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Am instalat ultima versiune 8.902 W64 ca sa imi fac o placa de prindere pentru o carcasa. Placa nu are forma rectangulara. Practic conturul se va freza outside, iar gaurile interioare inside.

Prima incercare a fost sa o desenez direct in Flatcam, ceea ce am reusit dupa ceva timp. Aici problema apare daca gresesti o cota si vrei sa modifici ceva, adica nu ai cum sa modifici lungimea unei laturi sau diametrul unei gauri. Am generat prin copiere inca 2 fisiere, unul doar cu board-ul si celalalt dor cu gaurile. Am generat fisierul cnc cu offset outside si a functionat perfect. Dupa aceea am adaugat cutout gap (biscuiti), dar dupa run s-au creat 2 contururi de frezare. Problema apare la toate formele care nu sint inchise (indiferent cum sint generate, desenate direct sau importate din gerber), softul nemaistiind unde este "inside" sau "outside". Pentru cine va folosi functia de outside sau inside, trebuie sa tina cont ca acel contur trebuie sa fie inchis. Atasez niste print screen-uri. Multumesc!



Outside_cu gap.jpg


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FLatCAM Beta 8.903


Download link 32bit aici.

Download link 64bit aici.


Ce este nou:

- am adaugat un fisier postprocessor nou care face ca in GCode fiecare linie sa aiba un set complet de coordonate X, Y, Z. Se numeste: 'line_xyz'

- am inceput sa lucrez la raportarea timpului estimat de lucru


- acum se pot salva preferintele (si incarca dupa dorinta) in mai multe asa numite profile (fisiere cu extensia .FlatConfig). Se face din Edit -> Preferences -> in bara de jos. Am adaugat si un buton care deshide folder-ul unde tine FlatCAM aceste fisiere si le detecteaza pentru a le folosi. Iti poti salva astfel setarile fara sa trebuiasca sa le tot introduci la fiecare versiune noua. Desi atentie, mai schimb lucruri pe acolo si pot aparea conflicte de la o versiune de beta la alta.


- am schimbat modul de parsare a fonturilor astfel incat numai este efectuat la startup aplicatie ci este efectuat de fiecare data cand este activata opriunea Text din Geometry Editor. Aceasta pentru ca anumiti useri reclamau ca FlatCAM porneste si se opreste imediat. Aceasta se intampla deoarece aveau fonturi corupte in Windows deci nu o problema a FlatCAM. Acum problema se localizeaza doar la acel feature (Text) desi am incercat sa bypasez fonturile cu probleme.


Plus alte cateva chestii.



What's new:


- added a new postprocessor file named ‘line_xyz’ which have x, y, z values on the same GCode line

- fixed calculation of total path for Excellon Gcode file


- modified the way FlatCAM preferences are saved. Now they can be saved by the user as new files with .FlatConfig extension and can be shared with other users or with other PC's. But take care, because between Beta's the files might not be compatible.


- added possibility to open the folder where FlatCAM is saving the preferences files


- changed some tooltips

- added tooltips in Excellon tool table headers

- in Excellon Tool Table the columns are now only selectable by clicking on the header (sorting is done automatically)

- if CNCJob from Excellon then hide the CNC tools table in CNCJob Object


- the font path parsing is no longer done at startup but it is done each time the Text Tool is invoked inside the Geometry Editor. This is to solve an issue when some Windows fonts are corrupted and FlatCAM can't bypass them.



Salut @tcm,


Puteai sa faci gaurile intr-un fisier Excellon nou creat in FlatCAM. Acolo se pot adauga gauri, arii de gauri (atat lineare cat si circulare). Se poate face resize la fiecare individual sau global (toate care au un anumit diametru) sau asupra unei selectii. Apoi le puteai gauri sau freza (milling) dupa cum doreai.


In ceea ce priveste interior si exterior intr-adevar, poate nu este tocmai intuitiv dar tot ce se deseneaza in FlatCAM Geometry Editor sunt doar path-uri. Nu sunt obiecte cu volum.

Asa ca atunci cand desenezi un patrat, care este o forma inchisa, izolarea exterioara izoleaza la exterior acolo unde este posibil. La fel si la izolarea interioara.

Prin inchiderea formei FlatCAM cand face izolare exterioara nu poate sa intre sa izoleze in interiorul formei fara sa provoace o intersectie cu forma efectiva, lucru care este interzis.

Editat de mars01
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Salut mars01,

Multumesc de raspuns.

Ma refeream la faptul ca daca nu este o forma inchisa, atunci izolarea, de ex. outside, se face pe ambele parti ale formei. In desenul 2, unde sint gap-urile, sint 2 izolari fata de linia formei.

Se observa la colturi si fata de axa Oy. In desenul 3, unde forma este inchisa,este doar o izolare exterioara.


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1 hour ago, tcm said:

Salut mars01,

Multumesc de raspuns.

Ma refeream la faptul ca daca nu este o forma inchisa, atunci izolarea, de ex. outside, se face pe ambele parti ale formei. In desenul 2, unde sint gap-urile, sint 2 izolari fata de linia formei.

Se observa la colturi si fata de axa Oy. In desenul 3, unde forma este inchisa,este doar o izolare exterioara.


Stiu, dar comportamentul acesta este corect si conform design-ului. Atunci cand se creeaza acele "brese" (gap-urile) izolarea se face complet. Pentru ca acea forma in care ai creat gap-urile este doar un contur, o cale si nu reprezinta un obiect cu volum.

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FLatCAM Beta 8.904


Download link 32bit aici.

Download link 64bit aici.

Download link surse (Linux, OS X) aici.


Ce este nou:

- am refacut functia de Panelizare. Acum este mult mai rapida si este compatibila cu noile tipuri de geometrii (multitool, multigeo)

- in Excellon Editor am adaugat posibilitatea de a roti o arie lineara de gauri la un unghi specificat.

- am rezolvat bug-uri in fisierul postprocessor pentru laser: grbl_laser

- am optimizat comanda Tcl cutout si am adaugat o comanda Tcl noua: cutout_any care face un cutout pentru orice tip de forma

- am mai adaugat cateva optiuni in meniul contextual in Project Tab

- am rezolvat un numar de alte erori



- remade the Panelize Tool: now it is much faster, it is multi-threaded, it works with multitool geometries and it works with multigeo geometries too.

- made sure to copy the options attribute to the final object in the case of: FlatCAMGeometry.merge(), FlatCAMGerber.merge() and for the Panelize Tool

- modified the panelize TclCommand to take advantage of the new panelize() function; added a ‘threaded’ parameter (default value is 1) which controls the execution of the panelize TclCommand: threaded (if 1) or non-threaded (if value = 0)

- fixed TclCommand Cutout

- added a new TclCommand named CutoutAny. Keyword: cutout_any


- trying to fix painting single when the actual painted object it's a MultiPolygon

- fixed the Copy Object function when the object is Gerber

- added the Copy entry to the Project context menu

- made the functions behind Disable and Enable project context menu entries, non-threaded to fix a possible issue

- added multiple object selection on Open … and Import … (idea and code snippet came from Travers Carter, BitBucket user

- fixed ‘grbl_laser’ postprocessor bugs (missing functions)

- fixed display geometry for ‘grbl_laser’ postprocessor

- Excellon Editor – added possibility to create an linear drill array rotated at an custom angle

- added the Edit and Properties entries to the Project context menu


Editat de mars01
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Download link 32bit aici.

Download link 64bit aici.

Download link surse (Linux, OS X) aici.


Ce este nou:


- multe bug-uri rezolvate

- optiune de fragmentare a traseelor (in GCode) ceea ce face GCode-ul sa fie pregatit pentru autolevelling

- o noua functie de combinare fisiere Gerber

- am rezolvat probleme prin postprocesoare in special la cel pentru laser

- o gramada de modificari in interfata grafica

- s.a.m.d



- fixed issue in Tool Calculators when a float value was entered starting only with the dot.

- added protection for entering incorrect values in Offset and Scale fields for Gerber and Geometry objects (in Selected Tab)

- added more shortcut keys in the Geometry Editor and in Excellon Editor; activated also the zoom (fit, in, out) shortcut keys ('1' , ‘2’, ‘3’) for the editors


- disabled the context menu in tools table on Paint Tool in case that the painting method is single.

- added protection when trying to do Intersection in Geometry Editor without having selected Geometry items.

- fixed the scale, mirror, rotate, skew functions to work with Geometry Objects of multi-geometry type.


- added a GUI for Excellon Search time for OR-TOOLS path optimization in Edit -> Preferences -> Excellon General -> Optimization Time

- more changes in Edit -> Preferences -> Geometry, Gerber and in CNCJob

- added new option for Cutout Tool Freeform Gaps in Edit -> Preferences -> Tools

- fixed Freeform Cutout gaps issue (it was double than the value set )

- added protection so the Cutout (either Freeform or Rectangular) cannot be done on a multigeo Geometry

- added 2Sided Tool default values in Edit -> Preferences -> Tools


- optimized the FlatCAMCNCJob.onplotcbclicktable() plot function and solved a bug regarding having tools numbers not in sync with the cnc tool table


- fixed the FlatCAMGerber.merge() function

- added a new menu entry for the Gerber Join function: Edit -> Conversions -> “Join Gerber(s) to Gerber” allowing joining Gerber objects into a final Gerber object

- moved Paint Tool defaults from Geometry section to the Tools section in Edit -> Preferences

- added key shortcuts for Open Manual = F1 and for Open Online VideoHelp = F2


- added more key shortcuts into the application; they are now displayed in the GUI menu's

- reorganized the Edit -> Preferences -> Global

- redesigned the messagebox that is showed when quiting ot creating a New Project: now it has an option ('Cancel') to abort the process returning to the app

- added options for trace segmentation that can be useful for auto-levelling (code snippet from Lei Zheng from a rejected pull request on FlatCAM )


- added shortcut key ‘L’ for creating ‘New Excellon’

- added shortcut key combo ‘SHIFT+S’ for Running a Script.

- modified grbl_laser postprocessor file so it includes a Sxxxx command on the line with M03 (laser active) whenever a value is enter in the Spindlespeed entry field

- remade the EDIT -> PREFERENCES window, the Excellon and Gerber sections. Created a new section named TOOLS


- fixed grbl_11 postprocessor in linear_code() function

- added icons to the Project Tab context menu

- added new entries to the Canvas context menu (Copy, Delete, Edit/Save, Move, New Excellon, New Geometry, New Project)

- fixed grbl_laser postprocessor file

- updated function for copy of an Excellon object for the case when the object has slots

- updated FlatCAMExcellon.merge() function to work in case some (or all) of the merged objects have slots


Editat de mars01
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  • 2 săptămâni mai târziu...

FLatCAM Beta 8.908


Download link 32bit aici.

Download link 64bit aici.

Download link surse (Linux, OS X) aici.


Am comasat aici si informatiile cu schimbarile din build-ul anterior care nu l-am mai postat aici pentru ca s-a vazut imediat ca avea si unele bug-uri destul de mari.


Sunt foarte multe bug-uri rezolvate, practic sunt destul de multe situatii particulare la care nu se ajunge in mod normal dar ...


- In principiu am optimizat partea de taste de shortcut. Inainte erau situatii cand apasai degeaba pe taste si nu se intampla nimic.

- Taburile acum sunt detasabile :) Dublu click pe ele si se separa: Project, Selected, Tool, Plot Area, Preferences etc. Doar tab-urile din Preferences sunt fixe, nu am vazut sensul sa le imprastiem peste tot.


- am introdus posibilitati de a seta Fullscreen cat si se poate alege intre doua tip-uri de layout: Standard si Compact.


- am introdus protectii la folosirea virgulei in loc de punct ca si separator decimal

- in CNCJob se poate seta acum daca sa se vada si miscarile in afara materialului (cele figurate cu galben pal) sau nu sau ambele.


- am introdus un postprocessor pentru efectuare de "probing" in cazul MACH3. Merge numai impreuna cu MACH3.

- am introdus informatiile cu privire la 'dynamic range' in comentariile din GCODE.

- am introdus un parametru de Fast Plunge in care dupa toolchange se trece rapid la inaltimea de travel.

- am optimizat comanda Tcl geocutout a.i sa mearga si cu obiecte Gerber nu numai cu geometrii

- acum cand se salveaza ceva din FlatCAM, se introduce automat numele fisierului pentru salvare


Si multe altele pe care le gasiti mai jos in limba negleza.






*What's new:*

- added a protection for when saving a file first time, it require a saved path and if none then it use the current working directory
- added into Preferences the Calculator Tools
- made the Preferences window scrollable on the horizontal side (it was only vertically scrollable before)
- fixed an error in Excellon Editor -> add drill array that could appear by starting the function to add a drill array by shortcut before any mouse move is registered while in Editor
- changed the messages from status bar on new object creation/selection
- in Geometry Editor fixed the handler for the Rotate shortcut key ('R')

- when shortcut keys 1, 2, 3 (tab selection) are activated, if the splitter left side (the notebook) is hidden it will be mae visible
- changed the menu entry Toggle Grid name to Toggle Grid Snap
- fixed errors in Toggle Axis
- fixed error with shortcut key triggering twice the keyPressEvent when in the Project List View
- moved all shortcut keys handlers from Editors to the keyPressEvent() handler from FLatCAMGUI
- in Excellon Editor added a protection for Tool__dia_ field in case numbers using comma as decimal separator are used. Also added a QDoubleValidator forcing a number with max 4 decimals and from 0.0000 to 9.9999
- in Excellon Editor added a shortcut key 'T' that popup a window allowing to enter a new Tool with the set diameter
- in App added a shortcut key 'T' that popup a windows allowing to enter a new Tool with set diameter only when the Selected tab is on focus and only if a Geometry object is selected
- changed the shortcut key for Transform Tool from 'T' to 'ALT+T'
- fixed bug in Geometry Selected tab that generated error when used tool offset was less than half of either total length or half of total width. Now the app signal the issue with a status bar message
- added Double Validator for the Offset value so only float numbers can be entered.
- in App added a shortcut key 'T' that popup a windows allowing to enter a new Tool with set diameter only when the Tool tab is on focus and only if a NCC Tool or Paint Area Tool object is installed in the Tool Tab
- if trying to add a tool using shortcut key 'T' with value zero the app will react with a message telling to use a non-zero value.

- in Paint Tool, when painting single polygon, when clicking on canvas for the polygon there is no longer a selection of the entire object
- commented some debug messages
- imported speedups for shapely
- added a disable menu entry in the canvas contextual menu
- small changes in Tools layout
- added some new icons in the help menu and reorganized this menu
- added a new function and the shortcut 'leftquote' (left of Key 1) for toggle of the notebook section
- changed the Shortcut list shortcut key to F3
- moved some graphical classes out of Tool Shell to where they belong
- when selecting an object on canvas by single click, it's name is displayed in status bar. When nothing is selected a blank message (nothing) it's displayed
- in Move Tool I've added the type of object that was moved in the status bar message
- color coded the status bar bullet to blue for selection
- the name of the selected objects are displayed in the status bar color coded: green for Gerber objects, Brown for Excellon, Red for Geometry and Blue for CNCJobs.

- fixed the units calculators crash FlatCAM when using comma as decimal separator
- done a regression on Tool Tab default text. It somehow delete Tools in certain scenarios so I got rid of it
- fixed bug in multigeometry geometry not having the bounds in self.options and crashing the GCode generation
- fixed bug that crashed whole application in case that the GCode editor is activated on a Tool gcode that is defective. 
- fixed bug in Excellon Slots milling: a value of a dict key was a string instead to be an int. A cast to integer solved it.
- fixed the name self-insert in save dialog file for GCode; added protection in case the save path is None
- fixed FlatCAM crash when trying to make drills GCode out of a file that have only slots.
- changed the messages for Units Conversion
- all key shortcuts work across the entire application; moved all the shortcuts definitions in FlatCAMGUI.keyPressEvent()
- renamed the theme to layout because it is really a layout change
- added plot kind for CNC Job in the App Preferences
- combined the geocutout and cutout_any TCL commands - work in progress
- added a new function (and shortcut key Escape) that when triggered it deselects all selected objects and delete the selection box(es) 
- fixed bug in Excellon Gcode generation that made the toolchange X,Y always none regardless of the value in Preferences
- fixed the Tcl Command Geocutout to work with Gerber objects too (besides Geometry objects)


- added a text in the Selected Tab which is showed whenever the Selected Tab is selected but without having an object selected to display it's properties
- added an initial text in the Tools tab
- added possibility to use the shortcut key for shortcut list in the Notebook tabs
- added a way to set the Probe depth if Toolchange_Probe postprocessors are selected
- finished the postprocessor file for MACH3 tool probing on toolchange event
- added a new parameter to set the feedrate of the probing in case the used postprocessor does probing (has toolchange_probe in it's name)
- fixed bug in Marlin postprocessor for the Excellon files; the header and toolchange event always used the parenthesis witch is not compatible with GCode for Marlin
- fixed a issue with a move to Z_move before any toolchange


- modified the Toolchange_Probe_general postprocessor file to remove any Z moves before the actual toolchange event
- created a prototype postprocessor file for usage with tool probing in MACH3
- added the default values for Tool Film and Tool Panelize to the Edit -> Preferences
- added a new parameter in the Tool Film which control the thickness of the stroke width in the resulting SVG. It's a scale parameter.
- whatever was the visibility of the corresponding toolbar when we enter in the Editor, it will be set after exit from the Editor (either Geometry Editor or Excellon Editor).
- added ability to be detached for the tabs in the Notebook section (Project, Selected and Tool)
- added ability for all detachable tabs to be restored to the same position from where they were detached.
- changed the shortcut keys for Zoom In, Zoom Out and Zoom Fit from 1, 2, 3 to '-', '=' respectively 'V'. Added new shortcut keys '1', '2', '3' for Select Project Tab, Select Selected Tab and Select Tool Tab.
- formatted the Shortcut List Tab into a HTML table


- updated the new shortcut list with the shortcuts added lately
- now the special messages in the Shell are color coded according to the level. Before they all were RED. Now the WARNINGS are yellow, ERRORS are red and SUCCESS is a dark green. Also the level is in CAPS LOCK to make them more obvious
- some more changes to GUI interface (solved issues)
- added some status bar messages in the Geometry Editor to guide the user when using the Geometry Tools
- now the '`' shortcut key that shows the 'shortcut key list' in Editors points to the same window which is created in a tab no longer as a pop-up window. This tab can be detached if needed.
- added a remove_tools() function before install_tools() in the init_tools() that is called when creating a new project. Should solve the issue with having double menu entry's in the TOOLS menu
- fixed remove_tools() so the Tcl Shell action is readded to the Tools menu and reconnected to it's slot function
- added an automatic name on each save operation based on the object name and/or the current date
- added more information's for the statistics


- code cleanup in Tools
- some GUI structure optimization's
- added protection against entering float numbers with comma separator instead of decimal dot separator in key points of FlatCAM (not everywhere)
- added a choice of plotting the kind of geometry for the CNC plot (all, travel and cut kind of geometries) in CNCJob Selected Tab
- added a new postprocessor file named: 'probe_from_zmove' which allow probing to be done from z_move position on toolchange event 
- fixed the snap magnet button in Geometry Editor, restored the checkable property to True
- some more changes in the Editors GUI in deactivate() function
- a fix for saving as empty an edited new and empty Excellon Object


- fixed postprocessor files so now the bounds values are right aligned (assuming max string length of 9 chars which means 4 digits and 4 decimals)
- corrected small type in list_sys Tcl command; added a protection of the Plot Area Tab after a successful edit.
- remade the way FlatCAM saves the GUI position data from a file (previously) to use PyQt QSettings
- added a 'theme' combo selection in Edit -> Preferences. Two themes are available: standard and compact.
- some code cleanup
- fixed a source of possible errors in DetachableTab Widget.
- fixed gcode conversion/scale (on units change) when multiple values are found on each line
- replaced the pop-up window for the shortcut list with a new detachable tab
- removed the pop-up messages from the rotate, skew, flip commands


- added a parameter ('Fast plunge' in Edit -> Preferences -> Geometry Options and Excellon Options) to control if the fast move to Z_move is done or not
- added new function to toggle fullscreen status in Menu -> View -> Toggle Full Screen. Shortcut key: Alt+F10
- added key shortcuts for Enable Plots, Disable Plots and Disable other plots functions (Alt+1, Alt+2, Alt+3)
- hidden the snap magnet entry and snap magnet toggle from the main view; they are now active only in Editor Mode
- updated the camlib.CNCJob.scale() function so now the GCode is scaled also (quite a HACK :( it will need to be replaced at some point)). Units change work now on the GCODE also.
- added the bounds coordinates to the GCODE header
- FlatCAM saves now to a file in self.data_path the toolbar positions and the position of TCL Shell
- Plot Area Tab view can now be toggled, added entry in View Menu and shortcut key CTRL+F10
- All the tabs in the GUI right side are (Plot Are, Preferences etc) are now detachable to a separate windows which when closed it returns in the previous location in the toolbar. Those detached tabs can be also reattached by drag and drop.


- added a space before Y coordinate in end_code() function in some of the postprocessor files
- added in Calculators Tool an Electroplating Calculator.
- remade the App Menu for Editors: now they will be showed only when the respective Editor is active and hidden when the Editor is closed.
- added a traceback report in the TCL Shell for the errors that don't allow creation of an object; useful to trace exceptions/errors
- in case that the Toolchange X,Y parameter in Selected (or in Preferences) are deleted then the app will still do the job using the current coordinates for toolchange
- fixed an issue in camlib.CNCJob where tha variable self.toolchange_xy was used for 2 different purposes which created loss of information.
- fixed unit conversion functions in case the toolchange_xy parameter is None
- more fixes in camlib.CNCJob regarding usage of toolchange (in case it is None)
- fixed postprocessor files to work with toolchange_xy parameter value = None (no values in Edit - Preferences fields)
- fixed Tcl commands CncJob and DrillCncJob to work with toolchange
- added to the postprocessor files the command after toolchange to go with G00 (fastest) to "Z Move" value of Z pozition.



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  • 2 săptămâni mai târziu...

FLatCAM Beta 8.909


Download link 32bit aici.

Download link 64bit aici.

Download link surse (Linux, OS X) aici.


Aia, aia. Buguri rezolvate, imbunatatiri etc.



What's new:


- added the ‘Save’ menu entry to the Project context menu, for CNCJob: it will export the GCode.

- added messages in info bar when selecting objects in the Project View list

- fixed DblSided Tool so it correctly creates the Alignment Drills Excellon file using the new structure

- fixed DblSided Tool so it will not crash the app if the user tries to make a mirror using no coordinates

- added some relevant status bar messages in DblSided Tool

- fixed DblSided Tool to correctly use the Box object (until now it used as reference only Gerber object in spite of Excellon or Geometry objects being available)

- fixed DblSided Tool crash when trying to create Alignment Drills object without a Tool diameter specified

- fixed DblSided Tool issue when entering Tool diameter values with comma decimal separator instead of decimal dot separator

- fixed Cutout Tool Freeform to generate cutouts with options: LR, TB. 2LR, 2TB which didn't worked previously

- fixed Excellon parser to detect correctly the units and zeros for Excellon's generated by Eagle 9.3.0

- modified the initial size of the canvas on startup

- modified the build file ( to solve the issue with suddenly not accepting the version as Beta

- changed the initial layout to ‘compact’

- updated the install scripts to uninstall a previously installed FlatCAM Beta (that has the same GUID)




- rearranged the File and Edit menu's and added some explanatory tooltips on certain menu items that could be seen as cryptic

- added Excellon Export Options in Edit -> Preferences

- started to work in using the Excellon Export parameters

- remade the Excellon export function to work with parameters entered in Edit -> Preferences -> Excellon Export

- added a new entry in the Project Context Menu named ‘Save’. It will actually work for Geometry and it will do Export DXF and for Excellon and it will do Export Excellon

- reworked the offer to save a project so it is done only if there are objects in the project but those objects are new and/or are modified since last project load (if an old project was loaded.)

- updated the Excellon plot function so it can plot the Excellon's from old projects

- removed the message boxes that popup on Excellon Export errors and replaced them with status bar messages

- small change in tab width so the tabs looks good in Linux, too.




- added total travel distance for CNCJob object created from Excellon Object in the CNCJob Selected tab

- added ‘FlatCAM ’ prefix to any detached tab, for easy identification

- remade the Grids context menu (right mouse button click on canvas). Now it has values linked to the units type (inch or mm). Added ability to add or delete grid values and they are persistent.

- updated the function for the project context menu ‘Generate CNC’ menu entry (Action) to use the modernized function FlatCAMObj.FlatCAMGeometry.on___generatecnc_buttonclick()

- when linked, the grid snap on Y will copy the value in grid snap on X in real time

- in Gerber aperture table now the values are displayed in the current units set in FlatCAM

- added shortcut key ‘J’ (jump to location) in Editors and added an icon to the dialog popup window

- the notebook is automatically collapsed when there are no objects in the collection and it is showed when adding an object

- added new options in Edit -> Preferences -> General -> App Preferences to control if the Notebook is showed at startup and if the notebook is closed when there are no objects in the collection and showed when the collection has objects.




- added new parameter for Excellon Object in Preferences: Fast Retract. If the checkbox is checked then after reaching the drill depth, the drill bit will be raised out of the hole asap.

- started to work on GUI forms simplification

- changed the Preferences GUI for Geometry and Excellon Objects to make a difference between parameters that are changed often and those that are not.

- changed the layout in the Selected Tab UI

- started to add apertures table support

- finished Gerber aperture table display

- made the Gerber aperture table not visible as default and added a checkbox that can toggle the visibility

- fixed issue with plotting in CNCJob; with Plot kind set to something else than ‘all’ when toggling Plot, it was defaulting to kind = ‘all’

- added (and commented) an experimental FlatCAMObj.FlatCAMGerber.plot_apertures()




- whenever a FlatCAM tool is activated, if the notebook side is hidden it will be unhidden

- reactivated the Voronoi classes

- added a new parameter named Offset in the Excellon tool table – work in progress

- finished work on Offset parameter in Excellon Object (Excellon Editor, camlib, FlatCAMObj updated to take this param in consideration)

- fixed a bug where in Excellon editor when editing a file, a tool was automatically added. That is supposed to happen only for empty newly created Excellon Objects.

- starting to work on storing the solidgeometry for each tool in part in Excellon Object

- stored solidgeometry of Excellon object in the dictionary

- finished the solid_geometry restore after edit in Excellon Editor

- finished plotting selection for each tool in the Excellon Tool Table

- fixed the camlib.Excellon.bounds() function for the new type of Excellon geometry therefore fixed the canvas selection, too




- the SELECTED type of messages are no longer printed to shell from 2 reasons: first, too much spam and second, issue with displaying html

- on set_zero function and creation of new geometry or new excellon there is no longer a zoom fit

- repurposed shortcut key ‘Delete’ to delete tools in tooltable when the mouse is over the Seleted tab (with Geometry inside) or in Tools tab (when NCC Tool or Paint Tool is inside). Or in Excellon Editor when mouse is hovering the Selected tab selecting a tool, ‘Delete’ key will delete that tool, if on canvas ‘Delete’ key will delete a selected shape (drill). In rest, will delete selected objects.

- adjusted the postprocessor files so the Spindle Off command (M5) is done before the move to Toolchange Z

- adjusted the Toolchange Manual postprocessor file to have more descriptive messages on the toolchange event

- added a strong focus to the object_name entry in the Selected tab

- the keypad keyPressed are now detected correctly

- added a pause and message/warning to do a rough zero for the Z axis, in case of Toolchange_ProbeMACH3 postprocessor file

- changes in Toolchange_ProbeMACH3 postprocessor file


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FLatCAM Beta 8.91


Download link 32bit aici.

Download link 64bit aici.

Download link surse (Linux, OS X) aici.


Foarte multe schimbari in aceasta versiune. Sunt vreo 4000 linii de cod noi/modificate pentru acest build.

Devine dificil si numai sa stau sa le mentionez.


In mare:

- un nou Tool: SolderPaste Tool - e folosit pentru a controla un CNC care sa faca depuna solderpaste pe padurile PCB-urilor. Se pot folosi mai multe tipuri de diametre de nozzle-uri si se face un tool change. Se incepe cu diametrul cel mai mare si unde nu se mai poate depune pasta de fludor se trece la diametrul mai mic si tot asa.


- am renuntat la optiunea de a incarca un Gerber cu atributul 'follow' in favoarea faptului de a avea aceasta optiune la dispozitie chiar si atunci cand se incarca fisierul Gerber normal. Este un checkbox numit "follow" in Selected Tab pentru Gerber care transforma fisierul Gerber din poligoane in trasee.

- proiectul se poate salva acum si in format comprimat LZMA. Dureaza putin mai mult (functie de gradul de compresie ales, de la 0 la 9) dar rezultatele sunt foarte bune. Un proiect care in mod normal avea 75MB acum poate avea in jur de 3 ...4MB.


- fisierele Excellon si Gerber sursa (cele incarcate) sunt acum stocate in proiect si pot vi vizualizate cat si salvate ulterior pentru a fi recuperate.

- exista acum posibilitatea de a alege un Stil. Selectia este redusa dar merita incercat stilul Fusion mai ales pentru cei care au monitoare cu rezolutie mare.

- am adaugat suport pentru monitoare High DPI (adica 4K). Nu am incercat sa vad efectele pentru ca monitorul meu este 2K si se vedea bine si inainte.


- tooltip-urile pot deveni enervante: acum se pot dezactiva global la nivelul aplicatiei


- un nou postprocessor pentru imprimantele 3D din categoria Repetier

- in Geometry Editor daca se tine CTRL (sau SHIFT dupa cum se alege in Preferences) la sfarsitul unei operatii (adaugare patrat, path etc) atunci operatia se poate continua prin click-uri repetate.

- o gramada de bug-uri rezolvate etc



- remade the SolderPaste geometry generation function in ToolSoderPaste to work in certain scenarios where the Gerber pads in the SolderPaste mask Gerber may be just pads outlines
- updated the Properties Tool to include more information's, also details if a Geometry is of type MultiGeo or SingleGeo
- remade the Preferences GUI to include the Advanced Options in a separate way so it is obvious which are displayed when App Level is Advanced.
- added protection, not allowing the user to make a Paint job on a MultiGeo geometry (one that is converted in the Edit -> Conversion menu)) because it is not supported


- added Repetier postprocessor file
- removed "added ability to regenerate objects (it's actually deletion followed by recreation)" because of the way Python pass parameters to functions by reference instead of copy
- added ability to toggle globally the display of ToolTips. Edit -> Preferences -> General -> Enable ToolTips checkbox.
- added true fullscreen support (for Windows OS)
- added the ability of context menu inside the GuiElements.FCCombobox() object.
- remade the UI for ToolSolderPaste. The object comboboxes now have context menu's that allow object deletion. Also the last object created is set as current item in comboboxes.
- some GUI elements changes


- added protection against creating CNCJob from an empty Geometry object (with no geometry inside)
- changed the shortcut key for YouTube channel from F2 to key F4
- changed the way APP LEVEL is showed both in Edit -> Preferences -> General tab and in each Selected Tab. Changed the ToolTips content for this.
- added the functions for GCode View and GCode Save in Tool SolderPaste
- some work in the Gcode generation function in Tool SolderPaste
- added protection against trying to create a CNCJob from a solder_paste dispenser geometry. This one is different than the default Geometry and can be handled only by SolderPaste Tool.
- ToolSolderPaste tools (nozzles) now have each it's own settings
- creating the camlib functions for the ToolSolderPaste gcode generation functions
- finished work in ToolSolderPaste
- fixed issue with not updating correctly the plot kind (all, cut, travel) when clicking in the CNC Tools Table plot buttons
- made the GCode Editor for ToolSolderPaste clear the text before updating the Code Editor tab
- all the Tabs in Plot Area are closed (except Plot Area itself) on New Project creation
- added ability to regenerate objects (it's actually deletion followed by recreation)


- finished added a Tool Table for Tool SolderPaste
- working on multi tool solder paste dispensing
- finished the Edit -> Preferences defaults section
- finished the UI, created the postprocessor file template
- finished the multi-tool solder paste dispensing: it will start using the biggest nozzle, fill the pads it can, and then go to the next smaller nozzle until there are no pads without solder.


- added the ability to compress the FlatCAM project on save with LZMA compression. There is a setting in Edit -> Preferences -> Compression Level between 0 and 9. 9 level yields best compression at the price of RAM usage and time spent.
- made FlatCAM able to load old type (uncompressed) FlatCAM projects
- fixed issue with not loading old projects that do not have certain information's required by the new versions of FlatCAM
- compacted a bit more the GUI for Gerber Object
- removed the Open Gerber with 'follow' menu entry and also the open_gerber Tcl Command attribute 'follow'. This is no longer required because now the follow_geometry is stored by default in a Gerber object attribute gerber_obj.follow_geometry
- added a new parameter for the Tcl CommandIsolate, named: 'follow'. When follow = 1 (True) the resulting geometry will follow the Gerber paths.
- added a new setting in Edit -> Preferences -> General that allow to select the type of saving for the FlatCAM project: either compressed or uncompressed. Compression introduce an time overhead to the saving/restoring of a FlatCAM project.
- started to work on Solder Paste Dispensing Tool
- fixed a bug in rotate from shortcut function
- finished generating the solder paste dispense geometry


- added protections again wrong values for the Buffer and Paint Tool in Geometry Editor
- the Paint Tool in Geometry Editor will load the default values from Tool Paint in Preferences
- when the Tools in Geometry Editor are activated, the notebook with the Tool Tab will be unhidden. After execution the notebook will hide again for the Buffer Tool.
- changed the font in Tool names
- added in Geometry Editor a new Tool: Transformation Tool.
- in Geometry Editor by selecting a shape with a selection shape, that object was added multiple times (one per each selection) to the selected list, which is not intended. Bug fixed.
- finished adding Transform Tool in Geometry Editor - everything is working as intended
- fixed a bug in Tool Transform that made the user to not be able to capture the click coordinates with SHIFT + LMB click combo
- added the ability to choose an App QStyle out of the offered choices (different for each OS) to be applied at the next app start (Preferences -> General -> Gui Pref -> Style Combobox)
- added support for FlatCAM usage with High DPI monitors (4k). It is applied on the next app startup after change in Preferences -> General -> Gui Settings -> HDPI Support Checkbox
- made the app not remember the window size if the app is maximized and remember in QSettings if it was maximized. This way we can restore the maximized state but restore the windows size unmaximized
- added a button to clear the GUI preferences in Preferences -> General -> Gui Settings -> Clear GUI Settings
- added key shortcuts for the shape transformations within Geometry Editor: X, Y keys for Flip(mirror), SHIFT+X, SHIFT+Y combo keys for Skew and ALT+X, ALT+Y combo keys for Offset
- adjusted the plotcanvas.zomm_fit() function so the objects are better fit into view (with a border around)
- modified the GUI in Objects Selected Tab to accommodate 2 different modes: basic and Advanced. In Basic mode, some of the functionality's are hidden from the user.
- added Tool Transform preferences in Edit -> Preferences and used them through out the app
- made the output of Panelization Tool a choice out of Gerber and Geometry type of objects. Useful for those who want to engrave multiple copies of the same design.


- changed some status bar messages
- New feature: added the capability to view the source code of the Gerber/Excellon file that was loaded into the app. The file is also stored as an object attribute for later use. The view option is in the project context menu and in Menu -> Options -> View Source
- Serialized the source_file of the Objects so it is saved in the FlatCAM project and restored.
- if there is a single tool in the tool list (Geometry , Excellon) and the user click the Generate GCode, use that tool even if it is not selected
- fixed issue where after loading a project, if the default kind of CNCjob view is only 'cuts' the plot will revert to the 'all' type
- in Editors, if the modifier key set in Preferences (CTRL or SHIFT key) is pressed at the end of one tool operation it will automatically continue to that action until the modifier is no longer pressed when Select tool will be automatically selected.
- in Geometry Editor, on entry the notebook is automatically hidden and restored on Geometry Editor exit.
- when pressing Escape in Geometry Editor it will automatically deselect any shape not only the currently selected tool.
- when deselecting an object in Project menu the status bar selection message is deleted
- added ability to save the Gerber file content that is stored in FlatCAM on Gerber file loading. It's useful to recover from saved FlatCAM projects when the source files are no longer available.
- fixed an issue where the function handler that changed the layout had a parameter changed accidentally by an index value passed by the 'activate' signal to which was connected
- fixed bug in paint function in Geometry Editor that didn't allow painting due of overlap value



Editat de mars01
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  • 3 săptămâni mai târziu...

FLatCAM Beta 8.912


Download link 32bit aici.

Download link 64bit aici.

Download link surse (Linux, OS X) aici.


Foarte multe schimbari, buguri rezolvate, aperturile Gerber pot fi marcare cat si modificate si salvate intr-un obiect nou Gerber. Se poate adauga un macro acum pt operatia de toolchange.

Nici eu nu mai stiu cate am mai schimbat si facut intre timp pentru ca a mai fost o versiune intre timp si nu am postat-o aici.


Cititi mai jos ce este nou dar in principal acum FlatCAM este tradus in limba Romana.


Nu huiduiti, traducerea este oribila dar nu doar ca este dificil de tradus unele cuvinte care au sens cand le spui in engleza dar in romana se traduc printr-o propozitie, mai trebuia si sa aiba un numar limita de caractere ca sa se potriveasca. De ex textul unui buton nu poate fi oricat de lung.


Mai mult, toata chestia cu traducerea este extrem ... extrem de plictisitoare. Si nici nu am experienta in utilizarea programelor in limba romana ca sa am cat de cat o idee de ce traduceri se folosesc.

In fine, daca vreti sa folositi tradus ...


Apropo, la ceva in Windows nu-i place restartul automat al aplicatiei. Daca instalati aplicatia in Program Files, cand o sa incercati sa aplicati o traducere, de ex limba romana (asta ca sa nu zic cand aplicati o limba noua :) ) o sa apara un mesaj de eroare in loc sa se restarteze automat cu noua traducere. Dar la urmatoarea pornire a FlatCAM o sa aiba noua traducere aplicata.

Daca rulati FlatCAM din orice alt folder, nu veti avea probleme cu aceasta eroare.




- remade the layout in 2Sided Tool
- work in progress for translation in Romanian - 91%
- changed some of the app strings formatting to work better with Poedit translation software
- fixed bug in Drillcncjob TclCommand
- finished translation in Romanian
- made the translations work when the app is frozen with CX_freeze
- some formatting changes for the application strings
- some changes on how the first layout is applied
- minor bug fixes (typos from copy/paste from another part of the program)


- fixed bug in Paint Tool - Single Poly: no geometry was generated
- work in progress for translation in Romanian - 70%


- made the layout combobox current item from Preferences -> General window to reflect the current layout
- remade the POT translate file
- work in progress in translation for Romanian language 44%
- fix for showing tools by activating them from the Menu - final fix.


- changed some icons here and there
- fixed the Properties Project menu entry to work on the new way
- in Properties tool now the Gerber apertures show the number of polygons in 'solid_geometry' instead of listing the objects
- added a visual cue in Menu -> Edit about the entries to enter the Editor and to Save & Exit Editor. When one is enabled the other is disabled.
- grouped all the UI files in flatcamGUI folder
- grouped all parser files in flatcamParsers folder
- another changes to the final_save() function
- some strings were left outside the translation formatting - fixed
- finished the replacement of '_' symbols throughout the app which conflicted with the _() function used by the i18n
- reverted changes in Tools regarding the toggle effect - now they work as expected


- added a fix in the Gerber parser when adding the geometry in the self.apertures dict for the case that the current aperture is None (Allegro does that)
- finished support for internationalization by adding a set of .po/.mo files for the English language. Unfortunately the final action can be done only when Beta will be out of Beta (no more changes) or when I will decide to stop working on this app.
- changed the tooltip for 'feedrate_rapids' parameter to point out that this parameter is useful only for the Marlin postprocessor
- fix app crash for the case that there are no translation files
- fixed some forgotten strings to be prepared for internationalization in ToolCalculators
- fixed Tools menu no longer working due of changes
- added some test translation for the ToolCalculators (in Romanian)
- fixed bug in ToolCutOut where for each tool invocation the signals were reconnected
- fixed some issues with ToolMeasurement due of above changes
- updated the App.final_save() function
- fixed an issue created by the fact that I used the '_' char inside the app to designate unused info and that conflicted with the _() function used by gettext
- made impossible to try to reapply current language that it's already applied (un-necessary)


- fixed issue when doing th CTRL (or SHIFT) + LMB, the focus is automatically moved to Project Tab
- further work in internationalization, added a fallback to English language in case there is no translation for a string
- fix for issue #262: when doing Edit-> Save & Close Editor on a Geometry that is not generated through first entering into an Editor, the geometry disappear
- finished preparing for internationalization for the files: camlib and objectCollection
- fixed tools shortcuts not working anymore due of the new toggle parameter for the .run().
- finished preparing for internationalization for the files: FlatCAMEditor, FlatCAMGUI
- finished preparing for internationalization for the files: FlatCAMObj, ObjectUI
- sorted the languages in the Preferences combobox


- made showing a shape when hovering over objects, optional, by adding a Preferences -> General parameter
- starting to work in internationalization using gettext()
- Finished adding _() in FlatCAM Tools
- fixed Measuring Tool - after doing a measurement the Notebook was switching to Project Tab without letting the user see the results
- more work on the translation engine; the app now restarts after a language is applied
- added protection against using Travel Z parameter with negative or zero value (in Geometry).
- made sure that when the Measuring Tools is active after last click the Status bar is no longer deleted


- modified the way the FlatCAM Tools are run from toolbar as opposed of running them from other sources
- some Gerber UI changes


- modified the grbl-laser postprocessor lift_code()
- treated an error created by Z_Cut parameter being None
- changed the hover and selection box transparency


- finished work on object hovering
- fixed Excellon object move and all the other transformations
- starting to work on Manual Cutout Tool
- remade the CutOut Tool
- finished Manual Cutout Tool by adding utility geometry to the cutting geometry
- added CTRL + click behavior for adding manual bridge gaps in Cutout Tool
- in Tool Cutout added shortcut key 'Escape' to cancel the current adding of bridge gaps


- minor UI changes for Gerber UI
- ~~after an object move, the apertures plotted shapes are deleted from canvas and the 'mark all' button is deselected~~
- after move tool action or any other transform (rotate, skew, scale, mirror, offset), the plotted apertures are kept plotted.
- changing units now will convert all the default values from one unit type to another
- prettified the selection shape and the moving shape
- initial work in object hovering shape


- fixed offset, rotate, scale, skew for follow_geometry. Fixed the move tool also.
- fixed offset, rotate, scale, skew for 'solid_geometry' inside the self.apertures.


- added a change that when a double click is performed in a object on canvas resulting in a selection, if the notebook is hidden then it will be displayed
- progress in ToolChange Custom commands replacement and rename


- made the Custom ToolChange Text area in CNCJob Selected Tab depend on the status of the ToolChange Enable Checkbox even in the init stage.
- added some parameters throughout camlib gcode generation functions; handled some possible errors (e.g like when attempting to use an empty Custom GCode Toolchange)
- added toggle effect for the tools in the toolbar.
- enhanced the toggle effect for the tools in the Tools Toolbar and also for Notebook Tab selection: if the current tool is activated it will toggle the notebook side but only if the installed widget is itself. If coming from another tool, the notebook will stay visible
- upgraded the Tool Cutout when done from Gerber file to create a convex_hull around the Gerber file rather than trying to isolate it
- added some protections for the FlatCAM Tools run after an object was loaded


- added a function to read the parameters from ToolChange macro Text Box (I need to move it from CNCJob to Excellon and Geometry)
- fixed the geometry adding to the self.apertures in the case when regions are done without declaring any aperture first (Allegro does that). Now, that geometry will be stored in the '0' aperture with type REG
- work in progress to Toolchange_Custom code replacement -> finished the parse and replace function
- fixed mouse selection on canvas, mouse drag, mouse click and mouse double click
- fixed Gerber Aperture Table dimensions
- added a Mark All button in the Gerber aperture table.
- because adding shapes to the shapes collection (when doing Mark or Mark All) is time consuming I made the plot_apertures() threaded.
- made the polygon fusing in modified Gerber creation, a list comprehension in an attempt for optimization
- when right clicking the files in Project tab, the Save option for Excellon no longer export it but really save the original. 
- in ToolChange Custom Code replacement, the Text Box in the CNCJob Selected tab will be active only if there is a 'toolchange_custom' in the name of the postprocessor file. This assume that it is, or was created having as template the Toolchange Custom postprocessor file.


- fixed the Gerber object UI layout
- added ability to mark individual apertures in Gerber file using the Gerber Aperture Table
- more modifications for the Gerber UI layout; made 'follow' an advanced Gerber option
- added in Preferences a new Category: Gerber Advanced Options. For now it controls the display of Gerber Aperture Table and the "follow" attribute4
- fixed FlatCAMGerber.merge() to merge the self.apertures[ap]['solid_geometry'] too
- started to work on a new feature that allow adding a ToolChange GCode macro - GUI added both in CNCJob Selected tab and in CNCJob Preferences
- added a limited 'sort-of' Gerber Editor: it allows buffering and scaling of apertures


- fixed a small bug in the Tool Solder Paste: the App don't take into consideration pads already filled with solder paste.
- prettified the defaults files and the recent file. Now they are ordered and human readable
- added a Toggle Code Editor Menu and key shortcut
- added the ability to open FlatConfig configuration files in Code Editor, Modify them and then save them.
- added ability to double click the FlatConfig files and open them in the FlatCAM Code Editor (to be verified)
- when saving a file from Code Editor and there is no object active then the OpenFileDialog filters are reset to FlatConfig files.
- reverted a change in GCode that might affect Gerber polarity change in Gerber parser
- ability to double click the FlatConfig files and open them in the FlatCAM Code Editor - fixed and verified
- fixed the Set To Origin function when Escape was clicked
- added all the Tools in a new ToolBar
- fixed bug that after changing the layout all the toolbar actions are no longer working
- fixed bug in Set Origin function
- fixed a typo in Toolchange_Probe_MACH3 postprocessor


Editat de mars01
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Bună seara. Am o problemă. Când încerc să generez suprafata pe care o vreau fara cupru  cu ncc tool, în momentul cand apas pe generate geometry mi se inchide programul la FLatCAM Beta 8.912  la versiunea anterioara se întamplă acest lucru numai daca setez dimensiunile în mm în inch functionează dar apare ala problema frezarea se face la 0.1511inch cea ce este foarte mult, eu vreau sa înlătur cuprul 0.035mm , si nu se poate modifica. Cum pot rezolva problema?

O seară bună.

Editat de luci554
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Este un bug in versiunea 8.912, este rezolvat in versiunea temporara 8.913. Insa va mai dura putin pana postez noul build al 8.913 pt ca lucrez la ceva care este mai complicat si am facut o pauza zilele astea (ziua de nastere etc).


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Multumesc. Despre partea cu adancimea de frezare am vazut giful de pe forumul flatcam și m-am lamurit. Astept versiunea noua.Și să nu uit LA MULȚI ANI și tot ce îți dorești.

O zi bună.

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  • 3 săptămâni mai târziu...

Am publicat intre timp si FlatCAM 8.913.


Dar am ajuns la FlatCAM 8.914.


Download link 32bit aici.

Download link 64bit aici.

Download link surse (Linux, OS X) aici.


Amble versiuni, si 8.913 si 8.914 aduc imbunatatiri majore pentru FlatCAM. 

In mare:

- Gerber Editor cu posibilitate de a plasa trasee cu indoiri la 45, 90 grade si reverse 45, reverse 90 grade si free form.

- PDF import. Se pot crea astfel obiecte Gerber si Excellon din fisiere PDF in care au fost printate Gerbere. Mai gasiti proiecte online doar cu PDF-ul publicat.

- Un Tool pentru a importa fisier Excellon produs de PCBWIzard care are nevoie de date suplimentare dintr-un fisier .INF.


- Traducere in limba romana (partial cu diacritice) si limba germana. Probabil ca pt un german e groaznic dar na ... sa vina cineva vorbitor nativ sa ajute, mie mi-a fost greu si cu limba romana, mi se pare oribil de folosit limba romana in IT (parere personala, sunt constient ca altora le este acceptabil).


Si o gramada de chestii care mi-este greu sa le scriu, ar insemna sa fac manuale ...

Gasiti mai jos detalii:




- Gerber Editor: added two new tools: Add Disc and Add SemiDisc (porting of Circle and Arc from Geometry Editor)
- Gerber Editor: made Add Pad repeat until user exits the Add Pad through either mouse right click, or ESC key or deselecting the Add Pad menu item
- Gerber and Geometry Editors: fixed some issues with the Add Arc/Add Semidisc; in mode 132, the norm() function was not the one from numpy but from a FlatCAM Class. Also fixed some of the texts and made sure that when changing the mode, the current points are reset to prepare for the newly selected mode.
- Fixed Measurement Tool to show the mouse coordinates on the status bar (it was broken at some point)
- updated the translation files
- added more custom mouse cursors in Geometry and Gerber Editors
- RELEASE 8.914


- added PDF file as type in the Recent File list and capability to load it from there
- PDF's can be drag & dropped on the GUI to be loaded
- PDF import tool: added support for save/restore Graphics stack. Only for scale and offset transformations and for the linewidth. This is the final fix for Microsoft PDF printer who saves in PDF format 1.7
- PDF Import tool: added support for PDF files that embed multiple Gerber layers (top, bottom, outline, silkscreen etc). Each will be opened in it's own Gerber file. The requirement is that each one is drawn in a different color
- PDF Import tool: fixed bugs when drag & dropping PDF files on canvas the files geometry previously opened was added to the new one. Also scaling issues. Solved.
- PDF Import tool: added support for detection of circular geometry drawn with white color which means actually invisible color. When detected, FlatCAM will build an Excellon file out of those geoms.
- PDF Import tool: fixed storing geometries in apertures with the right size (before they were all stored in aperture D10)


- fixed the PDF import tool to work with files generated by the Microsoft PDF printer (chained subpaths)
- in PDF import tool added support for paths filled and at the same time stroked ('B' and 'B*'commands)
- added a shortcut key for PDF Import Tool (ALT+Q) and updated the Shortcut list (also with the 'T' and 'R' keys for Gerber Editor where they control the bend in Track and Region tool and the 'M' and 'D' keys for Add Arc tool in Geometry Editor)


- finished adding the PDF import tool although it does not support all kinds of outputs from PDF printers. Microsoft PDF printer is not supported.


- started to work on PDF import tool


- Gerber Editor: added custom mouse cursors for each mode in Add Track Tool
- Gerber Editor: Poligonize Tool will first fuse polygons that touch each other and at a second try will create a polygon. The polygon will be automatically moved to Aperture '0' (regions).
- Gerber Editor: Region Tool will add regions only in '0' aperture
- Gerber Editor: the bending mode will now survive until the tool is exited
- Gerber Editor: solved some bugs related with deleting an aperture and updating the last_selected_aperture


- Gerber Editor: added some messages to warn user if no selection exists when trying to do aperture deletion or aperture geometry deletion
- fixed version check
- added custom mouse cursors for some tools in Gerber Editor
- Gerber Editor: added multiple modes to lay a Region: 45-degrees, reverse 45-degrees, 90-degrees, reverse 90-degrees and free-angle. Added also key shortcuts 'T' and 'R' to cycle forward, respectively in reverse through the modes.
- Excellon Editor: fixed issue not remembering last tool after adding a new tool
- added custom mouse cursors for Excellon and Geometry Editors in some of their tools


- added ability to use ENTER key to finish tool adding in Editors, NCC Tool, Paint Tool and SolderPaste Tool.
- Gerber Editor: started to add modes of laying a track
- Gerber Editor: Add Track Tool: added 5 modes for laying a track: 45-degrees, reverse-45 degrees, 90-degrees, reverse 90-degrees and free angle. Key 'T' will cycle forward through the modes and key 'R' will cycle in reverse through the track laying modes.
- Gerber Editor: Add Track Tool: first right click will finish the track. Second right click will exit the Track Tool and return to Select Tool.
- Gerber Editor: added protections for the Pad Array and Pad Tool for the case when the aperture size is zero (the aperture where to store the regions)


- working on a new tool to process automatically PcbWizard Excellon files which are generated in 2 files
- finished ToolPcbWizard; it will autodetect the Excellon format, units from the INF file
- Gerber Editor: reduced the delay to show UI when editing an empty Gerber object
- update the order of event handlers connection in Editors to first connect new handlers then disconnect old handlers. It seems that if nothing is connected some VispY functions like canvas panning no longer works if there is at least once nothing connected to the 'mouse_move' event
- Excellon Editor: update so always there is a tool selected even after the Excellon object was just edited; before it always required a click inside of the tool table, not you do it only if needed.
- fixed the menu File -> Edit -> Edit/Close Editor entry to reflect the status of the app (Editor active or not)
- added support in Excellon parser for autodetection of Excellon file format for the Excellon files generated by the following ECAD sw: DipTrace, Eagle, Altium, Sprint Layout
- Gerber Editor: finished a new tool: Poligonize Tool (ALT+N in Editor). It will fuse a selection of tracks into a polygon. It will fill a selection of polygons if they are apart and it will make a single polygon if the selection is overlapped. All the newly created filled polygons will be stored in aperture '0' (if it does not exist it will be automatically created)
- fixed a bug in Move command in context menu who crashed the app when triggered
- Gerber Editor: when adding a new aperture it will be store as the last selected and it will be used for any tools that are triggered until a new aperture is selected.


- Gerber Editor: Remade the processing of 'clear_geometry' (geometry generated by polygons made with Gerber LPC command) to work if more than one such polygon exists
- Gerber Editor: a disabled/enabled sequence for the VisPy cursor on Gerber edit make the graphics better
- Editors: activated an old function that was no longer active: each tool can have it's own set of shortcut keys, the Editor general shortcut keys that are letters are overridden
- Gerber and Geometry editors, when using the Backspace keys for certain tools, they will backtrack one point but now the utility geometry is immediately updated
- In Geometry Editor I fixed bug in Arc modes. Arc mode shortcut key is now key 'M' and arc direction change shortcut key is 'D'
- moved the key handler out of the Measurement tool to flatcamGUI.FlatCAMGui.keyPressEvent()
- Gerber Editor: started to add new function of poligonize which should make a filled polygon out of a shape
- cleaned up Measuring Tool
- solved bug in Gerber apertures size and dimensions values conversion when file units are different than app units


- updating the German translation
- Gerber Editor: added ability to change on the fly the aperture after one of the tools: Add Pad or Add Pad Array is activated
- Gerber Editor: if a tool is cancelled via key shortcut ESCAPE, the selection is now deleted and any other action require a new selection
- finished German translation (Google translated with some adjustments)
- final fix for issue #277. Previous fix was applied only for one case out of three.
- RELEASE 8.913


- Gerber Editor: added support for Oblong type of aperture
- fixed an issue with automatically filled in aperture code when the edited Gerber file has no apertures; established an default with value 10 (according to Gerber specifications)
- fixed a bug in editing a blank Gerber object
- added handlers for the Gerber Editor context menu
- updated the translation template POT file and the EN PO/MO files
- Gerber Editor: added toggle effect to the Transform Tool
- Gerber Editor: added shortcut for Transform Tool and also toggle effect here, too
- updated the shortcut list with the Gerber Editor shortcut keys
- Gerber Editor: fixed error when adding an aperture with code value lower than the ones that already exists
- when adding an aperture with code '0' (zero) it will automatically be set with size zero and type: 'REG' (from region); here we store all the regions from a Gerber file, the ones without a declared aperture
- Gerber Editor: added support for Gerber polarity change commands (LPD, LPC)
- moved the polarity change processing from FlatCAMGrbEditor() class to camlib.Gerber().parse_lines()
- made optional the saving of an edited object. Now the user can cancel the changes to the object.
- replaced the standard buttons in the QMessageBox's used in the app with custom ones that can have text translated
- updated the POT translation file and the MO/PO files for English and Romanian language


- changed the color of the marked apertures to the global_selection_color
- Gerber Editor: added Transformation Tool and Rotation key shortcut
- in all Editors, manually deactivating a button in the editor toolbar will automatically select the 'Select' button
- fixed Excellon Editor selection: when a tool is selected in Tools Table, all the drills belonging to that tool are selected. When a drill is selected on canvas, the associated tool will be selected without automatically selecting all other drills with same tool
- Gerber Editor: added Add Pad Array tool
- Gerber Editor: in Add Pad Array tool, if the pad is not circular type, for circular array the pad will be rotated to match the array angle
- Gerber Editor: fixed multiple selection with key modifier such that first click selects, second deselects


- Gerber Editor: added Add Track and Add Region functions
- Gerber Editor: fixed key shortcuts
- fixed setting the Layout combobox in Preferences according to the current layout
- created menu links and shortcut keys for adding a new empty Gerber objects; on update of the edited Gerber, if the source object was an empty one (new blank one) this source obj will be deleted
- removed the old apertures editing from Gerber Obj selected tab
- Gerber Editor: added Add Pad (circular or rectangular type only)
- Gerber Editor: autoincrement aperture code when adding new apertures
- Gerber Editor: automatically calculate the size of the rectangular aperture


- Gerber Editor: added buffer and scale tools
- Gerber Editor: working on aperture selection to show on Aperture Table
- Gerber Editor: finished the selection on canvas; should be used as an template for the other Editors
- Gerber Editor: finished the Copy, Aperture Add, Buffer, Scale, Move including the Utility geometry
- Trying to fix bug in Measurement Tool: the mouse events don't disconnect
- fixed above bug in Measurement Tool (but there is a TODO there)


- default values for Jump To function is jumping to origin (0, 0)


- fixed bug in Geometry Editor in buffer_int() function that created an Circular Reference Error when applying buffer interior on a geometry.
- fixed issue with not possible to close the app after a project save.
- preliminary Gerber Editor.on_aperture_delete() 
- fixed 'circular reference' error when creating the new Gerber file in Gerber Editor
- preliminary Gerber Editor.on_aperture_add()


- Gerber Editor: made geometry transfer (which is slow) to Editor to be multithreaded
- Gerber Editor: plotting process is showed in the status bar
- increased the number of workers in FlatCAM and made the number of workers customizable from Preferences
- WIP in Gerber Editor: geometry is no longer stored in a Rtree storage as it is not needed
- changed the way delayed plot is working in Gerber Editor to use a Qtimer instead of python threading module
- WIP in Gerber Editor
- fixed bug in saving the maximized state
- fixed bug in applying default language on first start
~~- on activating 'V' key shortcut (zoom fit) the mouse cursor is now jumping to origin (0, 0)~~
- fixed bug in saving toolbars state; the file was saved before setting the self.defaults['global_toolbar_view]


- added support for Gerber format specification D (no zero suppression) - PCBWizard Gerber files support
- added support for Excellon file with no info about tool diameters - PCB Wizard Excellon file support
- modified the bogus diameters series for Excellon objects that do not have tool diameter info
- made Excellon Editor aware of the fact that the Excellon object that is edited has fake (bogus) tool diameters and therefore it will not sort the tools based on diameter but based on tool number
- fixed bug on Excellon Editor: when diameter is edited in Tools Table and the target diameter is already in the tool table, the drills from current tool are moved to the new tool (with new dia) - before it crashed
- fixed offset after editing drill diameters in Excellon Editor.


- fixed plotting in Gerber Editor
- working on GUI in Gerber Editor
- added a Gcode end_command: default is M02
- modified the calling of the editor2object() slot function to fix an issue with updating geometry imported from SVG file, after edit
- working on Gerber Editor - added the key shortcuts: wip
- made saving of the project file non-blocking and also while saving the project file, if the user tries again to close the app while project file is being saved, the app will close only after saving is complete (the project file size is non zero)
- fixed the camlib.Geometry.import_svg() and camlib.Gerber.bounds() to work when importing SVG files as Gerber


- fixed issue #281 by making generation of a convex shape for the freeform cutout in Tool Cutout a choice rather than the default
- fixed bug in Tool Cutout, now in manual cutout mode the gap size reflect the value set
- changed Measuring Tool to use the mouse click release instead of mouse click press; also fixed a bug when using the ESC key.
- fixed errors when the File -> New Project is initiated while an Editor is still active.
- the File->Exit action handler is now self.final_save() 
- wip in Gerber editor


- update the TCL keyword list
- fix on the Gerber parser that makes searching for '%%' char optional when doing regex search for mode, units or image polarity. This allow loading Gerber files generated by the ECAD software TCl4.4
- fix error in plotting Excellon when toggling units
- FlatCAM editors now are separated each in it's own file
- fixed TextTool in Geometry Editor so it will open the notebook on activation and close it after finishing text adding
- started to work on a Gerber Editor
- added a fix in the Excellon parser by allowing a comma in the tool definitions between the diameter and the rest


- About 45% progress in German translation
- new feature: added ability to edit MultiGeo geometry (geometry from Paint Tool)
- changed all the info messages that are of type warning, error or success so they have a space added after the keyword
- changed the Romanian translation by adding more diacritics  
- modified Gerber parser to copy the follow_geometry in the self.apertures
- modified the Properties Tool to show the number of elements in the follow_geometry for each aperture
- modified the copy functions to copy the follow_geometry and also the apertures if it's possible (only for Gerber objects)


- added new feature: user can delete apertures in Advanced mode and then create a new FlatCAM Gerber object
- progress in German translation. About 27% done.
- fixed issue #278. Crash on name change in the Name field in the Selected Tab.


- fixed an issue where the Geometry plot function protested that it does not have an parameter that is used by the CNCJob plot function. But both inherit from FaltCAMObj plot function which does not have that parameter so something may need to be changed. Until then I provided a phony keyboard parameter to make that function 'shut up'
- fixed bug: after using Paint Tool shortcut keys are disabled
- added CNCJob geometry for the holes created by the drills from Excellon objects


- in the TCL completer if the word is already complete don't add it again but add a space
- added all the TCL keywords in the completer keyword list
- work in progress in German translation ~7%
- after any autocomplete in TCL completer, a space is added
- fixed an module import issue in NCC Tool
- minor change (optimization) of the CNCJob UI
- work in progress in German translation ~20%


- fixed an error that created a situation that when saving a project with some of the CNCJob objects disabled, on project reload the CNCJob objects are no longer loaded
- fixed the Gerber.merge() function. When some of the Gerber files have apertures with same id, create a new aperture id for the object that is fused because each aperture id may hold different geometries.
- changed the autoname for saving Preferences, Project and PNG file


- added autocomplete finish with ENTER key for the TCL Shell
- made sure that the autocomplete function works only for FlatCAM Scripts
- ESC key will trigger normal view if in full screen and the ESC key is pressed
- added an icon and title text for the Toggle Units QMessageBox


- added autocomplete for Code editor;
- autocomplete in Code Editor is finished by hitting either TAB key or ENTER key
- fixed the Gerber.merge() to work for the case when one of the merged Gerber objects solid_geometry type is Polygon and not a list


Editat de mars01
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