCAM

- fixed showing the GUI when some settings (maximizedGUI) are missing from QSettings

- added sys tray menu

- added possibility to edit the custom keywords used by the autocompleter (in Tcl Shell and in the Code Editor). It is done in the Edit -> Preferences -> Utilities

- added a new setting in Edit -> Preferences -> General -> GUI Settings -> Textbox Font which control the font on the Textbox GUI elements

- fixed issue with the sys tray icon not hiding after application close

- added option to run a script from the context menu of the sys tray icon. Changed the color of the sys tray icon to a green one so it will be visible on light and dark themes




- added more programmers that contributed to FlatCAM over the years, in the “About FlatCAM” -> Programmers window

- fixed issue #315 where a script run with the —shellfile argument crashed the program if it contained a TclCommand New

- added messages in the Splash Screen when running FlatCAM with arguments at startup

- fixed issue #313 where TclCommand drillcncjob is spitting errors in Tcl Shell which should be ignored

- fixed an bug where the pywrapcp name from Google OR-Tools is not defined; fix issue #316

- if FlatCAM is started with the ‘quit’ or ‘exit’ as argument it will close immediately and it will close also another instance of FlatCAM that may be running

- added a new command line parameter for FlatCAM named ‘—shellvars’ which can load a text file with variables for Tcl Shell in the format: one variable assignment per line and looking like: ‘a=3’ without quotes

- made —shellvars into —shellvar and make it only one list of commands passed to the Tcl. The list is separated by comma but without spaces. The variables are accessed in Tcl with the names shellvarx where x is the index in the list of command comma separated values

- fixed an issue in the TclShell that generated an exception IndexError which crashed the software

- fixed the —shellvar and —shellfile FlatCAM arguments to work together but the —shellvar has precedence over —shellfile as it is most likely that whatever variable set by —shellvar will be used in the script file run by —shellfile




- modified the TclCommand New so it will no longer close all tabs when called (it closed the Code Editor tab which may have been holding the code that run)

- fixed the App.onviewsource() method for CNCJob objects: the Gcode will now contain the Prepend and Append code from the Edit -> Preferences -> CNCJob -> CNCJob Options

- added a new parameter named ‘muted’ for the TclCommands: cncjob, drillcncjob and writegcode. Setting it as -muted 1 will disable the error reporting in TCL Shell

- some GUI optimizations

- more GUI optimizations related to being part of the Advanced category or not

- added possibility to change the positive SVG exported file color in Tool Film

- fixed some issues recently introduced in the TclCommands CNCJob, DrillCNCJob and writegcode; changed some parameters names

- fixed issue in the Laser postprocessor where the laser was turned on as soon as the GCode started creating an unwanted cut up until the job start

- added new links in Menu -> Help (Excellon, Gerber specifications and a Report Bug)

- made the splashscreen to be showed on the current monitor on systems with multiple monitors

- added a new entry in Menu -> View -> Redraw All which is doing what the name says: redraw all loaded objects

- fixed issue where in TCl Shell the Windows paths were not understood due of backslash symbol understood as escape symbol instead of path separator

- made sure that in for the TclCommand cncjob and for the drillcncjob if one of the args is stated but no value then the value used will be the default one

- made available the TSA algorithm for drill path optimization when the used OS is 64bit. When used OS is 32bit the only available algorithm is TSA




- refactored FlatCAMGeometry.mtoolgencncjob() method

- fixed the TclCommandCncjob to work for multigeometry Geometry objects; still I had to fix the list of tools parameter, right now I am setting it to an empty list

- update the Tcl Command isolate to be able to isolate exteriors, interiors besides the full isolation, using the isotype parameter

- fixed issue in ToolPaint that could not allow area painting of a geometry that was a list and not a Geometric element (polygon or MultiPolygon)

- fixed UI showing before the initialization of FlatCAM is finished when the last state of GUI was maximized

- finished updating the TclCommand cncjob to work for multi-geo Geometry objects with the parameters from the args

- fixed the TclCommand cncjob to use the -outname parameter

- added some more keywords in the datamodel for auto-completer

- fixed isolate TclCommand to use correctly the -outname parameter

- added possibility to see the GCode when right clicking on the Project tab on a CNCJob object and then clicking View Source

- added a new TclCommand named PlotObjects which will plot a list of FlatCAM objects

- made that after opening an object in FlatCAM it is not automatically plotted. If the user wants to plot it can use the TclCommands PlotAll or PlotObjects

- modified the TclCommands so that open files do not plot the opened files automatically

- made all TclCommands not to be plotted automatically

- made sure that all TclCommands are not threaded

- added new TclCommands: NewExcellon, NewGerber

- fixed the TclCommand openproject

- added the outname parameter (and established an default name when outname not used) for the AlignDrillGrid and AlignDrill TclCommands

- fixed Scripts repeating multiple time when the Code Editor is used. This repetition was correlated with multiple openings of the Code Editor window (especially after an error)

- added the autocomplete keywords that can be changed to the defaults dictionary




- more string changes

- updated translation files

- fixed a small bug

- minor changes in the Code Editor GUI

- minor changes in the ‘FlatCAM About’ GUI

- added a new shortcut key F5 for doing the ‘Plot All’

- updated the google-translated Spanish translation strings

- fixed the layouts to include toolbars breaks where it was needed

- whenever the user changes the Excellon format values for loading files, the Export Excellon Format values will be updated

- made optional the behavior of Excellon Export values following the values in the Excellon Loading section

- updated the translations (except RU) and the POT file

- added to the NonCopperClear.clearcopper() a parameter to be able to run it non-threaded




- added control for simplification when loading a Gerber file in Preferences -> Gerber -> Gerber General -> Simplify

- added some messages for the Edit -> Conversions -> Join methods() to make sure that there are at least 2 objects selected for join

- added a grid layout in onabout()

- upgraded the Script Editor to be able to run Tcl commands in batches

- added some ToolTips for the buttons in the Code Editor

- converted the big strings that hold the shortcut keys descriptions to smaller string to make translations easier

- fixed some of the strings that were left in the old way

- updated the POT file

- updated Romanian language partially

- added a new way to handle scripts with repeating Tcl commands

- added new buttons in the Tools toolbar for running, opening and adding new scripts

- finished the Romanian translation update and updated the POT file




- small changes in the TclCommands: MillDrills, MillSlots, DrillCNCJob: the new parameter for tolerance is now named: diatol

- cleaned up the ‘About FlatCAM’ window, started to give credits for the translation team

- started to add an application splash screen

- now, Excellon and Gerber edited objects will have the sourcecode updated and ready to be saved

- the edited Gerber (or Excellon) object now is kept in the app after editing and the edited object is a new object

- added a message to the splash screen

- remade the splash screen to show multiple messages on app initialization

- added a new splash image

- added a control in Preferences -> General -> GUI Settings -> Splash Screen that control if the splash screen is shown at startup




- added the Gerber code as source for the panelized object in Panelize Tool

- whenever a Gerber file is deleted, the markshapes objects are deleted also

- made faster the Gerber parser for the case of having a not valid geometry when loading a Gerber file without buffering

- updated code in self.onviewsource() to make it more responsive

- fixed the TclCommand MillHoles

- changed the name of TclCommand MillHoles to MillDrills and added a new TclCommand named MillSlots

- modified the MillDrills and MillSlots TclCommands to accept as parameter a list of tool diameters to be milled instead of tool indexes

- fixed issue #302 where a copied object lost all the tools

- modified the TclCommand DrillCncJob to have as parameter a list of tool diameters to be drilled instead of tool indexes

- updated the Spanish translation (Google-translation)

- added a new parameter in the TclCommands: DrillCNCJob, MillDrills, MillSlots named tol (from tolerance). If the diameters of the milled (drilled) dias are within the tolerance specified of the diameters in the Excellon object than those diameters will be processed. This is to help account for rounding errors when having units conversion




- made isolation threaded

- fixed a small typo in TclCommandCopperCLear

- made changing the Plot kind in CNCJob selected tab, threaded

- fixed an object used before declaring it in NCC Tool – Area option

- added progress for the generation of Isolation geometry

- added progress and possibility of graceful exit in Panel Tool

- added graceful exit possibility when creating Isolation

- changed the workers thread priority back to Normal

- when disabling plots, if the selection shape is visible, it will be deleted

- small changes in Tool Panel (eliminating some deepcopy() calls)

- made sure that all the progress counters count to 100%




- changed the triangulation type in VisPyVisuals for ShapeCollectionVisual class

- added a setting in Preferences -> Gerber -> Gerber General named Buffering. If set to ‘no’ the Gerber objects load a lot more faster (perhaps 10 times faster than when set to ‘full’) but the visual look is not so great as all the aperture polygons can be seen

- added for NCC Tool and Paint Tool a setting in the Preferences -> Tools —> (NCC Tool/ Paint Tool) that can set a progressive plotting (plot shapes as they are processed)

- some fixes in Paint Tool when done over the Gerber objects in case that the progressive plotting is selected

- some fixes in Gerber isolation in case that the progressive plotting is selected; added a ‘Buffer solid geometry’ button shown only when progressive plotting for Gerber object is selected. It will buffer the entire geometry of the object and plot it, in a threaded way.

- modified file to the new string format that will allow easier translations

- modified, and files to the new string format that will allow easier translations

- updated the POT file and the German language

- fixed issue when loading unbuffered a Gerber file that has negative regions

- fixed Panelize Tool to save the aperture geometries into the panel apertures. Also made the tool faster by removing the buffering at the end of the job

- modified FlatCAMEditor's files to the new string format that will allow easier translations

- updated POT file and the Romanian translation




- added some documentation strings for methods in FlatCAMApp.App class

- removed some @pyqtSlot() decorators as they interfere with the current way the program works




- added a method to gracefully exit from threaded tasks and implemented it for the NCC Tool and for the Paint Tool

- modified the onabout() function to reflect the reality in 2019 – FlatCAM it is an Open Source contributed software

- remade the handlers for the Enable/Disable Project Tree context menu so they are threaded and activity is shown in the lower right corner of the main window

- added to GUI new options for the Gerber object related to area subtraction

- added new feature in the Gerber object isolation allowing for the isolation to avoid an area defined by another object (Gerber or Geometry)

- all transformation functions show now the progress (rotate, mirror, scale, offset, skew)

- made threaded the Offset and Scale operations found in the Selected tab of the object

- corrected some issues and made Move Tool to show correctly when it is plotting and when it is offsetting the objects position

- made Set Origin feature, threaded

- updated German language translation files

- separated the Plotting thread from the transformations threads




- remade visibility threaded

- reimplemented the thread listening for new FlatCAM process starting with args so it is no longer subclassed but using the moveToThread function

- added percentage display for work done in NCC Tool

- added percentage display for work done in Paint Tool

- some fixes and prepared the activity monitor area to receive updated texts

- added progress display in status bar for generating CNCJob from Excellon objects

- added progress display in status bar for generating CNCJob from Geometry objects

- modified all the FlatCAM tools strings to the new format in which the status is no longer included in the translated strings to make it easier for the future translations

- more customization for the progress display in case of NCC Tool, Paint Tool and for the Gcode generation

- updated POT file with the new strings

- made the objects offset (therefore the Move Tool) show progress display




- fixed issue with loading files at start-up

- fixed issue with generating bounding box geometry for CNCJob objects

- added some more infobar messages and log.debug

- increased the priority for the worker tasks

- hidden the configuration for G91 coordinates due of deciding to leave this development for another time; it require too much refactoring

- added some messages for the G-code generation so the user know in which stage the process is




- started to work on support for G91 in Gcode (relative coordinates)

- added support for G91 coordinates

- working in plotting the CNCjob generated with G91 coordinates




- in NCC tool there is now a depth of cut parameter named ‘Cut Z’ which will dictate how deep the tool will enter into the PCB material

- in NCC tool added possibility to choose between the type of tools to be used and when V-shape is used then the tool diameter is calculated from the desired depth of cut and from the V-tip parameters

- small changes in NCC tool regarding the usage of the V-shape tool

- fixed the isolation distance in NCC Tool for the tools with isoop type

- in NCC Tool now the Area adding is continuous until RMB is clicked (no key modifier is needed anymore)

- fixed German language translation

- in NCC Tool added a warning in case there are isolation tools and if those isolation's are interrupted by an area or a box

- in Paint Tool made that the area selection is repeated until RMB click

- in Paint Tool and NCC Tool fixed the RMB click detection when Area selection is used

- finished the work on file extensions registration with FlatCAM. If the file extensions are deleted in the Preferences -> File Associations then those extensions are unregistered with FlatCAM

- fixed bug in NCC Tools and in SolderPaste Tool if in Edit -> Preferences only one tool is entered

- fixed bug in camblib.clearpolygon3() which caused that some copper clearing / paintings were not complete (some polygons were not processed) when the Straight Lines method was used

- some changes in NCC Tools regarding of the clearing itself




- fixed issue in NCC Tool when using area option

- added formatting for some strings in the app strings, making the future translations easier

- made changes in the Excellon Tools Table to make it more clear that the tools are selected in the # column and not in the Plot column

- in Excellon and Gerber Selected tab made the Plot (mark) columns not selectable

- some ToolTips were modified

- in Properties Tool made threaded the calculation of convexhull area and also made it to work for multi-geo objects

- in NCC tool the type of tool that is used is transferred to the Geometry object

- in NCC tool the type of isolation done with the tools selected as isolation tools can now be selected and it has also an Edit -> Preferences entry

- in Properties Tool fixed the dimensions calculations (length, width, area) to work for multi-geo objects




- fixed open handlers

- fixed issue in NCC Tool where the tool table context menu could be installed multiple times

- added new ability to create simple isolation's in the NCC Tool

- fixed an issue when multi depth step is larger than the depth of cut




- made FlatCAM so that whenever an associated file is double clicked, if there is an opened instance of FlatCAM, the file will be opened in the first instance without launching a new instance of FlatCAM. If FlatCAM is launched again it will spawn a new process (hopefully it will work when freezed).




- added support for file associations with FlatCAM, for Windows




- initial add of a new Tcl Command named CopperClear

- remade the NCC Tool in preparation for the newly added TclCommand CopperClear

- finished adding the TclCommandCopperClear that can be called with alias: ‘ncc’

- added new capability in NCC Tool when the reference object is of Gerber type and fixed some newly introduced errors

- fixed issue #298. The changes in postprocessors done in Preferences dis not update the object UI layout as it was supposed to. The selection of Marlin postproc. did not unhidden the Feedrate Rapids entry.

- fixed minor issues

- fixed Tcl Command AddPolygon, AddPolyline

- fixed Tcl Command CncJob

- fixed crash due of Properties Tool trying to have a convex hull area on FlatCAMCNCJob objects which is not possible due of their nature

- modified Tcl Command SubtractRectangle

- fixed and modernized the Tcl Command Scale to be able to scale on X axis or on Y axis or on both and having as scale reference either the (0, 0) point or the minimum point of the bounding box or the center of the bounding box.

- fixed and modernized the Tcl Command Skew




- modified CutOut Tool so now the manual gaps adding will continue until the user is clicking the RMB

- added ability to turn on/off the grid snapping and to jump to a location while in CutOut Tool manual gap adding action

- made PlotCanvas class inherit from VisPy Canvas instead of creating an instance of it (work of JP)

- fixed selection by dragging a selection shape in Geometry Editor

- modified the Paint Tool. Now the Single Polygon and Area/Reference Object painting works with multiple tools too. The tools have to be selected in the Tool Table.

- remade the TclCommand Paint to work in the new configuration of the the app (the painting functions are now in their own tool, Paint Tool)

- fixed a bug in the Properties Tool

- added a new TcL Command named Nregions who generate non-copper regions

- added a new TclCommand named Bbox who generate a bounding box


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Se pare ca e mult mai stabil acum.

Insa atunci cand salvez proiectul la redeschidere aparent se deschide/ruleaza corect dar atunci cand incerc sa "umblu" prin el cum ar fi zoom de exemplu i-mi da crash:


De asemenea cand generez CNC Job in aceasta configuratie (am incercuit cu rosu) programul se inchide brusc fara avertisment.....


De fapt ce e acel TT ?

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De bug - ul cu închiderea programului când se generează cncjob din geometrie NCC am aflat și l_am rezolvat. Am schimbat multe în acest tool NCC nu stiu de ce la mine mergea fără crash. 

Când am testat din nou după ce am făcut releas_ul a dat crash, probabil a fost o modificare din ultimii pași care au făcut bug_ul evident. Nu pot sa testez tot la fiecare modificare care o fac. Deja programul a devenit f complex și ultimul build a adus f multe schimbări. Ma pregătesc pt v 9. 0 și am tot făcut optimizări. 


Partea cu proiectul am sa o investighez dar m-ar ajuta un proiect care sa genereze problema altfel caut orbește. 


Coloana TT vine de la tool type. Poți citi despre ea ținând mouse-ul în hover peste header-ul coloanei. În principiu selecția aici schimba posibilitatea de a controla direct adâncimea de taiere cut z dacă unealta este circulara sau indirect dacă unealta este v_shape. 

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Acum incerc varianta pe 32.

Aici          un proiect unde dupa ce am generat tot insa nu si CNC Job l-am salvat, am inchis programul dupa care l-am redeschis direct pe cel salvat, sa deschis corect am generat CNC Job  dupa care am sters CNC Job si l-am salvat, am inchis program si am incercat sa-l redeschid dar nu se mai deschide decat fereastra de baza, da eroare:er1.thumb.jpg.fc31574dc6c329a310f0de9e1a650c11.jpg


Aici proiect         ,cu acelasi Gerber, care ruleaza corect......., nu am mai sters nimic......



Ce am observat, daca dupa ce se genereaza geometrie, cu substract si NCC, daca incerc sa generez CNC Job prima data pentru zona NCC da eroare:fec.thumb.jpg.ed3acff01b2abaa8d4ebbc66a95852de.jpg

daca in prealabil generez CNC Job pentru oricare alta geometrie atunci ulterior pot genera CNC Job si pentru geometria NCC.....



Si altceva, daca incerc sa generez CNC Job cu Tool Type V zice ca nu e bine adancimea pentru Z, si asa este e  0 ........



Maine o sa incerc si pe al treilea calculator din nou varianta pe 64.

Editat de nickrvl
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Stai liniștit cu verificările pe alte calculatoare, nu ajuta. 

Cum spuneam am rezolvat deja un bug legat de generarea cncjob din geometrie NCC, am sa verific și cu proiectele tale dacă nu cumva mai este și altceva. 

Mulțumesc pt disponibilitate de a ajuta. 

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Acum am verificat proiectele oferite si primul proiect are dimensiunea de 0 bytes. Adica e gol nu are nimic in el, poate l-ai copiat inainte sa termine de salvat pentru ca FlatCAM mai intai creaza fisierul ca si container (cu dimensiunea de 0 bytes), proceseaza arhivarea in RAM si la final pune tot continutul in container (fisier).


Al 2-lea fisier - proiect se deschide corect. Intr-adevat face crash daca incerc sa generez CNCjob din geometrii NCC sau SUB folosind  v.8.97. 
In 8.98 la care lucrez totul este OK.

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