nickrvl Postat August 1, 2019 Partajează Postat August 1, 2019 Si raspunsul celor de la AVG : Link spre comentariu
bobinatorul Postat August 1, 2019 Partajează Postat August 1, 2019 Am tot "răsfoit" programul dar nu am găsit dacă se poate seta Feed pentru axele X si Y fișierul pentru generarea găurilor. A durat cam 15minute 80 de găuri. Link spre comentariu
mars01 Postat August 6, 2019 Autor Partajează Postat August 6, 2019 Pentru deplasarile in planul X-Y se foloseste comanda G0 adica "foloseste viteza cea mai mare de care routerul CNC este capabil". Daca folosesti GRBL, aceasta viteza este setabila in firmware. Tot asa si in MACH3. 1 Link spre comentariu
mars01 Postat August 10, 2019 Autor Partajează Postat August 10, 2019 (editat) FlatCAM 8.93 Download link 32bit aici. Download link 64bit aici. Download link surse (Linux, OS X) aici. Ce este nou: - bug-uri rezolvate - numele proiectului este acum afisat in bara de sus a ferestrei principale (dar si calea catre acesta atunci cand este salvat) - am adaugat posibilitatea de a selecta o suprafata specifica (rectangulara) pentru a face 'painting' in unealta Paint - am adagat in unealta NCC (curatare cupru din zonele unde nu este dorit) o optiune prin care se poate selecta un alt obiect FlatCAM (Gerber, Excellon sau Geometrie) pentru a desemna zona care se doreste sa fie curatata de cupru. Formele pot fi doar convexe. De ex se poate crea o noua geometrie si se poate desena cu unealta 'Path' o forma convexa mai mica de exemplu decat fisierul Gerber (sau mai mare sau ...) si care dupa salvare se poate folosi in NCC tool ca si referinta cu privire la cat si ce zona din obiectul Gerber tinta sa fie curatata de Cupru. - rezolvat unele probleme legate de afisare pe LCD-uri 4K. - am adaugat posibilitatea de a instala programul ca administrator dar nu recomand deoarece instalarea in Program Files face ca la schimbarea limbii utilizate in program, aplicatia sa faca crash (e ceva legat de securitate, nu am ce sa fac, daca doriti sa evitati atunci instalati altundeva). Dar chiar si cu crash-ul respectiv, la urmatoarea pornire, va fi in limba dorita. - altele Citat 10.08.2019 - added new feature in NCC Tool: now another object can be used as reference for the area extent to be cleared of copper - fixed issue in the latest feature in NCC Tool: now it works also with reference objects made out of LineStrings (tool 'Path' in Geometry Editor) - translation files updated for the new strings (Google Translate) - RELEASE 8.93 9.08.2019 - added Exception handing for the case when the user is trying to save & overwrite a file already opened in another file - finished added 'Area' type of Paint in Paint Tool - fixed bug that created a choppy geometry for CNCJob when working in INCH - fixed bug that did not asked the user to save the preferences after importing a new set of preferences, after the user is trying to close the Preferences tab window 7.08.2019 - replaced setFixedWidth calls with setMinimumWidth - recoded the camlib.Geometry.isolation_geometry() function - started to work on Paint Area in Paint Tool 6.08.2019 - fixed bug that crashed the app after creating a new geometry, if a new object is loaded and the new geometry is deleted and then trying to select the just loaded new object - made some GUI elements in Edit -> Preferences to have a minimum width as opposed to the previous fixed one - fixed issue in the isolation function, if the isolation can't be done there will be generated no Geometry object - some minor UI changes - strings added and translations updated 5.08.2019 - made sure that if using an negative Gerber isolation diameter, the resulting Geometry object will use a tool with positive diameter - fixed bug that when isolating a Gerber file made out of a single polygon, an RecursionException was issued together with inability to create tbe isolation - when applying a new language if there are any changes in the current project, the app will offer to save the project before the reboot 3.08.2019 - added project name to the window title - fulfilled request: When saving a CNC file, if the file name is changed in the OS window, the new name does appear in the “Selected” (in name) and “Project” tabs (in cnc_job) - solved bug such that the app is not crashing when some apertures in the Gerber file have no geometry. More than that, now the apertures that have geometry elements are bolded as opposed to the ones without geometry for which the text is unbolded - merged a pull request with language changes for Russian translate - updated the other translations --- Editat August 10, 2019 de mars01 1 Link spre comentariu
nickrvl Postat August 12, 2019 Partajează Postat August 12, 2019 Acum stiu si eu cum se curata o zona de Cu dar.... cum fac ca fezarea pentru celelalte trasee sa nu mai treaca prin aceasta zona? Am incercat sa editez geometry pentru conturul celorlalte trasee: insa dupa salvare nu se intampla nimic: Unde gresesc? Am pus un fisier video aici ca sa vedeti mai bine ce am facut eu pe acolo... : Link spre comentariu
mars01 Postat August 12, 2019 Autor Partajează Postat August 12, 2019 (editat) Din moment ce exista deja Geometria care a fost folosita la crearea zonei de NCC (curatare non-cupru) cred ca este mai simplu de folosit unealta Substract Tool. Cam asa: LE: Hopa, tocmai am realizat ca asa cum am facut mai sus, traseele intre cele doua zone vor fi taiate... Editat August 12, 2019 de mars01 Link spre comentariu
mars01 Postat August 12, 2019 Autor Partajează Postat August 12, 2019 (editat) Am adaugat un parametru care rezovla situatia. Si lucrurile merg asa: Editat August 12, 2019 de mars01 Link spre comentariu
nickrvl Postat August 13, 2019 Partajează Postat August 13, 2019 (editat) Fisierul *.GBR_iso_sub se manifesta ciudat la enable/disable in filmulet se vede cum are efect doar la apasare spacebar dar si atunci "pe invers", adica atunci cand numele fisierului e nevidentiat traseele sant vizibile si viceversa... Si da, taie traseele Se poate ca atunci cand se doreste stergerea unui fisier din proiect (mai ales cu tasta delete) mai intai sa intrebe daca santem siguri? Editat August 13, 2019 de nickrvl Link spre comentariu
mars01 Postat August 14, 2019 Autor Partajează Postat August 14, 2019 La 13.08.2019 la 21:50, nickrvl a spus: Se poate ca atunci cand se doreste stergerea unui fisier din proiect (mai ales cu tasta delete) mai intai sa intrebe daca santem siguri? Este destul de simplu de adaugat desi personal prefer fara ferestre de confirmare. Asa ca am sa introduc o setare pentru aceasta. La 13.08.2019 la 21:50, nickrvl a spus: Fisierul *.GBR_iso_sub se manifesta ciudat la enable/disable Am vazut si eu acest lucru, doar ca este destul de greu de rezolvat, nu stiu ce anume creaza problema, ar putea sa fie ceva mai profund care sa tina de graphic engine (aici nu ma bag). Posibil cu adaugarea de noi chestii, ceva nu se mai "potriveste". Link spre comentariu
mars01 Postat August 17, 2019 Autor Partajează Postat August 17, 2019 FlatCAM 8.93 Download link 32bit aici. Download link 64bit aici. Download link surse (Linux, OS X) aici. Ce este nou: - aplicatia se poate seta sa fie portabila dupa ce a fost instalata, prin editarea unui fisier numit configuration.txt gasit in folderul FlatCAM/lib/config si schimbarea parametrului portable din False in True. - am adaugat un parametru Offset in NCC tool care face ca curatarea de cupru sa se opreasca la o anume distanta setata, de traseele de Cupru. - am adaugat un parametru/feature nou in Tool Substract care dicteaza daca caile rezultate din proces sunt inchise sau nu. Se poate citi in posturile precedente despre aceasta. Este si un GIF care arata cum se lucreaza. - fisierele Excellon cu sloturi se pot salva acum cu sloturile definite cu comanda G85 (drilling slot command) - in Excellon Editor sunt o gramada de schimbari inclusiv adaugarea posibilitatii de a adauga Sloturi si Arii de sloturi. - o gramada de bug-uri rezolvate pt detalii cititi mai jos Citat 17.08.2019 - updated the translations for the new strings - RELEASE 8.94 16.08.2019 - working in Excellon Editor to Tool Resize to consider the slots, too - fixed a weird error that created a crash in the following scenario: create a new excellon, edit it, add some drills/slots, delete it without saving, create a new excellon, try to edit and a crash is issued due of a wrapped C++ error - fixed bug selection in Excellon editor that caused not to select the corresponding row (tool dia) in the tool table when a selection rectangle selected an even number of geometric elements - updated the default values to more convenient ones - remade the enable/disable plots functions to work only where it needs to (no sense in disabling a plot already disabled) - made sure that if multi depth is choosed when creating GCode then if the multidepth is more than the depth of cut only one cut is made (to the depth of cut) - each CNCJob object has now it's own text_collection for the annotations which allow for the individual enabling and disabling of the annotations - added new menu category in File -> Backup with two menu entries that duplicate the functions of the export/import preferences buttons from the bottom of the Preferences window - in Excellon Editor fixed the display of the number of slots in the Tool Table after the resize done with the Resize tool - in Excellon Editor -> Resize tool, made sure that when the slot is resized, it's length remain the same, because the tool should influence only the 'thickness' of the slot. Since I don't know anything but the geometry and tool diameters (old and new), this is only an approximation and computationally intensive - in Excellon Editor -> remade the Tool edit made by editing the diameter values in the Tools Table to work for slots too - In Excellon Editor -> fixed bug that caused incorrect display of the relative coordinates in the status bar 15.08.2019 - added Edit -> Preferences GUI and storage for the Excellon Editor Add Slots - added a confirmation message for objects delete and a setting to activate it in Edit -> Preferences -> Global - merged pull request from Mike Smith which fix an application crash when attempting to open a not-a-FlatCAM-project file as project - merged pull request from Mike Smith that add support for a new SVG element: <use> - stored inside FlatCAM app the VisPy data files and at the first start the application will try to copy those files to the APPDATA (roaming) folder in case of running under Windows OS - created a configuration file in the root/config/configuration.txt with a configuration line for portability. Set portable to True to run the app as portable - working on the Slots Array in Excellon Editor - building the GUI - added a failsafe path to the source folder from which to copy the VisPy data - fixed the GUI for Slot Arrays in Excellon Editor - finished the Slot Array tool in Excellon Editor - added the key shortcut handlers for Add Slot and Add Slot Array tools in Excellon Editor - started to work on the Resize tool for the case of Excellon slots in Excellon Editor - final fix for the VisPy data files; the defaults files are saved to the Config folder when the app is set to be portable - added the Slot Type parameter for exporting Excellon in Edit -> Preferences -> Excellon -> Export Excellon. Now the Excellon object can be exported also with drilled slot command G85 - fixed bug in Excellon export when there are no zero suppression (coordinates with decimals) 14.08.2019 - fixed the loading of Excellon with slots and the saving of edited Excellon object in regard of slots, in Excellon Editor - fixed the Delete tool, Select tool in Excellon Editor to work for Slots too - changes in the way the edited Excellon with added slots is saved - added more icons and cursor in Excellon Editor for Slots related functions - in Excellon Editor fixed the selection issue which in a certain step created a failure in the Copy and Move tools. - in Excellon Editor fixed the selection with key modifier pressed - edited the mouse cursors and saved them without included thumbnail in a bid to remove some CRC warnings made by libpng 13.08.2019 - added new option in ToolSub: the ability to close (or not) the resulting paths when using tool on Geometry objects. Added also a new category in the Edit -> Preferences -> Tools, the Substractor Tool Options - some PEP8 changes in - added new settings in Edit -> Preferences -> General for Notebook Font size (set font size for the items in Project Tree and for text in Selected Tab) and for canvas Axis font size. The values are stored in QSettings. - updated translations - fixed a bug in FCDoubleSpinner GUI element - added a new parameter in NCC tool named offset. If the offset is used then the copper clearing will finish to a set distance of the copper features - fixed bugs in Geometry Editor - added protection's against the 'bowtie' geometries for Subtract Tool in Geometry Editor - added all the tools from Geometry Editor to the the contextual menu - fixed bug in Add Text Tool in Geometry Editor that gave error when clicking to place text without having text in the box - added all the tools from Gerber Editor to the the contextual menu - added the menu entry "Edit" in the Project contextual menu for Gerber objects - started to work in adding slots and slots array in Excellon Editor - in FCSlot finished the utility geometry and the GUI for it 12.08.2019 - done regression to solve the bug with multiple passes cutting from the copper features (I should remember not to make mods here) - if 'combine' is checked in Gerber isolation but there is only one pass, the resulting geometry will still be single geo - the 'passes' entry was changed to a IntSpinner so it will allow passes to be entered only in range (1, 999) - it will not allow entry of 0 which may create some issues - improved the FlatCAMGerber.isolate() function to work for geometry in the form of list and also in case that the elements of the list are LinearRings (like when doing the Exterior Isolation) - in NCC Tool made sure that at each run the old objects are deleted - fixed bug in camlib.Gerber.parse_lines() Gerber parser where for Allegro Gerber files the Gerber units were incorrectly detected - improved Mark Area Tool in Gerber Editor such that at each launch the previous markings are deleted 11.08.2019 - small changes regarding the Project Title - trying to fix reported bugs - made sure that the annotations are deleted when the object that contain them is deleted - fixed issue where the annotations for all the CNCJob objects are toggled together whenever the ones for an single object are toggled - optimizations in GeoEditor - updated translations Link spre comentariu
nickrvl Postat August 18, 2019 Partajează Postat August 18, 2019 La mine nu ruleaza..... Momentan am incercat doar varianta pe 64. Link spre comentariu
nickrvl Postat August 18, 2019 Partajează Postat August 18, 2019 (editat) Nu mai merg link-urile.... Am descarcat de aici varianta pe 32 si functioneaza, pot crea zone de curatare cupru fara a mai taia trasee, merge si atentionarea de stergere obiect, multumesc. Insa daca in prealabil ii dau mai multe treceri in jurul traseelor atunci curatarea cuprului va tine cont doar de prima trecere, pe celelalte le va suprascrie...., va trece freza peste trasee deja frezate.... Editat August 18, 2019 de nickrvl Link spre comentariu
mars01 Postat August 18, 2019 Autor Partajează Postat August 18, 2019 (editat) Am sters kiturile precedente exact din cauza problemei pe care ai remarcat-o la installer-ul pe 64bit. Am folosit un packet neoficial pt "impachetare" si aceasta a creat probleme. Pana la urma am creat un kit nou si am ajuns la versiunea 8.95. Editat August 18, 2019 de mars01 Link spre comentariu
nickrvl Postat August 19, 2019 Partajează Postat August 19, 2019 Am verificat azi si varianta pe 64, functioneaza. Poate se gaseste o solutie si pentru frezarile care se suprapun...... Link spre comentariu
mars01 Postat August 19, 2019 Autor Partajează Postat August 19, 2019 (editat) Acum 11 ore, nickrvl a spus: Poate se gaseste o solutie si pentru frezarile care se suprapun...... Poate explici mai in detaliu ce faci. Pentru mine functioneaza substractia si atunci cand setez mai mult de 1 pass la etapa de izolare. Editat August 19, 2019 de mars01 Link spre comentariu
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